This company is associated with the Payday-loan-yes company. When you obtain a loan they hook you onto this company. You might think you are getting a fast loan but you are being hooked up to a multiplex of scams. They called me back after receiving the loan ( I noticed it was the same phone #) and began offering me this special deal. I kept saying "No" but they kept it up. Finally I screamed "NOOOO" and hung up. I only wanted a small loan to tied me over then they took $99.95 out plus charged me $10 processing fee for the loan. So now I am back in the same position that I was before I got the loan. I called my bank and they closed the account. I contacted the Attorney General in Iowa and filed a complaint. I suggest that you do to. I'm going to file a police report and anything else I can do to put these crooks out of business.