i also fell for this scam... I was a poor college student going through financial issues back in 2005.. and was looking for scholarships and saw their site banner for 10, 000 dollar cash reward. "poetry.com" i had always had a passion for writing and at the time i was also in a very emotional venerable state. I thought what the heck... it couldn't hurt any thing. so i entered on a whim. hoping for just a portion to help with my college education. but i had been miss led... i got the award info in the mail... i was so excited that i did keep every thing. every piece of paper. my mom was so proud she bought a of copy of the book for me.. (she also had to claim bankruptcy that same year.) but $50 didnt seem that steep when i saw that my poem made it on the front page.. (but i guess that too was part of the scam). they later asked that i buy seats to a reading event that would place me in the real finals for the competition. $500 dollars a seat and no hotels or air fare paid in Las Vegas. When i explained that i didnt have that kind of money. they told me i could pay only 100 dollars and someone else could read the poem for me so that i could still have a chance to win... my mom couldnt help with paying and i cried at missing the chance for winning the 10, 000 dollars or even having the expensive trophies on my wall. (but now i am glad she didnt) they even contacted me a few months later about doing an audio recording of the poem to be publish... again for a nice fee
It had been like a godsend, it lifted me up and made me feel worth it for a time in my life when i needed it. but now i look back at it as a huge lie... tarnishing the memories that i once felt. not only that i am sad to say that i even now i have the book title in my professional resume. (guessss i should delete that.) :( it hurts me more that this has been going on for so long... it is 2010 and still they have been duping POOR people out of their money. not only that but crushing the hopes and dreams of soooooooooooo many young artists and older ones as well. :(