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CB Sexual Abuse Review of Prisoner Transport Company
Prisoner Transport Company

Prisoner Transport Company review: Sex with inmate 78

Author of the review
12:19 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Court Service Inc. operated by Eric Kindly was trasporting a 22 year old female felony prisoner from Michigan to California. The agents for Court Services stopped in Tennessee and had sexual contact with the prisoner. The agent of Court Services (CSI) was Agent Long age 52, working under the direction of Eric Kindley. Court Services Inc. employee was detained by the F.B.I. in Ft. Smith, AR on January 26, 2009. Last month, Eric Kindly failed to pay his employee and got into dispute with the employee. The employee quit on the job while transporting a felony inmate in Utah, and released the inmate to the general public.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Riverside, US
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Jan 31, 2009 1:06 pm EST

Well I see Heather is back to her old tricks, putting the company owners name into disrepair and spweing lies about events. There was no person who quit and released an inmate to the public. And there was no sex with an inmate in tennessee. I wonder if we should comment on the facts about you here ?

Los Angeles, US
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Feb 21, 2009 8:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Eric Kindly is a pathelogical liar, cheat and scam artist. If anyone wants to know a little about him or his ex employees who has compaints, just check out [redacted].com. You know Eric, I can see your point of view if it was just one person who screwed your company over but their is way too many very angry employees who you have apparently pissed off. if you don't like something your employee does, then maybe you shouldn't hire half of the people who work for you. You know that it is the other way around though, you do not properly pay your employees when they are supposed to be payed and your whole web page is full of ### on how your hiring process is. Actually the way that you and Erin run your supposed office out of the home is half ###. I can't believe that people actually trust someone like you to deliver immates. Maybe you should persue another career path, like acting... because you sure know how to do that...and by the way Eric I am not one of your ex employees...I am some unfortunate person who come across a ### like you. I believe every story from [redacted]. com to this posting from Heather, who I do not know. Eventually your days of pissing people off and screwing over employees will come to an end... You should treat people the way you want to be treated and as far as I'm concerned you are one of the most unprofessional people in this business that I have come across...but don't feel too bad because I think only one other person topped you. My advise to you is... find a new career you creepy ### and quit using too much product in your hair because you look like a homo! What the F**k Chuck!

Somewhere, US
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Feb 26, 2009 1:17 am EST

It is amazing that perons would use this web site to publicly attack people. Certainly Leopard has gone way above and beyond here. Unfortunately you should not belive everything you read. Name calling and any personal references are just way too much. I am not a pathological liar, a cheqat or a scam artist. Usually people who call names only know these words because they are what they preach. [redacted].com is also an inaccurate reflection of a group of malicious ex employee who posted malicious things abut the company and myself. And Leopard what would you know about what employees are paid? You indicate you are not an ex employee. Your posting is full of inaccuracies and misleading information. Unfortunately this whole article is full of misleading information, and directed at the company in a malicious way. And you say you have come across me in the business. Interesting note about the hair gel Whatever. I dont feel bad and I dont take any stock in your posting at all. Our company is reputable and repsectful. We do treat people right. Unfortunately the story here is about someone who had an incident. Note to all other people stop making this personal. You people act like we had something to do with this incident in a personal way. And for as many poeple who may be angry we have just as many who have no problems. So you cant please everyone. Leopard its a free country. So if you think we use too much hair gel and your not an ex employee, but you know what we pay ou employees, and youve come across me, and you think we have mis treated employees or we are full of it, who cares. Get a life. And for those people who posted malicious crap on other sites, and you know who you are, get life. For every posting that was placed we have documentation to rebuke your claim.

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Feb 22, 2019 11:42 am EST
Replying to comment of ravenspyk

He is a piece of [censored] I was one of the females he assaulted so people may talk but more than a few with same thoughts especially when those people don't know each other never met each other don't think that maybe that might make you think about keeping your High & Mighty [censored] to yourself you want documentation look at the scars that this man is left on the people he's hurt read the stories how to read the court documents then have the balls to say the s*** you say on the site

Somewhere, US
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Feb 26, 2009 2:02 am EST

Oh thought I might add this also: You are obviously a bigot by your posting referring to me as a quote"homo" implying that I am homosexual which I am not. But that kind of talk might upset anyone who is homosexual, or "gay" . Needless to say Leopard yuou are not exactly politically correct. In fact you have no factual statements here on this board. This whole article actually implies that myself or members of this company have been involved in or have condoned an improper act that someone had with an inmate. We have not and I have not. Nor did we scam, cheat or lie. In fact we are the ones who discovered the incident, provided prelimabry investigation, and reported all information to the appropriate governmental bodies who have taken action against the perpatrator. We do not condone improper or criminal acts with inmates and we have a strong policy against it. I have also been in contact with Heather and she indicates she is not the one who posted any of the above information. I have asked this board to remove this malicious posting and they refuse. So in that my apologies to Heather if she ios not the person who posted this initial article. In fact she thinks it is a competitor of ours. ANd that is alos likely. We have had many employee who did not make the cut, and are angry that we stopped paying them for services to the company that they did not provide. In one posting an employee says we owe him money because he was on a run. In fact he wasnt and was busy driving from state to state stopping at various gentlemans clubs. Of course ion is explanation he did not have inmate sin his possession at the time. But still would you pay for a hamburger you ordered that wasnt cooked proper, or had a hair on it? No. None of us would. But yet Leopoard you and others rave aboutand alledge wrongdoing on our part. Maybe you are a ###. Cetainly you are a bigot from your expression. Readers take note. Sites like this and others are designed to make the public aware of scams and rip offs to the public. They are not meant to be a forum for purposely and maliciously posting lies and mis truths about someone to slander or defamate the charachter of an individul.

Columbus, US
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Feb 26, 2009 2:08 am EST

Weird. I will remember this if I ever need "prisoner transport services" in the future.

Los Angeles, US
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Feb 26, 2009 4:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well, well, well...Ravenspyk finally responds...what a surprise! Is that hostility I here in your voice Erick? I am going to respond to your long drawn out lies and more lies. First of all Mr. K, I would like to apologize for 20% of my first comment, about you and your company. I'm sure that court services at one time had a good reputation, but what makes it bad is your name attached to it. I'm sure that everyone who works for your company has not had a bad experience being employed by you, but it sure seems like at least 90% of your employees have had a bad experience. If I'm not mistaken, it's you that has hired those 90% of employees, who have supposed issues with you and your company. So, doesn't that mean you may have bad judgement when it comes to hiring these individuals. I could see if it was just one complaint, but come on now... there has been lots, from ex employees to other companies. Did you ever consider maybe doing a proper background check on these employees? and if they are doing everything that you state in your above comment, what the hell were you thinking when you hired this person? Just a quick note... Maybe you should have an office with an H.R. department, not your committed partner, running the show out of your house. So, Eric, you got me there...I do apologize for saying negative things about Court Services...It's not the company's fault...once again, it's your name attached that makes it look bad. Let's talk about your comment about "other competition"...What the f**k, Chuck!, are you kidding me! What COMPETITION? You don't have any, or do you mean that other place, like U.S. Extradition? you are right Eric, I was never one of your employees, but I do know a lot about you being unprofessional to your employees and not treating them right. The only reason that I made a comment on this site was when I came across the person who first initially started the complaint...I do not know that person, but since I seen that complaint I had to give my opinion. If you would answer your phone, I could have had my closure, but Eric you know how us pisces are, we need closure and need to tell it like it is...the truth ! I also owe you one other apology, and that is for my comment, calling you "Homo". You are not gay, I know that, and I don't have anything against gay people, being I have many friends in Cali of that nature. I know you are not because if you were, your standards would be more higher than what they appear! So in conclusion to all of this drama, It's never too late to join the other side of the fence Eric, as long as your on the Law Enforcement side, not the criminal side! Your company has good potential to succeed as long as you live up to your standards and proper company guidelines and policies. There's always better luck at the other end of the rainbow!

Somewhere, US
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Feb 26, 2009 10:34 pm EST

There you go zgain with personal bashing. And cowardly at that. You omit your real name, and bash mine. Of course you want the last say on this board. And your comments are offensive and annoying, and defamate my good character. You seem to indicate I know you. Or may have wronged you in some way. You comment that if I answer my phone you could have your closure. Who are you and what do you want? My name attached to the business is a good thing. Stop bashing me. You clearly seem to think you know everything about me. And so what are you trying to prove here? You tak about Homos and bash and bash. What is your problem? It must amuse you when you sit behind your computer and write such tales and bash, that you are anonymous. HOwever since this post will be reffered to our attorney I doubt seriously that you will keep that clever sanctity of hiding behind the computer. And becasue this entire post with the exception of the writer who posted keeping things in mind, is all about bashing and trashing, we will see what comes of our discovery. If you know so much about me or this company you would certainly know that we have many ways to contact our company through our web site, through my email, or my maybe leaving a message. I do take calls. Not from annoying people, but people who present themsleves respectfully. You seem to leave out the part where our company has successfully transported hundreds of inmates coast to coast. You talk about a hiring process and talk as if you were either an employee or a potential employee. Not that I am saying your reflection of our hiring process is accurate. I have my ideas. You are almost outright accusing me of being a criminal and negligent, of which i am neither. You keep dropping hints along the way. Have we met? Did I offend you in some way? Did our company offend you personally? What is the point of bashing someone behind a secrecy of such a web site as this. I doubt you live in los angeles. But who knows. I guess only you do for now. This entire post is a pointless waste of time. Reminds of some posts in times past that were used to bash. BUt I guess its your right to have your own opinion. It is not however your right to use the internet to personally bash me calling me a homo. And it is not your right to infer that I have bad character associated with this company because my name is attached to it. ANd yes we have competitors. You probabkly work for them. They probably out you up to this post. And you really dont know anything about me.

Los Angeles, US
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Feb 26, 2009 11:53 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

blah, blah, blah, blah...Mr. K, we can go back and forth with this stupid e-mail ###, but I will always get the last word(I know your used to doing that, but too bad, all so sad Chuck). It seems you respond quicker to this crap than just picking up your phone. No I'm not calling you anymore and you don't respond to phone calls or call back. I'm not a "phone Stalker", so this is where I have closure with you...we could have done it civilly on the phone in a professional manor, but that's not Eric Kindly. I don't care if you like what I post on this web-site. I was not the first one who started this complaint, I just gave my opinion and now your starting with me. This is a free country Mr. Eric kindly... and i can have whatever opinion I want.. That's life... not everyone is going to like you. So your mad that I have an opinion about you, so what? You can go cry and call your attorneys if you want...I DON"T CARE! Actually, your getting closer to getting on the right track...maybe you should meet with an attorney and get advise on how to run a business, properly...such as Prisoner transportation. Ask them how to treat your employees good and pay them right and whatever else you seem to be confused on. What is your problem? I apologized for my previous comments, but you are obviously paranoid about certain issues. Get over it Kindly and move on...I'm sure I'm not the last person to have negative opinion about you. And I'm not hiding are also sitting on your computer obviously paranoid and upset about others opinion. talk about bash the person who you accuse of starting this complaint, using her full name and everything, then you turn around and say that your not sure who it was that started this complaint...well it wasn't me...I just had an opinion and now your mad about that... STOP BEING THE VICTIM! You can't expect people to believe that all these people just screwed you over! this is the only website that I have ever made a comment about you and what I thought and it's my right to do so. You say you don't care, but you keep on writing back... keep on, once again, I don't care! In conclusion to all your drama, maybe you should take a break from this stupid e-mailing crap and do your job? Shouldn't you be worried about your transportation job?Go deliver those prisoners, Ravenspyk...And one quick last note...I Do NOT WORK for any of your so called competition...and yes you did offend me! Please Don't Respond...Your Dismissed!


Somewhere, US
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Feb 27, 2009 12:56 am EST

Sticks and stones. Whatever. Enough.

Los Angeles, US
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Feb 27, 2009 1:17 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Finally... I thought you would see things my way! Best of luck in whatever your future brings!


Somewhere, US
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Feb 27, 2009 5:41 am EST

i dont see things your way.your unreasonable.

Los Angeles, US
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Feb 27, 2009 6:53 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just like you Eric, I'm set in my own ways...The first step to changing your ways, is first to admit that your wrong about some things, or views regarding everything above... leopard

moreno, US
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Mar 06, 2009 2:13 am EST

eric scott kindly please google his name from criminal infractions to perpetual liar to scam artist mr k we will get the last words when your sittin behind federal bars you crook...

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Mar 07, 2009 10:13 am EST

former employee w/ court services, yep never got payed so many of the same complaints. ever get the credit card for gas its max out. put that ### eric scott kindley in prison

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Mar 07, 2009 10:26 am EST

eric kindley, He should be out of business, all he is used car salesman

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Mar 07, 2009 10:33 am EST

eric, remember me from discovery bay. GET LOST

Somewhere, US
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Mar 12, 2009 12:25 am EDT

Well well. Here we go again. If someone reads this post they wouold actually belive half maybe. But then again wat lies have been told? And criminal infractions leading to federal bars? Wow. I know there are some people who like to jump on the band wagon. BUt Sally you take the cake. First I am geussing you are not credible in the fact that you really dont live in Moreno, and Sally isnt your name. Noone is going to jail, and there are no criminal infractions. As for Mr California, well Mr B I am presuming or someone he put up to this is really scamming you the public. ANd his tactic is to cause chaos and harm to advance his position in life. In short because he wont build a better mousetrap. But all that aside, what does the post from Mr California or Sally really have to do weith this post? In fact this whole post if full of mistruths and lies and twists. Used car salesman? I think Mr California is a snake charmer. So out of business? NO. Mr California I do know who you are. And you need to handle your own business.

moreno, US
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Mar 18, 2009 12:46 am EDT

Not too sure how these 20+ people over the Inet, stemming from across the U.S is scamming the public about you. Eric Scott Kindley, Google your name, your nothing but a pathological liar, you really need to see a physcologist in that is not to dub or slam at you, but for your own sake. Hopefully when agencies needing services like the one that you provide poorly will google your name in research before they spend there hard earned money. But for the safety and security of the inmates being transported and the public they will stay away from Courtservices... "There is nothing the Bear can do for You"

moreno, US
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Mar 18, 2009 12:48 am EDT

Return to the 2008 Press Release Index
Release No. 08-015

February 14, 2008
The owner of a private prisoner transportation company was taken into custody this morning on federal charges of conspiracy and attempting to bring a handgun onto a commercial airplane at Los Angeles International Airport.
The arrest of the president of Court Services, Inc. highlights a Federal Bureau of Investigation airport security initiative that has led to four criminal cases being filed in recent months. The initiative seeks to identify and criminally prosecute individuals who threaten aircraft security by, among other things, bringing firearms onto airplanes.
Eric Scott Kindley, 39, of Moreno Valley, surrendered himself this morning to federal authorities. Kindley, the president of Riverside-based Court Services, and his employee, Gary Douglas Garratt, 54, of Mountain View, were indicted last Friday by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles. The indictment alleges that Kindley instructed Garratt to transport a prisoner from Phoenix to Honolulu. When advised by the airline that two armed law enforcement officers were needed to transport a prisoner on a flight of more than four hours, Kindley instructed Garratt to drive the prisoner to LAX and to fly from there. On March 15, 2007, Garratt and another Court Services employee went to LAX with the prisoner and were again advised that two armed law enforcement officers were needed to transfer the prisoner. That evening, Kindley gave Garratt a 9mm handgun that was not registered to either Kindley or Garratt. The following morning, Garratt attempted to board the aircraft with the handgun. Garratt is not a sworn law enforcement officer, and he had not completed the training required for law enforcement officers who fly armed.
Kindley is expected to make his initial appearance this afternoon in United States District Court in Los Angeles. Garratt was initially charged last year, and he was arrested in the Bay Area in late November. Garratt has agreed to appear in court again next Tuesday, at which time both he and Kindley are expected to be arraigned on the indictment. If convicted of the two charges in the indictment, both men would face statutory maximum sentences of 20 years in federal prison.

Somewhere, US
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Mar 18, 2009 7:58 pm EDT

Well Sally. You seem to tout the LAX matter as if someone was actually guility of a crime. But they are not. Here ya go to read for yourself. Get a life.

Employee allowed to carry gun on plane, says jury
10:00 PM PDT on Monday, June 16, 2008
The Press-Enterprise
The former president of a Riverside-based prisoner transportation company was acquitted of trying to have his employee carry a gun onto a plane.
A federal jury Thursday in Los Angeles found Eric Scott Kindley of Moreno Valley and Gary Douglas Garratt of Mountain View not guilty of conspiring and attempting to take a firearm on an aircraft, said Thom Mrozek, U.S. Attorney's Office spokesman.
Kindley's attorney, Charles Mullis, said the federal statute had never been enforced and conflicts with airline requirements.
He described the case as a Catch-22 because Kindley was doing a job paid for by a state government that federal officials said was not legal.
Hawaii hired Kindley's company, Court Services Inc., to deliver a prisoner housed in Arizona. Kindley hired Garratt to take a prisoner from Arizona to Hawaii. About 2, 000 Hawaiian prisoners are held on the mainland and occasionally some must go to Hawaii on commercial airlines, Mullis said.
The arrests in February were part of a sweep focusing on airport security and passengers attempting to take guns on planes.
Kindley's company had transferred prisoners between Hawaii and the mainland 11 times before without issue, Mullis said.
In March 2007, Garratt and a second employee went to Los Angeles International Airport with a prisoner. Kindley had provided them a 9mm handgun and a letter stating his agents were permitted to carry guns, according to court records.
Airline regulations require two armed guards to transport prisoners on flights longer than four hours, Mullis said.
The other employee was not charged because she did not have a gun, the records stated.
The federal indictment alleged Kindley's employees were not registered peace officers and therefore not allowed to carry guns.
The trial started June 10 and the jury returned after about two hours of deliberations, Mullis said.
"The jury decided to use common sense because they were just two people doing their job, " Mullis said.
Reach Sonja Bjelland at [protected] or

moreno, US
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Mar 19, 2009 12:07 pm EDT

I have a wonderful life thank you, the reason for that post was not that you were guilty of something, it just seems very relivant that this isn't the first time something along these lines has happend. I've been in contact with other disgruntled ex/employees your failure to comply with agencies contracts to hold insurance on vehicles while transporting human cargo, and having more prisoners in the van then the van had seats, and you know that has happpend so don't try to make excuses for your neglect. Not me or the Ex employees are trying to defame you, because you do all of this to yourself, we are just concerened for the safety and welfare of the people you employ to the prisoners you transport, because you are a risk to soceity.

CSI Stinks
Fresno, US
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Mar 21, 2009 10:14 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ok, I have tried to stay away from this one for so long...

Whomever called Eric a used car salesmen just insulted all car salesmen out there. Why? Because even they have more integrity.

Eric, get over it, your name is toast in the industry.You have a website that boasts "compliant with Jeanna's act" PLEASE...

Of course everyone you burned are all out to get you and drag your name into the mud. Everyone is all lying because you cant possibly be wrong? You skated on the federal case simply because the jury felt sorry for the poor slob that got busted with you. They should have taken you to trial separately. He would be free now and you would be someones ### in prison. "tier 1 service provider"...Right, that is a joke. The only tier you should be servicing is in a jail. In case you do not know, a tier is a row of jail cells that you would be servicing..."what can the bear do for you?'...Not much unless you want to get ripped off, have to pay your own money out of pocket just to do a job and be placed in danger.

Between this board and the [redacted]s everyone gets a pretty good picture of exactly what you are and how you conduct your so called business. You need to dry up and blow away. You are playing a very dangerous game, especially when your ridiculous website advertises for cops to do part time work for you. If you ever do get a full time cop to work part time for you, which by the way would be a major conflict of interest for them, that cop would probably be the first one to bust you. Any of the departments or counties that do sign with you figure out what you are all about in a short time anyway.

Why dont you go back to being a big famous bounty hunter again. Maybe they will even give you your own show like your buddy "Dog". People like you have absolutely no business whatsoever being in charge of other peoples safety. You are a joke-plain and simple.

Now, I am sure that you will come back with a nice reply about how I am lying or I have an agenda against you, or whatever sad story you can work up some drunken tears for. I have never worked for you...THANK GOD...but I have heard plenty of horror stories from people who have. I have also heard from people in law enforcement, and by the are nothing but a joke to them too.

And did you complain about someone not coming on here and using their real name? What the hell is this ravenspyk crap?...just asking.

Somewhere, US
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Mar 22, 2009 12:20 am EDT

Who gthe hell are you? Your post is ridiculous, inflammatory, unfactual, misleading, and just plain ignorant. It is nothing more than an obnoxious smear campaign. Much like most of the posts on here. Dont you have something better to do in yur small little world? Apparently this site will let anybody post their garbage. Dry up and blow away? Why so you can have the business? Sticks and stones. And for all of you with an opinion about LAX, your opinion is as the saying goes. I have never seen as many malicious people as I have on this site. The jury got it right. Seperate or not, would have been the same. Its unfortunate that a competitior who knows who he is has continued a smear campaign. Maybe your his freind. Maybe your just some jerk. My name is fine. And I have knews for you. Many law enforcment think anyone in this industry is a joke. Your references to homosexual activity are a joke. You need to come out of the closet. Enough said. None of you on this site are worth the time or energy. Nor do you have anything good to say. Are there past disgruntled employees? Sure. What business doesnt have them. We get just as many calls from former employes of an AUstin TX baqsed company that killed 2 perople last year, had 2 escapes this yeaar, and cant employ actual post certified people. We do. As for safety? We are safe. I challenge any one of you to discuss this matter or any of this post to my face or via email. But you wont. Because your a coward. Instead its easy to snipe people on a garbage web site. Anyone that actually takes this site seriously haqs major issues. Be careful there may soon be news articles and posts made about another company.

Somewhere, US
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Mar 22, 2009 1:33 am EDT

HUggy maybe yoiu should just go F&*%$# yourself.

moreno, US
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Mar 22, 2009 2:12 am EDT

Eric, your name isn't fine, your mother put most of the money to start your company, and has bailed you out of serious situations. All while working at Wal-Mart! Your a "DRUNK" and you know it, why would another company need to ruin your "REP" YOU have done that yourself! And as for competition LMFAO your going under, and if these people are out to ruin your "rep" your contracts that you "do" get are public records from each state/county/agencies. Its no hard work, to contact whomever it concerns so I suggest you straighten your ways, you have burned and scolded so many people in the past, KARMA is a bit$$ bub.

moreno, US
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Mar 22, 2009 2:22 am EDT

Anyone wanting contact information to to a website dedicated to Prisoners Human Rights, that puts out an monthly magazine that is distrubuted world wide, an executive editor has been in contact, send your info and will all be compiled Eric Scott Kindley is a safety risk to soceity and shouldn't be allowed to put anyone in harms way ever again. Why wait untill someone is either seriously injured or killed.

moreno, US
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Mar 22, 2009 2:52 am EDT

Thought I would share this lmfao, Eric, you failed to pay some bills its funny its on the second page of google!

Just trying to help you out!

court services inc:Admin Time Card SystemYour account is PAST DUE Pay online to reestablish service. February 01, 21:38:40. Dick Reiley. Eric Kindley (IN). Stacey Edivan (IN) ...[protected] - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Somewhere, US
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Mar 22, 2009 5:20 am EDT

Well Sally. I am not a drunk. Where you get that I dont know. But maybe in your twisted mind, you see it that way. Sally I did not forget to pay a bill. We do not use that service. Petty person, go back to Missouri. Your just out trash my name. Thats why you write it so many times. Your obcessed. You are sick. You dont know me, leave me alone. Have fun with GB and all of your little friends.

moreno, US
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Mar 22, 2009 5:07 pm EDT

Actually I know you very well, not out to trash your name, just looking out for Consumers of your service, you are a risk to soceity. Hmmm, not sure whats in Missouri, and don't know who GB is or my little friends.

CSI Stinks
Fresno, US
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Mar 22, 2009 10:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

"Your post is ridiculous, inflammatory, unfactual, misleading, and just plain ignorant"

But it is all true...sober up you little ###, you make yourself sound more and more ignorant every time you post.

Somewhere, US
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Mar 23, 2009 3:37 am EDT

Not all true you slanderous boob. And Sally I know who you are now as well. This whole post is ridiculoous. Sober up? Are you now implying that im a drunk? Ive already been called a hompsexual, and some unfortunate misguided metrosexual thinks I should do something with his ###. I will say this you all have outdone yourselfs. Not out to trash my name Sally? Enjoy your posts.

Somewhere, US
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Mar 23, 2009 3:58 am EDT

Apparently Huggy the disgruntlesd metrosexul 's post got the boot, as should all most of this content. Apparently from the appearance of the web site its ok to allow the public to trash someone and try and bring shame and humiliation through false accusations and mistruths, but Huggy couldnt talk about sexual content with his ###. DOnt be suprized readers if he re-appears he has on other posts as someone else. So has Sally. DOnt be mislead by the whimsicall touting of Ms H (Sally) or whatever else she calls herself. One weord describes, Hearsay. And another, SLander. ANd oh yes another. Lawsuit. Maybe the site admins and owners can protect themselves with an abstraction of the law, whoever Ms Sally and Mr Freson you cant. I want the consumers to know that we are a responsible company, and we have followed principles and guidelines and laws. We do have ex employees who are disgruntled. Having to terminate someones employment is distasteful and leaves a bad sentiment. When that employee has been a trusted employee and someone you could have confided in, it is difficult. However it is life. SOme people move on. SOme do not. We have a competitor who cant move on. In fact he is so obcessed that he speaks of me daily. It must be frustrating for those around him and his employees. Or maybe they are oblivious. However he continues. We have ex employees in Missouir who took out terrible posts about us and myself. Their posts and this one arent all they are cracked up to be. SO Sally the reason that I am not going to ever dry up and blow away is for one reason among many. We do provide a valuable and trustworthy service. People make mistakes. But through out our time in this business we have proven ourselves. Now you as you do and oters before you are going to twist my words or regurgitate some slogan on our web site. SO let me help you with that. This is what the bear is going to do for you, move on. Maybe you should do the same. If the public actually finds this post that you all have made as factual representation of who I am or what our company is about, is really not yours to decide. And all of your little games wont change that. And so I ask Ms Sally if you did not work for me and I do not work around you, how do you know me well? Have the courage to stand up and tell us who you are? Didn think so. How about you Mr Fresno? Again I didnt think so.

CSI Stinks
Fresno, US
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Mar 23, 2009 9:29 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Waaaaaaaaaaaa...Just like a hemroid, refuses to go away on its own.

moreno, US
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Mar 23, 2009 3:12 pm EDT

Its only a matter of time, we are all here for the safety of the people you employ and the prisoners that you do transport. You are drying up and you are blowing away, its only a matter of time, there is only one thing that you have proven and provided you are a risk to soceity.

CSI Stinks
Fresno, US
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Mar 23, 2009 6:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Heresay, slander and lawsuit?

Just maybe someone actually has the proof to back up what they say!

And you are correct (first time for everything), I live nowhere near Fresno (notice it is spelled correctly). I do however live in California and I am very familiar with your complete lack of morals, ethics and common sense. You always have nice legaleze to throw in when your rope is running out huh?

Someone needs to rub you with Prep H and help you go away...

Stay off the booze when you post, not to mention when you actually drive and try do some work yourself instead of hiring someone for a couple of weeks, then having a dispute with them right before they are supposed to get paid...And yes, the proof is out there. So go tell that one to your attorney. (some attorney's will take ANY case).

mr california
Modesto, US
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May 08, 2009 4:37 am EDT

Eric, Do you have my money

kenneth charles
McGehee, US
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Jul 06, 2009 3:23 pm EDT

Being at work as this was found I don't have the time to read over it yet. However I am not shocked. I also have been an employee of Mr. Kindley with a huge amount of lies and deceit. Working for this company made me sick. I have story after story of illegal things he forced me to do. I will gladly testify against him any day. And like others he has refused to pay me as well.

Miss Cali
Los Angeles, US
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Jul 11, 2009 4:43 pm EDT

Illegal things he forced you to do? So, if someone told you to jump off a bridge would you? Get my point? Actually, don't answer that. No one can force you to do anything that is illegal. In the end it is you who makes the responsible decision of what you should or should not do in your work performance. Although, there are two sides to every story, but it seems your side sounds like all the rest of the cry babies above. Well, maybe you weren't cut out working for C.S.I. If you people would have just done the job and cut the drama, there would be no post!

CSI Stinks
Fresno, US
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Jul 11, 2009 10:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ahh, Eric pretending to be a girl now! That is a good one.

Miss Cali
Los Angeles, US
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Jul 11, 2009 11:05 pm EDT

Sorry to disappoint u, but this is not Eric. You seem to have a wierd obcession with C.S.I. and Mr. Kindley for someone who has never worked for him though. Shouldn't you be busy running the short bus with all the other ex C.S.I. cry babies, or have I mistaken your identity for someone else?