Don't fall for the slick looking design of the website or the respectable sounding British voice on the web video to sucker you in. I took the course, paying $1000, in hopes of landing an internship on Wall St. for a reputable private equity firm. I was assured that PEI had great contacts in PE and in fact, the cost of the course was being subsidized by PE firms. What a joke. The course was a complete waste time. Everything they "teach" you can be learned in an hour or so on Investopedia or Wikipedia. They were no help in landing an internship. The only internship I was offered was to debug Matthew Murray's new website. Mind you, I was attending a top 10 MBA program at the time!
The owner/founder of PEI is a real nasty fellow: Matthew Murray. This guy got FIRED from his previous employer, Rodman & Renshaw, and has been unable to land another job on Wall St. PEI is his MAIN SOURCE OF INCOME! Would you pay to learn ANYTHING from this guy?!
Stay far away from PEI and don't fall prey to your desperation to get into finance/private equity. You will be very angry if you fork out $1000+ to these charlatans!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I got scammed by MATTHEW MURRAY of the PRIVATE EQUITY INSTITUTE in New York City last month. The course is a complete waste of time and money. Matthew Murray is the owner/scam artist of this so-called non-profit entity. The course was on a Saturday and Sunday on the 5th floor of the University Club on 54th and 5th. I was so impressed with the University Club. Matthew Murray is very knowledgeable, but like a poor mans Bernie Madoff, he is a crook. He spends the 2 days rereading verbatim the prelimary data each student is required to learn before taking the course. I kept asking him "when are we going to begin the intensive training" Case studies, Financial model valuation of companies etc. We never got around to it. Why? Because he wants the suckers to pay another $1, 295 for the next course. Matthew Murray profits about $5, 000 a weekend every month or so. This is why I refer to him as a "poor mans" Bernie Madoff. GO TO GOOGLE: TYPE IN: private equity institute fraud complaints scam. Thats all you need to know. I have contacted Mr. John Dorman the General Manager of the prestigious University Club to inform him that fraud is taking place on the 5th floor library by MATTHEW MURRAY of the PRIVATE EQUITY INSTITUTE. HOPEFULLY THIS SCAM WILL BE SHUT DOWN.