There are many online "professional" organisations that advertise. One of these is an organisation called the American Academy of Financial Management or AAFM. If you have some academic qualification in accounting or finance you can "apply" for membership which consists of filling out an application form together with a credit card payment of US$450.00. In return you get a membership certificate of the AAFM and the right to use certain designations after your name. However, that is it. Nothing more. After investigating I discovered that the "CEO and Chair" (read owner) of this organisation makes claims that there is a "Board of Standards" that oversees the operations of the AAFM. However, it does not in fact exist and the sole decision maker is the owner. This scam has been going on for a number of years and I shudder to think how many people have wasted their money thinking they will actually be members of a professional body that gives them something for their money. It does not.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I have done a significant amount of research on this organization and it is a SCAM, SCAM, SCAM. It claims that it is a professional organisation but it is actually an individual selling pieces of paper that are worthless. There are no services provided, comtrast this to the CFP and the website is a load of rubbish. Many, read most, claims on the website are absolutely unsupported. For example, it supposedly has a Board of Standards but some of the people have never had anything to do with the AAFM and the Board has never met. There is a claim that the organistion is an honorary co host of the China Finance Forum yet if you check the CFF website there is no mention of the AAFM in the co hosts.
According to the website it is now linked with organisations in India and Saudi Arabia presumably with the objective of seeing how gullible these markets are for no value "professional" membership.
The whole thing is just smoke and mirrors designed to extract the dollar from you but giving no benefits. A ouple of other websites have reported that the owner of the AAFM is currently being investigated for fraud.
This clumsy person above is FOOL and has NO understanding of the laws in North America.
Take off the clown suit and get an education.
The posts above are written by a disgruntled former associate who stole money from the membership.
Case Closed.
Regards, Satisfied Customer...
The above comment was obviously written by the owner of the "professional organisation" lol.
Only a cretin would be satisfied with paying $$$$$ and getting nothing for it. Hey how about sending $600 to me, I will also give you nothing, and you can be twice as satisfied.
It is no wonder that people are realising this is a scam and asking for their money back. Look at the facts - not at the rubbish written by "satisifed customer"
The person that runs the AAFM is a semi literate lunatic.
I have never read a greater pack of lies in my life than on his website
The owner of the SCAM website is George S Mentz a man with so many qualifications that he makes Einstein look like a junior school graduate. His latest ramblings can be seen on
Mentz was apparently ousted from the international arm of AAPM when they discovered his Certification Mill scams and he has now embarked on a personal vendetta against the Internationl arm which does more to expose Mentz's fraudulent activity than anything else
Other scam websites are starting to investigate Mentz and with the help of the internet his scams will become widely known.
Scam Investigator
The above combative persons blogging against AAFM® are obviously angry disgruntled former associates who were terminated or fired or maybe these are the counterfeiters offshore that are mentioned in the Consumer Protection and Fraud Warning websites?
As an ethics professor familiar with AAFM® USA Board, these guys are listed and disclosed on the USA Authoritative FINRA websites, AAFM® is a Civil Society with the United Nations, AAFM® is featured with the Department of Labor Web Brochures, AAFM® is included in the USA Governments Occupational Handbook and have been featured in the Wall Street Journal etc. It took me about 10 minutes of web research to confirm this basic information about this USA Board of Standards that seems to be a major pioneer in Wealth Management and Finance Certification Standards. See US Government
As per the home page disclaimer that you immediately see, the AAFM® Board has NEVER directly offered any academic: degree, diploma or certificate. IT seems that their Board of Standards only offers Board Certification using the same USA legal structure and governance as CFA/CIMA/CFP/PMP and hundreds of other US Based Entities. See USA Governmental Regulatory Authority List: to view AAFM® Certifications:
Now, I have no idea about 3 day offshore training certificate programs who claim to offer qualified education. I am only talking about the USA Founding Board of Standards operating in North American such as CFP/CFA/CWM/QFP etc.
After a 5 minute review of the AAFM® website, The AAFM® Board of Standards in the USA primarily promotes government backed and CHEA USA accredited education and Post Doctorate Law School Programs . It seems that the AAFM® also Has articulation alliances directly with accreditation agencies and is the only Graduate board who accepts accredited government recognized education by legal articulation contracts and diplomatic agreements.. They also appear to be the first to have courses Sponsored by an ABA Accredited and Government Recognized Law School.
I guess the above "sock puppets" don’t like Accredited Business Schools or Real Law Schools. If you don’t know what AACSB/ACBSP Business Accreditation is, please visit the list of the Best Business Schools and MBA Programs in the WORLD for a refresher…
From the Cybercrime warnings that I quickly found, I can only assume that the above posts are obvious HATE BLOGS from people who were FIRED or TERMINATED For theft and counterfeiting. On the AAFM® website, I just found a Legal warning about offshore fraud and counterfeiting from Australia or Hong Kong.
These phony blogggers should take their complaints to the US Dept of Education, or the CHEA if they don’t like the world’s top MBA programs and Business Schools .
The AAFM® USA Certifying Board seems to be the only global organization that recognizes accredited government sanctioned business schools, degrees and exams as a Graduate Certification Path. They seem to be the first in the world to recognize the top Accredited Business Schools and accredited exams and education as a superior path to certification..
As a professor who studies education, I have also read all of John Bear’s Investigatory books on distance education and accreditation. The Veteran Guru Dr. Bear focuses on degree mills and such but in the end of his books: Dr. Bear says that Distinctions of: Charters, Designations and Certifications are not part of his discussions because under US law, they are not regulated as academic diploma, certificate or degree.
However, there are many certifications such as AAFM® whose requirements are based on Accredited Education and Exams that are government recognized ; however, most certifications and designation programs such as PMP® do not require an accredited education and only offer a proprietary Quiz or Exam to issue/sell their certificates or certifications.
WOW, as you mentioned above, I went to the link and there are BIGTIME PUBLIC Cybercrime Warnings and image/copys of Counterfeit and Forged Diplomas by some Australians in Hong Kong using the Phone name of IAFM and IAPM. I hope they catch these guys.
I am assuming that these recent blogs are pertaining to the offshore fraud and counterfeit documents by the Australians offshore with a 3 month old sham operation called IAFM or IAPM?
Ho Ho Ho
Holiday Regards, Santa Claus
PS You evil hate bloggers should stay away from my reindeer.
Another boring comment by George Mentz claiming to be someone else.
Ho hum what a cretin
If you go to the websites mentioned above you can pick Mentz's comments up easily as they are full of verbosity (although he would not understand the word), grammatical errors, lies and half truths and libellous comments that he is not prepared to make in his own name. Instead he operates under the name of Education lawyer, Cybercrimewatcher (maybe Cyberambulancechaser would be more appropriate).
I have just come back to the comments by "Cyberambulancechaser" (or George Mentz, nice disguise George, had me fooled for a least a nanosecond) again and fall over laughing every time I read through it. Let’s have a look at some of the claims he makes so that people can form their own judgment about whether this is a complete scam or not.
"Ethics professor":
Where did the author obtain his ethics professorship from? Was it from the AAFM? In fact this was the way that Mr Mentz obtained his designation. Refer to his own website quoted below which is, as William Shakespeare was wont to introduce into his plays, obviously Mentz's form of comic relief: and where it is disclosed that it is a self designated title.
"It took me about 10 minutes (must be a really crap website if it took him that long to find it on his own site) of web research to confirm this basic information about this USA Board of Standards that seems to be a major pioneer in Wealth Management and Finance Certification Standards. See US Government ".
When I searched the website referred to I came across the following: "For information on financial analyst careers and training, contact AAFM". Now George I realise that you tend to grasp at straws at any opportunity for credence but even in my most optimistic euphoric moments I would never consider this insignificant reference to be a resounding endorsement of the AAFM.
"They also appear to be the first to have courses Sponsored by an ABA Accredited and Government Recognized Law School.".
Whoops a porky slipped in but obviously it was an error. However, you should also be beaten with a stick for using upper and lower case letters so indiscriminately. Not actually sponsored by the TJLS George. What the website says is that graduates from the law school can buy, whoops sorry, apply for certification, for a number of AAFM pieces of paper. Makes your heart glad that young aspirants can spend 3 years of study and hundreds of thousands of dollars for a law diploma and then spend another $250 for a piece of paper that confers membership to nothing. Wise investment that! And I have wondered why a supposedly reputable law school would have any association with the AAFM. Now I understand. The Associate Dean of the TJSL is on the AAFM Board of Standards, not only that he is on the Super Board of Standards. One wonders how he can possibly fulfill his duties at TJLS AND spend so much time at meetings of the Board of Standards. Oh yes. It is because the Board of Standards does not exist, has never met, is a figment of the imagination etc. Maybe George you could show us a copy of the minutes from the last time the Board met. Maybe TJLS should reconsider its position in relation to promoting something which could be interpreted, by some, to involve a conflict of interest.
"Disclosed on the USA Authoritative FINRA websites".
Nice one George. People may actually believe this unless, of course, they take the trouble to read, you know READ, as in having the ability to do so. Do you think that people will believe the fact that you paid a fee to be listed with FINRA actually means something? FINRA does actually qualify their listing (breathe easy as it is a general qualification not specific to the AAFM) that it does not endorse the services of any paid members. Quote: “Nor does a designation’s inclusion in this database imply that FINRA considers the designation to be acceptable for use by a registered representative”.
“After a 5 minute review of the AAFM® website, (we are now up to 15 minutes of your website searching George. Another indictment of the poor quality of design) The AAFM® Board of Standards in the USA primarily promotes government backed and CHEA USA accredited education and Post Doctorate Law School programs. It seems that the AAFM® also Has articulation alliances directly with accreditation agencies and is the only Graduate board who accepts accredited government recognized education by legal articulation contracts and diplomatic agreements”.
Oh dear! Where do I start? I think we are getting carried away with our own hyperbole here George. I would have thought that some of the lesser bodies such as AICPA, CFP, CMA etc may have had some such agreements in place. So it is still on the porky meter but only a 1 on a scale of 3 as I think it is probably reflecting a lack of knowledge, if not intellect. I assume “legal” articulation contracts is as opposed to “illegal” articulation contracts. I understand that an underground market, similar to bootlegging, has arisen in relation to “illegal” articulation contracts. Presumably if President Obama becomes involved in this he will ensure that your “legal” contracts are the only acceptable ones in the US. Obviously if they are “legal” contracts then they would be in writing so maybe you would be prepared to show one, just one, to prove the bona fides of the statement. Treat that as a dare George.
"AAFM® is a Civil Society with the United Nations"
Perhaps you can explain what this actually means Georgie as the UN does not seem to know about it. For example, try searching the UN website for AAFM. Whoops gotcha again.
"The AAFM® Board of Standards in the USA primarily promotes government backed and CHEA USA accredited education and Post Doctorate Law School Programs".
George, George, George. It was a good thing that you slipped the "primarily" into this as otherwise it would be a complete porky, instead of a half porky. Maybe you should refer to your own website where it explicitly states that the AAFM does not do training but on your many websites you say you provide training. At this stage George I figure that the nose is significantly longer than it was before.
“On the AAFM® website, I just found a Legal warning about offshore fraud and counterfeiting from Australia or Hong Kong”.
Brilliant! George seems to be getting the hang of navigating his own website although a 3 mark deduction for mixing up the u/c and l/c again George. Now let’s have a look at the word “counterfeiting” George. According to Wikipedia “A counterfeit is an imitation, usually one that is made with the intent of fraudulently passing it off as genuine. Counterfeit products are often produced with the intent to take advantage of the established worth of the imitated product”. So, for example, the idea appears to be to fool people into thinking that a handbag is a Louis Vuitton handbag because it is difficult to tell apart. Therefore it follows that the “counterfeit” certificates are produced using the name AAFM on them. Oh! Oh! Another bonehead play George. It seems, which you acknowledge, that the certificates are in fact produced in the name of IAFM. Now George, anyone with a modicum of intelligence ( I am obviously excluding you here George) would be able to differentiate “American” from “International” so I guess that rules out the counterfeit rubbish.
“However, there are many certifications such as AAFM® whose requirements are based on Accredited Education and Exams that are government recognized”.
So if you went to a business school then you can apply for certification. What George never really gets around to mentioning in any of the many websites he owns is just why anyone would want to give George Mentz $250 so that they can put some initials after their name. Why not just put some initials of your own after your name and not give George the money. The initials would be just as useful would be as people in a number of places are finding out. For example, recently a Singaporean head hunter questioned the designation of someone that said that he had a “Chartered Wealth Manager” certificate. He did, he purchased it over the internet from George. When the headhunter was told this the candidate was rejected.
So in closing put all of these factors together and judge for yourself whether there is any veracity in what Mr Mentz, in non de plume, is saying. Would you want to buy a certificate from a person that S T R E T C H E S the truth in this way? Or maybe have a look at the straight fraudulent activities such as his Asian website proudly announces that the AAFM (a duly registered not for profit society). However, when people wish to register they are directed to a link which just happens to go to the US “for profit” website of George Mentz with no notification that all profits go to Georgie. Gotcha again. Now we seem to be adding criminal acts but you are not there to take the rap. Pity about the guys in Singapore.
I received a certificate from Mr. George and applied for a visa based on this certificate. My employer checked with the US authorities and they did not recognize Mr. George or AAFM and as a result I lost my job. I think he is a fraud of the biggest kind in this world.
When I asked for my money back he did not want to know my email!
It appears that George Mentz, CEO of AAFM, has finally exposed himself through blatant brand stealing and cybersquatting which is now under investigation in Europe. Mentz has registered a website in the name of a competitor and is using it to defame and financially injure another legal entity. Mentz does not own nor has he anything to do with the legal entity IAFM however he continues to attack it as part of his personal vendetta against the board of IAFM.
Finally we may see an end to Mentz's vicious, illegal and underhand tactics and hopefully the thousands of individuals who have paid for his worthless certificates will now realise that they have been conned.
Well all it appears that George and Carl have got their act together and have removed the reference to the “not for profit” on the AAFM association registered in Singapore. Sounds like a brilliant action plan and now the problem is gone you guess. Problem gone? George for someone that supposedly sat for the bar exam in good old Louisiana (I wonder if someone else sat for your exams) your lack of knowledge of matters pertaining to the law is breathtaking. Let me give you a step by step explanation George and then maybe even you will be able to understand. A Singaporean association is, by definition, a not for profit. It is an association of people with a collective purpose and cannot distribute profits. Therefore the fact that you still link this ONLY to you “for profit” rip off entity in the US means that you have wasted your time. Correct POA – remove the name from the registry.
Anyway Carl has MUCH bigger issues at the moment and all will be revealed in the next couple of days after certain matters are brought to the attention of the Singaporean authorities.
George George George
Now it seems we are into death threats. A really class act from someone that professes to be a servant of the courts.
i want to believe professionals all over the world have their consumer rights. i can see that the above suggestions or to be precise arguments are not necessary at all.. i can see that the brand in question is excellent; if not why would either of the parties want to be the owner of the brand. if someone comes up with a brand to qualify people based on experience, education and credentials and even advise some to go take trainings from accredited training providers before final accreditation...i don't think there's anything wrong in that. the org in question is registered as one can confirm, it has online examination routes and sorts.. on fair terms, why should inventors be criticized all the time in this world of Caesar... even albert einstein, jesus christ, buddha, mohammed, nelson mandela, madam teresa, etc came up with their own ideas and brand..yet the people who dont like their ideas/brands fought against them...why cant you go and develop something that people would buy and be satisfied. the so called cfa, cfp, aafm, cima, acca (note all this association started with one person and people embraced it, because one way or the other they are differently meeting their needs) etc are all brands selling their own ideas to the world..interested people should buy.. once in a life time internet technology was vehemently criticized, now it runs and drives every business that wants to succeed. even online education was also vehemently criticized, nowadays, all schools are beginning to run an online arm..nothing if they still want to be relevant in this world of Caesar they must go also, someone who comes up with the idea where professionals should be evaluated based on industry experience, education and relevant credentials shouldnt be crucified unjustly. I just believe that the so called AAFM name is a nice name that carries a strong direct message and some folks just want to be in charge of the brand and what it represents. if someone is keen in starting a professional are free...go ahead start yours, give it a name, designed your own programs, liaise with other existing ones if you prefer.. as far as this life is concerned nothing is free, you pay for everything. so for someone to pay to be listed is not a problem if it helps him to secure a place in life. fight for your own course in life, create your own system and be a point of reference. Noting the impact of Bill gate and his Microsoft idea - he still faces criticism, so AAFM and her owners and management shouldnt fret..simple..if anyone is so concern go a rebrand AAFM's idea, give it your own name, register it and start advsertising and selling to the world to improve it. MY humble VIEW.
Scam investigator is back.
Further revelations regarding the American Academy of Financial Management and the American Academy of Project Management in the Wall Street Journal.
The Wall Street Journal article states:-
"The AAFM's website features a "Global Board of Academic Advisors & Professors." The board members, says the AAFM's Mr. Mentz, have "received faculty awards and agreed to be faculty advisers. If they don't want that anymore, they're free to contact me." One such "adviser, " Campbell Harvey, is a finance professor at Duke University. Contacted by the Journal, he stated by e-mail that "I have never advised them on anything" and "did not agree to be an adviser."
Another, Jacob Gold, is a financial planner in Scottsdale, Ariz., who says he once held a designation from AAFM but "years ago" let it lapse. "I did not know I was an 'honorary adviser, ' nor do I know what that means, " he says. "In no shape or way do I have an advisory relationship with them."
It now appears that George Mentz the owner of the certificate mills the American Academy of Project Management and the American Academy of Financial Management has been exposed by Wikipedia. Wikipedia have identified Mentz as a Sock Puppet using the names Globalprofessor, Sammyapa, DoctorLaw, Gordiang and others. A Sock Puppett is an online identity used for purposes of deception within an online community. In its earliest usage, a sockpuppet was a false identity through which a member of an Internet community speaks with or about himself or herself, pretending to be a different person, like a ventriloquist manipulating a hand puppet. Wikipedia are also in the process of deleting Mentz's self promoting articles in relation to the American Academy of Project Management, The International Project Management Commission and Chartered Wealth Manager.
So George - "Just Because You’re Paranoid It Doesn’t Mean They Aren’t Out to Get You".
Wow, we guess Brett King and Steve Wylie want even more PRESS about their counterfeiting operation
Scam Investigator is Brett King and Steve Wylie is known as : john thomas or StinkyArse
If you go to the IAFM and IAPM scam websites: you can read about the big OFFSHORE piracy scam.
The IAFM is in BIG trouble for fraud because wylie and king were caught by officials selling fake diplomas while they actually claim fraudulent and illegal recognition from the US Accreditation agencies, AACSB, ACBSP and others. Totally fake PHONY and bogus
Of course, IAFM and IAPM claim fake recognition from the Greek Ministry of Defense, one or 2 Middle East Countries, or something like that. Totally Bogus and clumsy statements.
It is alledged that the IQPC International Quality and Productivity Center and got sucked in to this fraud and are selling these so called PHONY and FAKE offshore certificates and counterfeit diplomas with IAFM and IAPM offshore for taking quickie training courses. IQPC may have been a real vendor, but it looks like they are into selling fake certificates?
Mr. Steve Wylie and Mr Brett King should stop pirating and selling FAKE diplomas to innocent Chinese students and Arab businessmen.
BOGUS JOKE - This is my favorite personal PHISHING Statement on the IAFM IAPM page...
After Brett King and Steve Wylie were expelled for stealing and terminated from working as trainers i.e. distrunted former staffers, this statement was made: """ the global executive management meeting, the "Dubai Leaders " pushed for a much greater focus and investment on membership services outside of the United States and the decision was made to re-launch the Academy in the United Arab Emirates with a more global identity – the International Academy of Financial Management™ (IAFM ™).
Mr Wylie who is a project manager is bound by the ethics code of PMI USA, but his PMP certificate should be revoked and terminated for fraud and being caught red handed selling fake diplomas in CHINA .
King who is of all things a “ Professional Webmaster “ is the worst of all con men and thieves .. King violated the biggest webmaster rule. King was Caught stealing client websites and domains and selling fake unauthorized diplomas in Arabia and China …. Rather than apologize and return the websites and give the money back to the Chinese Students, he is still selling fake diplomas and harboring stolen goods with the help of, you guessed it “SCAM Steve Wylie, PMP”… The INVESTIGATOR
Investigator and John Thomas are in fact Brett King and Steve Wylie. However, Steve Wylie PMP is sometimes called Poacher or goes by a fake Indian Name. Brett King has various alias phony names and goes by names such as Hilton Symes, Muhammad Jenzabab, Richard Snoots and others. Sometimes they claim to work for the government of Dubai etc. Yep, they were banned from WIKIPEDIA WIKI last year ... agement%22 Sockpuppets Poacher, Wylie, B King, Asian Lawyer, and Investigator, and others of the fake offshore IAFM were banned last year. You guess it, they were trying to change the company name of existing WIKI articles using corporate Phishing tactics To Promote their new fake company and phony diploma and certificate mill.
IAFM and IAPM International Academy of Project Management will probably continue using their phony names and sell cheap training and of course, fake certificates are handed out for free if you pay the "So Called NON PROFIT" training money. Yeah, Non profit means that they fly First class using stolen money. :)
No matter what type of crazy posts King or Wylie makes from the Philippines Australia or Thailand, King and Wylie are still guilty as F**K for theft, phishing, counterfeiting, diploma scams, sending fake information to the government, and fraud against innocent consumers.
All reputable Groups like CFP, CFA, PMP and the American Academy do not directly offer education but they accredit government recognized education from CHEA.
PMI, CFA, CFP and the American groups ONLY sanction and accredit qualified and accredited education. CFP accredited and registers dozens of schools. CFA also sanctions various programs. PMI does recognize PM degree programs.
Also, the certifying boards of: CFA, PMI and CFP only offer Certification and Charter Designations and DO NOT offer a diploma or degrees or fake certificates.
As a note of caution, Please seek out qualified education from accredited institutions and government recognized programs such as the ABA, ACBSP, EQUIS, AACSB.
If you go to an accredited program, you can learn something and then qualify to be eligible for certification.
I think this last posting is brilliant. This guy George Mentz looks like a total fool. Have a look at some of his websites and claims - it is all a scam and a major fraud
I find more about AAFM and George Mentz. AAFM is claiming to be recognised by UNESCO howevr UNESCO website says that accrediation bodies claiming UNESCO recognition are all BOGUS (Unesco Term). So UNESCO is now claiming that George Mentz, American Academy of Financial Management is BOGUS. UNESCO website
Alert: Misuse of UNESCO Name by Bogus Institutions
Recently, there has been an increase in the number of requests from individuals, recognition bodies and accrediting agencies concerning dubious providers of higher education that use UNESCO’s name or logo to give the impression that they are recognized providers of higher education.
UNESCO is an intergovernmental body. It does not have the mandate to accredit nor to recognise higher education institutions, programmes, diplomas or accrediting agencies.
Any provider of higher education or accrediting agency which claims or gives the impression of being accredited and/or recognised by UNESCO should be looked upon with caution. Such institutions or accrediting agencies may use different fraudulent modes.
For example:
- Institutions offering/delivering fake diplomas which feature UNESCO’s logo;
- Institutions claiming that one may contact UNESCO to have its accreditation confirmed;
= Institutions stating to be listed in a so-called “UNESCO Higher Education Institutions Registry”, which does not exist in reality;
- Institutions claiming to promote the values and ideals of UNESCO; e.g.; “the Educational Creed of UNESCO”, or the WCHE recommendations, etc.;
- Institutions inserting UNESCO’s name in their URL address to give the impression of official link;
-Institutions claiming to be recognised by UNESCO because of -they are hosting a UNESCO chair; and
- False claims by Bogus institutions that are linked to NGOs affiliated with UNESCO. "
IAFM and IAPM Hong Kong Guilty of Counterfeiting to Innocent Chinese Students - Case Closed
I only make this post to warn the public about counterfeiting and offshore fraud.
I just went online and discovered that the guys who are making these posts above dont even own the rights to IAFM and IAPM. It seems that Brett King sold Steve Wylie and Geoff Baring Fake stock and fake rights. Oops Sorry :) Ouch that burns. Another sucker is born every minute.
No matter what type of crazy rubbish that the phony IAFM or their pawn Geoff Baring makes from the Philippines Maccau or Australia, They are still guilty as SIN and caught for selling fake certificates: theft, phishing, counterfeiting, diploma scams, sending fake information to the government, and fraud against innocent consumers.
Everyone knows that reputable Groups like CFP, CFA, PMP and the American.Academy do not directly offer training courses and authentic organizations accredit government recognized exams and education.
PMI, CFA, CFP and the groups with integrity ONLY sanction accredited education. CFP recgonizes and registers dozens of accredited programs. CFA also sanctions various programs. PMI does also recognize PM degree programs. In contrast, These offshore fraudsters only offer a quickie 2-3 day training and of course, no education is required.
Also, the certifying boards of: CFA, PMI, .AAFM and CFP only offer Certification and Charter Designations and DO NOT offer any bogus certificates, diploma or degrees or fake documents. CFA issues charters, CFP issues Certification, PMP is a Designatino, while the fake IAFM and fake IAPM sells a bugus offshore certificate for a 3 day course. I can only guess that the certificate is awarded from their unregistered company in the philippines.
As a note of caution to all people, Please seek out accredited & qualified education from real accredited institutions and government recognized programs such as the ABA, ACBSP, EQUIS, AACSB.
Go to a real accredited business school if you can and strictly avoid offshore fraudsters and offshore certificate mills at all costs.
Exams and Degrees from Double Accredited Programs are backed by the government. Go to the ABA American Bar Association or the AACSB or ACBSP if you want a real diploma degree or education.
If you go to an accredited program, you can learn something and then qualify to be eligible for authentic certification or graduate school degree.
George Mentz - you are such an idiot. You are the only person accusing someone of selling a fake certificate. No one else believes you. they can see right through your scam websites, your fake Board of Advisors and your worthless certifications. You are an underachiving nobody, a fraudster and your American Academies deliver zero value to the anybody. Your certification is worthless, your credentials are fake (proven by UNESCO and CHEA and many others). You are recognised by nobody other than yourself. You create webiotes purporting to be the truth but they are all lies. You operate a scam certificate mill known as the American Academy of financial Management AAFM. you embarass everybody by your idiot postings and lack of basic English language.
George Mentz - you are a joke. and I sincerely hope that you continue posting more and more lies as it exposes you more and more to sensible people. Your actions and behaviour are only just beaten by Gadaffi. Your delusional belief that anyone actually thinks that your American Academy of Financial Management AAFM is a bona fide operations or gives any value whatsoever is laughable . you have been exposed as a fraudster by the Wall Street Journal, UNESCO say that you are a BOGUS organisation. What more proof do people need? We all now know that the American Academy of Financial Management AAFM is BOGUS. most of us would rather belief UNESCO than some 3rd rate ambulance chaser lawyer (AKA George Mentz). Case Closed.
Dear James the Fruitcake & Idiot - You must loved to get attention for your and your friends fraud and diploma-mill in Australia.
Since you spelled the word behaviour in that way, It seems that there is a 100% chance that you are either in Australia or Taz-Brain-ia. Thus, you have ZERO comprehension of EU or North American Laws. Either way, you are a criminal and fraudster based on the accusations that you make.
I just wrote to to the UNESCO and they said that you and the Australia group were banned for being counterfeiters? Is that true? Wiki says that Brett King Steve Wylie and Geoff Baring were banned from LinkedIn, Banned from Finra and banned from the USA for "training fraud"
If you keep making blog posts, your fake Australia Group will continue to be exposed for fraud and cybercrime.
It seems that you are just upset for being reported AND CAUGHT for selling counterfeit documents in Asia and the Middle East. Again, Too Bad for you.
It still amazes everyone that after you were caught selling fake diplomas to Chinese Children, you continue to sell bogus documents from your printing press in Melbourne and Maccau. And, you did not even return the money. I hope the Chinese Government or the Arab Government catches you for cheating innocent victims with your counterfeiting scheme.
Further, you are so ignorant about the UN/Unesco that it is terrifying. Hundreds if not Thousands of reputable organizations have volunteered or acted as civil society members and NGO members for the UN for years. However, you are too stupid to figure it out.
The US Wall Street Journal recognizes dozens of financial organizations such as CFA CFP CIMA and others including itemizing the academy's accredited education requirements such as ABA/ACBSP/AACSB. However, you are too mentally befuddled to read WSJ or FINRA. You are so stupid that you still think that PMI, CFA and CFP offer education and training for certificates. They only offer certification and charters in case you are still confused.
It seems that you “Mr. Behaviour” are some offshore pawn. My guess is that you are either Geoff Baring Steve Wylie or Brett King. I suppose you are one of the [censored] punks offshore who paid money to brett king for fake stock, even after he was FIRED. Oh boy, you must really be a giant sucker... Guess you got ripped off and you are sore now. Maybe you should track down brett king and get your money back.
As for this BLOG, The best advice for everyone and the consumer is to apply and enroll in accredited degree granting education that is supported by government recognized programs..
On the WSJ Wall Street Journal website, Double Accredited education and accredited program exams are exclusively promoted by the American/Academy for certifications. Guess you missed that too, and we urge you to stop smoking and snorting kangaroo droppings.
By the way, I just checked with the CHEA Education Council and ALL of the business school education and exams that the (US.Academy) approves and promotes are sanctioned by the US Government. Therefore, reading would be a skill useful for you “Mr. Behaviour” going forward. How could you miss the facts in FINRA, Dept of Education, Bureau of Labor, and others. We suppose this is because you know nothing about EU law, US law or international law.
In SUM, Offshore Taz-Brain-ian ignorance is NO Excuse...
Dear George, the only fake diploma mill is the American Academy of Financial Management AAFM which is a private company owned by you and through which you illicit funds froms from idiots who believe paying money for worthless certificates enhances their careers. Good luck in your chosen career and I guess your father would be so proud of you. As regards UNESCO YOU claim recognition. This is NONSENSE. You use one alignment to UNESCO to claim recognition for your fake diploma mill. The two are totally separate and have no relevance to each other. It is the standard practice of a Fraudster and the Cheat. The Wall Street Journal has already exposed you as a Fraud and Liar. You have been caught red-handed lying to your members and to consumers. You are the IDIOT. I have nothing to do with the people you mention. I am someone you know and ripped off previously and I am now working as an investigative journalist determined that you and your fake practices get exposed. You state that "By the way, I just checked with the CHEA Education Council and ALL of the business school education and exams that the (US.Academy) approves and promotes are sanctioned by the US Government." So what. Just because the US Academy (aka AAFM) approves something is irrelevant. The US Academy AAFM is an irrelevance. It is NOT APPROVED by anybody. It can approve whoever it wants - no one cares - certainly not those it approves. It is immaterial and just another play on words of the Fraudster and Trickster that you are. People are not stupid and they see right through your AAFM scam.
Idiot Idiot Idiot
Because you are from Taz-Brain-ia, you have no clue that CFA and CFP do not offer diplomas. Only certifications and charters are issued from the USA. However, since you are the big Monkey, we can forgive you.
CFA and CFP are NOT recognized by the CHEA. Again, you are too stupid to know.
As for the UN, there are thousands of NGOs and Civil Society members. Again, you are too ignorant to know that too.
The ignorant post above is from Australia and is made by a gent who goes by the names of Geoffrey Baring or Brett King or Steve Wylie.
Be careful and stay away from these diploma countefeiters from Down under.
I went to the WSJ, and it seems that The Wall Street Journal Endorses the American Certification Body and double accredited education policies. Not sure what the australians are smoking here.
It seems that the US organization promoted accredited education and exams and the fraudsters in Australia have not figured that out.
The CEO of the fake organization in Australia goes by the name of Geoffrey Baring of Universal Labour Services
and he teaches his own courses and does not offer nor promote accredited education.
Everyone knows that the scammers offshore are selling fake diplomas and fake education.
However, the US CFA and US CFP do not offer any diploma?
We asssume that these bogus australian certificate mill folks simply want more attention to their fraud.
The australians continue to destroy their reputations and brand each time they are caught making fake posts to cover their tracks.
Again, get an accredited education and take accredited programs. DO NOT associate with the fake IAFM International Academy of Financial Management from australia.
I looked it up and these guys are Really FAKE. They do not even own the trademarks for IAFM in Hong Kong or the USA. What a bunch of idiots.
Thus, even their company name is stolen.
Fraud Fraud Fraud - Stay away from fake diplomas and fake certificates from Australia that are signed by these criminals.
This argument took place in 2011...
It is 2015 and the American Academy of Project Management still exist!
Case closed...
The AAPM (American academy of project management) got on the band wagon a little later than the PMI (project management institute) certainly in terms of profit to date...with the PMI a clear leader with over $330, 000, 000 ...yes that's three hundred and thirty million stocks bonds and other liquid assets...(their annual accounts are out there for all the world to see
A very tidy bank balance for a 'not for profit' organisation !...or the arm of it that is the 'institute'...because the money streams through other PMI companies registered in India and China!
The bigger the lie...the more believable it is! picks your pays your get a certificate
Both organisations are in it for the money but the PMI have done better at virally marketing the 'apparent' academic structure and PMP qualification