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11:51 am EDT
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I was an Invited PAID agent to attend PROSCOUT. We get paid $200 plus hotel, airfare and meals.

All the agents show up for a fun time out of town. The LA agents represent NO celebs are basically in the business of attending showcases not selling actors.

Ask any one of them who they represent and for sure you will know none of them. The organization is scam.

they are in and out taking your 800$ +

I suggest you get a list BEFORE you agree to attend of EXACTLY who will be at the event. You for sure will not get it.

Check out what agents from LA are attending.

The modeling agents are all their to support their own scam. Selling pictures room and board etc...

Update by Ex PS Talent Agent
Aug 25, 2008 4:35 pm EDT

Some of the PS agents walk away with $1000 to $1500 from fees for speaking and holding pointless seminars.

The acting coach even uses a fake name.

PS is for sure a scam. Do not be fooled.

After the event that scam is out of that town within hours.

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Jan 23, 2010 6:05 pm EST

i'm going in 6 days to san diego for a meeting. anyone who has expirience, please let me know if i have a chance!
i'm 13 but people mistake me for 17
i'm 5'9 (why people mistake me so much)
i have a lot of expirience with the camera-my dad's a photographer.
i have a sister who's 15
we live aproximately 30 miles from L.A.
i have never taken pictures of myself with the camera held up high and me looking down, pursing my lips or sticking out my tounge...i despise girls who do that..bleh. what a waste of time.

im very excited about going! any tips?

Sierra Vista, US
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Jan 26, 2010 11:33 am EST


Sierra Vista, US
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Jan 26, 2010 11:34 am EST

proscout only scams ugly people hello?
the people who are really pretty enough to be a model will get chosen.
you people think youre gorgeous...
you think you have talent...
you just look like a ### on american idol who cant sing.

Sierra Vista, US
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Jan 26, 2010 11:40 am EST

well if you got invited to an invitational...then youre not ugly.
but chances are very slim to none that youre good enough to be a model.
and chances are, youre gunna waste 8OO.
unless you cant go anywhere in public without every guy wanting you
and every girl wanting to be you.

El Paso, US
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Feb 24, 2010 5:13 pm EST

Proscout is the real deal i went last year and got 15 callbacks! im now working with disney and working with top stars like Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, Janice Bernice, Selena Gomez, and much more!

Its not a scam!

u just have to be ready for it. thats all. if u go and pay ur $8OO and you didnt get in or any callbacks, maybe your either just not ready or your no good at it.

...that simple...

so dont take it out on proscout cuz u cnt act. its ur fault not theirs.

Want my advice?

"Practice More!"

Dallas, US
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Feb 26, 2010 11:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I attended a Dallas, TX event. ProScout is FULL OF IT when they say no photos or classes required! I have been doing some minor modeling and brought a few pictures along, however I am only 5'5" tall. The ProScout guy asked, "What are you here for?" I said, "My passion is modeling but I am afraid I am too short and am now looking into commercials etc." He said "At 5'5" you are! You are a very beautiful girl but too short for fashion modeling, have you taken any acting classes?" I said, "I took 4 years of theater arts in school." He asked "Nothing after that?" I said "Unfortunately, No." He said, "Come back to me when you do and I will help you, I promise ok?" I said "Thank you." and walked off.
So when they say classes and photos are not required, they LIE! Classes could've at least got me in a commercial. This was a MAJOR waist of a lot of my time!

ui, US
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Feb 27, 2010 12:58 pm EST

All of you ppl praising pro scouts should be ashamed of yourselves. Pro scouts is a Scam! None of the top agencies need pro scouts help with finding them new faces, these REPUTABLE agencies have dedicated business units that search for ppl, its called NEW FACES, for example if you want to model at Ford, as a newbie you start with open calls in their new faces division. Why in the hell do you ppl spend 800 bucks for this crap. Name one person who got in the entertainment industry with Pro scouts? what in the hell. All of you ppl are so stupid, and truthfully if i google something and it has as many scam reports on it as pro scouts then i would not do it. but go ahead and waste your money. You will do better buying yourself a plane ticket to NY to audition, than wasting your time with these jokes. Pro Scouts is a talent agency, they are not legitimate. Why do you need to pay someone 800 bucks to introduce you to agents? you will do better to go on craigslist looking for gigs lol. All of you sick ### get a life and stop trying to scam ppl out of money. On the other end all you hungry tigers or newbies need to do your research because I find it harder to keep blameing pro scouts if you ppl keep going to them. No one deserves to be played but if you dont educate yourself them you will be in for a rude awakening, say goodbye to [protected] bucks in the process.

Katy, US
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Feb 27, 2010 11:09 pm EST

I think most people think it's a scam because they didn't get chossen, and if you didn't get chossen i'm
sorry, and i'm sure it sucks but on there web site you have to keep in mind where it says"proscout is NOT for everyone"
Okay so stop complaning about not getting chossen, and realize that maybe you just wernt good enough for their agencie.
And you can do better next time maybe for the same agencie or maybe for a diffrent one(:

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Mar 05, 2010 12:05 pm EST

There registered with the BBB case closed

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Mar 05, 2010 12:06 pm EST

It's registered with the BBB case closed, I know of no scams under the BBB

Beaman, US
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Mar 09, 2010 11:40 pm EST

I agree with Egomania.. it is NOT a scam.. the fact is, there are too many people going to these events who honestly have no shot at modeling or acting! Of course proscout is going to make money off you in that case, but if you legitimately have raw talent that certain agencies are looking for, you'll have to opportunity to pursue the career!
I went to an invitational in Minneapolis and got 6 callbacks, where I could have signed with 2 of them. I wasn't expecting to get any callbacks at all and I have never received any callbacks from my email submissions, and if it wasn't for proscout, i would have never had the opportunity to be a model for a big time agency.

If you think it's a scam, don't go. Easy as that.. but if you have true potential, proscout is a great opportunity for you to get your foot in the door with some great agencies around the world. If you choose to go.. prepare yourself well, and gain as much insight as possible. Be prepared, but don't complain if you don't get any callbacks, that's life!

p.s. It's not like there are hidden fees or any information they are hiding from you! You know how much it costs, and you know the agencies that are going to be there. It's your choice if you choose to act on it.

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Mar 29, 2010 1:53 am EDT

to scammersbs..ill name you one person in the industry that went through proscout HILIARY RHODA! shes one of the top paid super models in the world! lemme guess stupid right? do your research of the REAL success stories before putting down something that maybe only you have no chance succeeding at!

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Apr 05, 2010 4:39 pm EDT

I just wanted to say that i've recently been invited to go to the invitational. I myself am only 12 yrs. old. I want this more then anything and for all who are saying this is a scam please dont give your opinion out of greidf or disappointment because of you being turned down because looking at this and knowing this is my dream, this is what i want, and coming from a small town opportunities like this don't come offten all youre doing is litterally crushing my dreams. I really want to become an actress. Like really bad and am willing to give that 200% stated above. I want to be one of those sucess stories and am very opptomistic after reading this. I just wanted to say for anyone who is CALLING THIS A SCAM, unless you know of any easier ways of making my dreams come true, stop it, and for everyone saying and sharing their sucess stories thank you, you have no idea how much it means to me hearing them. -a.

ui, US
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Apr 08, 2010 12:25 pm EDT

Um, NO...NO... NO... All of you people who fall for this deserves every thing you get. A broken, heart, Broken dreams and Broke wallets. If you all who say pro scouts is not a scam then by all means, go and get ripped off, but dont go around saying that people calling PS a scam is just mad because they didnt get picked. No, not the case, im just not stupid enough to fall for it, sorry. And for all you kids out their saying that reading these posts are crushing your dream, you seriously dont need to go into the entertainment industry. U r way to sensitive, being a model or an actress means that you are going to be rejected, thats the nature of the biz, not everyone will like the way you look, act, or sing. My goodness, get a grip on reality. If you want to act join a freaking acting theater in you town, its just that simple, u want to model, find a reputable agent, u want to sing audition for talent shows and stop looking for that magic bullet thats going to make all your dreams come true. Work Hard and Hard work is what models, singers and actors are made from not F@*$ing Pro Scouts. I hate to be mean but seriously every one is going to give thier opionion, if you dont like it lock yourself in a box and throw away the damn key. If you think PS is great, good for you, now go and get ripped of like the thousands of other people, if you think it is a scam, great for you, you listen and you are SMART, and most of all you saved money and you can do what i do: look at all these dreamy eyed idiots who got ripped of by PS and shake your heads in simpathy for all of these mis guided and mis informed folks who got screwed all in the name of chasing a dream...

uiooui, US
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Apr 08, 2010 2:05 pm EDT

to bri4251
I will name one thing that you are: LIAR. Come on now, you need to be ashamed of yourself. I would research this so called "super model" but um I have got way more important things to do in my time. Oh, and F.Y.I, anyone can be a model, its not like you have to have a H.S diploma or even remotely educated to be one, Id rather spend my life doing something productive honey, and chasing PS for a modeling opportunity is not one of them, so get a freakin life you loser. lol... bird brains.

New Orleans, US
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Apr 08, 2010 7:49 pm EDT

Wow ScammerBS... you are a total waste of life... you really are pathetic...

first of all I have no intention of ever being a model or trying to be one. But I still understand that being one takes a lot of hard work and dedication. and if one can make it then it can lead to a substantial amount of money... but you can be content with your dead-end 9 to 5 job that you probably hate... (and not anyone can be a model... if you really think that then why dont you become one since the top ones make far more money than i bet you make)

second you must have no life... and are extremely stupid to boot... you say you dont want to "waste your time" checking facts such as the name that Bria gave (in response to your own uninformed comment!) yet you seem to have time to sit here and look like an asinine ### with your imbecile comments. If you dont want to waste your time why did you devote time to find this site, read the comments, and then comment yourself... seems to me like you spent a good bit of time on this to not want to spend a couple of extra minutes to educate yourself...

NOWHERE ON THE PROSCOUT WEBSITE SAYS THIS IS YOUR "MAGIC BULLET" TO FAME! This is not a golden ticket, this is not a "guaranteed" chance to get booked... this is an opportunity plain and simple. It is up to the people that get invited to be talented enough to get chosen by the agents... what you are paying for is the chance to get seen by the agents... why dont you research how much it would cost to do it on your own... go ahead and add up the airfare to go to the agencies, the cost of food and hotels, the cost of headshots to show, and all for the chance to MAYBE get seen by the agents and then to MAYBE get signed with them... it will come out to a hell of a lot more than 800.

Finally, I actually looked up Proscout on the Better Business Bureau website... not only are they accredited but they are rated A+... THE HIGHEST RATING... so why dont you crawl back to the rock you crawled out from and IN YOUR WORDS "I hate to be mean but seriously every one is going to give thier opionion, if you dont like it lock yourself in a box and throw away the damn key."

ui, US
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Apr 09, 2010 12:37 pm EDT

Ok you uneducated 22 idiot I see that i am going to have to drop some knowledge in your pathetic life...

First of all anyone can be a model, seeing as thier are various modeling categories any one person can fit into, commercial print, runway, plus size, ect... its not like you have to have a brain (something that you clearly dont have because you are a loser).

And you even contradict your self you said that “But I still understand that being one takes a lot of hard work and dedication.” If you want to be a model you have to research, ps does all the work for you and they claim all these high profile agencies will be there but in fact its some rincky dink agents that are paid to be in attendance. Real model wannabee’s go directly to the source they chase their dream, and they wouldn’t fall for this pro scout bull. If I wanted to be a model I would be in NYC right now, going to open calls, getting recommendations for good photographers because that Kmart crap pro scouts dish out is just rediculous.

Second hilary got famous from IMG, and an IMG agent would NEVER even remotely associate with pro scouts you ape.

Third why in the hell would I pay ps 800. to see an agent I can see for free? It would cost me 150. Both ways if I just drove… I don’t care if I lived in Potatoe, Iowa, if I wanted to model nothing would keep me from those agents.

Fourth just because ps is registered with the bbb doesn’t mean they are not a scam, millions of companies are registered with the bbb that are scams, that is until the SEC investigates… I can name you hundreds of companies that are fraud/ scams that are registered with the bbb.. So just because you see they are registered that’s ok, right? You are stupid, to boot, did you grow up in cage? Did your parents love you as a kid, probably not...

And no I didn’t spend hours finding this site (google) you ingrate I was showing a friend tht ps is a scam and we were reading the comments and she didn’t do it, she used her money to to to the agents herself and I bet shes going to have a bright future.

So uneducated22, if your not a model reject, or a pro scout reject, since you claim you don’t want to be a model… Y n the hell are you directing you comments to me? You make these pathetic assumptions about my life and you don’t know what I do, just because I disagree with Ps, so my conclusion is that you probably work for them, so since you are in the business of robbing ppl and selling dreams, I can see your animosity aginst me, because I tell the truth, ps is a scam and it is an avenue for lazy ppl… if you want something you got to chase it,

and to the uneducated 22: I would spend my post making assumptions about you and calling you names(cant help this part) but ive got more pressing matters I need to attend to, so y don’t you crawl under that same rock and shove the key in your ###, at least it will take the place you r head usually rest at.

LOL you ps activist make me laugh, you are scoundrels and thieves with no morales and you make a living off of these fake promises, you are less than dog ###, and probably live in the middle of nowhere with your father, whos probably your husband, just do the world a favor: PRODUCE NO OFFSPRINGS AND DIE. Lmao, man this is funny to me

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Apr 11, 2010 3:50 pm EDT

I guess we all are dreamers and should follow our hearts but also protect our children's from getting high expectations at thinking that by going to a huge event they will be discovered as the next Hannah Montana or ...jummm, I thank all of you for sharing your oppinions and pls let me add to them that I was scammed by JRP to pay $2700 for courses that never got my daughter an agent, call back or any future business, a nd believe me, she is talented!
So let me not make another mistake through others fortune, I rather make mistakes and assume direct responsabilities for them!
Won't be going to Orlando and spending +7xx for the weekend event + expenses + my expose my daughter to such a risky situation>

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Apr 12, 2010 1:12 am EDT


you are a real joke and full of BS, your the bird brains and half the people on this board can clearly see your just another closed-minded ignorant person who is a very sore loser.

###ED COMMENT RIGHT HERE 4rm scammerbs
"Second hilary got famous from IMG, and an IMG agent would NEVER even remotely associate with pro scouts you ape."

1st off your a [censored] for knockin me on my facts by saying your not going to waste your time verifying them but you can sit here and talk more unsupported lies! 2nd Hilary Rhoda DID get discovered AT a Proscout event by IMG and yes they were there and yes they are going to be there this year why don't you call them and ask them the # is [protected] =] and since all you do is sit here and talk more ### about people than you do about Proscout then clearly your the one with many psychological problems. You keep saying you have better things to do than research facts and/or press issues but yet you somehow keep finding your way to this board to talk more ### when someone throws facts in your face. Clearly everyone voicing for Proscout are just saying that its a good opportunity that anyone should try at their own decision.

ANOTHER ###ED COMMENT RIGHT HERE 4rm tha infamous scammerbs
"First of all anyone can be a model, seeing as thier are various modeling categories any one person can fit into, commercial print, runway, plus size, ect... its not like you have to have a brain (something that you clearly dont have because you are a loser)."
whats flawed about this comment is that no not everyone can be a model, modeling is a high profile business as is any other real business, a lot of money is involved and a lot of ### are on the line. Modeling is a very picky prestigious business, its not always about your body type, it involves looks as well, not everyone has the look and for the most popular form of modeling (fashion and runway) its almost seldom to come across the right body type for that type of modeling, most the time when they find models they still put them on strict diets to get down nd stay at those impossible sizes they're rockin nowadays! And if you are really someone going into the entertainment industry with no brains (as scammersbs is suggesting that your able to do) then you deserved to be scammed (which is probably what happened to him).

To everyone out there dont listen to sore losers like scammersbs (super close-minded, very ignorant, and quick to slander you with every insult in the book for every fact you throw in his face lol) you should always do your own research of any scouting service (which proscout is) or agency (which Proscout is not) and decided if its the right opportunity for you because it definitely isn't for everyone.. Proscout is not your ticket to stardom they clearly say that their job is to scout talent to showcase to agents, they are putting you on a spotlight to TOP agencies all in one day for one fee, whereas showcasing yourself on your own takes months or more and thousands of dollars (so either way your paying to go see agents). Proscout is not the only route or option to take but it is a good opportunity. There have been many successful discoveries THROUGH Proscout, again do the research to see this. Some major nationally known entertainers that you might already know i.e.Garrett Hedlund, Ian Somerhalder, Hilary Rhoda, Nate Parker..these people and tons more were discovered at a Proscout event and matched with the agencies that helped them become the million dollar making stars they are today, again this is not the only way to get somewhere, some are discovered in malls/random places, at other events, working there way up, good networking, etc and in no way does Proscout say or even hint that they are the only way to go! The fee you pay them is to pay for the hotel where the event is hosted, to fly all the agents there, and employees that host this event and make it as successful and as beneficial to you as possible. If you feel its a waste of money then don't do it plain and simple, there's no need to go slander something you have no knowledge base on, if you think it wasn't worth your money then it wasn't a good option for you but only you make that decision, don't hate on other people that want to pursue a good opportunity no matter the outcome. And someone posted a comment that made all the sense in the world, if you doubt the agents there are from the agency they represent or you believe hickbs when he says the agents aren't legit then CALL THEM AND ASK! duh! i read a few comments where people were claiming to be paid agents just paid to go and not really find talent (FAKE), i had doubts so i copied the list Proscout has on there website of all the agencies attending the event and i called EVERY SINGLE agency and they ALL confirmed that yes they were going to attend the Proscout event that i was inquiring about in orange county. So in my OPINION if Proscout was such a scam they wouldn't have been around this long.

ui, US
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Apr 12, 2010 4:03 pm EDT

Sweety (bri4251) I know you are fragile right now, they say the truth hurts and I know my posts may have hurt you but someone has to tell the truth, and obviously its not you. I know its hard to swallow, I know, I would be upset also if all my bets were on a scam, but one day you will see the light.
First of all hilary did not get discovered at pro scouts, please verify your facts don’t believe everything wiki says honey, and second of all NONE of the top agencies are associated with pro scouts, they do their own hunting. Elite, Ford and so many others also visit small towns to select talent (so you call them or better yet visit their website), so they don’t need pro scouts.
I am so sorry you are passionate about this pro scam stuff, but it’s a hustle honey, one big fat ### hustle, and anyone with their childrens best intrest or their own would do better to go to the agents directly. Pro scouts arent industry professionals. So you can call me names all you want but I don’t see the validity inany thing you say.
bri4251 you should never pay a talent/ model/ acting agent either, you need to watch tyra, and you need to stop all that damn lying… IMG does NOT attend ps events. I mean seriously this is the top modeling agnecy in the world and I highly doubt they spend their time tracking PS every move and attending their sorry D list events to find talent, what a load of crap…
PS is a SCAM, all you are doing is paying for a motivational speech, lol and to see some un nammed agents.
Like I said before ALL of the top agencies have their own ways of scouting, there is way to much competition out their for them to need the likes of pro scouts. And so what they have been around for so long, because technically what they are doing is not illegal, just immoral. Barbizon, orang models and so many others has been around for years as well…
Pro scouts is a SCAM, I am so sorry, again if I am crushing your dreams bri4251, im sorry if the only way you though you might make it is through Pro scouts, im sorry, you need to find another profession.
And yes any one can be a model( a model is a broad term and it can apply to anyone of any body type) you piece of rancid ###, every type of modeling has its criteria, of course if you want to be runway you have to have a certain body type, but even that can be trumped look at Kate Moss 5’6 when average runway models are 5’9 and above(of course there are lmitations to each but nothing is impossible). You can be a fitness model, plus size, senior, tatoo/ body art. So bri4251 stop being so damned close minded, I mean I understand that pro scam has brained washed you and all, but for all of those who are not about to be pimped out of their hard earned money, please we have our dignity. I would rather buy 800.00 worth of lotto tickets at least I know that Im spending money on something worth while.
Fashion is a very broad specturm of creativity and inginuity, all fashion designers do not target tall, skinny young women, but Im sure you wouldn’t know anything about that would you!

And how in the hell is Pro scouts a good opportunity? Its a scam... You loose flat out.
Thier are so many people in the world that were scammed out of thier life savings all in the name of a good opportunity, so you need to research alittle harder and I am not slandering PS, its a scam, I can see if what I was saying was not true, in reality thier is absolutely no need for such a service. Y go through a middle man, go to the source you get a much better result and some very helpful information...

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Apr 12, 2010 8:34 pm EDT

So im definitely laughing my ### off at this dumb ### scammersbs! clearly your dumb ### is incapable of reading.. i didn't say ProScout was the ONLY option to go through nor did I say I was actually going (but of course YOU wouldn't know a damn thing about that because your main aim is to HATE you are a HATER!) i'm not close-minded, your the only one talking all kind of ### HOPING your hurting my feelings, the only feelings your hurting is yours sorry, i definitely don't live my life letting people like you hurt my feelings. AND best believe i dont set my hopes of getting anywhere in life on anyone except myself, i'm too grown for that. I clearly said that what I believe ProScout does is not a scam and i clearly said that is my OPINION, on the other hand your close-minded ### says ProScout IS a scam like you personally know everyone that has been through ProScout or that you've done it yourself, so you heard about ProScout Google it then clicked on the first link read some reviews that it was bullshiit and you made your own assumptions, yea that's great! sounds VERY open-minded to me..Elite, Ford, Wilimenia, IMG, L.A. Models, etc no they don't need ProScout to find talent but it is another door for them to look in, agencies do their own scouting, they go through other ways of scouting (ProScout), they have modeling contests hosted through other vendors (MySpace, DOVE) or people come to them (which i promise you is almost always a costly deal ESPECIALLY if your not anywhere near the major cities where these agencies are based like New York, Miami, L.A., Milan(yes in Paris))..nowhere did I say these agencies wait for or follow ProScout, ProScout helps THEM and makes money by finding THEM talent..that's what they get paid go find TALENT and bring it to these AGENCIES...and you seriously need to do your own research man, I wouldn't just be on here talking ### for no reason like you, I actually did the research for this thing talked to people who have done it and are successful and I called the agencies, call that number I posted on the other comment like seriously, call the other agencies your so hell bent on believing wouldn't attend a ProScout event, its okay if you want to believe that because you have to pay a fee to be seen by 40 legit agencies that its a scam, I understand its a recession and your probably broke as ### working your 9-5 and yea spending $800 on lotto tickets does sound smarter especially when after you spent $800 YOU STILL DIDN'T WIN THE LOTTO!

Again people i'll say one more time (because i'm done trying to be civilized with scammerthacaveman) its important that no matter what you pursue that you do your research so that you don't get scammed, don't just listen to one person when they say its bullshiit, don't read a few bad reviews (that could be people who just didn't make it) and decide its bad, really weigh in on some pros and cons about the decision your making and then make a decision because ultimately its up to you (no one can scam you without your permission), I CLEARLY said there are other routes to go and that ProScout is just another route, now whether you believe its a good one or not is entirely your opinion, but please lets all be adults (except for scammerbs) and not try to ruin it for other people who actually have a shot at something they want.

Anyway that's my last post on this board people, finals is coming up and i want my B.A. lol so ill be too busy, and whatever else scammersbs post slandering anyone on this bored including me just continues to prove my point that hes close-minded (too bad hes not close-mouthed) hahaha, and again remember to go for whatever opportunity presents itself just make sure your knowledgeable about it and hopefully whatever way you pursue your career goals whether through ProScout or Paris GOOD LUCK AND I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST! =]

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Apr 12, 2010 9:04 pm EDT

There is a distinct advantage to meeting several agents at one time
Agents do sometimes (rarely) sign a model just from photos, but they are far more likely to take someone they have met. At ProScout, as Marcus states "If one agent loves you, every other agent knows it. That critical mass is here." In other words, when you get a lot of agents in one room, interesting models start to look even more interesting, and that isn't going to happen over e-mail or at an open call.

ProScout can't make you come to their event
I've heard from people that felt pressured to make a quick decision about their attendance at ProScout. If you're uneasy, walk away. If you aren't sure this is the right event for you, and can't afford to spend a few hundred dollars to find out - don't stress about it.

There are other ways to get discovered
If you are more comfortable visiting agencies at your own pace (and on their open call schedules), it might save you some money. It will definitely take a lot more of your time however, and limit your exposure.

ProScout has a lot of their own expenses
# If you're wondering where the registration money goes, according to Brian Marcus: Each weekend ProScout pays for between 75 and 80 staff, scouts and speakers to fly to the event, and covers their meals and accommodations.
# ProScout, not surprisingly, is also required to pay for the meeting rooms, and has to provide a substantial upfront deposit to secure the space.
# Then there's the cost of sending the advance teams across North America to do the initial screening.
# Of course there are staff salaries, and physical office expenses as well.
# The biggest cost, however, is one Marcus feels most people wouldn't even think about. ProScout advertises its events on radio stations all over the U.S. and Canada (and I can tell you as a former radio announcer, those ads are not cheap).

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Apr 12, 2010 9:05 pm EDT

by the way i posted some facts above posted on a website by an agent that attended proscout ..he gives some pros and cons on ProScout

ui, US
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Apr 15, 2010 12:46 pm EDT

Agents do sometimes (rarely) sign a model just from photos. WTF! that is exactly what modeling agents sign a model for you dumb mutt... Where in the hell do you get your facts from... Oh yeah industry fakes from

You see a model has to have a look that is going to look good on print because once you sign with a real agent a booking agent sends the models comp card (which is a collection of 2 or three PICTURES ) to the clients and based off the models LOOKS on the picture, then they will be selected for a in face or "GO SEE" to see the client directly and model for the client.

Clients pick models on how they look, honey. That is why once you go to a real agent (not pro scouts) the first thing they do is ask for your pics, if you dont have any they take pics of you right there in their office.

and I highly doubt all those D'list agents thier at your ps events are legit so technically thats not true you will have more exposure. Ok real modeling agencies are world wide, if thats not exposure I dont know what is, oh yeah and they have connections with big name designers which are some of their clients so please, if you go to a real agency, you will get tons of exposure.

The biggest cost, however, is one Marcus feels most people wouldn't even think about. ProScout advertises its events on radio stations all over the U.S. and Canada (and I can tell you as a former radio announcer, those ads are not cheap). OH ARE You talking about those fake home aid adds that are flung out over the radio, ha. You guys at PS are money hungry scamming [censored]s, I doubt that you would spend so much on advertising, then agian, that is how you reel the unsuspecting poor public to your scams...

You have no real experience in the fashion or ent biz bri4251
You know bri4251 you are a sad excuse for a human, lol. You know that all the agencies you and I listed have thier own websites and own scouting methods. You know that thier are plenty of scams like ps out in the world today. You should never, ever pay for anykind of services these fakes present in the name of promising ppl will live thier dream.

You talk way toooo much, and for what, a dying cause. Pro scouts is a scam, the Paid agent said so, like many other hard working americans.

You need to stop spreading all this bull ### and learn what it is to be an american. You are uneducated, and very silly. You get all your facts from google searching and wiki pedia, which lets me know that you are way more stupid than you sound.

Get a life, and stop lying all the damn time. You need help, lol and No i do not want to hurt your already tattered feelings, you are a broken person selling broken dreams.

You need to get a job, a real one. I know you are advertising ps, or should i say pro scam, but really you are a little to old to be carrying on the way that you do, so i got some advise for you:

1. Get a life
2. Get a job, a real one, being a ps activist does not count
3. Get a girlfriend or a boyfriend, hell even a cat or dog because you are WAY to LONELY.

But what can you expect from a loser and a reject! My hopes for you are way to high, lol so please just take my advise step by step and you will b ok.

I know that all of the top agencies for acting and modeling have thier own websites that one can easily upload thier pics to, and guess what, for free, no traveling, no motivational speeches or pic selling, for acting the top agiencies wont even look your way unless you have been in the biz and have some talent, they look for you. so

bri4251 get help and stop gathering these so called facts from the internet and do some real research, which requires you to actually go to the source, not reading ps reviews. lmao... You are a joke

Miami Gardens, US
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Apr 15, 2010 5:43 pm EDT

Lol! I'm really wondering are the people who are for proscout working with them just saying the people who are sayig it was so great and why are people mad why some of the comments ya'll make like you are so mad they have their opinion about the company. Be fa real even at the 1st meeting they tell you that you should not have to pay any money to an agency. If that is what their preaching why are they trying to collect 800 for the 2nd interview y not just let the agency know it is talent in a certain city send them there get an interview if your liked proscout should get paid by agency for a finders fee they'll still make money. O well I just say to all who attend go with your first mind 800 bucks the first time them 200 every other time damn don't that ### add up. in my opinion proscot people don't be mad at me for my opinion. LMAO!

Saint Joseph, US
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Apr 27, 2010 7:34 pm EDT

I have been approached by many of these "so-called " agencies and the Pro Scout is the first one that I feel real good about. Believe me I have had my share of being scammed. If it were a money thing why is it that on that first day they clear out over half the room of EAGER people wanting to break into the business. Don't you think that if they wanted only money they would keep more and put them through to the invitational? As far as not being picked at the agent audition I guess it means you just didn't have what they were looking for. People need to pay attention because that is exactly what is explained at the first interview. If everyone was what they were looking for what would become of the business? I believe that they were forthcoming and I am taking my grandaughter to the invitational in Kansas City in June. As far as the cost goes trust me you are saving a TON of money doing it this way.First you have to know all the addresses of agencies, agents, etc, and then you have to have a professional resume done along with either a head shot or zed card and then you have to mail each and every one of them out at $1.38 or more a piece. There is about a .00009 chance that it even makes it across their desk. And you never get in without an appointment! Do what you want, but as for me I think they are the way to go.

Saint Joseph, US
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Apr 27, 2010 7:52 pm EDT

I would like to add more comments. Do some research on Josh Duhamel & Ashton Kutcher just to name a couple. The fact is that they were both discovered at events similar to the one Pro Scout is doing. I am sure there are many many more celebs that had to go through this same thing. Also email or call the agencies that are supposed to be represented and see if it is legit. I have already gotten ahold of Osbrink and received a confirmation. No legitimate talent agent would stand for their company name to be affiliated with a scam. There would be lawsuits out the butt!

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Apr 28, 2010 2:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is for "martinhousetoo" I'm 15 and I'm going to the kansas city invatationals too in june.
I'll see u there I really hope I get signed..!

Orlando, US
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May 02, 2010 1:30 pm EDT

I think proscout can use some work on making people want to come to thier events. They make everything questionable. I went to an event with my son and everything went smoothly. I had doubts in my mind but went with the flow. He got 4 callbacks and we sighned with coast to coast and he has been in 16 tv comercials. Proscout is not a scam.

grand prairie, US
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May 03, 2010 5:32 pm EDT

i just came back from proscout in dallas may 2-3 and im going to paris for my first runway show wednsday. proscout is great im living proof and you can be too so dont listen to people you dont even know you dont even need to listen to me but follow your heart and dreams and if they are telling you to go to proscout then go, really what do you have to loose.

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May 03, 2010 5:44 pm EDT

I just got back from a ProScout invitational in Dallas. I, like others I'm sure, was not sure if I should take my son or not. $8OO is not change to throw around, especially if you aren't sure if it's legit. I went ahead and took my son because I wanted him to know that I would do anything for him if I thought it would make his dreams come true. I honostly did NOT believe that I was doing the right thing. I thought that I was wasting our time and money. I am however, happy to say, that he did get a call back and we will be traveling to CA in the fall so that he can audition for a few pilots. I do believe that ProScout is a legit company but I also think that they could change the way they run their business. I think it is almost cruel and unusual punishment to make us sit in those chairs from 9 to 5 listening to a life draining seminar. They should give you an appx. time to be there to perform your monologue or walk the runway. I hope that my experience helps you with your decision.

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May 14, 2010 10:52 pm EDT

I recently went to a proscout interview in Columbus, OH and I have to say, I was really excited about the possibilities. They were honest and told you within the first minute of the lecture that it costs $800 and that no one is guaranteed anything. They are honest about what they do, they put you infront of the top people, for a fee. They aren't an agency, just a middle man. And I think $800 seems reasonable to be put infront of all those agencies rather than traveling all over the place to TRY and get in to see the agencies. Here you are guaranteed to be right in front of them. But back to my story, and I'm trying to be neutral because I haven't gone yet, but I went the first night and I was really nervous and I was all by myself, I went to the table and talked to the guy and he straight up asked me if I had taken any acting classes or if I was in a play, I said no, because thats the truth, he barely looked at me, and said to come back in 6 months because they are looking for people with experience. I left angry because it says NO EXPERIENCE needed. I wasn't going to walk away and have that be my possible one and only chance. So they were holding interviews the next day and I decided to go back, because in all truth, I have had a lot of experience over the past few years, he just caught me off guard, and I'd never been to one of these things so i didn't know what to expect. He wrote me off so early, I didn't know what to say. But I went back, I went through the interview process and he remembered me, and I told him I came back because I have had experience and because this is what I want to do and I wasn't going to let this chance slip away. He actually was talking and seeming interested in me, he spoke to me for longer than anyone else really, and told me he liked me, he liked my determination, and he that I was pretty cute. So I got invited to the invitational in Chicago. Of course I was thrilled and excited but I do have to note one thing that concerns me. I have had experience acting, not much, but definitely more than most, and enough to qualify. What concerns me is when they interview you and decide whether they think you have a chance, THEY NEVER ASK YOU TO ACT OR READ A MONOLOG! So I'm wondering if they just pass pretty people, or people with good personalities through, knowing they'll pay to try and won't succeed. I'm still going, but that thought, that we aren't even judged on our skills, seems like they are just trying to send anyone who they think will pay to go. But again, they are sending you to see big names and big agencies, but they're sending you with their eyes closed, because they have no idea what we're capable of. I'm a pretty girl, not trying to sound stuck up, but I really hope thats not why I got chosen because I'm serious about this and I can't really afford to take off from my small town and travel to new york and california every other weekend, I don't have the money to seek out people who probably won't even agree to see me. Well thats my little rant, like I said, I'm still going but just ask yourself if its worth it to you, because to me, its an opportunity I just can't pass up.

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May 25, 2010 9:05 pm EDT

I have attended ProScout events 2 times and they have both been fun experiences. The president of ProScout approached me and we immediately hit it off. He is a very nice man and he gave me many tips. The first time I went, I believe I got 7 callbacks. The last time I went (07 I believe) I got 11. My callbacks were from many prestigious agencies including 2 from Elite and 1 from Ford. I would have signed right there but I was just a little too short and I had my braces still. Now that I am 5' 7" and free of braces I am hoping to find another weekend to attend so that I can get back in touch with some of these people. Overall, if you are serious about modeling or acting and you don't mind spending the money then this is a great opportunity.

Tampa, US
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May 27, 2010 3:50 pm EDT


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Jun 12, 2010 1:52 am EDT

Proscout is not a scam the first time I went I had little experience an so I recieved no callbacks. So I went home worked hard an tried again this time a recieved a callback and am now signed to a legit agency an have been working in commercials an photoshoots. :) It's all thanks to Proscout.

York, US
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Jun 12, 2010 8:27 am EDT

Dear Rachelle24,

I tend to agree with several points you make on your comment. I'm just wondering, though, what was the name of the guy that interviewed you? Seems interesting to me that he ignored you the first time and liked you the second.

I did mention in my post a while back (over a hundred days ago) that ProScout (whether they are a scam or not is not the point) seems more geared towards models than actors. I have been getting emails and questions to expand on this information.

I was angry about ProScout's misleading information when we went to the event expecting to see big ACTING agencies, and there were none there. So why waste the young children's energy and time by making them learn and act a monologue, when there's really no one of consequence there to see them? Well... they did tell us that actors should know how to model, and models should know how to act. Good point, but they hardly picked any of the hopeful actors for ACTING. The majority of the callbacks were for MODELING, even for the actors!

We spend a lot of money getting my daughter to this event. Her dream is to become an ACTOR. She got 4 callbacks for modeling instead. We were lucky that the Agency we're with now does both. Her compcards are finally finished and she's finally ready to go. Only time will tell.

Good for you, Rachelle24, for your determination. I wish all of you hopefuls out there the best of success in your future endeavors.

PS: I appreciate the comments that are INFORMATIONAL, whether they are from a s0-called pro-ProScout-ist person or against it. I find comments that are ignorant, personally insulting and demeaning towards any person to be simply a waste of time, energy and space. They contribute nothing to the discussion about ProScout, IMHO.

York, US
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Jun 12, 2010 8:34 am EDT

Oh, and this is just too funny. Some people who post here should REALLY read the lines ABOVE the comment text box:

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LOL. Hilarious! :D

Beaumont, US
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Jun 13, 2010 7:54 pm EDT

I took my son to one of these events. I actually read all this on here before I took him, but my husband said lets try...if it doesnt come out...then it was not meant to be...kind of att. We went, he did GREAT. He got 14 call backs and just signed with an agency. I can say if you are not wanting to move then you need to rethink. Because alot of the LA ones need you there to be able to go to casting. SO make sure you know what you want to do. We signed with a more local agent and they have been great. We are just starting out, but have had 4 auditions and keeping our fingers crossed. Dont think a call back means anything..YOU have to sale yourself..either they buy or dont. Most people wont get ANYTHING from it...but come on...why not try? I mean it will take years after the event before you grow. You have to build you resume just like anyone else. You do NOT go from proscout to superstar status...they are just your stepping stone.

Glendale, US
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Jun 25, 2010 10:04 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Proscout deffinately isn't a scam. Thanks to them I am signed with two different agencies, and living my dream.
It is all based on image. I am 6'0" and thin. There were girls at the invitational who were like 5'5" and trying to get into modeling. Im sorry, but if you're under 5'9" you're chances of getting signed are 1:200.

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Jun 27, 2010 11:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Proscout is not a SCAM but it is not a good way to get discovered! I just attended one recently. You attend the invitational for $800 and have no guarantee of getting a callback or even an interview with any agent. The individuals in the office indicated that plus size models are needed all over the USA and actors. I believed them of course the fact that that's their in industry. To my disappointment I get to the event and NO plus size agencies period. All the modeling agencies were looking for thin, tall women. So why lie and tell me that plus size people are needed when there are no agencies to represent them at the agent. Secondly, I really wanted to be an ACTRESS, the model part was to increase my marketing to agents. The Chamber Stevens guy may be good but he's not Hollywood's IT there are much better out there. After paying OUR money we have to interview to do a monologue AGAIN for him---I feel that every individual who paid should get a chance to display the talent of acting whether or NOT they qualify because according to proscout no experience needed to so why prescreen them? They paid so that's that. Yes, it's nice to get callbacks and all that BUT don't rely on them to sign you. Save your money and TURN in your info wherever you can get it without traveling. And not to forget, once you're there, there are mini workshops for $25 we paid $800, what are we paying for again? Workshops should be free CONSIDERING that the 800 is just to meet agents no food, hotel, just registration. And then they say no callbacks ...well just for the experience. THIS IS PEOPLE'S LIFE. In a hard economy we dont have 800 to throw away to "have fun and meet people" and then come back 3-4 times again for the experience. You may as well get acting classes instead. Overall DON'T do it. I got callbacks so AM not is a big ol' waste of money and time. If I could I would go back and NOT do it. P.S Usually all the kids/people-parents especially are kissing up to the agents and acting all social since Mr Marcus says dont do this or that..quite annoying when you ask me. Parents who are so desperate to hit hollywood and act a fool.

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