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Publishers Clearing House / Complaints 431

2:43 pm EST

Publishers Clearing House / Sweepstakes and Token Prizes

The PCH quote "So Many Ways To Win" is not a credible statement.. There are so many ways to not win. Some PCH emails are somewhat misleading and very over the top. I took on the Publisher's Clearing House challenge to see if people can actually win for real. I started the challenge about a year ago by playing every game, entering every Sweepstakes, taking as many surveys as possible on a daily basis, playing PCH lotto, playing on the PCH app and the PCH+ app as well as other features & sites. I was on PCH every single day! I would play from morning to late at night non stop! Publisher's Clearing House failed miserably on its message.

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1:40 pm EST
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Publishers Clearing House / ^0 Second Word Finder

The 60 Second Word Finder game is not updating all time scores. In the last month I have scored 49,100, 48,300, 47,700,46,400,45,900, and 45,600 points, but never made the list of All Time Winners. THe same list of 10 winners stays the same for a month. The current leader has 41,800 and the lowest has 31,950. When I questioned this all I got was a boiler plate response to wait 15 minutes to update. It never updates. The same winner has been on the top for at least a month and the list of the top ten stays the same

Desired outcome: Fix the software or get rid of the list as the same people are always on top and nobody else has a chance to win anyway.

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12:52 am EST

Publishers Clearing House / Technical and bad customer service!

I started playing your games on PCH over 7 years ago! Most of the same sweepstakes are still there and have never been given away. Your Search "giveth and taketh away" your scratch cards. So you can't even get those cards anymore. I had 20 dollars given to me on your Sweepstakes Wheel (showed the win), then you said I "did not win", it must have been a technical glitch showing me the win! You give the Daily Mystery tokens only 25% of the DAYS. You change the daily at 9:58 -9:59. instead of 10:00 pm MST daily. You pick your gift box giveaway anytime between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM EST daily, when it is supposed to be picked at one set time. Your VIP start of the days on each given game is sporadic. You get awarded them only about 80% of the time. Your "Instant Win" , as well as your "Scratch" does not award your tokens when played, unless you reload EACH game played at least three times, so stopped playing these two totally! There is one thing consistent though! Each time I call you to retrieve my "EARNED" tokens, I have to fight for them (threatening to turn you in for fraud) with your representatives and supervisors. You tell me to delete cookies, cache, and history, turn my computer off and on, change my browser, or it is my computer. I have done ALL of these, and even have 3 different computers at 3 different locations and internet providers. I turned a friend onto your games, which she will not play anymore, and you say and do the same to her at a different name, e-mail, and residence, with a completely different computer and internet provider; along with a different browser. We can't ALL be wrong but you! I get other countries, but can not even reach an American, and I wish they would learn our language! One more consistency is us listening to your ads, sometimes even in Chinese, without fail. Or we can't even play your games. We do our part, do yours! And remember FRAUD IS FRAUD! No matter what country you are in!

Actually draw your prizes and award your tokens and money! Software should be corrected always. I have even caught mistakes on your Quiz facts (I am a teacher with many degrees)! Take accountability for your actions! NO MORE EXCUSES! An excuse is a feeble attempt to cover your mistakes! Have consistency in times! Our computers are all UNIVERSALLY TIME SET! Set yours! And remember "CUSTOMER SERVICE" should mean SERVICE GIVEN TO THE CUSTOMER! Don't treat us like criminals wanting "TOKENS"! They are not real money, only chances to win a prize that is NEVER GIVEN! We would not wast our times arguing with you for a mere chance to enter these fictitious sweepstakes!

Desired outcome: As stated above! You would not even allow me to put the last paragraph in this box!

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12:24 pm EST

Publishers Clearing House / Cash prizes

I never get any money from pch no matter how many times I play or go on the app. I feel like only people who have house and live in nice place get cash prizes. From pch not people who actually need the money. I even feel like i'm not going to win no matter what. Plus, I feel like I was supposed to win the 5,000$ for life but was cheated out of it, and they gave it to someone who lived in a nice house already. Like that's not fair at all plus I got a letter that I was in second place from winning but of course only people with nice houses and nice places can get the cash prize.

Desired outcome: i would like to get the cash prize that i was supposed to win a long time ago instead of being ignored because i don't live somewhere better. please and thank you.

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3:33 pm EST
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Publishers Clearing House / I won $5000 playing The Sugar Wheels Game on PCH,com

I was playing the Sugar Wheels Game on on February 13th around 3:05 p.m.. The wheel landed on $5000 Cash. Instead of awarding me the money, I was given 500 Tokens. I called and informed the Agent, his response was that it was not in the System and showed the 500 Tokens only. I have been playing every platform that PCH offers including the APPS for years. I play all day, every day. I have never lied about winning anything. I am not lying about this.

Desired outcome: I would like PCH to award me the $5000 I won playing their game.

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11:12 am EST

Publishers Clearing House / Harassment of Non-Stop calling for Bill payments

I have told the PCH collectors to stop calling me at the end of each month for trying to get me to pay on my account bill. I only will pay at the beginning of each month when I have the money to pay on my bill. I only have 4 more payments to go. At the end of the month, I don't have any money in the bank to pay my bill. These people/collectors just don't care. Plus, they are sending me make a payment bill to my home address. I do not trust sending anything by mail, because their envelopes are not secured, they are see through envelopes. I only pay my bills online. I want to file harassment charges against these collectors.

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7:56 pm EST
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Publishers Clearing House / Your games are not all working. Technical related issues message

What is making your slots game just keep spinning forever? This just started during this last week. Also your card games... Don't add to the points after finish some of the games and then get they are having technical issues. I have been playing these games for a long time without problems, and now this.
I play TRI peaks rush all the time. Now I finish the game, no points are added to my score, doesn't show I finished the game and I get the message "we are having technical problems"
Same with Klondike Solitaire.
When playing slots, the main game, it just keeps spinning and doesn't stop. This has become a real problem during the last two weeks. All the other things I do are working fine. You can look up my history.

Desired outcome: Somebody has to be addressing the complaints about the card games that are not working when they are not working. I cannot believe I am the only one experiencing that. You finish

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10:10 am EST

Publishers Clearing House / I won the scratch off clover 🍀 game for $20,000

I recently won the Clover scratch off game at As soon as I hit the last clover it needed, it redirected me to another site as soon as I recognize that last Clover. When it redirected me to some other site immediately after I won, I was unable to go back to the original page and it was never found again. I just got off the phone with customer service and this lady was one of the rudest agents I've ever spoken to and she says they can do nothing for me and was yawning halfway through her unhelpful sentences every time. Like I know you can care less but be professional about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one that this has happened to but I am furious after all this time and energy I put into this site.

Desired outcome: I would like the money I won and some type of thorough investigation with their tech team and a professional tech team to get to the bottom of this.

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3:13 pm EST

Publishers Clearing House / Service problem..

Service problem. Technical problems that ends with me getting 100 tokens and my reloading sometimes 4 times. When there is a drawing some of the games will not load. For two days now they will not load. Do not tell me that it"s cache. This happens to me every time when a drawing is close. If there is tech problems I should not be penalized tokens with only 100 tokens. I have complained about this very thing several times

Desired outcome: Stop playing your games. Service should NOT be tampered with at any time

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9:01 am EST
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Publishers Clearing House / 3000 and $5000 match games

I have on many occasions experienced “we are having technical difficulties“ any time that I seem to win cash money. When I win points tokens, I receive them with no problem. I do not have the dates I do not have the game numbers and I do not have the game names, all I do have is the experience of receiving the technical difficulty message anytime I seem to win money

Are used to play these games regularly now I play them on occasion intermittently

Desired outcome: When the match games say that, I win cash I should receive that cash as easy and as often as I receive tokens when I win tokens

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Jan 18, 2023 10:19 am EST

Same thing happened to me. I was playing the scratch off clover game and as soon as I reveled the last clover it redirected me to another page and i couldn't get back to that page ever again.

The agent I talked to was a complete JOKE and couldn't care less

2:37 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Publishers Clearing House / Wrong order.

I did not make an order for [protected] for a blanket. What I did order was a furniture lift and 4 rollers. Can you make the change? Please contact me. My e-mail address is [protected]

Desired outcome: My e-mail address is [protected] The product I ordered was "heavy Duty Transporter set and I sent a paper saying it was 50% off. Please correct the order and send the correct one. It was ordered on 12/13/2022.

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9:38 am EST

Publishers Clearing House / PCH is stealing your money from shipping charges

If you order from PCH, they charge you high shipping charges. You use your money to pay shipping charges but you can not send it as a gift to family or relatives or anyone other than yourself.

They don't even have the decency to wish you Merry Christmas during the season.

Peoples shipping money should be their choice as to where the order should be sent.

I am personally starting a mass emailing campaign informing people of how PCH is stealing the public's money and allowing the customer no choice as to where the order is sent.

Contact me at [protected] and I will send you their ignorant reply as to why a customer has no choice as to where a item purchased will be sent. I will be mass emailing their ignorant response across the USA.

Merry Christmas. I believe in Jesus Christ. PCH does not.

Desired outcome: PCH is a criminal

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Update by spacemanc
Dec 13, 2022 9:41 am EST

PCH is stealing shipping money that you pay and not allowing you a choice as to where the item is sent.

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Chad Marciano
Mar 04, 2023 5:26 pm EST

No actually they do not You can change your address at any time and if there's ever a problem as long as you have your PCH account number identification number To the account you can call them at any given time even if you don't have this account number you can obtain it through your Gmail when you make the phone Call PCH is a Legitimate site If your package were sent somewhere else or you feel this message was an error you might have Not entered something correctly

4:08 pm EST

Publishers Clearing House / Cashier's check

I received a call about 3.5 million dollars that I won but had to load 500 to a American express card first in order for it to be delivered to me. Is this a scam? Also they said that a new 2022 Mercedes was included with the prize winnings. They told me that it was a timely matter and that I get back with them asap or the winnings would go to the next person in line. This was a week ago and they are still calling and emailing me.

Desired outcome: I would like to know if this is real because it is very much needed as we are on the verge of being evicted and I am pregnant and due in 3 months with no transportation or finances to get around or to move.

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Chad Marciano
Mar 04, 2023 5:24 pm EST

Yes it is a scam Anything over $2000 they deliver in person and that's not their account that they used to write out a check

4:23 pm EDT

Publishers Clearing House / The treatment as a customer as well as a advid player

Well let me start by saying that this treatment has been active for many many years yet I tried to hang in there giving it my all and all for fourteen years. Being dedicated means nothing apparently. Over the years I have won MANY MANY Cars, cash prizes, etc. Never EVER receiving any thing in the end. I am harassed daily by your own Andy. While playing in the tournament my score gets changed While I'm playing in the tournament. I get harassing phone calls through out the day. I get x-rated pictures of naked girls on my phone as well as my husband's phone. I play Pcht only to have the chests taken away from me. I have decided that I must walk away never being rewarded for my hard work and what truly belongs to me. Sadly treated Barbara Scroggins 10/24/2022

Desired outcome: Pay me what I've won!

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8:36 pm EDT

Publishers Clearing House / Smart Bracelet

UPS tracking #[protected] 27

Rec’d 9/30/2022. I never ordered this watch and do not want it nor do I want to pay postage to return it to you. Please help me straighten this out. The balance on my account is for this bracelet. This was an internet purchase sometime in September 2022. I repeat I did not order this item and I have no intention of paying for it. If this is not resolved in my best interest I will never do business with PCH again.

Signed: Ellen Meli

7150 Tampa Ave

Reseda, CA 91335

Desired outcome: PCH should pay postage for the return of this item and my balance on my account should be removed.

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8:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Publishers Clearing House / 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I have stopped ordering products from PCH because I have to pay postage to return the product. Other vendors I order from provide a free postage paid label for returning products. Why doesn't PCH do this?

Sometime my postage for returning packages are more than 50% of the purchase price. I have ordered product to discover they were cheaply made or not as advertised. I shouldn't have to pay postage for returning products that I am not satisfied with. I am no 100% satisfied.

BIll Monlux



Desired outcome: provide pre-paid postage label for products if I need to return them.

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12:35 pm EDT
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Publishers Clearing House / Received items i didn't order or want

I received a package addressed to me from PCH that had items I did not order. I am not paying for items that I didn't order that PCH took upon themselves to send and bill me. I don't think I should have to pay anything on items including to have them returned. If it is a free gift there shouldn't be any bill owed for it and should be informed of it being a 'free gift'. I don't want what they sent and am sending it back

Desired outcome: I'd like to know if I'm being charged or not and how to return it if charged for it

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8:59 pm EDT
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Publishers Clearing House / I received an order Confirmation when I did not place an order

Today, September 14, 2022 I received an order confirmation and invoice for an order I did not place. I do not want this item, I do not want the hassle of needing to return the item if it does indeed ship and the PCH system makes it impossible to cancel an order. This is all a big hassle. I see others have made the same complaint and it makes me distrustful of Publishers Clearing House. I have attached the email I received with the order number [protected].

Desired outcome: Cancel the Order and the Invoice

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Update by EAlexander
Sep 15, 2022 10:46 am EDT

I just received an email this morning that the order has been cancelled, so this complaint has been resolved.

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9:01 pm EDT

Publishers Clearing House / Not receiving credit for payments

I have received, not received a variety of products from PCH. I have paid and have received no recognition for payment. It has gotten out of hand and you are currently telling me I owe you over$600. I have had some computer issues having currently changed to a different computer. I have even got a late payment on my purchase before I received it.Please reg since 986. You should treat your customers better.move my name from your mailing list. I am currently dealing with my bank to have all my cancelled checks as proof of payment. I resent having to pay more for this proof. It would have been nice if you had not made the error in the first place! I have been purchasing from PCH since 1986.

Desired outcome: Straighten the financing out. Thank you Karen

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9:05 pm EDT

Publishers Clearing House / Netspend


Desired outcome: I want PCH to stop letting people steal out of other people's account I want PCH to quit allowing companies to scam on their game site and I also want my money back PCH you should be so ashamed of yourselves.

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Frank Mosss
Nov 29, 2022 1:21 am EST

Please contact-[protected]

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About Publishers Clearing House /

Screenshot Publishers Clearing House /
Publishers Clearing House ( is a direct marketing company that offers a variety of merchandise and magazine subscriptions. It is widely known for its sweepstakes and prize-based games. Customers can enter to win cash prizes through various online games, contests, and lotteries. also provides a range of shopping options on its platform.
How to file a complaint about Publishers Clearing House /

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint against Publishers Clearing House / on

1. Log in or Create an Account:
- If you have an account, log in to your account. If not, create a new account on the website.

2. Navigating to the Complaint Form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the Title:
- Summarize the main issue with Publishers Clearing House / in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the Experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with the company.
- Mention key areas of concern.
- Include relevant information about any transactions with the company.
- Explain the nature of the issue.
- Describe steps taken to resolve the issue and the company's response.
- Share the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching Supporting Documents:
- Attach any additional supporting documents that can strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling Optional Fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses.
- Utilize the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review Before Submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission Process:
- Submit your complaint by clicking the 'Submit' button.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure you follow these steps to effectively file a complaint against Publishers Clearing House / on

Overview of Publishers Clearing House / complaint handling

Publishers Clearing House / reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Feb 21, 2007. The latest review Public Cleaning House $50,000,0000.00 was posted on Jul 10, 2024. The latest complaint Being blocked was resolved on Mar 09, 2022. Publishers Clearing House / has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 441 reviews. Publishers Clearing House / has resolved 90 complaints.
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    Sep 15, 2024
Publishers Clearing House / Category
Publishers Clearing House / is ranked 19 among 198 companies in the Magazines and Newspapers category

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