I noticed today a payment posted to my acct in the amount of $49. 95. I did not authorized any debit to my acct in that amount. The only way possible anyone may have gotten my banking information is that i did apply for some payday loans online, i am currently paying a loan back in increments of $60 per payday.
I called the company and got a recording "thank you for calling membership services. Our hours of opperation are monday through thursday 9am - 5pm pacific standard time monday through thursday, and 9am - 3:30pm on fridays. If you are calling after business hours, please hang up and call back during normal business hours. " then a brief pause, "please leave a message, and a representative will call you back during business hours. "
Legit companies always identify themselves as the company name, not "membership services. " i reached this online and found many others have had the same complaint.
I recently went to my bank and discovered PVC computer club -which I do not belong to-has been electronicly withdrawing money out of my account twice a month. My failure to keep track of my statements prevents me from knowing just how long they were doing it. My bank will only go back two months. How can I get my money back? I am on disability and can not afford to take this loss like wealthier people. I am on the verge of being evicted because of this.
Phyllis J. Sacks
I reviewed my account and PVC COMPUTER CLUB did a
illegal transaction of $49.95. Who are they and why are they not stopped?
they charged my two times-44.00 and 45?-i never use any produckt.
I have experienced the same thing as the person above. I to am a victim of this company withdrawing funds from my checking account without my permission.
I have spoken with one of their representatives and was assured that the funds would be refunded back into my checking account and as of this date nothing has been done.
I've never heard of this company and I want to know who they really are and what right do they have to take from innocent people?
Kami did apply for our service while applying for the loan she mentions. We are a bonus credit offer that they may join as a free trial. After she accepted the offer we sent her emails regarding the sign up which included her log in info and debit dates for the membership. also included was our CS telephone number for her to call us with questions or to cancel, which she never did. She had left a voicemail for us to call her which we did return her call and she was canceled and a refund was sent to her.
She is correct regarding our message when you call us after hours. We state "member services" because we have three memberships in total that people can join under the umbrella company of PVC, Inc. It's obvious she knew who we were when she mae this complaint which was before she spoke to us. Our corporate name and what membership they joined is on every transaction along with our telephone number
We I have two tranactions that took place in March 2009 and I emailed and called with no luck at ever getting my monies back into my account which is now in the negative because of this transactions.
But my question is how did they get my account info if I didn't give it to them myself...any advice on how to get my money back and if there is a class action lawsuit I would like to join it.
Jen. I am not sure why you had trouble getting a hold of us. Our hours are 9-5 monday - friday PST [protected] if you issue was never resolved.
I am just curious how My Computer Club knows that these complaints are out there? Do they get a notification? It seems as if they are "johnny on the spot" to respond to ALL of the online complaints I have come accross thus far...Not real sure of what to think of that. They must be paying someone to search for any complaints in order to stay very reactive and improve their service OR they are expecting the complaints because they are up to no good and/or trying to save face.
I was considering looking at this company for my computer needs but just not very confident of whether or not to trust them. I do not have the best credit but I am trying to change that. Therefore, I do not need to worry about a company scamming me while I am trying to improve my credit.
Hahaha. We are registered with this site as well as the BBB in order to assist members looking for answers or to resolve complaints. We are a membership program and our reputation is important to us. We care about our business and our members. We receive notification from here when a comment or complaint is posted. Listen, I can't make anyone trust our business but I hope that a possible member will do their due dilligence to reseach our services. I would recommend looking up My Computer Club on the BBB.org website. You will see that we have an A rating and do everything we can to resolve any issue. I have not come across a business yet that hasn't received some sort of complaint, whether it was warranted or not. If we didn't care about this or if we were not a good credible business we wouldn't respond to any of these complaints because it wouldn't matter to us. If you would like to speak to a representative you may call us at [protected] 9am-5pm PST for questions.
Corey Gautereaux
I have the same problem with unauthorized debits from my account. I don't even remember signing up for any computer club at all. how can I get my money deposited back into my account?
My name is Manal Safi, I have an unauthorized debit from my checking account from the above business name. I did not authorize this charge for 44.50 and cannot reach the number listed to speak to anyone about this I do not know what kind of company this is. It has cause my account to be overdrawn and bank fees of $29.00.
Took your advice Corey - BBB gives you an F. I don't think I'l be doing business with the likes of YOUR company.
Intersteing. I just searched our company on BBB.org under My Computer Club and our eClubUSA company and both are at least B. As you can see below from this copy and paste our MyComputerClub.com is a B+. I am curious as to what you searched to come up with that rating as we have never had an F rating in the 14 years we have been in business Perhaps you looked up the incorrect business?
BBB Business Review Reliability Report for
My Computer Club
Rating: B+
BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is stated in this report.
BBB Accreditation
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This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.
BBB Rating
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Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of B+ on a scale from A+ to F.
Click here for an explanation of BBB Ratings.
Business Contact & Profile
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Business Name: My Computer Club
Business Address: 2535 Kettner Blvd #2A2
San Diego, CA 92101
See the location on a Mapquest Map
See the location on a Google Map
Original Business Start Date: 7/1/2001
Type of Entity: Corporation
Principal: Robert Gautereaux, President
Number of Employees: 1
Phone Number: [protected]
Fax Number: [protected]
Email Address: robg@eclubusa.com
BBB Accreditation: This business is not a BBB Accredited Business
Type of Business: COMPUTERS - RENT & LEASE
Website Address:
While in the process of researching My Computer Club as a possible source for a new computer, I have completed reading through the hundreds of complaints regarding this company and was remaining objective toward the company as many people do make simple mistakes by not reviewing any service that they sign up for, and assuring that all the "attachments" blocks that are automatically checked by the web-site are subsequently "unchecked" by the user. It is also apparent that several complainants failed to read the "fine print" which states that there will be two consecutive monthly payments of $44.50 deducted from the member account, and again annually unless canceled by the member, which is pretty standard with both internet and traditional services and businesses.
The thing that affected my ultimate decision to have no business dealings with this company was obviously not their somewhat questionable, though all too common internet and billing procedures; rather it is the extremely unprofessional, dishonest, poorly written and even contemptuous manner in which an officer of this company responds in this media. Honestly, my high school aged child could respond in a more caring, empathetic and professional manner!
Based on the information provided by Corey Gautereaux who identifies himself as a manager, and who clearly is closely related to Robert Gautereaux identified as the company President, this company only has one employee. Clearly that single employee is not capable of handling the multitude of tasks that are involved with "excellent customer service" that is expected of a supposed "A" rating. Herein lies the dishonesty. If you use the handy BBB link at the bottom of the My Computer Club web page, you are taken to a basic BBB page you will be taken to the BBB page confirming BBB On Line Participation and BBB Accreditation for My Computer Club. Then click on "BBB Report on Business" and you will see the current "BBB Reliability Report for Mycomputerclub.com" with a BBB rating of "F". This not an "A" as in Corey's earliest citation, nor is it a "B+" as in Corey's follow-up in which he states that the contents were a "Copy & Paste" from an unidentified source, clearly not the BBB.org. You can also copy & paste this url into your browser http://www.vegasbbb.org/bbb_rated_acc_rpt.asp?bbbid=61104&tr=rated&lg=F&ex=11%2C26 if you don't want to go through the My Computer Club web page. The result is the same either way, and indicates gross dishonesty on the part of this company.
When I say contemptuous, I refer to Corey's opening remark in responding to a complaint or comment with "Hahaha." That single remark probably does more damage to the company's reputation and credibility than any other of the numerous unprofessional statements that Corey Gautereaux has published here at www.complaintsboard.com, and probably other similar web pages as well.
When I refer to "Unprofessional" there are so many examples of the poor attitude and sarcasm within Corey's responses that are simply too numerous to cite here. "poorly Written" quite simply refers to the inability or lack of caring in failing to use the "spell checker" provided right here!
This is exactly why I will never do business with My Computer Club, or any other company such as this; and I would hope that others exercise their freedom of choice and avoid this company at ALL costs!
Stevie Thunder I truly could not of said it better myself. This is a total scam.
It is okay if you do not like the way I respond to these complaints and I never claimed to be an english major. The purpose of my responses are to make sure that the people who do read them get the information they need to contact us or to give "our side of the story". These websites are NOT created to give an equal forum to resolve issues between companies and consumers, rather they are set up to assist consumers with damaging the reputation of a business. It doesn't matter if the information provided is true or not, the damage is done and cannot be undone.
For clarification on our rating with the BBB. The link that was provided was from the Las Vegas BBB. Our business moved from Las Vegas in 2002 and should not actually be on that site. I contacted the Las Vegas BBB this morning and they did not know we had moved and since we are not licensed there our rating is automatically an "F" even with only one complaint. They will be removing us from their site shortly. Our true and accurate rating is from the San Diego BBB where we are located.
There is not one statement that I have made on this site that has been dishonest as stated, however I can understand why he thought I was lying based on the link that he posted.
As for the number of employess, we do not just have one. I am not sure why they do not list this information accurately, but we do have over 30 currently.
The responses I make on this site are from me and not from my company. No one has told me to respond. I do it because I get frustrated that people choose to make a complaint rather than calling the company they are complaining about for assistance. Almost all the complaints regarding charges were prior to the complainant calling our customer service, even though our telephone number is listed on the charge itself. Yet, even if we resolve the issue for them and they are happy, we cannot remove that complaint. So yes. many of my responses may be out of frustration, but it is only because i do belive in this company and the service it provides to it's members.
I am not a lawyer Corey but putting a person's personal business on a form while an officer of that business doesn't sound very legit. I am talking about confirming an acct with the user named Kami. When I worked for a corporation I always remember then saying customer privacy is a must, we cannot discuses other customer issues or accounts with anyone other than the customer if we do we would have been in some sort of privacy breach? It seems to me that you Corey might not be the best person to respond to people on this forum as user StevieThunder points out you do have the same last name as the "President" of the company...I can understand the frustration one can have with complaints but you tend to need to take things from a less personal prospective.
Sounds like a fake. Where can I get real help to boost my credit and get a computer?
The BBB does give the company an A-, however it is not accredited according to the BBB website, yet mycomputerclub.com claims that is. Please explain...
Thank you for pointing this out to us. We researched some of our old marketing sites and found where this discrepency is and are removing it. In the state of California the BBB reports for all businesses, gives ratings, etc. whether they are accredited or not. We respond to any complaint just the same as if we were accredited. The site you were on I believe was MyCompClub.com. If you look on MyComputerClub.com you will see we do not display any BBB logos or links.
Sorry I mispelled your name.
I have been a member of PVC for three years and have purchased an HD TV and have gone on a vacation to London and had amazingly awesome experiences with both. I have recommended the service to others and they too have had no issue. The only thing I wish was different was I wish their computer selection was a little more cutting edge. Most of the PCs seem to lag behind about 6-9 months but I got my parents one for Christmas and it was jsut fine. You people are just [censor]ing for the sake of [censor]ing.
I am not a member of this company but my checking account was charged for something that i didn't buy. The 1st charge was made Nov. 3 2010 $45.00 and Nov. 17 2010 $44.00. I tried calling the customer service but because of my location(GUAM) the operator said that i cannot make the call. I never ordered anything from this company and i don't have any idea why i am charged. I never heard of this company not until i was charged of these amount. I went to my bank and they said that i need to talk to my computer club. I just want my money back. Can anyone from this company explain this. I would reall appreciate it.
- Flerica Mae Libut
I was looking to buy a computer from my computer club and when I went to register it said the sites security certificate has expired and cannot say if the site has been compromised or that your not communicating with an attacker. Clearly if it was a legitimate business their security certificate would be up to date, while I am looking for a computer for my school my credit is bad, I am not trying to get scammed or ripped off considering I am a single parent with kids to care for what a scam
I am not sure why you had an issue with the order page, but our security is up to date and always is. It may be a browser issue if you use Firefox or something other than Internet Explore. Did you contact us here to tell us about the issue so we could investigate it for you? I do not recall hearing about this is why I ask and i am usually informed by my staff.
After seeing this, I'm glad I took the time to do some research on this company before entering my credit card information. I'm honestly surprised these guys have been in business for that long. This Corey guy is an idiot. All these responses he made were so unprofessional that it was laughable. This Corey person really needs to learn how to run a company, hands down.
I am pretty dumbfounded by the lack of professionalism. I was in the process of filling out my information. Glad I didn't finish. Corey, I highly recommend you find someone else to address customer concerns. Also, go check out a marketing class at your local tech school. You'll learn a lot and have some fun. Already gone to one? Study more, party less. Thanks everyone, y'all seem like you didn't read your fine print (I am the weirdo that does) and the company appears to be run by defensive, information-sharing, diploma lacking monkeys, (it's 1:30am, monkeys is the best I got right now)