I received a piece of mail in regards to a Mass Joinder lawsuit. When I called in to see what was going on I reached a company called Quantum Law Firm. After speaking with a representative by the name of Sandy about their "amazing" Masss Joinder offer and something else they called Pre-Litigation I did a little research on their law firm and their suit.
What I ended up finding out in the process was that if you receive a mailer for a Mass Joinder case against your lender, or if you have been solicited in any way about Mass Joinder suit versus your lender that you are supposed to contact the California Bar Association. They have indicated, "We are interested in anyone who has been solicited to join the mass joinder cases. Even better, would be people who actually paid money to these organizations." - California Bar Association
They also provide a Quantum Law Firm Complaint Hotline: [protected] or [protected] (outside California)
The Department of Real Estate has also released a warning in regards to the matter which can be seen by cutting and pasting the following address into your internet browser.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Thank you for the information. I received one of these suspicious solicitations for a Mass Joinder Lawsuit. You have given excellent info which confirms my doubts. Thank you.
Well looky looky -the government did it for free:
Gov't orders 14 lenders to reimburse homeowners
Looks like Quantum Law Firm and Sandy's $5, 000 a pop theft-ride is over! WOOHOO!
This leaves them with what they call "Pre-Litigation" which according to the DRE and Cal Bar is just a fancy name for non-compliant SB-94 loan mods.
Cut and paste this link into your browser to see how the government did it for free: