I know that most complaints are against businesses for customer service...but this one is against a company for being a toxic company to work for!
Anti-employee geared HR dept, unprofessional "management", toxic work environment, abuse and harassment from "managers", trainers that have absolutely NO skills in training employees, absolutely NO training documentation or videos of any kind, hard verbal pushing and shoving from "management", and they expect you to learn 1-2 YEARS worth of information in LESS than 3 months!
Their so-called "healthcare benefits" are laughable at best...some of THE WORST "benefits" I've ever seen from any large company!
How this company hasn't imploded in on itself by now is beyond me. I hazard a guess this is one of those companies held together with "duct tape and paperclips".
Absolutely HORRIBLE in every aspect!
This company buys up other companies or parts of companies with absolutely no integration process of any kind! They "keep" a few employees on, only because it's part of their contract. But when the deal is finalized a few months later, they find ways of getting rid of those employees!
Don't know why R1 buys these companies if they plan on ruining them. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!
There is no integration process, there is no organization of any kind, there are no professional managers involved, it's all employees made manager that have absolutely no management training of any kind, and have absolutely NO CLUE what the hell they are doing! It's a huge F-fest of lunacy! They will fire the highest producing employees to keep the lowest producing ones! Tell me that isn't a huge red flag of how corrupt and unethical they are!
Training is a sick joke! They have people training employees that have no business training anybody, as they aren't professional trainers at all! Like management, they have absolutely no clue what the hell they are doing!
The pay is lousy. Payscale says they are paying me $10.00 an hour UNDER the normal rates for someone with my skill set!
And the company doesn't care about anything except their numbers! They expect you to work with failing equipment and no resources, and pump out ridiculous quotas everyday!
This is an extremely toxic company, with an extremely vengeful and hateful HR department, and management that has absolutely no clue about anything!
If you want to avoid health problems arising from stress, anxiety, depression, and the outright hatred and neglect the company shows employees, DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY!
Yeah, this place is hell on earth! They overwork you, underpay you, ignore your problems and then blame you for them happening. Evil, mean, hateful, prejudiced, and employee hating managers and supervisors they call "People Leaders". HA! More like "People Punishers"! Doesn't matter what you do, how you do it, or do it right the first time, they criticize, belittle, harass, and torment you for it! Mental abuse, mental harassment, mental torture is a daily routine with supervisors and management in this company! Pretty much all the people in my department end their work day going home in tears. I'm really shocked we aren't all alcoholic drug addicts by now. Now that I think about it, being in hell would be a nice, quiet holiday compared to working in this evil and toxic company! All they care about it their paychecks, and they don't care who they have to stomp on, crush, or destroy to get them! Evil incarnate!
I have observed / witnessed absolutely deplorable working conditions and expectations of staff and management at local sites. There is absolutely NO CONCERN for employees well being and work load expectations are at best ridiculous. No support from central management and the pay scale does not promote/ enable hiring even entry level staff. There is complete lack of professionalism from company executives and central management.
Stay away from working for this unethical company