We recently purchased a blue mitted ragdoll kitten from this breeder. We wanted to take the "economical" route, so we found this guy who was much cheaper than the other breeders in the area. That should've been our first clue that this wasn't going to end well.
We picked the kitten up (way too early if you ask the other breeders) at his home and did not see even one other cat. We noticed the kitten was coughing and sneezing on the way home. I immediately contacted the breeder via email and he wrote back a note saying "he wasn't coughing here."
I was annoyed. We picked the kitten up on New Years Eve and couldn't get the poor little guy to the vet until after the holiday and he was quite sick by then. It ended up costing us an arm and a leg to get him well enough that we weren't worried he would die. He had a respiratory infection, worms and an eye infection.
You would think the breeder, who is supposed to be an animal lover, would've called to check in on him to make sure he was ok, right? Um no. I never heard from him again until we had to make numerous attempts to contact him for the initial shot records.
DO NOT USE THIS BREEDER. It saves you money initially, but it's far too risky to choose a breeder who obviously does not care about the animals he's selling.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I don't know if something has changed, but I purchased a kitten from this breeder twice, once 9 years and once 10 years ago and had no problems. When I picked up my kittens, there were several cats visible on the premises as well as other kittens. I hope your cat is now healthy and happy and I'm sorry you had to go through that when you first brought your kitten home. As far as economics go, I believe that his prices were similar all those years ago to what they are now, so I think he simply has not raised his prices. Personally, I believe the prices I see on the internet from some Ragdoll breeders are outrageous (the Love Ragdolls collective in particular). I am considering getting another kitten from this breeder, but your experience worries me.
I purchased a female tortie kitten from Gary in October 2010 after losing a kitten because by the time I made up my mind someone else had put down a deposit. So the thing about kittens going fast was true when I was looking. But one day I was just browsing and there was a tortie I liked. I called and put a deposit immediately. I had already done the research, finding several unscrupulous breeders who 1) one who sold kittens carrying a genetic heart trait who said it might not ever develop; 3) one who required the buyer to feed the kitten the food she was a distributor of or the health guarantee didn't hold; 4) one who told me that she kept the kittens until they were old enough to be neutered or spayed so that she could be absolutely sure no one would breed it and so she could control her genetic line; two others who had been shut down for sick cats and re opened under new names in different states. I actually was figuring that the whole cat breeding business is monkey business. Anyway, my 9 month kitty is now big and fluffy and beautiful and playful and loving to all my other pets and people in the house. I wanted a little kitten, because I have always raised my own kittens not leaving socialization to someone else. She has never so much as sneezed. I can't deny your experience, but I can't say it is the norm either. I think everyone should ask for multiple pictures of their kitten. I did and Gary emailed them to me. But, that is still not a health guarantee. But I think if you are open to him, Gary is open back. I hope all works out with your kitten.
I have 2 beautiful, very very healthy, active, very playful, loving ragdoll cats from Ragmeister Ragdolls. I was very fortunate to have found a local breeder.
Gary Strobel has been raising ragdolls for many years ..I think some folks out there have given him a bad rapp without really getting to know him..I have bought more than on e ragdoll from him and will buy again in the future ...He is a trusted person with a huge amount of knowlege on the ragdoll breed..He has cats that were shown to championship and he is a very down to earth reasonable guy..I have a gorgeous gorgeous female kitten named April that I will adding in my breeding program..I totlally disagree with the complaints that have been posted..I had no health issues with any of my cats from him...Do people realize kittens can catch contagious things at the vet offices? Of all the cats he has sold over the years there has been very FEW complaints...Please dont bash him and try to hurt his reputaion..He dosent deserve it.. Yes there are all sorts of bad breeders out there, But Gary Strobel is a great guy to work with .. he has wonderful original ragdoll lines that is hard to find !Im glad to know him! Gail
I purchased a Ragdoll from Gary 15 years ago, and simply put she has been the most loving, devoted and intelligent animal I have ever owned. She is still going strong at 15 years old.
This is my new cat I have purchased for breeding from Rgameister Ragdolls.She is absolutley gorgeous and healthy ! Glad to know Gary..He is a trusted breeder Gail V
I purchased the most beautiful Lilac Ragdoll from Gary Strobel in May 2011. I had been talking to Gary for over six months before the purchase because I was so nervous about the kitten flying from San Diego to New Orleans. He assured me that the kitten would be fine. Well, he is fine and 100% purrfect. I named him Zephyr. He is the BEST present I have ever bought myself. I kind of felt guilty about "buying" a cat instead of adopting from the Humane Society but that guilt quickly went away as soon as I picked him up from the airport. The joy this kitten has already given me is priceless. He is the most beautiful cat I've ever seen in my life. He is 6 months old now and already 9 pounds so he's going to be big. He also loves water and jumps in the tub every day. He just loves bath time. Thank you Gary for the most beautiful baby in the world. I look forward to going home every day to see my new addition. He is a blessing and has definitely enhanced my life. I had a wonderful experience with Ragmeister Ragdolls and I love the book that Gary Strobel wrote. It was extremely helpful. Thanks for everything Gary. I want another Ragdoll already but I'm going to let Zephyr be an only child for a while.
We bought our Lynx, Sealpoint, Mitted Ragdoll (Sodapop) from Gary in 2008 as a pet. He sent a picture and we sent a deposit to hold him. Another person came along and offered Gary $1500.00 for him to be used as a breeder but Gary called me and asked if I would be okay with a different kitten. I told him no that I wanted that one and that was the end of the discussion. We picked him up at Gary's home and there were some other kittens there at the time. Sodapop has never been sick and has lived up to all our expectations and more. I have had several conversations with Gary and had numerous questions answered as I had never owned a Ragdoll before. If we ever add to our Ragdoll family it would be Gary that we would get her from. I also think it is wonderful that he gives a 3 year genetic guarantee -- don't know other breeders who do that. We thank you, Gary -- DJ Wilson in Missouri
Just posted my comments but the picture didn't get included.
This is a picture of Sodapop!
DJ Wilson
I purchased a bluepoint Ragdoll from Gary Strobel in 1998. She is and has always been a wonderful pet! At her recent senior wellness check, my Diamond Lil was perfect by every health measure. 16 years old and 12 lbs.
Agreed. I purchased two Ragdolls, a blue point and a mitten over 15 years ago and my boys are doing great. I can’t speak for current kittens, but my fur babies have had nothing but good health. The only issue I have had is that my blue point Mojo temporarily had asthma which had nothing to do with his breeding. We had been using a scented oil diffuser and didn’t know that was the culprit. Environmentally, I think any kitten or cat would get sick based on allergies (coughing, sneezing or trouble breathing). However, worms is a different matter all together.
I hate autocorrect - I meant mitted not mitten.