This company will sell on contract with just anybody. The neighbors that we have been cursed with forged paystubs to get approved, meaning Rainbow Realty does NOT verify employment nor do they do criminal background checks before approving people. In return the whole neighborhood has been cursed with tenants who disturb our peace with raging alcoholic and literally tears the walls down, busting out windows etc. In 1 week there were 9 police calls to the address of tenants. Numerous calls to 911 were made and also Numerous calls to Rainbow Realty including a call from impd. The other night the same happened, the raging alcoholic tearing up the house, outside screaming and cussing at the top of his lungs. Police was there 2 times in less than 1 hour. Upon contacting Rainbow, they simply say there is nothing they can do about the problem. Next step is filing a civil complaint with the city against the Realty company. Bottom line is criminal background checks and employment verification needs to be a must. I sure hope Noone else has to deal with unruly neighbors like us because here is literally NO peace here.
Desired outcome: Evict