Loan modification with Hope for Homeowners promised back in November. Collected $750.00 up front. They did nothing, foreclosure sale date initiated 3 months after we paid them so we had to file BK to stop. 4 months later they now say they will not help us and refuse to return money. Nearly lost our home because of their incompetence.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
We have had the same issue with Daylight Consulting. Contracted with them in September 2008, paid $1, 000.00; first applied with HOPE program - no results; December 2008 started paperwork with bank for loan modification; didn't start seeing any response from bank until March 2009; bank set sale date for April 1st, Daylight not responding in any way; we have no option other than Short Sale
We have been working with Daylight since Sept 2008; paid $1, 000 upfront; first promised that the HOPE for Homeowners program - no results; went to bank with loan modification in Dec 2008; bank started to respond in March 2009, bank set sale date of April 1st; Daylight kept stating they could get the postponement to start loan mod negotiations; less than 48 hours before sale date; no response from Daylight. No other option other than Short Sale at this point. Granted this wasn't a set deal with the loan modification but when all sources state loan modification is going to happen, it's extremely upsetting when it all falls through
For Denise, we successfully negotiated a loan modification saving $900 per month. Borrower decided to decline because of no principal reduction.
For Carie, April 2nd sale date was postponed to June 2. Still waiting for loan modification from lender. Lender continues to stall any negotiations.
why don't you return borrower phone calls? how can they reach you? also, how could you possibly comment on the two complaints here without knowing who the complaint came from?
Started negotiations in Sept 08. 3 different plans came about including H4H and Obamas new plan. Docs were signed, were told 2nd would drop off and payment would be nearly cut in half. These promises were made in Jan 09. To date nothing has transpired, won't return emails or phone calls. The harrassing calls from Mortgage company have now resumed. We are now being told by a reliable source they are closing shop, let go of all employees and those employees will not get their final paychecks. Totally fraudulent company, will be sued whether they have any monies to pay or not.
I fell into the same trap...I lost my deposit of $1500. I hired this same company in February and decided to cancel my service with them in March. Have not gotten a refund and they are now refusing to return calls.
Did any of you guys get your money back? This company trying to take my money. They refused to give my money back. I initially gave them $2, 000 so they can help me with my house. I found out that they are not license so I asked them for my money back. It took them three months to return $750 and then they wrote me another check for $1250 but when I deposited the check it was insufficient fund.
My husband and I contacted Daylight Consulting, Melissa Medina, in Dec '08 paid $750 and specifically asked for and were sold the H4H program. Submitted all the paperwork to them within 1 month, then for the next 3 months they kept calling saying they either don't have it, didn't get it, or need more. Finally they were satisfied with what we gave them. Didn't hear anything from them for 2 months, when we would contact them they would claim all was moving along blah blah. We get the notice of sale date for our house, call, nothing. Then, we finally get an offer in the mail from our lender...a whole 1% decrease. We called Daylight to see if this was the offer they worked out for us or something independent from our lender, 2 days later they say, yes this is their hard work at hand and that they couldn't get the H4H for us because our lender wasn't participating in that program. We called our lender, which informed us that, yes indeed they ARE doing that program and would have been happy to help us from the start! We now have an extention with our lender and will be starting the whole process over again.
In a nutshell, these people are SAMMERS AND LIARS.
On a side note; the people that referred us to Daylight and were using them as well, have lost their home. They also couldn't get anyone at Daylight to return their calls, emails etc in regard to their refund. They have moved "offices" and don't seem to be advertising it. Through another source we were able to get the address for him, and he did eventually get his money back. We don't have the address currently but are working on it and I will post it.
Please, everyone, just contact your lender first, before going to anyone else.
And I'll be filing a complaint at the BBB in a few minutes, I hope you all will as well.
For Daylight...Daylight did not negotiate any kind of halt to the foreclosure process, our realtor did by putting together the Short Sale! Daylight contacted us in July 2009 and stated they received notice from bank on NO loan mod and they would refund our monies (per the signed paperwork); well it's Sept 2009 and we have not received any refund and they will not return calls! We received notification from bank absolutely NO loan mod. We will be contacting the FBI Mortgage Fraud division...they want to receive reports on companies that get paid upfront!
I strongly suggest if you are in need of a modification DO NOT contact Daylight Consulting. They told me to stop paying outright and the modification would get done within 45 days. The only thing we got was a Partial Claim offer from our lender which dropped our payment by $30 . They tried to say this was a modification they negotiated. B.S. the reason for decrease in payment was due to property taxes decrease in my county and my lender contacted me directly, not Daylight.
Abraham Lee - Supposed owner of Daylight does not return calls. I've called numerous times regarding my refund but no call back.
Sal Marchio - Told me to send an email to he and the receptionist Julia and I would get my refund w/in 30 days. It's been 90 days with no returned calls or email.
Kirk Garlit - Came to my home and lied to both my wifes my face when he said he could absolutely help us with a modification and we would definitely get an 80% refund if nothing was done
Melissa Medina - Crook just like the rest.
The receptionists answer the phones and are told to lie by the above so you will never be able to talk to anyone.
what is up with these guys? Calling the agent and the office and they all go to voicemail. I even sent an email and did not get a response.
Is anyone else interested in filing a class action lawsuit against Daylight Consulting Group for compensation in their treatment of claims and as a way to impose the costs of wrongdoing and to deter any future wrongdoings? Legal action is the only way this currupt company will listen.
Does anyone of you ever filed a legal complaint against this company?
because of this company my uncle lost his credit when he didnt have to. he was paying his mortgage just fine but they appeared and told him they would help them to lower their payments, made them stop paying their mortgage and after 6 months being late they finally did the so called loan mod and the payments were lowered by 500$ only which didnt help them at all and now they're regreting that they ruined their whole credit. if not this company they would have qualified for the new Obama program for people who are current. Now the lender is asking all kinds of questions requiring some paperwork and they just wont answer any phone calls. I think someone has to do a legal action, so these people dont do something like this and they always go for this desperate people who want help and ruin their lives.
I agree with all the complaints. These people are just out for your money. I let them do my modification back in July 2009 and followed up with them every month. Around November I was already getting worried because I don't want to have my house foreclosed. I kept calling every week by this time to follow up and all they keep telling me that it's still in review. Around December, I called the lender direct. To my surprise, the bank told me that the file is inactive and waiting for a respond from the 3rd party (Daylight Consulting). They asked me if they can help me instead and I agreed. It took the bank 5 minutes to approve my modification, I'm already on my 3 months trial period. I called Daylight and told them what happened and told them that I deserve my money back. It's been over a month and have not heard back from them.
I was following up with Daylight on my modification and can provide e-mails and documentations to back this up.
If anyone has any current contact information for Daylight it would be greatly appreciated. We are still unable to get a refund and have been unable to get any response from them. We sent a Certified Letter but it was returned because they refused to accept it. So a current address would be good too. Thanks.
This is the address for them:
Business Contact and Profile for Daylight Consulting Group
Name: Daylight Consulting Group
Phone: [protected]
Fax: [protected]
Address: 7784 Megan Ann Way
Antelope, CA [protected]
Principal: Owner/Manager
Customer Contact: Owner/Manager - [protected]
If everyone would like to file a formal complaint, here is the better business bureau info
The BBB that will handle your complaint is:
BBB of Northeast California
(West Sacramento, CA)
3075 Beacon Blvd.
West Sacramento, CA [protected]
Phone: [protected]
Fax: [protected]
There has been no complaints about them and if everyone is this mad, we need to address this to the BBB!
I have filed a complaint against them with the BBB on Feb 22nd, asking for the refund of my deposit as a resolution. I have not heard from them. The BBB has given them until March 8 (tomorrow) to respond to the complaint and Daylight has not responded yet----or will they? I have called their office and left numerous messages. I have done the same with Melissa Medina (who I applied through), and she hasn't responded..she hasn't even returned ANY of my calls in the past 7-8 months! WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED BY CROOKS!
To all the homeowners who have been scammed by Daylight Consulting Group. We have never received any refund or response from Daylight or their affiliate company (Impax Mortgage) in Irvine, CA. We filed a complaint with BBB but since Daylight is affiliated with company in Irvine, CA it was forwarded to Southern California...NO RESPONSE OF ANY KIND. We filed a complaint with KCRA Call 3 ...they tried numerous times to get Daylight to respond and absolute no response. We filed a complaint with the California Attorney Generals office and received letter that we need to proceed with a private attorney UNLESS THEY GET MORE COMPLAINTS AND THEN THEY WILL can file a complaint online thru the California State Attorney's website. IF WE CAN'T GET OUR MONIES BACK, THEN THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE FINED HEAVILY FOR ALL THE HEARTACHE AND PROBLEMS THEY HAVE CAUSED TO US HOMEOWNERS. I hope all of you are still out there! Let's get these people! by the way, my name is Carrie
If anyone is interested in the company affiliated with Daylight we have been referred to Impax Solutions for our refund but they never respond also...
Impax Solutions, LLC
17772 Irvine Boulevard # 211
Tustin, CA [protected]
OWNER: SALVATORE MARCHIO (this is the contact we have left messages for and no responses also)
I hope this helpful I found one of the liars Kirk G his phone number is [protected] please join me and call this con artist and pressure him in tell us how to get our money back also he's on face book ..Kirk Garlit just enter his name and send him a message we all would like to get closure in this daylight scam ..remember your not alone I got scammed just like you please Post any info leading us to get our money back
This company is awful! we had never even beeb late on a payment they told us to stop making payments so we could qualify for a modification. We gave them $1500 nup front, they never did a dam thing my bank says they submitted 2 incomplete loan mods which we were denied and after several months of getting nowhere with them we lost our home due to their incompetence. They told us not to deal with the bank it was their job so we didnt even know what was going on, because when we did speak to them about what was coming to us in the mail from the bank, they kept telling us not to worry they had it all under control. Until ONE day my TEN yr. old was served with papers stating our home had been sold. Abe, Christina, Sal and even Hazel are all LIARS! Thank you for the info I will file a complaint with the BBB and The California Attorney Generals Office. However what I would like to know is how are they getting away with this? It is ILLEGAL to take our monies up front! They should be in jail for what they have done to us ALL!
This company now goes by ACC Financial out of Orange, CA. The phone number is [protected]. You will never reach anyone except for the answering service. 1/3 owner is Tony Bolognese, who's number is [protected]. Tony is the one who screwed us over. Tony accepted a $2500 deposit from us for the rental of "his" house on Megan Ann Way in Antelope, CA. The day before we were supposed to move in, and we had already moved out of our previous home, Tony disappeared. We found out that the house on Megan Ann Way wasn't even his house. We had started moving some of our things in a few days before and Tony took our things with him when he left. He left his dog with a supposed employee friend (who was also scammed) at Starbuck's in Antelope, with the promise that he would be back to get his dog in a few days. He never came back for his dog or called her; the dog ended up being put to sleep by animal control. My husband has called Tony again and again, leaving messages taunting him and calling him a thief and P.O.S..Tony never did change his number so my husband is determined to drive him crazy with phone calls. We have never been scammed before and just couldn't believe somebody could do this to people. We are so glad to find this sight and be able to tell our story because we are extremely pissed of about the whole situation. ANYONE INTERESTED IN TRYING TO CONTACT TONY BOLOGNESE, HE HAS A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT UNDER "TONY LOANS". Don't give up trying to contact these people, they WILL get caught and they will end up in prison we hope... I hope all of them drop the soap, too. LOL
These people victimize us too... i hope they all get caught. Did anybody file a police report on them? please post.
Has anyone heard of Freedoms Path of Milbrea, CA? Their agent, Melissa Medina is also doing loan mod scams that often result into foreclosures of properties. They keep collecting money from homeowners even after foreclosure.
I have heard of Freedoms Path of Millbrea. I have also heard of Melissa Medina. We all need to come together and file a suit. I have traced back to 1998 with her having different business's. A few of the names mentioned in this thread come up in those searches. Please conact me here and lets get this fixed. The more we have the better our case will be. I personally are around $17, 000 plus down.
I am looking for Melissa Medina. I have a judgement against her, and would like to find out any other information that I can about her. Also, in my case there is the possibility that the Sacramento District Attorney may investigate. I am looking for any information that can help me find her.
Sorry this took so long but I haven't gotten any new info on Melissa Medina only that she moved back to Georgia until today. There is her name attached to a new address here in Sacramento Ca. 4014 Vittoria Lane, Sacramento Ca 95834 phone number [protected]. Will the person with the reply on Mar 8th, 2016 please let me know how I can join the judgement?
Found new information on Melissa Medina, if anyone wants to know her new phone number and place of work. Reply to this message.
Post it. What is the new info?