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CB Plastic Surgery Dr. Minas Constantinides

The good, the bad, and the ugly - discover what customers are saying about Dr. Minas Constantinides

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9:34 am EDT

Dr. Minas Constantinides Disfigured my nose & eyes

I had a 9 hour long ribgraft nose surgery while Dr. Minas Constanindes had his upper Park Avenue practice/aka/ and although before the surgery he guaranteed an 80% improvement he instead completely disfigured the appearance of my nasal tip and the graft made my nose completely crooked. Also, I had over 30 metal stitches on my nasal tip as well as from my nostrils to my upper lip which scarred my skin which even his wife said was beautiful before the scarring.

Then he said the only way for him to fix the horrible 100% asymmetry he had caused of my nose, he would file down the rough edges of the graft which almost is protruding through the skin! So he grabs my AX card and swipes it for $25, 000 saying that he needed to do a facelift with upper & lower eyelids and eyebrows as he said I had "aging face syndrom".

The "facelift" surgery was done in his Park Avenue office with Denise, his nurse & office manager as well as his student Dr. Behrad Aynehchi, MD.
But, Dr. Constanindes NEVER does anything to fix the disfigurement of my nose after his surgery at Lenox Hill! Instead he pulls my upper eyelids way down and turns the lower eyelids inside out and with my right lower eyelid hanging down and away from the eyeball distorting my eyes which now looks grotesque and I was told I needed ectropion repair as I cannot fully close my eyes!

After he realizes how badly he had caused deformity and disfigurement of both my nose and eyes, he agrees to do a revision after an anger tantrum when he shuts the door and says in front of Denise that he agreed he would do the necessary revisions for "free". Also, although he already had charged me to lift both of my eyebrows, he agrees to lift only one eyebrow.

Meanwhile, waiting for him to fix the disfigurements of both my nose and eyelids, I suddenly receive a letter dated July 22nd, 2015 that he had moved his practice to Westlake Dermatology in Austin, TX, stating to contact him prior to the date the letter was written and how pleased he was to move to Austin, Texas!

Dr Minas Constaninides does not qualify to call himself a ribgraft specialist or a facial plastic/reconstructive surgeon. Stay far away from this man whom also has a wicked temper. I am now left with no monies to fix the grotesque disfigurements from the surgery he did on my nose and the horrible damages to my eyelids. Several occuloplastic surgeons has since said I should sue him as they are more than willing to stand behind me in a court of law.

I used to be a model and now I'm afraid to be seen in public.
Ultimately, he will be sued and possibly will loose his credentials as a "plastic surgeon". He has utterly ruined my life and my beautiful face.

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Dec 14, 2022 11:32 am EST

The patient didn't submit any pics of the said surgery fiasco. How is anyone to believe the claim.?

2:22 pm EDT

Dr. Minas Constantinides Unethical, sloppy surgeon

Dr. Minas Constantinides is an unethical and sloppy plastic surgeon. He is a slick talking salesman whose primary goal is to upsell you another procedure in addition to the issue you came in for. He will swear to do one thing and then completely deviate from the plan. He says he is one of the top rhino surgeons in North America but i don't think he's even the top surgeon in his own office.

He completely botched two surgeries on me and had the nerve to actually yell at me because I asked him a question. He has yelled at other patients that I have talked to as well.

He has a very bad temper and he will use it if he fails in surgery because his is big on blaming the victim. He's a complete narcissist who went in to medicine for money and prestige but who has no innate talent or surgical skill. He's a horrible little man and and even worse surgeon.

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Itka Melo
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Nov 08, 2016 2:35 pm EST

november of 2016
I have been botched by Constantinides. I initially came in for my deviated septum, So after discussing the rhinoplasty He immediately started to talk about a chin implant. I wished I had listened to my inner voice saying ¨RED FLAG¨. When I asked him about the risks he made it seem like this procedure was very simple and had no risks. Unfortunately He IS NOT trained on how to properly place chin implants. He caused damaged to me left mental nerve, as a result the left side of my chin and lip are numb. I cannot eat, smile, chew or even talk appropriately. My face feels like I am having a stroke. He told me to wait but the sensation never came back! now this implant is going to be removed and I agree that he is just a salesman trying to
get you to get more procedures. It is too early to find out if this rhinoplasty was successful or not. He finally admited by saying that he did not use a good surgical technique. My advice is to look for another surgeon.

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Nov 03, 2016 12:43 am EDT

Dr. Constantinides performed my surgery and the results were horrible. My nostrils were misshapen, I have a deep notch on one that I essentially have to inject with fillers now to get it to look normal and the column in between is completely crooked. After the surgery he tried to convince me that everything was fine and that I was making a big deal out of nothing and fortunately for him I was young and naive enough to believe him. He offered to do a second surgery and honestly it looks worse than before. He is not a skilled surgeon and his work is beyond sloppy. My family and friends have been very supportive but it's been very hard at times. I went to another surgeon recently and he told me that my septum is almost entirely gone and what's left has a while in it. He essentially said that my nose is inoperable and the risks at this point would not be worth the outcome. It was then I realized that the problem is actually much deeper. I live in NY and unfortunately malpractice suits have to be filed from the date of event rather than the date you discover the problem. The Senate will be reviewing a bill next year that allows patients to sue based on point of discovery. If it gets passed I will plan on moving forward with mine. Until then, all I can do is be a voice of warning.

New York, US
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Apr 08, 2015 10:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh how terribly sorry I am for those people here who, legitimately, write about their botched jobs! I KNOW what it fills like to have a botched nose surgery! It's so up front, so prominent that walking with a surgery badly done makes you want to hide, to avoid family and friends and others who knew you before which is what I'm doing...Yes, I too had a very bad nose job first when I was only 20 years old, then 18 years ago I thought I'd try to correct it, it came out even worse! What a shock! Well, tired of walking with a long nose with a bulbous upturned tip, and twisted too, I thought I'd try it again, this time I promised myself not to look for the moderate fees and just pay whatever the surgeon asked thinking (erroneously?) that this time that I'm not looking for bargains, he'd understand and will give me the nose I dreamed to have. I explained to him exactly what I wanted done which was a short, straight nose, what I didn't like from my present nose, and I reinforced my request with a picture I gave him as a guidance. He listened, understood (or so I thought) and went off to surgery which was done about a month and a half ago (3-6-15). Nobody would believe me when they saw me now! Instead of a short, straight nose...I got one too long, too down turned almost touching my lip!, enormously wide, slanted towards the left, nostrils slanted down towards the right, some bumps...A MESS! My previous nose was thin, long, with a ridiculously brusque upturned tip. I felt to make out of this a short straight nose wouldn't be hard! WRONG! He made the exact opposite of my previous nose (except the length which became even longer!) So now we have a long, down turned, wide nose! God help us from bad surgeries. However, not always is the fault of the surgeon since it has to do with the way our own tissues heal and a number of other factors, BUT, we'll never know whose fault it wasn't Dr. Constantinides, just another NYC doctor. :o(

Danielle Mono
New York, US
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Mar 01, 2015 12:49 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had an horrendous revision Rhinoplasty (actually two) by Dr Constantinides, so for anyone contemplating seeing him, please read on to have an idea of what this has done to me. Sorry its a bit long but its in detail. Please read it, particularly if you are considering this doctor.

I went to see Dr Minas Constantinides in May 2013 on the advice of a doctor I had seen for another procedure. I was 43 at the time. My family had just moved to New York and I didn't know anyone in the city so I assumed another doctors recommendation would be the way to go.

The consultation went well, I thought he was a nice man, polite and seemed to know what he was talking about. His staff were also very nice and accommodating. I had a Rhinoplasty when I was about twenty years old. I had no problems with it and the only issue with my resulting nose over the years was that it was quite runny a lot of the time, I got used to it. The reason I went to see Dr Constantinides was that over the years the cartilage seemed to have maybe moved a bit, it was quite sharp and pointed on the tip and if I had a cold and rubbed my nose a lot it would feel like it was almost going to break through. One side of my nose looked a bit more flat than the other more bulbous side. I just wanted it evened up a bit and the cartilage in the tip fixed. I had no breathing problems and my nose was straight. He said he could correct my concerns.

At the same time, being 43 years old I'd started to see some hollowness around my eyes (I'd tried some fillers like Sculptura but wasn't particularly impressed) and asked if there was anything he could do about that. He said a mid-face lift would help. After some deliberating I decided to go for the two procedures. I was away from home and thought once I was healed, I'd look a bit younger, a bit fresher and no one would know.

I googled him, there were good and bad reviews but then every doctor I googled seemed to have the same. I decided to go ahead with the surgery and paid $26, 400.00, of course all paid in advance, as requested for a revision Rhinoplasty and a mid-face lift.

The surgery, done in his theater below his offices, went fine as did my recovery. When the cast came off my nose looked huge, this enormous bulbous, crooked looking mess. He assured me that it was swelling and it would all come down. After weeks and then months of visits, steroid injections and waiting, it settled a bit but was still very, very big and on top of that I couldn't breathe properly through either nostril. I was very patient with Dr Constantinides, I never got angry or frustrated with him, just trusted what he said to me that it was healing as it should, and he never said to me or indicated that there was a problem. A lot of people noticed and I got a lot of questions asking when the swelling would go down. As the months went by comments made with the best of intentions began to hurt me deeply. I could feel my nose, it was big, hard and inflexible, and after six months I knew it wouldn't be going down too much more.

I was devastated and found myself crying virtually every day, I couldn't look in a mirror and not tear up. I did my makeup as fast as I could in the mornings and wouldn't look at myself again until the next day. I grew my fringe out and hid behind my hair and became very self conscious. I avoided cameras at all costs. My husband and I were going to renew our vows in Greece in August, deposits had been paid and I cancelled all of that, I knew I would need another operation. I felt ugly and cried myself to sleep many, many nights.

So I went back to Dr Constantinides in January of 2014. During our conversation he admitted that the result wasn't what we had hoped for so we scheduled another surgery for the next month (with additional costs of about $5, 000) to fix the size, make it smaller, correct the twisted look and open up my airways so I could breathe. When I gave Dr Constantinides the benefit of the doubt and allowed him to do the second surgery, he made a point of saying he was 'happy to do it and he wanted me to know that', it was glaringly obvious that the results of the first surgery were not at all good. He generated a computer image that he said would be attainable and he told me how he was going to do it. I didn't expect my nose to look exactly like that picture, but at that point something close would have been fine.

When I showed up for surgery on the appointed day I could tell he was in a bad mood and my husband and I commented on it when he left the room – perhaps it was an omen I should have paid more attention to. The surgery went fine as did my recovery. From the moment the cast came off after the second revision and I looked in the hand mirror he gave me I could see my nose was not straight, it was very obvious. I thought I was having a nightmare. I have photos from when I got home that day which show it clearly. It was horribly crooked. I thought to myself, maybe after a day or two with the cast off it might settle. After a couple of days I realized that wasn't going to happen, in fact the deviation got worse. My nose was smaller yes, but horribly bent to the left and I still couldn't breathe. I also had a bump now running down my nose that I didn't have before.

Again weeks and months of visits and steroid injections but the damage is done. When both my husband and I sent Dr Constantinides emails in May of how upset I was and how this botched surgery has affected me I got a lot of excuses. He sent me a response which included a 'revision of how we got to where we are' that included blaming my doctor from 23 years ago for my problems and giving me a lot of technical explanations.

I told him I could only go on what I saw with my own eyes, of how my nose looked after the first revision, it was very clear, we both had the pictures. On top of how badly distorted and ill-shapen it looked I also couldn't breathe properly. I still cant.

He made a comment - 'good surgery did not lead to the desired outcome' – clearly it was not good surgery or more importantly the correct surgery for me. I didn't go to him because I had a breathing or medically necessary problem I went to him because I wanted to improve the appearance of my nose. Aesthetically it was disastrous surgery. I went to him with a nose that had one side of the tip more bulbous than the other which made it look a bit lopsided, that bothered me. The cartilage in the tip was very sharp and felt like it was pushing through the skin which over the long winter and constant sniffling had been very irritating. Those were my concerns - I didn't think my nose needed straightening, to my eyes my nose was not symmetrical but it appeared straight, perhaps a crooked nose is what he saw, but it wasn't what I saw. My nose wasn't that bad, it wasn't long or bumpy or big (that was fixed the first time 23 years ago), there were a couple of things that I thought would be a relatively easy fix.

Dr Constantinides certainly didn't lead me to believe it would be a difficult or problematic surgery on either occasion. And I understand that when he got in there things may have been different than he was anticipating, but he NEVER said at any time to me after the first surgery what he wrote in a later email response that - 'the scar that formed was so massive', the cartilaginous structure was so weakened and devastated, my nose was too scarred' - there was NOTHING said after the first surgery about my nose having been in such a horribly bad state. Going into the second surgery, if it were in fact true, it appears he knew that. It certainly would have made me ask more questions and think twice about how to proceed with another surgery had I known.

In May 2014 we began to discuss options and compensation which initially he was cagey about but then agreed to pay me $15, 000.00 so I could see another doctor to have yet another surgery to fix these botched ones. I asked for the names of the best Rhinoplasty doctors for me to contact, he gave me some (and astonishingly included himself in that list...).

I went to see another doctor, who took a look at my nose and advised that he did think he could straighten it with another surgery using rib bone, which he believed should have been used from the outset but wouldnt consider doing it until a year after my last surgery – which is, now, February 2015.

This doctor was also of the opinion that he couldn't make it any smaller which to me is quite devastating since my nose is significantly larger and wider than when I went to Dr Constantinides' office that first day. Any reduction now will be minimal, my nose is very hard and inflexible.

I'm incredibly upset and disappointed that I'm now in this position. After two surgeries my nose looks so much worse than it did when I first went to see Dr Constantinides. After the initial revision, there’s no other way to describe it, my nose was just a mess, it was very big, lumpy, crooked and ugly. Now after the second revision it is slightly smaller but it is still misshapen, so obviously crooked to the left (probably worse than before), I have a hard lumpy mass inside the right side of my nose that makes it hard for me to breathe, a new sizable bump down the middle which I didn’t have before, a bulbous heavy tip, and its significantly bigger than what I came to him with.

Obviously not at all the outcome I expected. It has been the worst cosmetic surgery experience I have ever had, and I have dabbled. Something I thought would be a little tidying up has turned into an almost two year nightmare for me and something I'm not able to hide, its right there for everyone to see. I wish I had never done it.

I have paid Dr Constantinides over $30, 000 in total, the bulk of which is for this monstrosity on my face. So far he has made excuse after excuse not to pay me the money he promised he would saying his practice has been very slow – TAKE THAT AS AN ADDITIONAL WARNING - I am not in a position to ask my husband for this money again, so I'm at a crossroads. Do wait until Dr Constantinides pays me (if he ever had any intention of doing so), do I get a loan to pay a new surgeon (the first quote I got was for $23, 000 to fix this mess, so I'm going to be an additional $8, 000 out of pocket if Dr Constantinides does actually honor his word), do I sue him – yet another expense? I'm not sure where I go from here but informing others considering surgery with this man of my experience is high on the agenda.

Oh, and lastly – the mid-face lift – compared to the disastrous results of the revision rhinoplasties, my problems with that have taken a back seat. There was virtually no discernible difference in helping the hollowing out under my eyes or freshening up my face, after he did the mid-face lift. When I smile or laugh now, my left eye which was much more swollen after the surgery, squints and closes up much more than the other one giving me a lopsided look, I have been using botox since then to try and remedy that (Dr Constantinides noticed that also because he gave me the first shot of Botox to fix that problem, perhaps he thought in time it would fix itself but I still need the Botox to make my eyes even) and I have noticeable scars under my lower lash line which I need to cover with makeup to hide. Another reminder of the huge mistake it was for me to go to this doctor. More than happy to discuss with anyone if they need any further information.

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Mar 24, 2017 8:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would like to hear more. Please feel free to contact me:

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Apr 23, 2014 12:08 pm EDT
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how sad that this doctor has been undisciplined by the hospital, in spite of numerous complaints that they have received. clearly, they are not interested in a doctor who indeed mistreats patients (10 surgeries and $50000 later, AND 10 years of my life!, my eyes will never be what they were even before), makes claims on insurance without telling you, after you have paid in full.
the public is very much at risk with this lack of oversight from the hospital, which must be condoning this danger.

No Surprise There!
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Sep 11, 2013 3:49 pm EDT

If only Dr. Hands of Destruction spent as much time learning procedures as he does managing his online reputation. Too bad he can't stop people from e-mailing in private. You do him no favor by disputing negative comments as you will only push those of us who have been botched by him to post our pictures online and I can assure you he REALLY doesn't want that to happen. Bad for him, good for the surgeons who fixed his messes.

You ask how a surgeon can be sloppy. By rushing through procedures because he's trying to fit in as many patients as possible (greedy) by making uneven incisions that scar badly, by removing too much tissue that requires cartilage grafting from ear and rib and skin to repair, by making mistakes and then trying to cover then up with more mistakes. By not THINKING before he cuts. Sloppy--get it?

The real surgeon that fixed his work said "not only did he not make improvement, he made it twice as bad as it was before".
Until you've had to live with the pain and anxiety of living with a botch job don't be so quick or so ignorant to assume that the only person who has an issue with him is his ex-wife. You blame the victims just like he does!

No Surprise There!
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Sep 11, 2013 3:31 pm EDT

Dear Pearl, it is far more likely that you either work for Dr. Hands of Death and Destruction or are sleeping with him. Perhaps a former employee of this guy posted about what goes on in his office and not his wife. I didn't know anything about his personal life when I was botched by him--nor do I care. Ick. You are tempting me to post my pictures and I can assure you that your good friend the ethically challenged doctor would not like those photos up on the internet so you are really doing him more harm than good by disputing negative comments and irritating people who have suffered because of his incompetence.

I went to him because I wanted and needed a medical procedure and I thought I had found a good doctor. What I found was a good sales man. I have never in my life been treated so badly by a doctor-ever. Not before or since. Since you don't seem to be able to understand how a surgeon can be sloppy allow me to explain. He rushes through procedures because he's got other patients waiting. His incisions are uneven and he leaves lumpy scars at the closure. He takes out too much tissue which is EXTREMELY hard to repair if at all and requires grafting from ears and rib cartilage. He makes mistakes and then tries to fix them by making other mistakes. When he fails--you the patient get bullied and blamed when you are already in emotional distress because A. you realize that you have another procedure or procedures ahead of you and B. you don't even know if you can be fixed because of the damage he's caused.

Do you know what the surgeon told me who fixed his work? He said and I quote--"He not only didn't make improvements, he took you two steps backwards." As far as pushing people into the hands of a less talented surgeon--well that would be hard to do and I only wish someone had warned me about him. But instead someone like you pushed me to go to him because she was hoping for discounts from him on facial fillers for referring a patient. Nice!
The greater question is why someone who is happy with this surgeon would be searching for complaints about him unless you work for him. Your claim about a positive result is simply a claim. Where is your proof since you call for others to provide it.
As far as lawsuits. He has been sued--and he has also settled. The fact that you are a bad researcher has nothing to do with anything. If he only spent as much time learning procedures as he does cleaning up his online reputation.

Until you've had to live through the hell of a botched procedure and a revision that requires tissue grafting because your surgeon failed miserably please don't comment on things you don't know about.

Philadelphia, US
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Jul 18, 2013 12:22 pm EDT

Your commentary seems very biased and personally motivated. It is very evident that you have a personal bias from your writing. How do you know whether he was rude to any patients? You don't mention any personal first-hand experience, just hearsay. And why are you sure he will "cheat"...and why do you care...unless you are personally affected? I'm egotistical. Not going to deny that. And I'm not going to repudiate the "people she likely does not know much about" part of your comment; that part is correct. I said I do not care about his personal life, did I not? I'd put money on it that you are the same person who wrote that other review.

Aledo, US
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Jul 17, 2013 11:59 am EDT

The person writing above seems to ignore the fact that he was indeed rude to a few patients, upset them considerably and did a bad job. What if he treated them poorly during the divorce? Who is to say that when he cheats again that it will not cause havoc in his professional life and you won't be made to suffer as the people above have? How do you know who posted the comments? "(CLEARLY by his ex)" -- Proof please? Maybe it was his mother who is angry that a gold-digger broke up his marriage and her grandchildren were made to suffer. This woman seems kinda egotistical and insecure to have written such a novel about people she likely does not know much about.

Aledo, US
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Jul 17, 2013 11:47 am EDT

Regarding the above commentary - could it be possible that the ex-wife DID NOT write the complaint? How do you know who it was? Maybe his mother wrote it because she is angry that a gold digger got pregnant on purpose and ruined the life of his first two children? What if he was acting like a ### to his patients during the divorce and treated them badly? Maybe the person wrote this to alert us all to the fact that he is devious and that can spill over into their lives, by default, if he is frustrated in his personal life? When he decides to cheat again, and he is working on your face, how will you feel if he takes it out on YOU!? It's fine that you don't want to know about a doctor's personal life, but it has OBVIOUSLY affected a few people already and their stories should not be discounted because you are happy with the services rendered. Don't be too quick to judge things you don't know about.

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