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CB Fine Amish Furniture, Inc.

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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Fine Amish Furniture, Inc.. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Fine Amish Furniture, Inc..

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Fine Amish Furniture, Inc.'s products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Fine Amish Furniture, Inc., or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

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1:03 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Fine Amish Furniture, Inc. Wes Cernosek and Reney Lucero

On July 12, 2008, I purchased a dining room table and 8 chairs for the amount of $4615.00, paid in full to Fine Amish Furniture, Inc. After more than 10 weeks went by I was told that there would be a delay in my delivery date due to Hurricane Ike. I had compassion for the owner, Wes Cernosek, and waited very patiently for the next month to pass by.

Wes never once took the initiative to call me and inform me of the status on my furniture. I had to persistently call the store to even have the opportunity to speak with someone regarding my furniture. I was promised that I would have my furniture before Thanksgiving, and when that did not occur, I was told that for sure I would have my dining room set by December 20th.

Each time I spoke with Wes he just had another excuse or story as to why my furniture could not be delivered. He assured me that my furniture was ordered and paid for and that he just needed to gather up $4400 to make the trip to pick up his customers' furniture. Wes claimed that his loan finally went through and I was then promised that I would have my furniture no later than January 5th or 6th, which never occured.

My husband and I then proceded to make a trip to Wes' store on February 7th, and speak with him in person. My husband requested Wes to put in writing that he would have our furniture delivered the week of February 9th as he promised. Wes complied to put our request in writing without hesitation, but failed to keep his word. Wes has lied to us numerous times and is unable to keep his story straight. He assured us that our furniture was paid for in full, but in a recent phone call to Wes, he said that he paid $3300, and still owed a balance of $2100 on the furniture. The numbers just don't add up when we paid $4615.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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2:14 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Fine Amish Furniture, Inc. Never received furniture or refund

We ordered 2 chairs (to be made) on Oct. 11, 2008. We were told that we must pay for the furniture in advance ($584.55). The purchase order states that the furniture will be in the store in 8 - 10 weeks. We kept calling, no one would call us back. We left many messages. We drove to the store several times and was told that the chairs were on their way. Around Jan. 19, 2009, the store was never open, and the business phone was never answered. We were told by a neighboring business that other people were looking for this crook also. The owner is Wes Cernosek. When he would not return our calls, we drove several times to the store and taped messages on the door. We caught him there on Jan. 23, 2009. He told us that if the chairs were not in by Mon., Jan. 26, he would refund our money. When we tried to collect our refund, he kept avoiding us and would not return our calls. We found out that he lives behind the store. We got the license tags off his vehicles. There is no address on the house, and a big dog is tied up at the front door, preventing anyone from coming up to the house. Later, while waiting outside his house, I caught Wes while leaving the house. He was shocked to see me. He promised to have our money in cash at his store tomorrow (Jan. 29, 2009) -- said he would be in the store all day (yeah - right!). We got a copy of his DBA from the County Clerk with his TDL # and will pursue this with the police and attempt to file a lawsuit in Small Claims Court.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Sterling Heights, US
Jul 08, 2009 10:16 pm EDT

If you paid by Credit Card to a dispute through them.
I own an Amish furniture store in MI. I heard that guy went under and I believe he owed the builders money as well.
Here is a couple good tips
Always pay by CC
The reputable stores normally require 50% down and then The balance when the delivery company picks it up.
Make sure they also have a store so you don't run into some guy in his basement.
Hope everything works out for your claim. If you have any questions I may be able to help you with let me know.
You can come visit our website if you wish. We have been around since aug of 99 and we are not going under anytime soon.

victim of fraud
Manvel, US
Feb 23, 2009 11:59 am EST

On July 12, 2008, I ordered a dining room table and 8 chairs for $4, 615.00. I purchased my dining room set from Rene Lucero, who is the brother-in-law of Wes Cernosek. Rene has informed me that he no longer works at Fine Amish Furniture, Inc., and that Wes, still owes him $8, 000 as commission for his sales. I have experienced the same situation as the story posted above. Wes continues to promise that he will have my furniture delivered, but has failed to keep his word. My husband even asked Wes to put our delivery date in writing, and he complied; but then never followed through with delivering our furniture. In fact, Wes still has his trailer parked in front of the store, which means that he never even went to retrieve the furniture. I suspect, that the furniture was never even ordered. Wes has made up so many stories along the way and he can't even keep them straight. Sometimes he would tell us that our furniture was in Ohio, and other times he would say Pennsylvania.
Needless to say, my husband and I will be taking Wes to court as well. I appreciate the information previously posted. If anyone else is a victim of this fraud, please feel free to contact me at

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