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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Privacy Guard. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Privacy Guard.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Privacy Guard's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Privacy Guard, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

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10:07 pm EDT

Privacy Guard Fraud

I can't remember from what, but through Bank of America, I was automatically signed up for a free trial period of Privacy Guard. Knowing I would eventually have to pay for this service, for which I neither asked for nor wanted, I immediately canceled it. I never used their service, couldn't even tell you what it is they offer. Three months later or so, I got a bill from Privacy Guard. I called, made them remove it, because I had already canceled. I thought that was really conniving of them, but I passed it off as a potential mistake.

At least a year has gone by, haven't thought about them once. Looked at my bank statement. Privacy Guard $89.99! Unbelievable, I never was a member, and I had canceled two times before. It goes with out saying that I never received any notification of this charge. In fact I certainly would never have signed up for an automatic billing system. They must do that by default which must be some sort of violation.

I believe they are criminals. And worse than criminals, they are cons. Judging by the name, Privacy Guard, they are guilty of the exact thing they claim to protect against. They are disgusting hypocrites. This is just as bad as identity theft, maybe worse, because who knows how many thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of people they essentially steal from. And they don't really lose in this scenario. They are going to have possession of my money for several weeks, (who knows how long really). If they are doing this with even just a hundred other people's money, that's $10 grand that
they can invest for 6-8 weeks, and earn interest on. And I have a feeling there are more than 100 people who they have stolen from. Plus there's probably some percentage of people who mistakenly let
Privacy Guard get away with it.

They are lousy lousy people. I am sure of this because, two seconds of a search reveals how many hundreds of complaints have been made about this company. It then stands to reason that the executives of Privacy Guard and its parent company Trilegient, are well aware of these practices, and have done nothing to stop them. I call on Nathaniel J. Lipman, CEO of Trilegient to change his company from its malicious tactics and try earning money honestly.

I would encourage people not to do business with this company, but even if someone had told me ahead of time, I don't think I could have done things any differently, than immediately cancelling a service I was automatically enrolled in but never asked for.

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11:03 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My daughter recently signed up for a storecard. A short while later a cold caller contacted her from Privacy Guard. She is partially sighted and I can only assume she hadnt seen the tickbox on the contract agreeing to receive calls from Privacy Guard. Anyway she was on her way to work and agreed to them sending her "information" in the post. She didnt...

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6:10 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Privacy Guard Fraudulent charges

This company obtains your billing information through other service providers and sets up auto bill payments without your authorization. You will be billed for is 19.95 per month yes $19.95 per month.

The process is you may purchase or subscribe to a service and then you get a sales pitch from some one speaking so fast you cannot understand what they are saying and they way the pitch is phrased it is not clear nor explicit that services are being rendered and fee will be charged and how much those fees will be.

I remember distinctly the call and I agreed to non of the services that I was billed and explicitly stated I did not want to be billled for anything. I also did not give the sales person my billing information. The obtained it from the service provider I purchased a list of home foreclosures.

This is a scam stay away. The company uses unscrupulous methods of getting your credit information. For a company extending itself to be in fraud prevention it is ironic how they get their business.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jun 24, 2010 11:50 am EDT

First off we do not have a membership that charges you 19.95 a month. I know this because I work at one of the Privacy Guard call centers. We talk quickly because just like you we have a job that we have to do and that includes not being on the phone for two hours explaining something for you that is clearly stated when you sign up for the service. People need to pay more attention to what they are signing and what they are listening to on the phone. And you also get a trial membership that comes with a membership packet! So here is an idea READ YOUR MAIL! And I personally think that it is rude for you people to call us and cuss us out about you getting signed up for the service when we had nothing to do with it!

12:00 am EDT

Privacy Guard They are worse than criminals

I can't remember from what, but through Bank of America, I was automatically signed up for a free trial period of Privacy Guard. Knowing I would eventually have to pay for this service, for which I neither asked for nor wanted, I immediately canceled it. I never used their service, couldn't even tell you what it is they offer. Three months later or so, I got a bill from Privacy Guard. I called, made them remove it, because I had already canceled. I thought that was really conniving of them, but I passed it off as a potential mistake.

At least a year has gone by, haven't thought about them once. Looked at my bank statement. Privacy Guard $89.99! Unbelievable, I never was a member, and I had canceled two times before. It goes with out saying that I never received any notification of this charge. In fact I certainly would never have signed up for an automatic billing system. They must do that by default which must be some sort of violation.

I believe they are criminals. And worse than criminals, they are cons. Judging by the name, Privacy Guard, they are guilty of the exact thing they claim to protect against. They are disgusting hypocrites. This is just as bad as identity theft, maybe worse, because who knows how many thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of people they essentially steal from. And they don't really lose in this scenario. They are going to have possession of my money for several weeks, (who knows how long really). If they are doing this with even just a hundred other people's money, that's $10 grand that
they can invest for 6-8 weeks, and earn interest on. And I have a feeling there are more than 100 people who they have stolen from. Plus there's probably some percentage of people who mistakenly let
Privacy Guard get away with it.

They are lousy lousy people. I am sure of this because, two seconds of a search reveals how many hundreds of complaints have been made about this company. It then stands to reason that the executives of Privacy Guard and its parent company Trilegient, are well aware of these practices, and have done nothing to stop them. I call on Nathaniel J. Lipman, CEO of Trilegient to change his company from its malicious tactics and try earning money honestly.

I would encourage people not to do business with this company, but even if someone had told me ahead of time, I don't think I could have done things any differently, than immediately cancelling a service I was automatically enrolled in but never asked for. Shame on you Privacy Guard, Trilegient, and Nathaniel J Lipman.

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Baek Hyun Kim
Colu, US
Aug 16, 2010 1:02 pm EDT

From few months, privacy guard took my money every months form my bank account.
So, I called them to make sure that I have participated their membership but they don't have any information of mine.
They told me all my money will be refunded but this month they took my money.
How to do that.

Portland, US
May 14, 2015 6:28 pm EDT

I signed up voluntarily BUT their system is ALWAYS having a "temporary technical problem". Got to read my credit report the first month only. Ever since -nada :-(

Apr 24, 2011 1:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I used to work for Affinion Group and I say a lot of times the telemarketers and sales reps are also responsilble for aggressiely pushing those products on their customers. The CSR reps on our end are the ones that take the backlash(SERIOUS BACKLASH).
I understand from the customer's view point, but I have always believed that Affinion Group and TLG need a better, more decent, way to offer their services. Some of the services aren't bad at all, but the way they market it and push on people is really, really crappy!

inverness, GB
Dec 16, 2010 9:30 am EST

Privacy guaud got me to on my comet card, only just noticed the 79.99 payment taken from the account, to make matters worse they took 79.99 a year before which went unoticed by me! Anyway called them up and had it refunded after they advised that they made a mistake, they advised that we signed for, we disagreed then they said oh no sorry it was telemarketing. They then listened to the call and refunded the cash as soon as they could. One question i have paid interest on these payments who do i claim these back from comet wont take responsibility?

June R.
Aug 21, 2010 10:50 am EDT

Privacy Guard charged me $12.99 for 2 years on an account they had put inactive. How can you put an actively PAYING account "inactive". I had a contract with them with the easy terms. "I pay $12.99 per month, they send me alerts when there is activity on my acct." They breached their end of the contract by dropping the ball and not monitoring my credit. I called and asked for a refund of services not rendered, and got a complete run around, ending with being transferred to the Privacy Guard Vice President's answering machine. I left a message and no one called me back from there. Privacy Guard stole my money!

Durham, US
May 13, 2010 12:08 am EDT

I have also been scammed by Privacy Guard and Citibank for years in a row! And sorry last poster but I never received nor cashed any checks from Privacy Guard. Privacy Guard is a HUGE scam. I definitely plan to connect and unite others who have been ripped off by Privacy Guard. Based on my annual interactions with Citibank on this trying to remove, cancel, and be refunded for Privacy Guard charges it seems clear to me they are a partner in this scam!

Columbus, US
Apr 27, 2010 10:51 am EDT

I work for the Affinion Group, who owns Privacy Guard. Nine time out of Ten, when I take phone calls about the service, the customers know they're signed up. Most of them have been signed up for years, and obviously didn't pay attention to their billing statements. Uusually, customers are signed up through the checks that our clients mail out. Maybe if everyone actually READ the things that they sign, and would stop cashing checks that are mailed to them, no one would be suprised by a monthly charge on their cards. I mean, do you really think we mail you a check for money, just because we think you're awesome!? No! So, stop being greedy, and actually READ information before you just jump into things. (And yes, it CLEARLY says that you will be enrolled into a service upon cashing our checks...more than three times to be exact!) =)

emilyc, brown
Canal Winchester, US
Dec 31, 2009 11:52 am EST

I too have been scammed by Privacy Guard but will not Let the company steal from me without a fight. I am withdrawing my funds from my bank because they recommend Privacy Guard, and have contacted the Attorney General as to the illegal activities of this company. All individuals who have had money stolen from them need to unite and force this company out of business. Any ideas out there as to how we can unite?

P.S. They rely on people not willing to react.

Clint Dole
Colorado Springs, US
Dec 30, 2009 2:28 pm EST

They got me as well. They are an absolutely despicable company. If it came at more of a loss to me I would surely like to take legal action, but it's not worth my time.

Miami, US
Mar 21, 2009 10:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

PrivacyGuard are CROOKS BEWARE.

On different occasions they have refused to cancel. One time because I said the word "Dam", they said I could not be canceled because I cursed.

On another time, I mentioned I was driving and rep said he could not cancel because I was driving and it could cause an accident.

Finally, got cancel but I had to put up a fight and repeated "Just Cancel" over and over and finally they gave in.

SCAM ALERT Privacy Guard, when you try to cancel.

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