1. This breeder sold us a kitten that 3 months later died of FIP. No reimbursement. 2. She brought a cat in from another Cattery that had cases of FIP, exposing her Cattery to the Corona virus. She sold this females kittens. The one we bought was from her. 3. The kitten we bought from her was infested with fleas. When asked about this she said she lived in the country and it couldn't be prevented. SERIOUSLY. 4. Doesn't let you see the cats at the cattery because she says it prevents disease. Reputable breeders allow customers to see their catteries knowing simple precautions protect from disease. So why would someone not want you to see their cattery? 5. When we bought our kitten she told us they were checked by a veterinarian but the only paperwork we could get is vaccines she self administered. She's not a veterinarian! No documents from her vet. We don't even know who her vet is. What does that tell you? 6. I cannot find anything saying that she shows her cats. Reputable breeders only care about bettering the breed by showing and breeding the best. What does that say to you?
She tells you that you should pay more money for her so called HEALTHY kittens. From my experience I do not believe that Tammie Knowles of Ridgeview Ragdolls sells HEALTHY kittens.
My name is Paul McDaniel. I am Kelley`s husband. I do not hide behind a computer screen. I do not have ignorant friends post for me. I want the opportunity to tell my side of this situation. My wife is a very sweet person. Unfortunately, she is niave when it comes to how people truely are. She has, or rather had the belief that all people are good at heart. This has been a very painful yet valuable lesson for her. She has been taken advantage of.
The day we adopted Pumpkin from Ridgeview Ragdolls he had fleas, started sneezing, had diarrhea, and was underweight. We didn't find out about the sneezing and diarrhea until we got home. That night my wife called Tammie to voice her concerns. She was given unsubstantial excuses why he was in this condition. I think if you read Tamies side you can see she has an excuse for everything. She all too easily puts the blame on everyone but herself. I am glad she wrote her side. That way logical people can read her account, excuses, and even where she admits certain details about her cattery that do not make her look all too good.
The entire time we had this kitten he has been sickly. He was never playful or active like a young kitten should be. He spent the majority of his time sleeping in my wife's lap. He adored my wife and would stay in her lap all day. While this is sweet, it is also sad. He didn't feel well and wanted to be near his favorite person. He wasn't at all anything like a healthy kitten should be.
We found out that neither Pumpkin or his mother were tested for FIV/FELV. She advertises on her website that she tests for this. Tamie said the breeder that gave her Kara told her she was tested, but admitted to my wife that she was never shown any documentation of this and did not know for sure. She chanced endangering her entire cattery by bringing Kara into her house without being given proof that she was FIV/FeLV negative. And for what? To save a few bucks? Even our local rescue and animal control will test for that before selling you a kitten.
She will not take any responsibility for her bad choices. For example, she sold kittens from Kara. Kara was a cat that originated from Elegant Ragdolls. Look up this cattery, please. When you do you will find what my wife was horrified to find after recieving Pumpkin's lineage papers in the mail. She typed in, "Elegant Ragdolls" and found claims of scams, ringworm, and kittens dying of FIP. Tamie herself said this breeder was "non-reputable". So why would she bring this cat into her cattery. This was the mother of our Pumpkin. The father, Hershey, is still being bred even though she knows at least one of his kittens has died of FIP. Elegant Ragdolls and Ridgeview Ragdolls, birds of a feather? Judge for yourself.
Yes we adopted from the rescue we used to foster for. St. Francis. They are a wonderful rescue. Our rescue kitten was never in a shelter or a cattery. We picked him up strait from the vet. That is where he had stayed the night before we picked him up. The great people at St. Francis actually make sure their cats are healthy before adopting out. Our Jake was taken to a vet before we got him. He was tested for FIVFELV. St. Francis payed for this. My wife had to pay to get that test done for Pumpkin as Tammie never offered to have it done even though she advertises this on her website. St. Francis also payed for all of our vet bills after that for 30 days even though he was already adopted. I think Tamie could learn a lot from this rescue. Jake is the only other cat/kitten we have ever had while caring for our sick little Pumpkin. I have explained this situation to St. Francis and they are disturbed that a breeder would act in this manner.
We have not slandered Tamie as we have documentation to prove our allegations. I am not calling names or telling false stories. Read Tamie and her friends responses and see who is slandering who. My wife trusted this breeder with confindential information. She told Tamie that her vet documents were for Tamie and her veterinarian to go over, as Tamie had requested this personal information. This was despite my warning that Tamie was just trying to find an excuse to break her promise. Kelley wanted Tamie to know everything. She didn't feel there was anything to hide. She told Tamie before ever sending the documents of the problem she dealt with with the Coccidia. Knowing that Tamie still promised another kitten. After Tamie read this, though, she changed her mind and acted as though my wife hadn't told her everything. Why would my wife send everything if she was trying to hide something? My wife even gave Tamie our vet's number and told her to call them if she had any questions. Which she didn't do. My wife was more than open and honest with Tamie.
My wife is a kind and generous person who loves and cares about animals. Does Tamie care about anything but making a profit? That is for you, the reader, to judge. I am disappointed with this breeder. My wife is a very delicate loving person and has lost many tears over not just losing her sweet kitten, but also how people throw away all decency for money and greed. My wife is well loved by the community we live in, as well as the communities we lived in previously. These people are outraged that anyone could do this to her. Many of these people will likely weigh in on this matter as well. As for me, I will not be writing about this any further.
I know that anyone reading this that is not a personal friend of Tamie's will see what kind of person Tamie really is and how much or little she knows about cats. Please look up www.peteducation.com and learn about FIP. Also check out the website: http://dr-addie.com/Choosekitten.htm. There is a wealth of accurate information there that I wish we had found before all of this. Also, Pumpkin had dry FIP. It says on www.peteducation.com that a cat can live a year after showing clinical signs of FIP with the dry form. Does that match up with Tamie and her friend's claim of a kitten dying in 14 days? Look and see if you can find 14 days written anywhere.
Now Tamie, if you and your friends can stop slandering my wife and making up false accusations, then this will be my last post anywhere. If you continue making up numbers and giving false information about my wife and this disease FIP, then you WILL be seeing more NON-SLANDEROUS posts again. And please, do not try to educate people about FIP, when you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
14 days?! Really? Here's YOUR sign!
P.S. Here's a picture of Pumpkin 3 days after I got him. Notice how weak and sickly he looks. This is before we got Jake. In the next picture is our obviously healthy Jake wondering why Pumpkin won't play with him. Notice how Pumpkin is curled into a tight ball? That is because he is in pain. You can also see it on his face. He was like this the majority of the time we had him.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Here's Your Sign...
It always amazes me how people are so quick to bad mouth someone, but never seem to have the time to appreciate or compliment someone for doing a good job. I'm in my 50's, but I was taught to step back and take a deep breath before saying something bad about someone. Look in the mirror before blowing your mouth. This is the age of everything at your fingertips, needing instant gratification and a feeling of being entitled to things you are not, and it is ruining America. I believe in the first amendment, but I also believe in being mature enough to take responsibility for your own actions before blaming the easiest person available.
I have known Tamie Knowles of Ridgeviews Ragdolls for several years. I currently have three of her cats. They are healthy, happy, and quite fat. Life is good for them. I don't think it would have been had Tamie not done everything in her power to make sure she has healthy cats. She tests for everything possible that is known to the ragdoll breed, whether it is genetic, or a disease that is known to cause problems in cats. She will not breed a cat if there is any indication that there is a problem with it.
Some illnesses are not verifiable by a test. FIP is one of those diseases. Yes, you can test a cat for the Corona Virus, but you can't test to see if it will mutate into FIP. If you google FIP, you will discover that 85% of all cats in the United States carry the Corona Virus; this does not however assure that they will develop FIP. It just means the virus is in their system. Viruses act like that. Once the Corona Virus does mutate into FIP the cat becomes sick very quickly and usually dies within a couple of weeks. Did you catch that? I will repeat. Once the Corona Virus does mutate into FIP, the cat becomes sick very quickly and usually dies within a couple of weeks. Two weeks is 14 days. You stated that your kitten became sick in seven (7) weeks died shortly after you got it from Tamie. That leaves five or six (5 or 6) weeks at your place that for one reason or another the virus mutated. That tells me that either other cats you had in your home exposed this kitten to the mutation or the stress level this kitten was exposed to in your home stressed the kitten enough that it caused its immune system to be compromised and invariably mutate into FIP. That is how this virus works.
I have been with cats my entire life. Have never been without them. I have fostered, done rescues and have purchased purebreds. I know cats and their tendencies and illnesses. It is awful what happened to your kitten, but I don't feel Tamie is to blame for the problem. You had rescues and fosters in your house. Even though they appear to be healthy, we have no way to truly determine what illnesses or diseases they may have or where they have been when you rescue or foster them. That is just a sad fact of the situation.
As for fleas, well my personal opinion tells me you were just wanting to add more fuel to your fire and that was an easy one. My cats from Tamie didn't come with fleas and I got all of them either in the spring or summer - the highest time for flea infestations. Tamie has tile and hardwood floors, which are very easy to keep clean. We have discussed this, as I have several cats in my house and I am always looking for ways to improve my cleaning. I don't think your kitten was "infested". Tamie's vet would have noticed that as they saw the cat only five days before you got him. Infestations don't happen in five days unless you drop a kitten into a bucket of fleas. Tamie also had the cat at the vet to have them altered. A vet does certain tests on kittens before altering them to be sure they are healthy before putting them under anesthetic. Much like in humans, vets want to cover their backsides before doing surgery, so testing is done beforehand. Her vet found nothing wrong with this kitten. There were other kittens in your kitten's litter, yet none of them were flea infested and none of them died. That raises a question with me and quite frankly a red flag. All of these kittens were treated the same until they left Tamie's house and went to their individual new homes. You are the only one who seemed to have a problem with your kitten.
Do you see why I am saying you jumped to conclusions and didn't think this out before blowing up and spouting off? Have you done your homework and researched on this? Tamie is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Ragdolls. She didn't sell you a sick kitten, it was just fate that your kitten contracted something or its immune system was compromised while at your home that made it sick and in the end killed it. I am sorry for your loss, as that is a horrible loss. I have been through many over the years with fosters and rescues and it is truly a loss.
As for vet records, giving shots herself? Well, if you check around, most breeders give their own shots. It is less expensive than going to a vet with each litter for each set of shots (usually 2). Also, most vets give shots with needles and it can cause a sarcoma that can become malignant later. Certain shots are given in the same location on an animals body. Year after year, these sarcomas can grow and in the end can cause cancer. Ultranasal vaccines are somewhat new, but are becoming more common. I have so many cats that I give my own yearly vaccines too. It just makes sense for my household. It also allows my cats not to get all stressed as most cats do when you take them to the vet. Remember how stress can cause mutations? A vets office is much like a pediatrician's office. You only go there if you have to because you pick up or catch everything that everyone or every pet has in the office. I think Tamie is smart to keep her kittens safe at home. As for vet's records? Did you actually ask for them? Don't think she would have a problem providing them to you showing the kitten was altered. I am sure if there had been some other illness with the kitten that would have been in the vets records too.
As for not "seeing" her cats? Do you realize this is her home. Do you allow strangers to rummage through your home? I think not! I am pretty picky who gets through my front door. If I don't know them, we talk through the door. You can never be too careful. That is just good common sense for protecting your home and family. I guess if she was a pistol-packin' momma she could meet you at the door with a six shooter and follow you around, but I tend to think you would have even more problems with that.
As nice people (that you claim to be) all in all, I feel like your loss has over-shadowed good judgement and you felt as though you had to lash out at someone. Thus, "Here's Your Sign", or perhaps it should be a mirror.
First of all, let me say that this person is mad at me because
of the death of a kitten she got from me. I feel sorry that one of my kittens contracted this horrible
disease and eventually died, but I feel that Kelley is not taking any
responsibility for her actions in
the situation that made the kitten sick and eventually die.
As a breeder, I should have been more cautious
about the home I was placing this
kitten into and refused to let her purchase a kitten from me; but I was given
her word that she was not going
to foster any more kittens. She claims my kitten came to her house sick, after
it had been at her house for almost 3 months. In addition, she has no proof
that the foster kitten she brought in from the shelter wasn't the kitten who made the kitten she got from me
sick and then it died.
Corona Virus is
carried in 80% to 90% of all domestic cats. It has nothing to do with a cattery
or a breeder. The fact is, it exists and the percentage is
even higher in shelter or rescue cats. In comparison, it is very similar to
humans who had chicken pox as a child.
The virus stays in their system for their entire life, yet it can mutate
and turn into the very painful condition of Shingles when they are an adult. The Corona Virus can be carried by a cat, even though
they may never show any symptoms of it. It
can come back and mutate into the FIP virus, which is always fatal.
The best way to prevent the virus from mutating
is to keep the kitten from getting sick or being stressed; hence the strict
guidelines on my website about visitation to my cattery. When the kitten gets stressed, such as going
to a new home or by being introduced to an illness they did not previously have,
it can weaken the kitten’s immune
system and it becomes more susceptible to the Corona
Virus. It is usually harmless and appears like a cold that can easily be treated.
In 1% of cats, (usually kittens and older cats) it can mutate into FIP. There
is no way to determine which cat it will mutate in or when, but it usually happens when
the cat’s immune system is stressed and the kitten can't fight it off. From my
understanding you cannot check
for the Corona Virus unless the kitten is sick. Kelley’s kitten
was never sick at my house to indicate a reason to have the kitten tested. In addition, his mother
was never sick while she was in my care.
With this being said, Kelley had introduced a foster kitten into her household 2
weeks after getting her kitten from me. This foster kitten had a parasite called coccidia, that was transmitted to the kitten
she got from me about a week later. This parasite causes bloody diarrhea and
can weaken the kitten to the
point it requires fluids to offset the dehydration from the constant diarrhea.
At this point the kitten has
a greater chance of dying from
dehydration than from the Corona
Virus, but puts the kitten into a stressed situation. This information was taken
from the vet report and from an e-mail that Kelley had sent me. I believe this
was the stressor that may have caused the Corona Virus to mutate into FIP.
Before introducing the two kittens, Kelley did
not take proper precautions to quarantine the foster kitten for two weeks from
the kitten she got from me. This is standard when bringing ANY kitten into a
household no matter where you get them from. It is an extra measure that should
be taken to ensure the new kitten isn’t bringing anything into the house to
affect her other kittens. This is why I feel she should take the responsibility
of her actions and not blame me.
I refused to replace the kitten because of the
environment that I now know a replacement kitten would be going to. There will also be no reimbursement because
she lied to me about the home situation that my kitten was going to. In an e-mail Kelley stated she
wasn’t fostering any more kittens; but in the vet report, they called the other
kitten a “foster”.
If any other person were to adopt a kitten and take it to their vet, the kitten
is then put under “your name” and you pay the vet bills. This kitten was registered as a foster with
her vet and Kelley admitted to me that the vet was paying the bills for the
kitten. Why would a vet use the word “foster”
in a report unless the kitten WAS a foster. They
have to keep records too. Kelley has been fostering kittens in her home
for a while.
When she contacted me about getting a kitten, I
had some lower priced kittens because I had taken a pregnant, mixed-breed momma
from another breeder in the
Nashville area who was getting out of breeding due to a divorce. I was upfront
with Kelley about the situation of how I acquired the kitten so she knew the
history. We talked in length
about the temperament of the kitten, because of its mixed heritage. The parents were both registered, but the other
breeder purchased the breeders from a non-reputable breeder and was told both parents were
Ragdolls when they were not. This was OK with Kelley because it brought the
price of the kitten down to an affordable price for her. This information was
also published on my website at the time the kittens were made available for adoption and until I
found a good home for the Momma. It took about 6 months after the kittens were
gone to find her a home as I wanted to make sure she would have a nice home to go to. The entire time she and her
kittens were at my house, they were never
Money was an issue for Kelley. She told me that
she was selling stuff on E-bay to
help pay for this kitten and asked me if I could drop the price down even more.
I took an additional $50 off the
kitten for her. Kelley and I were in contact throughout the adoption process
with her getting weekly updates and pictures of
her new kitten, except the last week the kitten was at the vet to be neutered
before going to Kelley's house.
Kelley and her husband are putting complaints
out that I didn't take the kitten to the vet. That is not true unless she
thinks I neutered her kitten at my house on my own. There were no vet reports
for this kitten because the kitten was never sick, so never required a vet
visit except to be neutered and checked by my vet before going to his new home.
As for the shots, I give my own kitten vaccines as do most breeders. I use
Ultranasal vaccines because I do not want the kittens to have the chance of
forming a sarcoma or knot at the injection
site, which can happen when giving injectable "shots". I fully disclose
this to all customers who adopt from me so that they are aware of it before they
get their kittens. In fact I have an e-mail from Kelley saying that she
researched the vaccines and found out that what I had told her was true about
the injectable vaccines. She even asked if she could
purchase a nasal vaccine from me for her kitten’s last shot.
Her complaint about the fleas is also blown out of proportion. We live in the country
and can have fleas at any given time. My breeders are given Revolution and the
kittens are
given Capstar before going to their new homes. I also
give a Drontal worming treatment because the regular wormings using Strongid do not take care of tapeworms
which can come from fleas. This is just a precaution, and it doesn't mean that
they have fleas or tapeworms, but I want to make
sure that they don't have any kind of worms before going to their new homes.
The kitten was never found to have tapeworms, but I informed Kelley that I had
forgotten to give him his tapeworm pill before going home. We had construction
going on at our house and were having to deliver the kittens to customers and I
just simply forgot to give him the pill. My vet didn’t notice any worms upon
examination and Kelley’s vet didn’t make any notes about worms when she took
the kitten to the vet for his health checkup. By saying the kitten was infested
with fleas, I think this is just Kelley’s way of dealing with the problem by
making me sound bad to other people.
She keeps insisting that the kitten was never
seen by a vet. Then how did he get fixed? The vet makes sure they are healthy
because they don't do surgery on a sick kitten. Her kitten was fixed on September 23rd (and
seen by a vet) and we delivered her kitten on September 28th. The kitten was at the vet 5 days
before she took ownership. She had never asked for any information from the
vet. If she had, I would have given her a copy of my printout and given her my
vet information. I don’t have anything to hide. Kelley doesn't live in my area,
so it wasn’t unusual not to give her my vet’s information. On many occasions I have transferred the vet info to the
new owner, but only when the owner requests it. Otherwise my vet would go crazy
with paperwork and not be very
fond of doing business with me. I am honest if a kitten has any issues while at
my house and I let the customers know. If there is vet information on a kitten,
they have a right
to that information and can
easily get it by asking me. So again she is trying to make me look bad because
the kitten was never sick and did not require any visits to the vet other than
for his neuter and final vet checkup.
Concerning showing my cats at Cat Shows; no I
do not show. That takes a lot of time and money and most breeders do not show.
That doesn't mean we don't know the qualities that should be bred into a
Ragdoll Cat. Kelley did not get a show cat as she did not pay for one. So to
say that a breeder is a bad breeder because they do not show is not a fair
statement. First, you have to have the money and time to show. Second, you have
to have a cat or kitten who likes to travel and to be put in a cage for the
weekend (at the hotel also) and then be exposed
to any kind of disease that these other cats can bring to the show place. Showing
can be very stressful on any cat. I breed these cats for their temperament and
beauty and to bring joy to families. It is not my goal to please a judge or
other show person who doesn't care at all about the health of my cats. I don't
need to prove anything by showing and taking my cats out of their home
situation and forcing them into a life that is not very pleasant for the cat. I
rather them go to homes that will just let them be well-loved pets. I prefer
not to sell to other breeders for this reason.
Breeding can be stressful for these cats and
that is why I alter and pet out my breeders at a young age. I always try to
send my retired breeders to a home by themselves so they get all the attention.
I test all of my breeders for anything there is a test for so I know I am not
perpetuating unhealthy traits in my kittens and I make sure that my cats have
medical care any time they need it. I feed them only high-quality cat and
kitten food to make sure they have all the nutrients they require to grow into
healthy adult cats.
We will never know for sure where this kitten contracted the fatal virus from,
but according to the timelines from the vet records, it reached a fatal stage
long after he was in my care at my house. I can say this because the way that
FIP mutates, it does so and within two weeks at which time the kitten or cat
dies. I feel like if the kitten had the
mutation at my house, that he would have died soon after going to Kelley’s
house. The nature of the disease shows proof of this. All we can do is our best
to keep our kittens healthy and make sure they go to good homes. I have learned
from this experience the types of homes that I will not allow my kittens to go
to. I hope this helps people understand
that we try our best to have the healthiest kittens for you.
There are plenty of bad breeders out there and
they should have complaints on them, but to assassinate a breeder because of a
situation that is out of their control is wrong. People have to understand that
these are living creatures. If they are not willing to take on the
responsibility for the kitten’s health and life time of care, then they should not
be a pet owner. Like all living creatures,
these cats can get sick, and we do the best that we can to ensure their health;
but there are some diseases out there that are really horrible and it is out of
our control as a breeder to stop them.
In conclusion, I am sorry that a little kitten didn't
get a fair shake in life and died from a horrible disease that hopefully we are
getting closer to understanding and eliminating. You can be sure that I will go
out and do everything in my power to make sure that this disease will not
affect any other cat either from my cattery or in other catteries and shelters
that I will help to educate.
I wish Kelley had been honest with me about bringing in another kitten from a
shelter and I would have helped her integrate the two cats together so that
neither of us would have had to see this little soul suffer and die.
First of all, let me say
that this person is mad at me because of the death of a kitten she got from me.
I feel sorry that one of my
kittens contracted this horrible disease and eventually died, but I feel that Kelley
is not taking any responsibility for her
actions in the situation that made the kitten sick and eventually die.
As a breeder, I should
have been more cautious about the home
I was placing this kitten into and refused to let her purchase a kitten from
me; but I was given her word that she was
not going to foster any more kittens. She claims my kitten came to her house
sick, after it had been at her house for almost 3 months. In addition, she has
no proof that the foster kitten she brought in from the shelter wasn't the kitten who made the kitten she got from me
sick and then it died.
Corona Virus is carried in 80% to 90% of all
domestic cats. It has nothing to do with a cattery or a breeder. The fact is, it exists and the percentage is
even higher in shelter or rescue cats. In comparison, it is very similar to
humans who had chicken pox as a child.
The virus stays in their system for their entire life, yet it can mutate
and turn into the very painful condition of Shingles when they are an adult. The Corona Virus can be carried by a cat, even though
they may never show any symptoms of it. It
can come back and mutate into the FIP virus, which is always fatal.
The best way to prevent the
virus from mutating is to keep the kitten from getting sick or being stressed;
hence the strict guidelines on my website about visitation to my cattery. When the kitten gets stressed, such as going
to a new home or by being introduced to an illness they did not previously have,
it can weaken the kitten’s immune
system and it becomes more susceptible to the Corona
Virus. It is usually harmless and appears like a cold that can easily be treated.
In 1% of cats, (usually kittens and older cats) it can mutate into FIP. There
is no way to determine which cat it will mutate in or when, but it usually happens when
the cat’s immune system is stressed and the kitten can't fight it off. From my
understanding you cannot check
for the Corona Virus unless the kitten is sick. Kelley’s kitten
was never sick at my house to indicate a reason to have the kitten tested. In addition, his mother
was never sick while she was in my care.
With this being said,
Kelley had introduced a foster
kitten into her household 2 weeks after getting her kitten from me. This foster
kitten had a parasite called coccidia,
that was transmitted to the kitten she got from me about a week later. This
parasite causes bloody diarrhea and can weaken the kitten to the point it requires
fluids to offset the dehydration from the constant diarrhea. At this point the
kitten has
a greater chance of dying from
dehydration than from the Corona
Virus, but puts the kitten into a stressed situation. This information was taken
from the vet report and from an e-mail that Kelley had sent me. I believe this
was the stressor that may have caused the Corona Virus to mutate into FIP.
Before introducing the two
kittens, Kelley did not take proper precautions to quarantine the foster kitten
for two weeks from the kitten she got from me. This is standard when bringing
ANY kitten into a household no matter where you get them from. It is an extra
measure that should be taken to ensure the new kitten isn’t bringing anything
into the house to affect her other kittens. This is why I feel she should take
the responsibility of her actions and not blame me.
I refused to replace the
kitten because of the environment that I now know a replacement kitten would be
going to. There will also be no reimbursement
because she lied to me about the home situation that my kitten was going to. In an e-mail Kelley stated she
wasn’t fostering any more kittens; but in the vet report, they called the other
kitten a “foster”.
If any other person were to adopt a kitten and take it to their vet, the kitten
is then put under “your name” and you pay the vet bills. This kitten was registered as a foster with
her vet and Kelley admitted to me that the vet was paying the bills for the
kitten. Why would a vet use the word “foster”
in a report unless the kitten WAS a foster. They
have to keep records too. Kelley has been fostering kittens in her home
for a while.
When she contacted me
about getting a kitten, I had some lower priced kittens because I had taken a pregnant,
mixed-breed momma from another breeder in the
Nashville area who was getting out of breeding due to a divorce. I was upfront
with Kelley about the situation of how I acquired the kitten so she knew the
history. We talked in length
about the temperament of the kitten, because of its mixed heritage. The parents were both registered, but the other
breeder purchased the breeders from a non-reputable breeder and was told both parents were
Ragdolls when they were not. This was OK with Kelley because it brought the
price of the kitten down to an affordable price for her. This information was
also published on my website at the time the kittens were made available for adoption and until I
found a good home for the Momma. It took about 6 months after the kittens were
gone to find her a home as I wanted to make sure she would have a nice home to go to. The entire time she and her
kittens were at my house, they were never
Money was an issue for Kelley.
She told me that she was selling stuff on E-bay
to help pay for this kitten and asked me if I could drop the price down even
more. I took an additional $50 off the
kitten for her. Kelley and I were in contact throughout the adoption process
with her getting weekly updates and pictures of
her new kitten, except the last week the kitten was at the vet to be neutered
before going to Kelley's house.
Kelley and her husband are
putting complaints out that I didn't take the kitten to the vet. That is not
true unless she thinks I neutered her kitten at my house on my own. There were
no vet reports for this kitten because the kitten was never sick, so never
required a vet visit except to be neutered and checked by my vet before going
to his new home. As for the shots, I give my own kitten vaccines as do most
breeders. I use Ultranasal vaccines because I do not want the kittens to have
the chance of forming a sarcoma or knot at the injection site, which can happen when
giving injectable "shots". I fully disclose
this to all customers who adopt from me so that they are aware of it before they
get their kittens. In fact I have an e-mail from Kelley saying that she
researched the vaccines and found out that what I had told her was true about
the injectable vaccines. She even asked if she could
purchase a nasal vaccine from me for her kitten’s last shot.
Her complaint about the
fleas is also blown out of proportion. We
live in the country and can have fleas at any given time. My breeders are given
Revolution and the kittens are
given Capstar before going to their new homes. I also
give a Drontal worming treatment because the regular wormings using Strongid do not take care of tapeworms
which can come from fleas. This is just a precaution, and it doesn't mean that
they have fleas or tapeworms, but I want to make
sure that they don't have any kind of worms before going to their new homes.
The kitten was never found to have tapeworms, but I informed Kelley that I had
forgotten to give him his tapeworm pill before going home. We had construction
going on at our house and were having to deliver the kittens to customers and I
just simply forgot to give him the pill. My vet didn’t notice any worms upon
examination and Kelley’s vet didn’t make any notes about worms when she took
the kitten to the vet for his health checkup. By saying the kitten was infested
with fleas, I think this is just Kelley’s way of dealing with the problem by
making me sound bad to other people.
She keeps insisting that
the kitten was never seen by a vet. Then how did he get fixed? The vet makes
sure they are healthy because they don't do surgery on a sick kitten. Her
kitten was fixed on September 23rd (and seen by a vet) and we delivered
her kitten on September 28th.
The kitten was at the vet 5 days before she took ownership. She
had never asked for any information from the vet. If she had, I would have
given her a copy of my printout and given her my vet information. I don’t have
anything to hide. Kelley doesn't live in my area, so it wasn’t unusual not to
give her my vet’s information. On many occasions I have transferred the vet info to the
new owner, but only when the owner requests it. Otherwise my vet would go crazy
with paperwork and not be very
fond of doing business with me. I am honest if a kitten has any issues while at
my house and I let the customers know. If there is vet information on a kitten,
they have a right
to that information and can
easily get it by asking me, and it will also be noted on the health report I
give every customer at delivery time, so they can show their vet the history of
the cats health and what other medicines or procedures were down while they
were in my care. So again she is trying to make me look bad because the kitten
was never sick and did not require any visits to the vet other than for his
neuter and final vet checkup.
Concerning showing my cats
at Cat Shows; no I do not show. That takes a lot of time and money and most
breeders do not show. That doesn't mean we don't know the qualities that should
be bred into a Ragdoll Cat. Kelley did not get a show cat as she did not pay
for one. So to say that a breeder is a bad breeder because they do not show is not
a fair statement. First, you have to have the money and time to show. Second,
you have to have a cat or kitten who likes to travel and to be put in a cage
for the weekend (at the hotel also) and then be exposed to any kind of disease that
these other cats can bring to the show place. Showing can be very stressful on
any cat. I breed these cats for their temperament and beauty and to bring joy
to families. It is not my goal to please a judge or other show person who
doesn't care at all about the health of my cats. I don't need to prove anything
by showing and taking my cats out of their home situation and forcing them into
a life that is not very pleasant for the cat. I rather them go to homes that
will just let them be well-loved pets. I prefer not to sell to other breeders
for this reason.
Breeding can be stressful
for these cats and that is why I alter and pet out my breeders at a young age.
I always try to send my retired breeders to a home by themselves so they get
all the attention. I test all of my breeders for anything there is a test for so
I know I am not perpetuating unhealthy traits in my kittens and I make sure
that my cats have medical care any time they need it. I feed them only
high-quality cat and kitten food to make sure they have all the nutrients they
require to grow into healthy adult cats.
We will never know for sure where this kitten contracted the fatal virus from,
but according to the timelines from the vet records, it reached a fatal stage
long after he was in my care at my house. I can say this because the way that
FIP mutates, it does so and within two weeks at which time the kitten or cat
dies. I feel like if the kitten had the
mutation at my house, that he would have died soon after going to Kelley’s
house. The nature of the disease shows proof of this. All we can do is our best
to keep our kittens healthy and make sure they go to good homes. I have learned
from this experience the types of homes that I will not allow my kittens to go
to. I hope this helps people understand
that we try our best to have the healthiest kittens for you.
There are plenty of bad
breeders out there and they should have complaints on them, but to assassinate
a breeder because of a situation that is out of their control is wrong. People
have to understand that these are living creatures. If they are not willing to
take on the responsibility for the kitten’s health and life time of care, then
they should not be a pet owner. Like all
living creatures, these cats can get sick, and we do the best that we can to ensure
their health; but there are some diseases out there that are really horrible
and it is out of our control as a breeder to stop them.
In conclusion, I am sorry
that a little kitten didn't get a fair shake in life and died from a horrible
disease that hopefully we are getting closer to understanding and eliminating. You
can be sure that I will go out and do everything in my power to make sure that this
disease will not affect any other cat either from my cattery or in other
catteries and shelters that I will help to educate.
I wish Kelley had been honest with me about bringing in another kitten from a
shelter and I would have helped her integrate the two cats together so that
neither of us would have had to see this little soul suffer and die.
I have attached a picture of Kelley's kitten. I do pictures usually every Monday and this was
taken two Monday's before this kitten went home.(September 16th) There was no 12 week photo because
the litter was at the vets for their surgeries on Monday the 23rd of September when I did
pictures for the week.
I've known Tamie for quite a few years, bought a beautiful healthy cat from Tamie, still have that wonderful cat and find all the details in the complaint ridicules and frankly unreasonable. The complaint does not at all describe the person I've known for these past years. I would, in a heartbeat, buy from Tamie again. She's honest, thorough and very maticulous in the care of her cats, kittens and the health of her cattery. When I bought from Tamie, I was totally impressed with her attention to detail, health of my cat and the detailed information she provided me regarding the health of not only my cat but of the parents. I do sympathize with the complainant over the loss of her cat -- this is a very hard time.. but reading about the details of the environment the kitten went into, and length of time after symptoms surfaced since leaving Tamies home is a strong indication that the kitten picked up the illness after arriving at the new home. All that said, I would just like to speak out and highly recommend Tamie and say that she's definately on my "trust list" . Believe me I've had enough run ins with non trustworthy breeders to recognize the wonderful qualities of a great breeder in Tamie.
Hi Tammie, nice to hear from you. According to: www.peteducation.com, cats with the wet form of FIP can die within 2 months. My kitten had the dry form. With that they can live much longer. Some cats with the dry form can live up to a year after showing clinical signs. Where do you get your information? You obviously need to spend more time on this website and educate yourself. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Are you a veterinarian? My vet told me the time line went along with when I bought him.
I didn't know he had diarrhea when I purchased him until I got him home. I couldn't have known that. He had diarrhea that night and was sneezing. I didn't even get to see your cattery. I had already paid a non-refundable depost which I did not want to lose. That is why I went ahead and took him home. I figured I could get him to a healthy weight. He was too thin, was sneezing, had diarrhea, and had fleas. I called to let you know. You told me that they get diarrhea in new situations and sneeze in new environments. Also, you said he was thin as he was growing, and that they went through growth spurts and it was normal. That seems suspicious now that he is dead.
I treated him for the fleas, and had to give him tapeworm medicine per your advice because fleas CAUSE tapeworms. I also fed him a diet of wet food and hard food to try and fatten him up. He never put on a good healthy amount of weight. That is a sign of FIP. He was ALWAYS that way. I have vet documentation to prove that.
I also called you when you sent me his lineage papers. I found out you got the mother from Elegant Ragdolls. When I looked up Elegant Ragdolls on the internet all I found was warnings of scams of sick cats being sold that had ringworm and FIP. I was scared. You reassured me you would give me a kitten if something happened within a reasonable time. He was showing signs of FIP within 7 weeks, and at 9 weeks I decided he needed to see a vet. He was getting progressively worse. They said it might be FIP. 5 weeks later I had to bury my sweet boy as he had died from confirmed dry FIP.
We have veterinarians that are willing to back me up in court. And, yes, you know you sold me a kitten with fleas. You told me you don't treat your cats for fleas because it burns fur off of their necks. Flea anemia and tapeworms are worse than a little lost fur. You had given him a Capstar, and that is what you told me that you do when you sell a kitten. You reassured me the fleas covering him were dead when I bought him. I treated him with Advantage Multi just to be safe as I do not want fleas in my house. Yes, you can have fleas INSIDE your house in the winter time.
And these emails have been read over by an attorney. There is NO slander. It is all truthful, and I have the proof and witnesses to back me up.
How terrible. It seems as if you get pleasure out of others pain. I get that just from the way you write. I am starting to believe there are very few decent people in this world anymore.
You are writing multiple reviews giving yourself 5 stars. Really? I guess you need them.
Hi, this is Kelley. My husband has been posting the majority up till now. This will be my last post, no matter what anybody else has to say. I am sorry my husband got involved in all of this. He is very protective of me. We call him Papa Bear for a reason. There are a few discrepancies that I need to clear up. I do need to mention something Tamie has admitted to doing that is illegal. She has said on this post that she has used my personal confidential vet records that she requested from me upon Pumpkin's passing. Realize, also, that I offered a necropsy and a test to prove FIP, but she did not want these done. She wanted my vet records, which I didn't have a problem giving to her. But now she has broken the law by sharing parts of those records, and not completely accurately at that. She says that my vet records say the Coccidia was more dangerous than the Corona. That is simply not true and is NOT in my vet records. She is trying to give backing to an incorrect statement to make her look better by falsely saying it came from my vet records. Coccidia is an intestinal parasite. Like a tapeworm. Has anyone heard of a DEADLY tapeworm? I advise you, the reader, to look up Coccidia. It is not deadly. Certainly not like FIP, which has a 100% mortality rate. Corona caused the FIP in Pumpkin. What happens is the Corona virus, which ALSO can cause diarreah, mutates into FIP. Or at least it did in Pumpkin. As for the subcutaneous fluids given, that is something my vet recommended because my kittens had diarreah. It is a good thing that my vet takes such good care of their clients. They take precautions. Sub-Q fluids are similar to a person giving a child Pedialite when they have diarreah. Sub-Q fluids have electrolytes in them that helps the kitten. When you give a child Pedialite does that mean he is deathly ill? No. Tamie read into my vet reports things that were NOT there. She is trying to make a parasite look worse than a virus. That's like comparing having a tapeworm to having the flu. But don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Then you will see how ignorant what Tamie is saying is. I do not appreciate Tamie using my confidential information, or adding to it things that aren't in it and publicly posting them as though they are fact. That IS slander.
Another thing, I called a vet near Clinton, TN. I do not know that they are Tamie's vet and I am not claiming that they are. I am simply using them as a guideline to go by. When I called I posed as a potential customer. I told them I had a male kitten that I wanted to get neutered. I asked them the price. I asked if the neuter included an exam, and they said, "No." An exam costs extra. They told me, "That is just for the neuter surgery." I asked what age he should be when I brought him in, an they told me, "6 months". I asked if they could do it any sooner and they said, "No, we only neuter at 6 months or older".
That raises some questions for me. Tamie had Pumpkin neutered at 11 weeks old. That is a week shy of 3 months. Half of what the vet I called said they would do. And did you catch that it DOES NOT include an exam? Most vets don't include an exam with a neuter surgery. Is that maybe why you won't give me any vet records? Because maybe the only records you have is for a neuter? You say he did not need to go to the vet as you claim he was never sick. Any responsible breeder takes their kitten in for a wellness exam before going to a new home. They don't have to be sick. It is standard procedure with most breeders to do that. Because you did not do that you have no proof that he wasn't sick at your place. I don't know how you managed to get whatever vet you used to go to neuter Pumpkin as young as they did. If they were willing to do that do you think they cared that he was covered in fleas and underweight?
You charged as much as $500 for a MIXED BREED kitten from Pumpkin's litter. That is quite the profit. Yet you are unwilling to compensate me? Also, a few days before you sent me that nasty email telling me you wouldn't be reimbursing me or giving me a new kitten, you had told me you were in the process of selling a breeder kitten. How much do you charge for that? I believe it's around $1, 300. Yet you couldn't compensate me? That infuriated me.
As far as me knowing the mother of Pumpkin, "Kara" being "non-reputable", all I knew was what you told me. You said the only thing wrong was that she was part Ragamuffin. Pumpkin was 3/4 Ragdoll, 1/4 Ragamuffin. I didn't have a problem with that because I like Ragamuffins. I did not know, however, the name of that breeder until a few days after adopting Pumpkin. It's odd that you didn't share THAT information until after. That is when I found out that the breeder Kara came from was Elegant Ragdolls. When I searched that all I found were warnings of scams, ringworm, and kittens dying of FIP. If I had known that before adopting Pumpkin I would've told you there was NO WAY I would adopt a kitten that came from THAT. Do you think Tamie would've told me that this cat came from a disease-infested cattery? I truly had no idea.
And you told me the father, "Hershey" was from YOUR cattery. You told me he was tested for FIV/FeLV, and was healthy. Yet you say in your post he came from a non-reputable cattery. What are you saying, Tamie? Which by the way you still have him in your breeding program. Most breeders after finding out that their male has sired a kitten with FIP will no longer breed them. I know I wouldn't want to buy a kitten from a male that has sired a kitten with FIP.
As for me asking for a discount, I only asked for a discount on Pumpkin's brother, which I was thinking about adopting also, so Pumpkin would have a friend. I had enough for Pumpkin, but you were charging $450 for Tennessee. Way too much in my opinion for a mixed breed, and that combined with Pumpkin's adoption fee was too much. Even with the discount you offered me of $400, it still came to $700 for me. How many people do you know that have $700 on hand to spend? That is why I ended up adopting a friend for him from a rescue. I can get a mixed breed from them that is sweet, looks like a ragdoll, is vet checked, and tested for FIV/FeLV for MUCH less.
The real story is originally I contacted you wanting a retired breeder. When I called asking for a retired breeder you mentioned that you had some kittens that were mostly Ragdoll and part Ragamuffin. I was intrigued. You originally told me lower prices than what you ended up listing on your website. I called when I saw that you were asking $50 more when you posted them online. I asked if you were going to keep to your word and give him to me for the price you originally had given me. That is why I paid $300 even though you were asking $350 online. I should've spent $600 for a purebred from a better breeder, as I ended up spending over $300 in vet bills for the FIP anyways. And I am left with NOTHING but a huge dent in my wallet, a sad heart and depression. Thanks for that.
It was during that initial phone call that I told you I was at the time fostering a couple of kittens. I told you that after I adopted Pumpkin I did not intend on fostering anymore. It was NEVER a stipulation of the adoption. And Jake WAS an adoption. I did not foster any kittens while I had Pumpkin. I had originally contacted my rescue letting them know I wanted to adopt a friend for pumpkin. I asked them if they got any pointed kittens to let me know. The next day I got an email from them with a picture of a cute, fat, Siamese mixed kitten that they had just found. He stayed overnight at the vet, had a series of tests done on him, as well as received his vaccine and worming. They even tested him for FIP/FeLV. He was neutered and watched overnight. The next evening I picked him up. Because he was kind of skittish at first I was given 9 days by the rescue to decide. They also wanted to make sure Pumpkin and Jake were a good match. That was a kindness on their part. I adopted him on the 9th day. I have explained to you why it says foster on the records. The rescue had the vet list him as a foster because they had originally promised me they would cover all of his vaccines and wormings. As well as pay for the Coccidia as I found out he had it after I got him. They are very good friends with me and did me that kindness. I do, however, have the official adoption contract which is signed and dated by me and a witness that says when I adopted him. So I do have proof of adoption even though he stayed in the vet's system as a foster long after. In fact, I believe you could learn something from this rescue. They put the animals and their customers first. To them it is NOT about the money.
I am sorry that this has escalated to the point it has. My worst flaw is I hate injustice. Tamie has hurt me. More than most people could. I trusted her, and she seemed like a very nice person. And she probably is. Everybody has their flaws. Her flaw just happened to clash with mine. This has been very hard for me to go through. From losing a well loved pet, to losing a friend in Tamie, to being talked about injuriously, and being dealt the raw end of the stick in all of this. I feel Tamie has treated me unfairly. I am upset with her. Before her email I actually thanked her and complimented her on how thankful I was that she was being so nice about everything. That some other breeders can really be jerks, and that I was glad she wasn't like them. But then she sent me her email, which was a complete 180 from the way she had been to me up to that point. It hit me like a brick wall. I was at a Subway in public reading my emails when I got hers. I had been anxiously waiting for her reply of when she thought a good time would be to get another kitten from her. I cried in public. I had to leave because I was embarrassed for people to see me cry. Maybe she got the wrong impression from reading over my papers. Maybe I should have send her the adoption contract with it so she wouldn't jump to conclusions. Instead I replied in kind to her email with one of my own. I shouldn't have returned evil for evil. Maybe if I had kindly explained to her that she had come to the wrong conclusion she would've given me something for all of the grief I have been through. Although, to be fair to myself, she did say some things in that email that she had to have known were not true from what I had told her. But, I do regret everything. I do feel I need to apologize for where I have let anger and pain drive my actions. I'm sure Tamie's cattery is fine, it just happens that she got a cat from a very bad breeder. And the fleas need to be treated for. And health exams should be conducted on every kitten. Also, she should have health contracts for everybody. But I'm sure if she did those things she could easily get her cattery up to par with a little effort. I know this doesn't make things better, but it's a start. Now I will wait and see if Tamie can look inside herself to do the right thing by me. I hope she can find it in herself to also be a good person.
Did you tell your attorney that you hacked my e-mail and sent out a worm to my e-mail list from Wehateridgeview@gmail.com, plus I have a very sick voice mail from you where you were laughing about me having to find and rebuttal all the bad reviews you were putting out there about me. Whom is getting pleasure out of others pain?
Hi, this is Kelley. There are a few discrepancies that I need to clear up. First of all, Tamie, you are accusing me of something that neither me or my husband has done. We would not know the first thing about putting a worm into anything. Let alone I am not that vindictive. That is a lie and outright public slander against me and my name. The message left your phone was left because we recieved a threatening letter from you. We were responding to your threat and telling you to go ahead if you wished to take us to court. Also, I do need to mention something Tamie has admitted to doing that is ILLEGAL. She has said on this post that she has used my personal confidential vet records that she requested from me upon Pumpkin's passing. Realize, also, that I offered a necropsy and a test to prove FIP, but she did not want these done. She wanted my vet records, which I didn't have a problem giving to her. But now she has broken the law by sharing parts of those records, and not completely accurately at that. She says that my vet records say the Coccidia was more dangerous than the Corona. That is simply not true and is NOT in my vet records. She is trying to give backing to an incorrect statement to make her look better by falsely saying it came from my vet records. Coccidia is an intestinal parasite. Like a tapeworm. Has anyone heard of a DEADLY tapeworm? I advise you, the reader, to look up Coccidia. It is not deadly. Certainly not like FIP, which has a 100% mortality rate. Corona caused the FIP in Pumpkin. What happens is the Corona virus, which ALSO can cause diarreah, mutates into FIP. Or at least it did in Pumpkin. As for the subcutaneous fluids given, that is something my vet recommended because my kittens had diarreah. It is a good thing that my vet takes such good care of their clients. They take precautions. Sub-Q fluids are similar to a person giving a child Pedialite when they have diarreah. Sub-Q fluids have electrolytes in them that helps the kitten. When you give a child Pedialite does that mean he is deathly ill? No. Tamie read into my vet reports things that were NOT there. She is trying to make a parasite look worse than a virus. That's like comparing having a tapeworm to having the flu. But don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Then you will see how ignorant what Tamie is saying is. I do not appreciate Tamie using my confidential information, or adding to it things that aren't in it and publicly posting them as though they are fact. That IS slander. Another thing, I called the vet that is posted under Tamie's name on the website: www.merchantcircle.com. I'm not sure if this her vet, and let me state that for the record. It is just that is was next to her name on that website, so that is the only lead I have as to what might be her vet. When I called I posed as a potential customer. I told them I had a male kitten that I wanted to get neutered. I asked them the price. They said: "$35". I asked if that included an exam, and they said, "No." An exam costs extra. They told me, "That is just for the neuter surgery." I asked what age he should be when I brought him in, an they told me, "6 months". I asked if they could do it any sooner and they said, "No, we only neuter at 6 months or older".
That raises some questions for me. Tamie had Pumpkin neutered at 11 weeks old. That is a week shy of 3 months. Half of what the vet said they would do. And did you catch that it DOES NOT include an exam? Tamie is claiming that his vet check was him getting neutered. Well, the vet told me it wasn't. Most vets don't include an exam with a neuter surgery. Is that maybe why you won't give me any vet records? Because maybe the only records you have is for a neuter? You say he did not need to go to the vet as you claim he was never sick. Any responsible breeder takes their kitten in for a wellness exam before going to a new home. They don't have to be sick. It is standard procedure with most breeders to do that. Because you did not do that you have no proof that he wasn't sick at your place. I don't know how you managed to get them to go against their policy and neuter Pumpkin as young as they did. If they were willing to do that do you think they cared that he was covered in fleas and underweight? It sounds pretty sketchy to me. As for the price, $35 is really cheap for a neuter. You charged as much as $500 for a MIXED BREED kitten from Pumpkin's litter. That is quite the profit. Yet you are unwilling to compensate me? Also, a few days before you sent me that nasty email telling me you wouldn't be reimbursing me or giving me a new kitten, you had told me you were in the process of selling a breeder kitten. How much do you charge for that? I believe it's around $1, 300. Yet you couldn't compensate me? That infuriated me.
As far as me knowing the mother of Pumpkin, "Kara" being "non-reputable", all I knew was what you told me. You said the only thing wrong was that she was part Ragamuffin. Pumpkin was 3/4 Ragdoll, 1/4 Ragamuffin. I didn't have a problem with that because I like Ragamuffins. I did not know, however, the name of that breeder until a few days after adopting Pumpkin. It's odd that you didn't share THAT information until after. That is when I found out that the breeder Kara came from was Elegant Ragdolls. When I searched that all I found were warnings of scams, ringworm, and kittens dying of FIP. If I had known that before adopting Pumpkin I would've told you there was NO WAY I would adopt a kitten that came from THAT. Do you think Tamie would've told me that this cat came from a disease-infested cattery? I truly had no idea.
And you told me the father, "Hershey" was from YOUR cattery. You told me he was tested for FIV/FeLV, and was healthy. Yet you say in your post he came from a non-reputable cattery. What are you saying, Tamie? Which by the way you still have him in your breeding program. Most breeders after finding out that their male has sired a kitten with FIP will no longer breed them. I know I wouldn't want to buy a kitten from a male that has sired a kitten with FIP.
As for me asking for a discount, I only asked for a discount on Pumpkin's brother, which I was thinking about adopting also, so Pumpkin would have a friend. I had enough for Pumpkin, but you were charging $450 for Tennessee. Way too much in my opinion for a mixed breed, and that combined with Pumpkin's adoption fee was too much. Even with the discount you offered me of $400, it still came to $700 for me. How many people do you know that have $700 on hand to spend? That is why I ended up adopting a friend for him from a rescue. I can get a mixed breed from them that is sweet, looks like a ragdoll, is vet checked, and tested for FIV/FeLV for MUCH less.
The real story is originally I contacted you wanting a retired breeder. When I called asking for a retired breeder you mentioned that you had some kittens that were mostly Ragdoll and part Ragamuffin. I was intrigued. You originally told me lower prices than what you ended up listing on your website. I called when I saw that you were asking $50 more when you posted them online. I asked if you were going to keep to your word and give him to me for the price you originally had given me. That is why I paid $300 even though you were asking $350 online. I should've spent $600 for a purebred from a better breeder, as I ended up spending over $300 in vet bills for the FIP anyways. And I am left with NOTHING but a huge dent in my wallet, a sad heart and depression. Thanks for that.
It was during that initial phone call that I told you I was at the time fostering a couple of kittens. I told you that after I adopted Pumpkin I did not intend on fostering anymore. It was NEVER a stipulation of the adoption. And Jake WAS an adoption. I did not foster any kittens while I had Pumpkin. I had originally contacted my rescue letting them know I wanted to adopt a friend for pumpkin. I asked them if they got any pointed kittens to let me know. The next day I got an email from them with a picture of a cute, fat, Siamese mixed kitten that they had just found. He stayed overnight at the vet, had a series of tests done on him, as well as received his vaccine and worming. They even tested him for FIP/FeLV. He was neutered and watched overnight. The next evening I picked him up. Because he was kind of skittish at first I was given 9 days by the rescue to decide. They also wanted to make sure Pumpkin and Jake were a good match. That was a kindness on their part. I adopted him on the 9th day. I have explained to you why it says foster on the records. The rescue had the vet list him as a foster because they had originally promised me they would cover all of his vaccines and wormings. As well as pay for the Coccidia as I found out he had it after I got him. They are very good friends with me and did me that kindness. I do, however, have the official adoption contract which is signed and dated by me and a witness that says when I adopted him. So I do have proof of adoption even though he stayed in the vet's system as a foster long after. In fact, I believe you could learn something from this rescue. They put the animals and their customers first. To them it is NOT about the money.
I am sorry that this has escalated to the point it has. My worst flaw is I hate injustice. Tamie has hurt me. More than most people could. I trusted her, and she seemed like a very nice person. And she probably is. Everybody has their flaws. Her flaw just happened to clash with mine. This has been very hard for me to go through. From losing a well loved pet, to losing a friend in Tamie, to being talked about injuriously, and being dealt the raw end of the stick in all of this. I feel Tamie has treated me unfairly. I am upset with her. Before her email I actually thanked her and complimented her on how thankful I was that she was being so nice about everything. That some other breeders can really be jerks, and that I was glad she wasn't like them. But then she sent me her email, which was a complete 180 from the way she had been to me up to that point. It hit me like a brick wall. I was at a Subway in public reading my emails when I got hers. I had been anxiously waiting for her reply of when she thought a good time would be to get another kitten from her. I cried in public. I had to leave because I was embarrassed for people to see me cry. Maybe she got the wrong impression from reading over my papers. Maybe I should have send her the adoption contract with it so she wouldn't jump to conclusions. Instead I replied in kind to her email with one of my own. I shouldn't have returned evil for evil. Maybe if I had kindly explained to her that she had come to the wrong conclusion she would've given me something for all of the grief I have been through. Although, to be fair to myself, she did say some things in that email that she had to have known were not true from what I had told her. But, I do regret everything. I do feel I need to apologize for where I have let anger and pain drive my actions. I'm sure Tamie's cattery is fine, it just happens that she got a cat from a very bad breeder. And the fleas need to be treated for. And health exams should be conducted on every kitten. Also, she should have health contracts for everybody. But I'm sure if she did those things she could easily get her cattery up to par with a little effort. I know this doesn't make things better, but it's a start. Now I will wait and see if Tamie can look inside herself to do the right thing by me. I hope she can find it in herself to also be a good person.
Wow! You have some beautiful rag dolls! I wish you lived closer to California! I would love to purchase one in a few years when my son moves out. They are gorgeous! I also do not think your price is steep for family pets, I paid 800 for my Bengals, , a little less for my silver because she had a URI from her vaccinations. I found out later, my second should have been much more because she is an earlier generation, but I do not think the litter was as healthy as she wanted. I love them to pieces though! You must have put in a great deal of research for such a breeding program. I really wish I could purchase one! Wow, your love shows through the beauty of your felines!
Update on Kelley & Paul's complaint against me-the breeder. They filed a complaint against me with the BBB of Knoxville, and the BBB of Knoxville has closed the case as of 3/4/14. After hearing both sides, they found the complaint to be unwarranted. I'm sure this will spark yet another round of Kelley and Paul finding complaint sites to trash my name on.
Thank you to all the people posting that can see through what they are trying to do to me. I am truly sorry for their loss, but they really need to take responsibility for their part in all of this instead of trying to make someone else pay for their mistakes. They need to learn how to communicate without threats with the people they have an issue with. And without running to the internet to air their issues, instead of working with the people they have the issue with.
Hi Tamie, I thought you should know the BBB is an arbitrator. They cannot make you do the right thing. You do, however, have a C rating with them now, and a complaint listed against you in their file. Just to let you know, a C rating is not good. They emailed us saying, "The company has decided to stand by its original decision regarding your complaint. We regret that we have been unable to assist in resolving this complaint to the satisfaction of everyone involved. Your complaint will remain on file and will be used by the Bureau when preparing a report on the company."
They tried to help me, but you were unwilling to do the right thing by me. I would not brag about how you don't seem to care about your customers. Also, you state that the BBB found our complaint to be unwarranted. That is not true. If they found it to be unwarranted they never would have taken our complaint. They review the complaints they process FIRST, before ever contacting you or opening a case. It sounds to me like you are trying to mislead people into thinking something that isn't true. There are many inconsistencies in your various posts on the Internet. For example, in /link removed/ you try to make it sound like it was your friends and not you that said a kitten dies within 2 weeks of getting FIP. Yet on this website you clearly make that statement. That is what people call contradicting yourself. You stated, verbatim in your original post on here, "I can say this because the way that FIP mutates, it does so and within two weeks at which time the kitten or cat
dies." We proved your information was false by doing real research and giving credible sites that accurately describe FIP. Yes, your friends also said 14 days. Imagine that, you guys both came up with the same inaccurate information. Yet www.peteducation.com says that a kitten with the dry form can live up to a year. Our kitten had the dry form. On www.wikipedia.org they even give a case of a cat living with FIP for 26 months AFTER showing clinical signs. Wow that is a far cry from 14 days. You did not want to look ignorant for saying this, so you dishonestly accredit this to ONLY your friends. You act as though your friends did not collaborate with you when they made their posts. You know how you can prove someone cheated or collaborated on a test. When they both put the same stupid answer that is so bogus you won't find it anywhere. The proof is in the posts. Not only do you give the same bogus information about kittens dying within 14 days. You know how you can prove someone cheated or collaborated on a test. When they both put the same stupid answer that is so bogus you won't find it anywhere. Thank you again, Tamie, for posting. The only thing that makes you look worse than my posts are yours.
Kelley sounds like a psycho out for revenge. I’m sorry I wasted my time reading them. The breeders responses sound measured and considerate.
My communication with the breeder has been professional and helpful.
now I know to be extra careful even with an existing pet (not a foster/pound cat) in the household and why it’s important not to misrepresent the household situation. I wouldn’t have known about stress causing something that can turn deadly.