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CB Dog Breeders Review of Rock River Puppies aka BJ Puppies
Rock River Puppies aka BJ Puppies

Rock River Puppies aka BJ Puppies review: Breeder sold me mixed breed puppy 17

Author of the review
4:53 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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New name--same breeder. Breeder used to go by BJ Puppies. Barton and Beth Jessen, Edgerton MN. Full names are not posted on the website. Address is not on the website. What is to hide? PLENTY! Google BJ Puppies and also Beth Jessen + AKC suspension.

Barton and Beth Jessen sold me a puppy they claimed was a mini bulldog. She is lean and long-legged. See photos at under BJ Puppies. Been confirmed that she is not a purebred bulldog as they claimed. They charged me top dollar for a mixed breed dog. And I'm not the only one who has posted the same thing. Several others with same complaint!

Charged me $1, 800 plus $275 in shipping--and charged me the Paypal fee as well. All total over $2, 000.

Be sure to ask for
--names of sire and dam
--registration papers for sire and dam
--photos of sire and dam.

Supposedly the sire and dam for my puppy was Jessen's Annabelle and Jesson's White Rock. If these are the parents of any puppy you are considering, BE CAREFUL!

Ask breeders to put in writing that they fully comply with the Minnesota Pet Lemon Law. Have them provide you a copy of the Minnesota Pet Lemon Law. And make sure they put in writing exactly what they will refund if it is determined that your dog "is not of the breed represented". If they balk at this at all--PUT UP THE RED FLAGS! Good breeders do not hesitate to guarantee the breed of their puppies.

Bart's wife, Beth Jessen, has been suspended 3 times from the AKC for false certification of litters. Currently under suspension. Multiple suspensions, multiple litters, multiple breeds.

Update by Anonie
Mar 16, 2010 8:36 pm EDT

"bulldog for waldo"--thanks for posting. Actually the breeders advertised bulldogs--not mixed breed bulldogs. Several months after I purchased the puppy I questioned the breeders as to her breed. They put in writing several times to me that they only breed purebred bulldogs--no mixes.

As to photos, I went by what the breeders advertised on their website. Only when asking for my money back did they send me photos. Father looked similar to their website--mother was significantly different.

Update by Anonie
Mar 16, 2010 9:01 pm EDT

And the DNA test says...MIXED BREED!

It's official! We just got the DNA results from MMI Genomics for a DNA Breed Analysis on Sophie. Here are the results:

Primary Breed: none
Secondary Breed: Bulldog and Staffordshire Bull Terrier
In the Mix: French Bulldog

Sophie is not a purebred bulldog as breeders represented--and her parents are not a purebreds either!

Lack of Primary Breed composition is significant for two reasons. First, it shows that Sophie is not 50% or more of any breed at all. And she is certainly not 100% bulldog. Second, since there is no primary breed DNA-- NEITHER of the PARENTS are purebreds either.

If anyone wants to contact me, I can be reached at [protected]. Again, the names of the sire and dam that the Jessens claim as the parents are:

Jessen's White Rock
Jessen's Annabelle

They gave me papers that represented them as Miniature English Bulldogs. DNA says...NOT!

BUYERS BEWARE of Beth Jessen, Barton Jessen, Rock River Puppies, BJ Puppies, BPuppies.

Breeder name changes, charged purebred prices for mixed breed puppy. Beth suspended from the AKC for false certification of puppies--multiple times, multiple litters, multiple breeds. A lot of red flags.

Update by Anonie
May 05, 2010 6:01 pm EDT

Not simply a claim of a mix--proven by DNA that she is a mix. Glad you satisfied with your puppy! Would be fun to see a photo. Please share!

Update by Anonie
May 20, 2010 8:22 am EDT

Hi fanfare--you're right--the DNA shows the genetic makeup of the dog. My dog's DNA test results show no "Primary Breed" whatsoever! This means that no breed makes up the majority of her DNA.

The bulldog gene is present but is less than a majority of her DNA. She is not a purebred as breeders Bart & Beth Jessen represented.

Fanfare, your writing style, phraseology & spelling is suspiciously similar to the breeders Bart & Beth Jessen, formerly BJ Puppies, now going under Rock River Puppies...

Update by Anonie
Jun 13, 2010 9:15 pm EDT

jloot--I'm so, so sorry that you too purchased a dog from the Jessen's that wasn't what you thought he is was. Sounds like a great dog, but still frustrating that the breeders charged so much. Even more frustrating that she doesn't respond! If you care to contact me, I can be reached at [protected].

Update by Anonie
Jul 05, 2010 10:43 am EDT

Thank you for the website information wyungo4! I will definitely follow up there.

As for any one else who has had a similar experience with Jessens aka BJ Puppies aka BJ Bulldogs--now going as Rock River Puppies--you may want to check out the website too.

Again, thanks for sharing wyungo4!

Update by Anonie
Jul 12, 2010 5:42 pm EDT

Fanfare--glad you love your puppy!

Hopefully the Jessens have learned their lessons and are cleaning up their act.

However, unless potential buyers can personally visit the Jessen Kennels, see the parents & puppies, see paperwork and take photos-- I would definitely hesitate to purchase from these breeders.

My Sophie was not an isolated case.

Update by Anonie
Jul 14, 2010 7:49 pm EDT

Toots--The Jessen's represented numerous times in writing that my puppy was a purebred bulldog. They did not represent her as a mixed breed.

My issue with the Jessen's has nothing to do with her size--it's about her breed. The Jessen's represented to me that "they only raise purebred bullodogs". They sent me puppy registration forms stating she was an English bullodg. Sophie is not a purebred bulldog--mini or otherwise. What the Jessen's did is called misrepresentation--and it happens to be illegal!

Just because someone has excellent conditions, does NOT mean they raise quality dogs and never misrepresent anyone. Bernie Madoff's offices were very lovely and he lived in homes that were in EXCELLENT condition...unfortunately that doesn't mean he was a good guy.

Update by Anonie
Jul 28, 2010 3:51 pm EDT

The Jessen's and their Friends and Family Groupie post again...


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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bulldog for waldo
Mooresville, US
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Mar 10, 2010 9:43 am EST

All mini bulldogs are a mix breed that is how they get them down sized. It sounds like you did not do your research before you purchased your dog. I dont know how you can complane about your dog if you had pictures of the parents.

New Orleans, US
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May 05, 2010 5:32 pm EDT

I got a puppy from them. He is absolutely fantastic. I have gotten so many compliments on how well he represents the breed. His father is Rocky too...I guess Rocky's pups came out only English bulldogs that breeding. Instead of whatever it is you are claiming that he is a mix of. I am a very satisfied customer and when I decide I want another mini bulldgog Bart and Beth are my first and only choice as far as I'm concerned.

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May 19, 2010 9:04 pm EDT

First of all Anonie, your DNA test doesn't prove squat. It does NOT prove that this breeder did anything wrong. I have contacted the company you used for DNA and they told me that their test is not proof of a dog's direct lineage (for those of you who don't understand this term, it means that the test can't prove if the father or mother was english bulldog, french bulldog or whatever, it only shows what breeds are in the whole genetic makeup of the dog). So, there could have been a french bulldog or bull terrier SEVERAL generations back. YOU CAN NOT PROVE THIS BREEDER DID ANYTHING WRONG. That is why you are not persuing this the right way, in a court of law, YOU HAVE NO CASE. I also checked the reviews on the Better Buisness Bureau site and the Jessen's sent all the paperwork stating that they have only bred miniture bulldog to miniture bulldog. The BBB closed this case saying that the breeder did everything right, so you have failed there too. I also call AKC and after spending over an hour waiting for an operator to answer, they informed me that breeder was stating the truth...that one litter (which consisted of three puppies) was wrong. The breeder was suspended for that litter (not three times, just three puppies from the same litter). I was told that the registration was corrected and that all the breeder had to do was to pay a fine to be reinstated. According to the previous letter on this board, the breeder doesn't feel the amount of the fine is fair and that is why she hasn't paid it...I believe her. So Anonie, I think you are the one telling half truths on this board. I also think you are a horrible parent for involving your eight year old son in any of this. A dog is a dog to a kid, she could be a three legged mutt from the pound and your son would love her unconditionally. Children have no concept of money or what things are worth unless the parents coach them into saying those things. So if he has anything to say about this situation it is because you are involving your children in things that they shouldn't be involved in. ANYONE with any common sense should see right through you! I will be purchasing my puppy from the Jessens!

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May 20, 2010 2:43 pm EDT

You got some nerve lady...are you for real? I don't appreciate the accusations you are throwing out. I want everyone reading this to know that I am a potential buyer and have been researching this matter for at least 5 months now. I am not a person who goes out on a whim to buy something without researching it first. I found the Jessen's site online and thought their bulldogs were beautiful but when I saw the bad reviews from this "person" (I won't call her a lady because I don't think she is one in the technical term) I thought I should investigate further. She states that you shouldn't believe everything you read online and I TOTALLY AGREE! She is telling half truths and when she gets caught in her lies she lashes out, typical of this type of person. All I have said in my previous comments are true, I did make those calls and if anyone looking to buy a puppy has concerns I encourage them to do the same. All the phone numbers for these organizations are published online and can be found easily. I have read all the comments on this board and other sites that this crack pot has posted on and frankly I don't understand how anyone could consider her ramblings as valid. When asked specific questions about her "experts" like names and numbers she refuses to give them, that tells me she is not valid. NAME YOUR EXPERTS ANONIE! I would love to contact them myself. I have talked to the breeder, Beth Jessen, and after many lengthy phone calls I feel confident that she is truthful and genuine. If anyone is looking for a puppy I encourage you to call and talk with her and not believe everything that Anonie has posted. In my opinion, if this breeder is scamming buyers then how could they have stayed in business for over 25 years in the same location? And why are there not LOADS of complaints filed against them? I have only seen the complaints from this person and one other (who by the way, resolved her issue with the Jessen's and has posted a comment on another site stating that fact and she couldn't be happier with how it all worked out). Anonie if you have all this evidence against this breeder then why don't you pursue a lawsuit? It is because you can not prove any wrong doing by this breeder! Other people on this board have stated that you are trying to get something for nothing, and I agree fully. YOU are the works both ways!

For anyone looking for a puppy and see these comments, PLEASE research your purchase before buying. Don't believe anything this person has to say until you talk to the breeder she is bad mouthing yourself. Do your homework and make your own conclusions before you judge someone simply by the stupid comments made by this person. I want everyone to know that I WILL BE PURCHASING MY PUPPY FROM THE JESSENS AND HAVE NO FEARS IN DOING SO!

Anonie, as far as my writing "style" is concerned, I take offense to your comment and think you are the most rude person I have ever come across. I have never claimed to be perfect in anything I have ever done, I do make spelling errors, but I am not a liar. I wrote these comments because I don't feel it is right what you are doing to this breeder and I want the world to know just what kind of person you are.

Moody, US
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Jun 05, 2010 11:25 pm EDT

I purchased Jameer from Beth. She is for sure a con artist. I have emailed her general questions with no response. Really she should be locked up for fraud. While Jammer is the man and I am happy with him, he for sure is part Stafford and not a $2, 000 Bulldog. I think the fact that she changed the name of her website says it all. If she was running an honest company why would she change the name of it?

Happy Customer
Lacrosse408, US
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Jul 01, 2010 7:00 pm EDT

Sorry but Kimberley Hamilton of GrandRapids Michigan should go to jail for trying to fraude some one out of a dog on the internet.I dont knowbut Kimberley Hamilton is crazy she keep writing over and over and over again.She must be very unhappy she even uses her child in one report and isnt that crazy.I am a customer of 20 years ago and bought several dogs just one 2 years ago a mini we loved all of them. Bart and Beth the have a wonderful place and just love their puppies and take very good care of them they are not a puppy mill.As far as DNA it is bougus they have never owned a stafford bull terrior or anything like it, how I know I call the vet that they have on the websight he has been their vet for 25 years or more.I have also been to their place Beth has the small breeds and her husband has only mini and English and french bulldog never any other large breeds.Kimberley Hamilton get off the internet and go to court like someone told you before but you know you wont get any where with you lies.Good breeders wouldnt want you to buy a dog from them you are bad news Kimberleys Hamilton.Bart and Beth with get you a great puppy that has been loved and taken cared for.Happy Customer over and over again.

Woodbury, US
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Jul 06, 2010 2:48 pm EDT

The person who originally started this complaint has gone to every website possible to post bad comments about the Jessen's, which proves she has nothing better to do with her time. You wonder why they had to change their website? Miniature bulldogs are mixed breed dogs and their name says it all "MINIATURE!" They are not going to be as big and bulky as other bulldogs. It really is your own fault for not checking into this before you spent $2000, quit complaining about the price, you act like you didn't willingly pay for the dog. I have personally been to their farm (and no, I am not a family member) and I can tell you first hand that they have EXCELLENT conditions for the dogs, take great care of them, and they are top quality animals. It took all of 30 seconds to tell that the Jessens are not running a scam, they have been raising dogs for many, many years, and one person comes along and tries to screw it all up because she is a [censor]. Well, karma sucks, she will learn that someday.

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Jul 06, 2010 9:07 pm EDT


We picked up our bulldog puppy from the Jessens about a month ago and we couldn't be happier with our purchase, WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM! We named him Beau and he is healthy, happy, VERY loving and playful. My vet was so impressed with the quality of this puppy he encouraged me to add the Jessens name to his board of recommended breeders in Minnesota. Which I did gladly. I can not emphasize enough how happy I have been with my whole experience with the Jessens. They have been honest and extremely helpful before AND after the purchase of my puppy. Thank you Bart and Beth for everything. I will be recommending you to EVERYONE that asks about my beautiful Beau!

Sioux Falls, US
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Jul 14, 2010 8:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They have nothing to clean up they have been in business for years are honest and have done nothing wrong but you Kimberley Hamliton in the other hand need alot of cleaning up, people have called you various names [censor] the best.You wanted a puppy for nothing and didnt get your way now trying to ruin someones business.No body has to worry about Beth and Bart more people have to worry about people like you .If you have so many people that have the same situation go to court or shut up with your lies.Happy customer

Woodbury, US
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Jul 15, 2010 1:27 pm EDT


Are you kidding me? You are really going to compare the Jessen's to Bernie Madoff? He had nice offices and homes because he lied and cheated to get his money. The Jessens have an excellent facility because raising dogs is their life and they do it honestly. Do you really think they would spend 20 some years of their life on these dogs to defraud one person, get off your pedestal! Are you really that unhappy with your life that you have to try and ruin the life of another? Misery loves company I guess. If you are that unhappy with your dog why don't you give it back or better yet, shut your mouth and take action. I can't even beleive that anyone would take you seriously. You act like you are smart with some of the things you say (i.e. comparing the Jessens to Bernie Madoff) but you are full of nonsense. Some of your comments are not even worth addressing. You have been advising potential buyers to do their research and ask for photos and papers of the dogs, so is there any reason that you did not? Do you really hate your dog that much that you spend so much time complaining about her? Get off your computer and what I assume is your lazy butt and go play with your dog. GET OVER IT!

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Jul 18, 2010 9:08 pm EDT

Anonie = PSYCHO! Beware of idiots lurking about the internet, they have nothing better to do with their time!

Woodbury, US
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Jul 29, 2010 7:55 am EDT

You just can't accept the fact that their are other decent people in the world...

Mankato, US
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Jan 15, 2011 7:56 am EST

Our teacup yorkie is almost three years old and she's a wonderful little girl who makes us laugh and smile about a million times a day. This isn't necessarily an issue of her bloodline, but rather we were misled. I can understand why Beth might have THOUGHT we wouldn't want her... This was not the case. We were set on taking her home.

We were given about three little white pills in a pouch and told they were to help with stress in the coming days. We were also told to sugar her water as it "minimized stress."

Not 24 hours after we brought her home were we rushing her to an emergency vet clinic. The took the pills, threw them out, pumped her full of fluids guessing she was hypoglycemic and they sent us home. After a nap and a little water she seemed to do a bit better, but she wouldn't eat. This process went on for three weeks. I stayed with her all day, every day, giving her nutrical on the roof of her mouth three times daily, making sure she got at least two eyedroppers of water every hour and that she ate well enough. We were stumped.

We called Beth and she said we should bring her back so she could take care of our dog for another few weeks and get her in for a puppy MRI. We were led to believe our dog's days were numbered and that she had a heart defect.

Why this was the last thing they suggested I will never know, but we brought a stool sample in and were told she had coccidia which is pretty rough on a little dog (she was only a pound at the time we got her). The pills Beth had given us were to treat the parasite and the sugar water was to keep her glucose level up. We were deceived and our dog's health was seriously jeopardized.

Almost three years later, Tallulah is a happy, healthy and lovely little dog. But I often think about how quickly we could have lost her because the breeder was more interested in making a sale than the life a a sweet and innocent animal.

Also, for anyone else who visited, am I the only one who was concerned that this property was housing a puppy mill?

love my dogs
Brandon, US
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Jan 26, 2011 10:53 pm EST

I hate these sight to me a waste of time, but I know this breeder in fact bought our Bella, Charlie and Daisey from them.A maltese and two bulldogs they are so healthy and were very socialized and recieved all AKC papers .In fact I pick them up from them that is why I am writing they are NOT at all a puppy mill . They are clean and you should see how they treat their dogs like humans they love to keep in touch with their customers .They love each and everyone of their dogs and puppies, I am a vet tech from IA and have seen alot of places and wouldnt buy a puppy from anyone else.As far as your puppy you should have given those pills that is to prevent coccidia when a puppy gets moved mostly a teacup they go threw stress and can come down with coccidia.That is why you were given the pills if they want to care for your puppy a few weeks thats great, that is what a good breeder does most breeders wouldnt have offered a thing.Your puppy must be very healthy, I recommend them to any one and will be getting my next puppy from them keep up the good work and dont worry about people like these annonie I agree she is a [censor] I hope they go to court with her or anyone else that want to make false allegations.Love our dogs

Ruth very Happy
Marshall, US
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Feb 28, 2011 1:40 am EST

We recieved our Mini 6 yrs ago it is the best and healthiest dog ever.We just wrote Beth to see if we can get another.They have been the most honest and delightful people to work with.Our Brittney was so socialized and just fit right in with our house hold.We had her trained in a little over 2 weeks.If we had anything Beth was right there to help us.Our dog is the best, hope to get another soon.

Elizabeth Merchant
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Sep 27, 2015 6:45 pm EDT

We got our baby Sampson from.them four years ago and could not be happier! He is the love of our life!

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Mar 21, 2022 9:04 pm EDT

My chewbert is most handsome mini bulldog from them..