Hi Friends.
There are a few people i would like to name here who have turned the lifes of hundreds in the most negative way.
Nigam Sahoo- King
Manish - Jack
Manohar - Servant
Jay prakash - Servant
They will make you work at odd times and they will hold your check and pay you in credit so that when you leave they could hold your months of hardwork. They have spoiled there name. People who have worked withthem have nothing good to say bout the management. They failed and are still doing the same. Hope you get the message and try for alternatives as soon as possible.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Please provide more details & proofs supporting your comments since i'm in a process of signing up for a huge contract with R-tec, Would require all the additional information i can find about them. Let me know if you can help.
You can reach me at arun_k_tyagi@yahoo.com
Arun tyagi
These are just baseless allegations by vested interests who want to harm their further growth.I have been dealing with this company from 3 years and the response is just great and its lovely to work with such a big good company
Strangely enough, you haven't mentioned a thing about you. Kindly ID yourself...
Arun tyagi
arun have u work there bcoz mostly everyone is disappointed n are trying to find better option as they get salary atleast a month after pay date and now there r only 35 agents in the company.
So why don`t u and manish go and dial on the floor.
R-tec systems they did not have mercy on me...when i was in need of money...they are mother [censor]er and with this attitude they will never succeed...uneducated mother[censor]ers...they held more than 60000 of my hard working salary...the top management people are madarchod and wont even save thie mother...they dont care about people. society. employees...they just to [censor] around the company...very unethical business...
R-tec is the last company any one would like to work with... It is worst then the hell... No salary at all... Management is Pathetic... All [censor]s are running the company... i dont understand why dont they just shutdown the company if they cannot manage to pay people on time... They are ruining the career of the employees working there...
ya its really true i was working with this company for last 8 months...my 3 months salary are pending...this people only knows to get work done by others without paying them anything...they are beggars somebody plz lend them money so that they can pay their employee...now tl of this company are dialling for domestic process...its really hell in rtec...
I completely agree that R-Tec Systems (I) Pvt Ltd, based at Mahape, Navi Mumbai is the worst company i have ever seen in my career of over 10 years.
I have worked for this company from 2005 to 2007 & i realized they deliberately hold & delay the salaries of their employees so that when they leave the company they are always in the loss as employee's 1 to 2 month's salary is always with the management due to delay.
The higher management (Brian Castellano & his wife Rajni Castellano) are the main culprits followed by Nigam Sahoo, Manish Kumar, Rajeev Singh, Manohar, etc.
I bet not more than 2% of employees would have been able to quit the organization by following formal resignation process in the organization as the management never accept anyone's resignation & they believe in terminating their employees so that they don't have to give their dues.
I would never ever suggest anyone to work for this company, infact no one should even deal with this company as lot of scams have happened like Social Security Number scam where Social Security Number of US customer's were stored in their database which were later used by the management for other customers with different client.
God can only teach lesson to these culprits.
R-tec is a fuking azhole i worked there, my pay was 10k /month i only received 7k in all 3 months & i make a complaint against manish & naidu he was arrested for 2 months in jail...people seeing my message i want you dont go to this callcenter & plz spread this message to all of your friends so that they should not spoil their life...:)R-tec, Rtec, Rtech fuking azhole
###in chuts
No, Not so, I worked for six year without any issue..How is it possible.
Don't take any work from R Tech, they are now renamed as Altop Solutions, which is outsourcing Medical Transcription work to vendors. They will never pay you, they owe around Rs. 30 lakhs to a company where my friend is working. Beware!
Even I loose the the job over because I have some issue with NIGAM !. They eat my 4 month salary.
I was working there as an MT trainer in 2009. Yes indeed, they made me "cry" for salary. First pay cheque bounced due to lack of funds in their bank account, and Rajini lied to me saying her hand shook while signing hence cheque bounced due to signature mismatch. Soon I realised their bad intentions and left the company, but definitely after totally recovering my salary dues.