I bought safe-guard gap insurence three yours ago from Lexus of Bellevue WA. I was told that if I totaled my car. the GAP insurence I bought would cover any difference between what the insurence company didnt pay and the amount I still owed on the loan. I totaled my car two months ago. there was a gap of $800.00 that was covered by this company. I attempted to submit a claim of the 15 odd documents and they were unhelpful to say the least and have attempted every diversionaly tactic possible to pay onn the claim. I and Lexus financial have faxed the documents numerous times and confirmed the sending of the faxes to this GAP company. THe GAP company for the last few months have continued to claim they cant read or have not recieved the faxes Lexus and I have sent and verified we sent them. We have been faxing them the same information for the last two months now and they still are saying they cant read the documents we send them. I and Lexus have made copies of all documents and sent them to them confirming they are legable...safe-guard still denies they eitther have not recieved them documents or cant read them. I am almost to the point now where I feel i need to get a attourney to get them to pay out on servies we paid for.
THe customer-service is been condescending and unhelpful...do not under and circumstances do business with this company...if you want GAP insurence ask the dealer to find you a different option other then this company.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
my claim was promptly rectified but they covered less then what I paid for their services, I now owe more because I bought gap insurance through them, I purchased the gap insurance for 599 and after 3 months I totalled my vehicle with the gap insurance, what they covered was 438.67 and my remaining balance after making a few payments to my finance company since the accident is 676.36, now if I did not purchase the gap insurance I would only owe 77.36 but because I purchased the gap insurance I owe 237.69. Now, what good is gap insurance if it doesn't cover the gap? I called and asked them and the adjuster said that it was due to the fact that the vehicle I purchased was valued so high, wtf? I'm quite angry about being fooled in to buying the coverage in the first place, people, stay away from these theiving ###!
I agree with the two previous complaints. My car was recently stolen. It took Safeguard about 2 1/2 months to finally say they received the necessary documents to process my claim. Before that, they were also sending me letters and emails stating certain documents were either illegible or hadn't been received. After waiting all that time, it only took them a couple days to tell me that they weren't going to pay anything toward the $1, 800 balance that remains on my loan. I immediately requested the documentation showing why/how they came to that decision. I, too, am seriously considering speaking with an attorney about this...It's simple...it's gap insurance. What the insurance company didn't pay, they pay...or so I thought.
I will NEVER do business or allow any family or friends to do business with them.
I too purchased Gap coverage with Safeguard, I totaled my truck 2.5 years after purchase .After several faxes, several corres that I sent certified mail, and numerous follow up calls. Safeguard denied making any payment. Stating that when Allstate calculated the figures on my truck they under calculated the cost. I contacted Allstate and they told me they used the standard calculations allowed and governed by law. They stated Safeguard was obviously just trying to get out of paying. I asked Safeguard where they came up with their calculations. After several ignored faxes and certified letters. I tried calling to get an answer. Each time I called I was told someone would have to get back to me. Needless to say no one ever got back to me. An attorney friend suggested I pay the lein holder and sue Safeguard but that takes money I dont have to spare. His alternative advise was to wait until my leinholder took me to court and have Safeguard subpeoned as a third party who is liable. Hope this help. STAY CLEAR OF SAFEGUARD.
mad as hell in atlanta ga
i got safe guard gap insurance on my 07 dodge magnum set. i paid 800.00 dollars for it when i got it, my car got totaled out by hail damage. my insurance company paid their part, but when it came to safe guard they dragged the feet. i faxed the info the said i needed but when i checked on the claim they said i was missing some paper work. this went on for about two months then all of a sudden they told me they cant pay the car off, due to their calculation. this company is a scam artist. do not purchase gap from this company, biggest rip off ever.
I purchased GAP insurance for a 2008 Honda Goldwing motorcycle in 2010...sold the bike over a month ago and trying to get my GAP insurance cancelled and the unused portion returned to me. IT'S A JOKE! It's now become a point of principle. I am not far from calling the BBB filing a complaint and possibly the Atty General. It's almost like story time in my adolescent years...wondering who's going to do what next or say what next...
I bought GAP insurance from Hyundai for $699 (ouch) and financed it through Hyundai Finance for 2013 Sonata. The car door was damaged Christmas Day. Because of holidays & being out of town, I did not file a claim on the door yet. Then car was damaged in a flood 16 days later. I asked if the door could be fixed at the same time the flood damage was repaired. I was told it would have to be filed as a separate claim. Insurance company totaled car before I could get a claim filed regarding the door. Only16 months was paid on loan. It is now April. Numerous delays between insurance co & Hyundai Finance before I could file with Gap. I just found out from Gap people that I owe $800 because of the $1500 damage to door which they aren't covering. Hyundai is also trying to collect car payments for Feb., Mar., & April which amounts to another $1200. This means I owe $2000 on a totaled car and could not use Gap. I have the $800, but not extra $1200. Because of 3 months of delays, I shouldn't have to pay $1200. I have talked to an attorney. He just told me to file a complaint with Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. Concerned about credit.
Good morning;
I am writing in regards to my GAP Protection that I purchased along with my car at Carmax in Harbison, SC on August 15, 2014. My total finance payment was $12, 585.00 and the car total was around $10, 900.00. Now I know that GAP is supposed to also consider the negative assets also as well as the good ones. I paid my car payments practically on time more so than late. I am entitled to some assistance of the rest of the total owed on my car which is $2, 000.00. We put down $2, 000.00 on this car. At least give us what we put down on it or something back towards the payoff of this car. I’ve had this car since August 2009 and you mean to tell me that I can’t get any assistance from GAP Protection? That’s the reason why I purchased it because of something like this happening. That’s the reason why people get GAP it’s added on in with the payment for the car monthly and I paid it. The accident happened March 1, 2014 that totaled my car near an unfamiliar intersection I knew anything about; it was dangerous, had a blind spot and needed a light. My air bags went off, the gas tank popped open, the parts under the car came off and etc. Yes, I did get the ticket failure to yield right of way, which I did stop at the light but I waited a little while before I actually pulled out and creeped across the road and didn’t see the oncoming car until the very final moment. I am doing a lot of research about GAP Protection and what it is supposed to take care of. (Your gap car insurance will pretty much cover most any total loss that your regular car insurance company did not cover, what will gap insurance not cover.) The day I filed my claim at Safeguard no one ever called me, ever tried to contact me ever. I had to keep calling Santander about the status of GAP Protection, my claims adjuster for Farm Bureau and so forth. They really seem like they are not interested in helping you but yet, you purchase their product hoping to get assistance whenever needed. I really don’t think this is right and something needs to be done about this. I am really stressed out and now beginning to have pains and aches due to stress over this situation. I hope something can be done because I need assistance, I don’t have $2, 000.00 to pay for a car I no longer have. GAP is supposed to cover the total loss amount that the primary insurance company does not cover.
Car insurance exclusions:
Common Gap Car Insurance Exclusions:
1. Cars that Are Not Covered by Both Comprehensive and Collision Insurance
2. Any Equipment On the Car that Was Not Factory Installed
3. Money that Was "Rolled" Into the Car Loan Such as From a Trade-in or Leased Vehicle
4.Costs for Any Other Products Added to The Loan or Lease Such as Extended Warranties
5. Unpaid or Overdue Lease or Loan Payments
6. Financial Penalties or Security Deposits on Leased Vehicles
• As I’m researching I don’t see that I’m supposed to be turned down so cold heartedly like I am being. I had Comprehensive and Collision coverage on my car, full coverage and I can’t get help? I am researching I have other people helping me research to see what all GAP Protection Insurance is supposed to be doing for me. I’m reading things on the internet that Safeguard GAP is a Scam, I’m reading a lot of bad reviews about GAP not paying people’s claims off. I don’t want to be in that number, I want to have something good to say in spite of all this negativity going on about this Safeguard GAP Insurance. Please forward my email to the Corporate office as well please. All I want is my $2, 000.00 paid off in full on my GAP insurance claim. Thanks for your time. What Is Gap Insurance?
Gap insurance, or “GAP insurance, ” stands for “Guaranteed Auto Protection”. This insurance protects you from paying out what can be a significant difference between:
o The amount you owe on your car loan.
o The car’s current estimated value.
It is common for a driver to assume that in the event his car is stolen or totaled, his collision and comprehensive insurance will cover all the costs.
• Several months later, you get into an accident and your car is totaled. What happens?
o You currently owe $27, 000 on your car loan.
o Your insurer estimates the car’s fair market value at $21, 000 and pays you as such through your collision coverage benefits.
o You are left with a $6, 000 difference between the amount you owe your lien holder and the amount your insurance carrier pays. Gap insurance eliminates this deficit, saving you from this potential financial hole
http://www.dmv.org/insurance/gap-insurance.php http://www.dmv.org/insurance/gap-insurance.php
Mrs. Felder
My son and I bought a 2011 Mitsubishi Galant and it was financed through Chase auto finance. The GAP was through SafeGuard.
After having the car for a year, it was totaled through an accident. My insurance Geico had a check to Chase within a month. In my experience with cars, accidents, etc., I have always had the gap insurance pay the remainder within a few weeks of the finance company receiving the insurance check. I received a bill from Chase in November stating that I owed a payment. I told them that the car was totaled and that Geico had just paid them half of the balance owed., I was told that until the gap insurance kicked in, I would still owe a payment. I called the Gap insurance company, Safe Guard and was told that they still needed documentation from Geico, which Geico stated that they had sent but would send again. I had to make numerous phone calls to Safe Guard and Chase (as well as Geico, because they seemed to be the only ones willing to assist me) in getting this resolved. In the meantime, my credit report was damaged due to this. In the end, it has been 4.5 months and FINALLY Safe Guard has paid part of their share. Now I am being told that I owe over $600. Chase has ruined what was a credit report that was on its way to being mortgage ready. So disappointed.
As an employee of the company there is a lot of back pedaling. One hand doesn't know what the other is doing and payments are backlogged. They find every excuse not to pay on time. I've never seen such a disorganized company. Good Luck getting your payments. You'll have to keep following up until they pay up.
we also paid for Gap Insurance through them, All reports requested were submitted asap stat, They continued to say they hadn't received this or that, sometimes requesting names of reports that simply do NOT EXIST in the Insurance Industry. turned everything over to the insurance agency for our car, they too were given the run around. again asking for reports that are not in existence. Each time you call they give you a different aGENT WHO IS TRAINED TO MAKE YOU JUMP THROUGH HOOPS EVENTUALLY TIRING YOU TO THE POINT THAT YOU GIVE UP. DO NOT GIVE UP! Finally submitted a complaint to the Better Buseness Bureau requesting SG honor their contract. Only through them wee we able to settle the amount and receive payment. KEEP ALL YOUR COPIES YOU SENT AND DATE/TIME SENT OR TRANSMITTED. IF BY SNAIL MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. When they settled they claim they had "just" received the last document requested...oops! The asked for that in March 18th. This was now end of june. See the pattern? They lie, claim non receipt, ask for additional re cords, instead of submitting a complete list of items needed. Give them a reasonable time then file a complaint with the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU...
I'm dealing with Safeguard right now. They need to pay $1524.56 to Wells Fargo for my teen's car that was totaled on 9/18/2016. It would be *that* bad if I didn't have the replacement car to pay for.
Melissa I was wondering what your outcome was with Safeguard? I just had to file a claim and have, unfortunately, read NOTHING but bad to horrible reviews of this company. Did they pay the claim and how long did it take?