I am filing this report in regards to Sara Mills (Sara Mangus) from Portland, Oregon, USA. This individual advertises her services for $49 on backpages. She operates out of her apartment at 2249 NE Davis St when her "husband" (He's just her boyfriend.. They never married.) Jason Michael Mills is away.
Sara Mills is not only a known needle drug user (heroin) in Portland, Oregon but she is also a well known HIV positive prostitute. I find it terrible how Sara Mills is able to conduct business without acknowledging her situation regarding STDs to clients beforehand.
Sara Mills is also infamous for her attacks against many young women in the Portland area, including but not limited to Seattle, NM, Ohio, and Duncannon, PA. Her list of victims has stretched far and wide, much like a certain body part of hers... Heh.
Here is the information I have on this person...
Aliases: Sara Mills, Sara Mangus, Sara Elizabeth Mills, Sara Elizabeth Mangus, Jason Michael Mills.
Usernames: Blackcatpatronus, queeninthenorth, corruptuslocus, queenbavmorda
Beware of this woman and warn everyone you know.
Sara Mangus / Sara Mills and Jason Michael Mills are now living in San Diego, California...
Merchant's Saloon, Oakland, California
833-835 Gonzales Dr
San Francisco, CA
Melania Rivas
Salesforce.com Inc
833-835 Gonzalez Dr San Francisco, CA
she now works at the market bar 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA Embarcadero
I am filing this report as a general warning to the patrons of Marketbar Restaurant at 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA and the citizens of San Francisco, California.
It has come to my attention that Sara Mills/Sara Mangus, infamous scam artist and thief from Portland, Oregon is now living and working in San Francisco at Marketbar Restaurant.
I would advise the owners of this establishment to fire this sketchy individual immediately. She has a history of harassing and evicting people of color from a restaurant she previous worked for - My Father's Place in Portland, Oregon. She also has a history of stealing from the cash register, stealing out of fellow employees lockers, stealing tips from other waitresses and stealing from customers.
At Sara's previous place of employment, she stole a purse from a customer and was subsequently fired after being caught redhanded for doing this and being caught on camera stealing from the cash register and from other employees tips.
Sara Mills has been arrested in the past for fraud, drug dealing and drug use. She is said to use Backpages.com to offer her services to shady folks living in San Francisco. She was evicted from her old apartment in Portland, Oregon after scamming her landlord out of thousands of dollars and destroying the place when she left.
This woman has been involved in criminal activities since as early as 2001 that we know of. She has been charged with criminal harassment recently and is currently being investigated for a number of other crimes.
Sara Mills/Sara Mangus is currently renting a bedroom from Melania Rivas at 833-835 Gonzales Dr. Her "husband" Jason Mills is a well known scammer as well. Beware of these criminals!
Sara isn't hard to spot out. She's the one with the green hair and dentures - She lost all of her teeth to meth.
Is she blond and an older lady? [protected]