This is the worst place to go to for a nursing program. It's expensive and all they want is your money! They make false clams stating they will work with you when your grades start to go down which is a lie. The teachers that work there and are hired there do not know how to actually teach a class room and are completely new right out of college. The nursing home they have for clinical are disgusting and there never is enough equipment for the students to train with in class. You have to email back and forth to get any type of answers from the administration and most of the time they do not reply back unless you threaten to stop payment on tuition. The girls that work in the Oakbrook location are so rude its just disgusting how you are treated. WORST PLACE BY FAR TO TAKE A NURSING CLASS!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I believe PCCTI is a great place to attend school for nursing. I know a LPN that graduated and is now Supervisor at a hospital in Westchester. I always hear about good outcomes from students who have succesfully graduated from the LPN program. Compared to other schools that provides nursing programs, PCCTI is cheap. You actually get more than what you pay for because they provide one on one time with you and make sure that you have a complete understanding of the requirements that needs to be met to pass the program successfully. The professors are here to help you not hurt you or fail you especially if you are willing to work hard to get your degree. I would do a complete research before considering PCCTI just to see for myself instead of reading what others put on websites.
View the students' testimonials at
I agree with the negative comments about PCCTI...I enrolled in June of 2012 for the so called up and coming December 14th LPN class. This class was cancelled two days before attending...very inconciderate, I have had the pleasure of attending this school previously and they are so unorganized and I have to agree RUDE in a sense to the students.. example. when someone didnt pay their money on time they would call them at home and tell them if they dont have their money dont bother coming to class, In addition I signed up early for the LPN class because of the special promotion for 15000.00 I had also signed a contract, well after cancelling the class twice in the same month they decided to increase the tuition to 20, 500.00 now mind you the contract I signed. fees paid, down payments are all tied up with them. Breached contracts nothing they said was true all false...and these are the people we are suppose to rely on and believe what they tell us; I have also spoken to the students who are currently attending the nursing program...the majority of them say the regret enrolling their I Quote A complefe NIGHTMARE, , , I decided to share a little insight on this school so that others wont be fooled by the wolves who are dressed in sheeps clothing.
I believing the same this PCCTI is a SCam in heart. They are not willing to work with the student and definitely after your money. The same situation that happen with me, the staff exhibit supposely warm attitude and I sign an enrollment agreement of 14500.00, which I put 500 down in 07/2012, if I start LPN before 2012 ends. Well once that was agreed, at chicago location they cancelled classes for 12/17/2012 and moved to the 01/22/13. Told me if you do pay your montly agreement we stop you from attending class. Reminder, they offer Financial Aide, however, if not enough to cover. YOu are obligate to ensure those payments are paid every month and if you waiting for additional grants such as WIA. You can forget PCCTI wants to hear when and how soon is the voucher coming if you not receiving a voucher, they will allow you to start class. I might not be attending this school as I strive to work with the staff which are nonchanlant and unorganize and Pccti change staff admission counselors or whatever every other week or month.
grammatical error: PCCTi told me if you do not pay your montly payments or agreements we stop you from attending class. MONEY SCHOOL$$$$$$$$$$ NOT GOOD Incompetent staff members. TOOO UNorganize.
What school allows you to continue going if you don't pay tuition? Are you kidding me? This is the real world. You have to pay for education.
Grammatical Error: PCCTI will not allow any students to remain in class if they submit payment each month. $$$$$$$$ School Do not give DAm About the students, all about the b en jam imns.
THIS SCHOOL WASTED CLOSE TO 3 MONTHS OF MY TIME! THIS SCHOOL TOOK A HUGE AMOUNT OF MY HARD EARNED MONEY! They gave me a check for part of my refund and in 2 days stop payment on it. When I enrolled in the class there was 11 strong. After 2 months there where only 3 students left in the class. The people that work at the Downtown location and Oak Brook location are very UNPROFESSIONAL. This school is a TOTAL SCAM. There focus is NOT TEACHING...ITS MONEY. For the months I attended PCCTI, I was HARRASSED week AFTER week for a payment. There are no supplies to be used for lab at the school. Everything I mean everything is outdated! The clinical sites are HORRIBLE!
I couldn't agree more I am a current student it is so disorganized and the questions they put on you exam don't reflect the tests. You have to be a mind reader to guess at the answers. Out if a class if 11 that started out as 12 all of our classmates are failing to meet the 84% average. What does that tell you except the teachers can't teach and they don't even know what is on the exam a personal who has no clue of any of concepts copy's and paste what ever they want. We have talked to them many times about our grades and all they can tell us is we should pay attention to the trend in grades the biggest joke ever. At the end of n101 was when they said oh my your grades are awful lets intervene. We are trying to get them to something now instead if trying to force feed us at the end. They don't care. I guess we have to go on a learning strike
Judging from the way you write, it seems as if you are already on a learning strike.
I agree with everything said and I am an ex-employee! I hated everything about working at that place. The students were the only reason I survived for as long as I did. The owners do not care about the students, the staff or anyone else. Their only objective is to get rich. They hire teachers who have no teaching experience. They pay everyone way under the average for similar positions in the industry. They don't even pay all of the bills and make the employees, who half the time weren't around to even know the situation, handle all of their dirty work and mistakes. The owners themselves don't even know anything about how to operate many of the programs that they require the students to use in combination with their textbooks. I personally think it is a set-up and designed to fail students. If you fail one course, you have to repay tuition to take it again. There's no option of transferring credits to another school, so you are stuck trying to stick it out or forced to start over from the beginning at another institution. Naveen, the "President/CEO" pf the school degrades women, including his wife/partner, Nitasha. He yells, screams, at employees and discuss things which should be private in front of the entire staff. He does not care about the welfare of the students and that is completely wrong!
They made us work ridiculous hours, and then wonder why the turnover rate is so high. I hope this place goes out of business very soon.
DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME HERE! I am writing similar reviews on all the company review sites for jobs.
Had I known what I know now about PCCTI, I would NOT have ever quit my job for that place. But I'm out and free and I urge anyone considering this place, for employment or school, to reconsider!
I worked for this POS school for about a month before it was time to GO! they are very disorganized and unprofessional both towards the students and the staff working for them. Multiple lawsuits! I was an advisor for a different REPUTABLE and ACCREDITED university prior to working for them, and I could not believe the culture shock. STAY AWAY! I have talked to several people who went to school here to get a "certification" only to be constantly turned down for work because this "school" and I use that term very, very loosely, is so disreputable. UGH horrible all the way around
The think the know it all but the donnt pls do not Waste your money on pccti school.ll
What? OMG, I can tell why you guys are failing.
OAKBROOK CAMPUS WORST GHETTO SCHOOL EVER! They are money hungry, I passed the a&p class in jan 2014 kept calling for my transcripts & they had every excuse on why they couldn't give it too me! You owe money or your missing hours! Why did it take months after leaving the school for me to keep calling to get my transcripts that you noticed money & hours were missing! Then after I made up the hours & paid the money it's now April going on May 2014 & I still have no transcript & everyday they claim they mailed it too me but it's been 3 weeks since they said that! They talk down on you & Idk why bc they job depend on the students! Money hungry, trashy, waste of time! WARNING RUN & DONT LOOK BACK!
Dont even try to go to this school, you will regret, am a current student in 101 I regret the time wasted here, they have teachers who doesnt know even how to teach, they just read power point, our teacher doesnt know the exam we are taking they give us review by guessing, the midterm came out of the chapter we read, am totally confused cos I wasted all of my time coming to this school, I dont advise anybody to come to PCCTI you will regret the time and the money you will waste, I dont know how to take myself out on this situation.
The midterm should come from the chapter you read. The problem is...YOU need to read it.
Why are you getting so offended by every negative comment. People are entitled to their own opinions! Are you an employee?
I wasted 7 long months I'm this school PLEASE DON'T WASTE your time money or tears . IT'S a setup for failure. . The exams are a joke none of the material covered is ever on the exams. You cannot view your exam to know what you got incorrect .. So of course comes finals and midterm u will surely fail. Out of 18 students only 4 pass it's too stressful! !
I am a current 102 PCCTI student. Although I am passing the course I would NEVER advocate for anyone to attend that institution! We started out with a class of 25. 11 went into remediation and only 5 came out. One student failed the remediation process but was allowed to continue to take the "midterm" exam multiple times until a passing score was achieved. How so? PCCTI had already gotten her money from financial aid and W.I.A. and did not want to return the 11, 000. How is that fair to the students whom actually made it without all the chances?!? How is that fair to the student? If she didn't pass nurs 101 how would she keep up in Nurs102. The Oakbrook campus could care less. They are money hungry individuals! The turn over rate for instructors are high, and majority of them don't have a clue about teaching. Just because you're an RN doesn't qualify you to be an instructor. They are always talking about what standards they are held to, but its obvious they bend the rules whenever they see fit. The Oakbrook staff are incompetent, non professional, racist idiots! They do not keep up with their accounting or management of hours. Once they have gotten your money, they pretty much can do to you whatever they please. All you can do is try to make it out. Personally, I feel as though the curriculum is designed for the student to fail. They know their credits are non transferable, so you will be stuck and have to repeat which lines their pockets with even more money. PCCTI is so quick to say they have a 84% NCLEX_PN passing rate, but they fail to mention they are only sending 3/4 students from each class. About 20 students in all so they should have a high passing rate. PCCTI implements new criterias while you are in the program that you did not agree to when you signed their contract. How can that be fair or legal? I am currently looking into my next step to get them fined or closed down. I have saved all my emails, voice recorded conversations, documents and correspondents with PCCTI. This will be my proof to their threats and tactics they pull on students. They are not providing students with a 20, 000 education. In my opinion, its more like an on line class. You are given all this material and basically you are self teaching. The clinical sites are a joke. The nursing homes they send you to does not provide you with the skills you need to be confident in the real world. When you reach maternity and care of an infant/toddler how are you suppose to relate or do care plans when you are in a nursing home with geriatric patients? If a student misses more than the allotted 16 hours, you have to pay $35 an hour plus make up said hours. At no other institution is that a rule. Its all about the money with those people. When I attended city colleges their RN program was only 7, 000 and clinicals are in a hospital setting . PCCTI are preying on the fact that most people don't want to go through all the prerequisites to get into a city college. All you need is A&P to get in PCCTI program. They are setting you up for failure. No way will you be able to keep up with just A&P. Speaking from someone who has done 2 years of nursing prerequisites, and I still find it hard to keep up. I can only imagine the difficulty others are enduring. If my story will deter one person from attending this school, my work is done. Continue on your dream of becoming a nurse, but please, please, please get your training from somewhere else!
Honey, that's all schools. Only the strong survive.
Thank you so much for your professional and detailed response!
I worked there and all the comments are true it's the worst place ever to work the owner treats his employees like trash and is a coward who hides behind his staff. He make all the horrible decisions but put the staff up to relaying the message. They will never tell you his or his wife names . Nave em and Nitasha Bindra is scam artist do not go to this school. I quit so not a angry employee place was way to negative
I am a student at PCCTI currently, reading all these comments is simply disgusting. Even from the beginning I've been told that their are students who look to blame the school for their not passing or being able to move forward in the program. I began with PCCTI for the CNA program, and the reps recommended for me to seek funding through Financial Aid, WIA, and loans right away and they were so helpful in advising that, as they (wia) helped to cover: CNA, my anatomy and physiology, and now the LPN program.
Students want to pass exams by simply going off what is taught in class, realistically it takes more than that to prepare for exams. Afteral, this is an accelerated program as my admissions rep told me. I have not been mislead at all, and definitely recommend this school to people barely beginning in the nursing field. In correction, as of now, PCCTI has a 100% pass rate, and it is FALSE that a small group of students were sent for the state exam. For heavens sake stop going off of peoples word of mouth negative comments and go off your own experience. They offer so much, and Chicago staff have helped me and are very honest with the information they give. Reading these comments I see nothing but blame game, and shame on the people talking about the school as ex-employees. Why did you not say this when you were assisting student enroll, because it is false. That is why. Stop blaming others for your failures, I am not in Nursing 102 and almost done, I will be graduating amongst the 100% pass rate students in June. I leave the negative remarks to those who did not pass, as that is what it appears to be the issue. Teachers don't teach to have you pass exams, they teach for success in the field. I'm glad and will be happy to have my License, with PCCTI Healthcare =)
I agree with you. Sounds like a bunch of spoiled children whining about not passing their courses and wanting something for nothing. Welcome to the real world! No one has to give you anything. Work hard and you will pass.
Shut up employee, is this Jamie
I am a current student of PCCTI and I wish I would have listened to the reviews. A student coming in would embrace the program as it allows you to become an LPN in half of the time that it would take at a city college. HOWEVER they are total scam artists. They give tests that the student is completely unprepared for because of the structure of the program. Example: My entire class received a syllabus that was from a previous class that had a total different book than ours. On top of the fact that it was brought to the attention of the staff several times only to get corrected 6 weeks after the program started. Keeping in mind that we were completely off of course at this time and were lectured and given a power point and told to read a 50 page chapter only to then go back and be told that it was not even what we needed to study. So as opposed to testing us on what we learned we had to add a totally different chapter to add to an already hectic study load just trying to catch up. On the first day of class the teacher did not even have the correct book. Nor did she realize that she did not have it as there was not one provided for her for at least 2 weeks. No one instructor seems to be on the same page as the one before so there have been several occasions that we have sat through the same lecture 2 times or more. The administration staff will knock on the door and disrupt class for a payment and yet we are told that we cant have handouts for study guides due to paper cost. Dr. Nassem is the best teacher that they have in that school that actually cares about his students and does not give a scam or taken advantage of feel. One thing is clear they do not have nurses going through the curriculum because if they did it would be more organized. They don't have the credentials to run a bait and tackle shop in that place and yet they have the nerve to repeat "they want quality students". Their MO is to push that they have a 100% pass rate HOWEVER what they should post is their enrollment to pass rate and that will tell a different story. I do agree the nursing program is not for everyone but I assure you that the majority of the people that spend their money there and sacrifice their time are not there to putz around for nothing and actually want what they came for! I know that I have to be there because you will owe them regardless to if you drop the class or not since I refuse to pay them for nothing even though that is the case anyway THEY WILL HEAR ME TO THE END AND I WILL BE DAMNED IF THEY GET ANOTHER DIME. If I don't make it then I just wont because I will NEVER PAY SOMEONE TWICE FOR WHAT THEY DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO THE FIRST TIME! It will just be a loss and an expensive lesson learned that what is fast track is not always better but I assure you that I will not go down without talking to more than a chat board. This is not my first rodeo so I will word of mouth everyone that I know in healthcare and let them know what they are allowing in their facilities and the nursing board to check and recheck those numbers! If enough people talk to the right parties they will listen at this point their is nothing to loose, I have lost my time and money. Please be aware before you attend this school they paint a pretty picture and have a couple of people that will smooth things over in the front end but ultimately they area scam! I would like to see the credentials of that Natisha person they always use her as a threat to speak to if you have an issue, as if that is a scare tactic because she is in charge but that only proves one thing, that she had the credentials to SLEEP WITH THE OWNER and get a big puffy title and show all the leadership skills of any fry cook!
How does she show leadership of a "fry cook" if you have never met her? Your writing nonsense.
Cleary M Elainey is an employee there currently because that is the exact same script that the teachers their try to use when students don't pass their test is that they are blaming everyone. No one would pay their money and time if they didn't want it. Once their post their enrollment to pass rate then I will be impressed but until then please spare the public your %100 percent pass rate.
People pay money and think they will get a degree. Money do not give you a degree, hard work does.
I could not agree more, this school is a very incompetent school ran by incompetent people. I worked very hard for a whole year to finally earn the money to attend this school and I regret wasting my time. The lectures they give have nothing to do with the tests they give. The books have nothing to do with the tests they give. The tests are not knowledge based. The tests are full of questions they pull out of the side of their neck and give to you and they don't even tell you what you got right or wrong. The teachers only talk about their personal lives and not what you need to know for school. At the end of the semester they make you pull skills out of a hat that they didn't even teach you how to do and you fail if you don't do them right. This school is garbage. If you can try applying for Malcolm X or International Health Careers. Those schools require very little gen-eds.
How is there compass test I heard there test hard to get in this school is that's true
PCCTI Healthcare truly is a scam. I applied for a Financial aid/ Administrative position on Craigslist, and Mr. Naveen called me to come in for a interview. The office small but clean and nice. I was interviewed by a young lady who was very nice. She asked me to take a typing and excel test and I passed both. Then she told me that Mr. Naveen wanted to meet me and If I can wait for 30 minutes, which turned into a hour and a half. This was supposedly due to his wife having surgery and he was taking her home, which I hope that was truly the case. He finally came and we had a conversation and he offered me the job. He then told me to think about to the position and if want to accept the position call him on Monday and I would start on Tuesday. I called him he told me ok I will call you tomorrow (Tuesday). I was confused because the week before he said I would start on Tuesday. It's been almost a week and he never called me. I called up there three times and his receptionist kept telling me he was in a meeting or his wife just had surgery, which that was last week's excuse. He probably found someone who asked for lower pay, since I asked $30k+ even though he agreed to it. I am a recent college grad and that's a shame that this man was playing games with me and is a coward because he could not even face me. I did read the reviews first but still gave it a shot. Just remember to go with your first thought, which is the right thought, the second thought is the devil! But I guess it wasn't meant to be and definitely deserve better. Beware and read all reviews.
You wrot a bad review simply because you didn't get a job? Grow up!
This is a scam this is a scam i am a current student no school should make you pay for tutoring you should not have to pay for missed hours i can understand making up but not paying if the school tell lyou you have no school it should not go against you your questions deserved to be answered you should have labs that allow you more than one time to practice #practice makes perfect you should be talked to with respect and like the adults you are this systems curriculum ishell up and as much money as they get from fasfa grants out of pocked and funding they should have more than four classrooms and this wanna be cafateria...Also you students should have reviews practice test or assignments to prepare you for test this school has one floor with four classrooms with broken computers no air or heat teachers(not discriminating) from foreign countries who have a language barrier #not helping. This school is a scam i am a current student sitting with a class and we all have agreed this is and are going to take action by reporting to state the bbb and whoever else will investigate this place because if they make over 22000 a student how dont we have the tools we need or can not get the help they say they can provide
To the previous comment: I do not know anything about this school. However, if your study habits correspond to your writing, there is a reason you did not pass the course. It appears to me that you do not have the ability to write an understandable comment. You have run-on sentences and your sentence structure is grade school level, at best. I am not trying to put you down but the average nurse has to chart legibly. If you do not have the ability to write appropriately, I doubt you would pass difficult nursing courses. Maybe nursing is not for you.
I agree with the previous writer. I am a RN and have family members that are nurses and physicians. When I was in school, the failing students had the same complaints (it's the teacher, the staff, and the school's fault). In reality, it was the student's fault. Most students do not take nursing classes seriously until they are failing. Then it is too late. Instead of believing the teachers, administration, and entire school is no good maybe you should consider that nursing is not meant for you.
I AM BEGGING EVERYONE and I MEAN BEGGING you DO NOT, DO NOT go there. If I could stand outside their doors and forbid students from going in there, I will. PLEASE do NOT attend that school. I attended PCCTI and read the reviews but didn't believe any of it or thought that people were just saying that until I found out for myself that everything that was said is TRUE 100%. I am an honor student who takes her education very very seriously. I spent hours and hrs studying and cut my work hours and thought i was prepared, then come to take their exams and fail. the teachers cannot teach and the reviews before the exams were a joke. 90% of the exam review wasn't even on the test. They argue that they are the only school who offers remediation but they don't tell you that their remediation exams are from hell that no one can pass, so students are forced to either quit or repeat the class and pay them thousands of dollars.This school sets you up for failure and they really do not care. you can call or email but you won't get anywhere with them, they will do what they want to do. If you owe them money, they would not allow you in class even if you've never been late. the owner Naveen is the RUDEST person I have ever seen. He can walk past you all day and will never ever even say hi to you.I can write about this school until tomorrow but all i'm gonna say is that I DON'T wish this school upon my worst enemy. Right now, a group of us are trying to seek legal action and am writing to congressman Dick Durbin, this school needs to be investigated by the Department of Education. I never wished any ill will on anyone, but I hope to GOD that they close them down and get vengeance on all of us who got scammed by this institution. Now I have to pay my loans and my credit cards that I used to pay them. I hope that they shut down very very soon.
To the previous person criticizing someone about their grammar, you know what's funny and sad? our own teacher could NOT spell anything if her life depended on it and she was supposed to be one of the senior teachers who started out with PCCTI. What do you say about THAT? honey, I have a Bachelors degree from a very reputable university and I'm telling you how unprofessional they are. Please don't even tell me that someone didn't study or we are just trying to blame them, PLEASE! in my 102 class, we had some of the brightest, hard working and very serious individuals and we could barely make it. Our teachers were incompetent and this school is far from a professional teaching institution. I am praying to God that they close down very very soon. PCCTI is horrible and I think a thousand times before I give such harsh criticism about anyone. DO NOT try to cut corners, go to a real community college and get your education there.
If you have a Bachelor's Degree, why are you in a school that doesn't offer any degrees? That doesn't make sense. Why don't you try to advance in your career in which you have a degree in. Doesn't make sense.
My sister just graduated from PCCTI. She said it was very hard but she did it. She did not have a Bachelors Degree or anything before going there. So it's not true that everyone fails. If everyone failed the school would not be able to stay open. I'm going there in January. My sister studied hard and that's what I will do.
You can do it! I've been a LPN for 10 years. It was hard when I was in school but the determined students passed (which was less than half the class). Any school is fine if you study. Good luck!
To the person talking badly about PCCTI:
I just graduated from PCCTI in October 2016👍👍
I feel sorry for you but I can't let you write a bad review about my school. You are mad because you didn't pass but a lot of students, myself included, did. You know the teachers try their best to teach the class. They give it their all. They constantly tell us to study and they help us in anyway possible. You know that. It is up to us to study, at home. They can't take the NCLEX for us so we have to study. I hope you are not talking about the teacher I think your talking about because she does her best to help students, all the time. GOD don't like ugly and if your doing this because you failed; be careful, you may fail when you go to a community college. I know slot of students that failed their too.
You know the truth. Just try harder next time. Good luck to you.
Hello. My classmates told me about this review and failing students writing bad reviews. I have to put my two cents in.I also just graduated October 2016 (well my formal graduation).
It's sad that failing students would write bad reviews simply because they failed. Could you not be so selfish? What about the successful students that studied hard; didn't cheat; took advice from our teachers; didn't talk during class; didn't play on our cellphones in class; didn't play on the computers during lecture; wasn't late everyday; wasn't absent all the time; did our homework; wasn't sleep during class; and actually took the class seriously! Believe me I know. I watched failing students DO everything I just wrote, then complain when they fail! Are you kidding me?
Try doing those things and you will pass!
Before I went to PCCTI, I was at a reputable university too. Most of the nursing students failed there too. Don't try to suggest that students will pass at a university. That's a lie!
You can only pass if your serious about becoming a nurse!
I don't think you guys know what a scam is:
1. a fraudulent scheme; swindle.
2. to cheat; defraud.
If students are graduating; it's not a scam. A student not graduating, or failing a course does not constitute a scam. If it did, all the colleges and Universities in the United States would be considered a scam.
I think most of these students issue is financial. Since they had to pay out of pocket and did not pass. Someone mentioned having to pay back credit cards.
My student loans were greater than 50, 000 dollars and I did not graduate from my University. Most students do not graduate and have to pay to the college or university. I agree that most schools are too expensive and something should be done about them.
That doesn't mean the college is fraudulent. It might mean those students bit off more than they can chew and wasn't ready for college, like myself.
I went to PCCTI in 2009 for the Medical Assistant program. Our instructor, Mr. Barnes was a kind man and encouraging to all of the students. It was hard going to class every Saturday from 9:00 to 4:30 for 8 months, but we were glad it was over. It was different back then.
They still had the CNA, phlebotomy, LPN and medical assisting program when I was enrolled there.
The course was $5000 - I think they were more successful when they offered other courses instead of just two.