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4.5 11 Reviews 12 Complaints
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ScamAdviser Reviews 94

1:08 pm EDT
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ScamAdviser Scam adviser helped me to create scam warning about is as online scam to loot money. Scammers will contact through whatsapp and provide information about hotel rating done using their platform. Fake bookings and commissions will be shown where the user need to pay in cryptocurrency to book. And once rated they will repay booking amount and the commission back. One day they will give you some money and second day they will loot all your money in the form of not completed. Please beware. A group of fraud are working behind. They will add you to a whatsapp group as well of all frauds to make you trust them.

No scam warning are available about these people now in internet

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12:21 pm EDT
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ScamAdviser Saved my aunt from being scammed

Thank goodness for! I was trying to prove to my aunt that a request she received through a mutual acquaintance was a complete scam! Her friend referred her to a person who claimed he could accept her $10k USAID grant money and turn it into $200k in two weeks and he would send back to her. Once he sent her the address to mail the money order to (along with a request to send a photo of the money order) I Google searched the company name 'Tobylink Impressions Inc.' and all I saw were reviews claiming this was all a scam. Thanks to sites like I quickly warned my aunt and I'm so grateful she did not fall victim to these con artists. Thank you!

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ScamAdviser The Scam of Scamadviser !

Caution regarding ScamAdviser Minerva services llc Seychelles, a company that generates negative reviews without consent by relying on publicly available online data through the use of automated bots. The results produced by their algorithms and internal policies are based solely on their own interpretation, and are therefore arbitrary and abstract, lacking any genuine value. Do not be misled! If the search results from ScamAdviser appearing on your website are defamatory or unfair, have them removed by using the following official Google by search : Report Content On Google

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  1. Pros
    1. Trust Score System: Evaluates website safety.
    2. User Reviews: Real experiences aid decision-making.
    3. Free Service: No cost for scam checks.
    4. Extensive Database: Covers numerous online sites.
    5. Easy to Use: User-friendly interface for quick checks.
  1. Cons
    1. Limited Data for New Sites
    2. False Positives/Negatives
    3. No Physical Business Verification
    4. User Reviews Can Be Biased
Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

ScamAdviser Scamadviser: The Essential Resource for Staying Safe Online

If you're like me, you've probably been the victim of a scam online more times than you care to admit. That's why I can't recommend Scamadviser ( enough. This website is an absolute godsend when it comes to background checking any website and determining whether or not it's legitimately trying to make an honest buck, or trying to scam you out of your hard earned money.

Not only is Scamadviser the world's most accurate source of information on any website in existence, but it's also available for free to any internet user. Within just a few minutes, this website can give you access to information like the site's owner, developer, phone number and contact information, along with any other relevant details that will allow you to make an informed decision on whether or not to trust a website.

Having used Scamadviser myself on countless occasions, I can safely say that no other website or service even comes close to matching its capabilities. This website has consistently outperformed any other competitor or alternative out there, and I cannot emphasize enough how much I appreciate its reliable and thorough approach.

If you're looking for an online resource that you can trust when it comes to determining if a website is a legitimate business or simply out to take your money, then Scamadviser is a site that you should absolutely consider. It's earned my full trust and highest recommendation, and I wouldn't trust any other website or service to fulfill my needs when it comes to safeguarding my hard earned money online.

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ScamAdviser Disappointing Warranty Service: Our Experience with Dr Horton Homes

We recently purchased a house from Dr Horton on August 5th, 2022. After 30 days, we did a walk through with our builder contact, Andy, to document any warranty issues. The smaller issues were quickly repaired, but larger issues such as the banister to the stair case falling over or nails sticking out of each stair on the stair case were not fixed.

In November, we tried to contact our builder contact, but found out that he had left Dr Horton and we were never informed. We were then told that we needed to submit all warranty information on the Dr Horton website. So, on November 14, 2022, we submitted over 20 warranty issues, including dead trees that Dr Horton pointed out to us, a stair case banister that is falling over, and a hole in the wall made by the plumber when fixing a leak that turned out to be poorly installed bathroom counter tops leaking into the wall.

The Dr Horton website stated that we would be called back in 48 hours, but it is now December 6, 2022, and we have not received any calls back except from our sales representative who suggested that none of the submissions made it to Dr Horton. We have tried to contact Dr Horton warranty through emails and phone calls, but have not received any responses.

We are extremely disappointed with Dr Horton's lack of response and their failure to honor their warranties. We also had to spend $20,000 grading our yard that was under water. We would have submitted the grading issue, but we had already planned to re-do the yard and thought we were being good citizens by letting Dr Horton off the hook on the yard.

In conclusion, we strongly advise against buying from Dr Horton. While it may be a spec build, a spec build can still be very nice if the builder works with you. Unfortunately, Dr Horton will not work with you and will ignore your warranty issues. We have a paper trail to back up all of our complaints.

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ScamAdviser Beware of Trust Pharmacy, World Famous Pharmacy, and A Review of Online Pharmacy Scams

as they are operating under different names and employing fraudulent practices to deceive their customers. I was a victim of this scam and I would advise anyone who is thinking of buying from Trust Pharmacy, World Famous Pharmacy or to think again.

My experience with these online pharmacies was far from satisfactory. It has been two months since I placed the order and I still haven't received it. In addition to this, they were unresponsive and unhelpful when I tried to contact them about my missing order. They even tried to trick me when they eventually responded, but I was not fooled.

It is alarming to discover that they are operating under three different names, which reinforces the suspicion that they are engaging in fraudulent activities. To make matters worse, their phone numbers are fake, adding to their untrustworthiness.

I implore anyone who has been a victim of this scam to come forward and report it to the relevant authorities. It is important to protect ourselves and others from these unscrupulous entities. We cannot afford to have people like these running rampant and taking advantage of innocent, trusting customers.

As for Scamadviser, I found their website to be a valuable resource that helped me to avoid falling prey to these scams in the future. Their platform provides helpful information and insights into the legitimacy of various online sellers, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering shopping online.

In conclusion, it is important to remain vigilant and use all the resources at our disposal to protect ourselves from shady online sellers. Always do your due diligence, research the seller thoroughly and if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don't let yourself fall victim to these scams and help put an end to them by reporting them to relevant authorities.

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ScamAdviser Scamadviser: Not Always Accurate in Rating Legitimate Businesses

When searching for my own online business on Scamadviser (, I was surprised to find that it rated me in the high 70s after my first year in business. However, upon further investigation, I discovered that their reports are not always accurate and can actually appear to make legitimate businesses look shady.

It seems that they may be flagging typical safety measures put in place by legitimate companies, which I believe is unfair and could even be considered slander. As someone who values privacy, I am pleased to use a well-known worldwide platform that protects my personal information and displays only the necessary company details. Therefore, I encourage others to use discernment when using Scamadviser to investigate other businesses.

Instead of relying solely on Scamadviser, I suggest looking for logos or statements at the bottom of a shop's page, such as "powered by Wix, Shopify, GoDaddy," etc. These are signs of a legitimate site.

Furthermore, those who are really seeking the truth should consider going to a business's Facebook page and messaging customers who have left reviews. This can be a more honest and reliable way to assess a business's credibility. Ultimately, it's important to do your own research and not just rely on third-party websites like Scamadviser.

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ScamAdviser The unfair and damaging impact of Scamadviser's ratings on small businesses

As a small business owner in South Africa, operating a beauty salon from home, I was extremely disappointed to discover that my website had been poorly rated by Scamadviser. Despite being in operation since 2016 and having my full personal information on display, Scamadviser had somehow identified my website as a potential scam. To make matters worse, even after increasing security measures on my website, they were still displaying my personal information for the entire world to see.

It is frustrating to be labeled as a scam even though my salon requires physical visits from clients, and my presence on Google confirms the legitimacy of my business. I also have the necessary SSL certificate, which Scamadviser claimed I did not have. Furthermore, my website is a combination of Canadian and South African websites, and I use a Gmail email account, which Scamadviser stated was a sign of a scam.

It is disturbing that Scamadviser would target a small home business such as mine, particularly since I have many positive reviews on Google and my Facebook page. I reached out to Scamadviser to have my website removed from their platform, but unfortunately, my requests were ignored.

The fact that Scamadviser would attack a small business like mine is a significant red flag. As a business owner who is committed to providing exceptional services to my clients, I urge others to think twice before trusting Scamadviser's reviews blindly. Their actions are a clear indication of their lack of accountability and disregard for small businesses.

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Gardens Alive Support
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We apologize for the delay in your order this spring. Your order was cancelled per your emailed request and your refund is in process.

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ScamAdviser Unbiased Reviews: Finding Reliable Information on Binary Options Trading Software

I recently stumbled across the website while researching a new binary robot called I must admit, at first I was skeptical of the site and the legitimacy of its claims. However, upon further investigation, I found some interesting information that I would like to share.

Firstly, I noticed that the site had only been around for a year. This initially made me question the validity of the site and their ability to accurately review and rate other websites. But as I delved deeper, I found that Scamadviser uses a variety of sources to determine the safety and reliability of a site, including WHOIS, customer reviews, and their own proprietary algorithms.

After inputting the website, I was shocked to find that Scamadviser rated it as a 0% risk level, indicating that the site was unsafe. However, something about this didn't sit right with me, and I began to wonder if Scamadviser was truly reliable. This led me to search for other sources to validate their claims.

That's when I came across, a site dedicated to unbiased reviews of binary options trading software. I was impressed to find that BinarySpeaker had given a positive review, stating that the software was not a scam and had actually helped people make money. This was in direct contradiction to the negative reviews I had read on other sites.

I was relieved to find a site like BinarySpeaker, where I could give my own rating on every binary options review, offering a level of transparency that I had not found on other review sites. This gave me confidence in the validity of their reviews and the information I was reading.

In my experience, finding honest and trustworthy reviews on binary options trading software can be a challenge. Many review sites are biased or unreliable, often presenting false information to promote their own agenda. But with sites like Scamadviser and BinarySpeaker, I believe there is hope for finding accurate and helpful reviews that can save people from falling prey to scams.

Overall, I was impressed by the dedication and thoroughness of these review sites and would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for unbiased information on binary options trading software.

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ScamAdviser Beware of Gromfxtrade: A Review of their Scam Tactics and Red Flags

Scamadviser ( is an online tool that is used to perform a risk analysis on websites that you plan to visit or engage with. It provides valuable information that can help you make an informed decision before engaging with any website. Recently, a review was written about a scam called Gromfxtrade, and it is important to be extra cautious and vigilant when engaging with this platform.

One of the major red flags about Gromfxtrade is that they have an account manager called George Dury, who employs numerous scam tactics that become more obvious as you interact with him. Thankfully, when the reviewer reported the issue to the company, they responded by apologizing and claiming that they were investigating George.

Sadly, even with this new development, the reviewer's faith in the platform had already been eroded, as it turns out they were sinking deeper every day. At the end of each trading cycle, Gromfxtrade requires you to deposit 10% of your supposed profits as a "cost of trade." From there, they insist that you contact your account manager to help facilitate blockchain withdrawal, as sending to your bitcoin address is apparently not working. What follows is a tedious and complicated process that involves creating a new blockchain account and giving your login details to your account manager to process a withdrawal.

Naturally, this is where the real fraud happens. Account managers will often transfer a non-spendable BTC to your account, which might be left there or sent to another BTC address. They will then request that you deposit 10% of your profits or total wallet balance to "activate" your account so you can be able to make withdrawals. Sadly, this is far from the truth, and if you are unaware, you will sink deeper and deeper, depositing more money until it's too late.

It is important to be extra cautious and vigilant when dealing with scammers such as Gromfxtrade. Protect yourself and your loved ones by being aware of the red flags and knowing the numbers that these scammers use like ***085, ***186, and ***024. Always do your due diligence and take all necessary precautions before interacting with any online platform.

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ScamAdviser Why Should Not be Trusted: A Comprehensive Review

After conducting some thorough research, I have come to the conclusion that is an unreliable website that should not be trusted. There are several glaring reasons for my assessment that I would like to share with you all.

Firstly, the results provided by the website are highly inconsistent. I have observed that the trust score varies greatly and can range from 100% to just 1% within a short period of 20-30 minutes. This level of inconsistency is highly problematic as it renders any information provided by useless. It is also worth noting that although the trust score may vary, the content of the website's reviews remains the same, which is highly suspicious.

One particular incident that stood out to me was when a company I was interested in working for claimed to have a 100% trust score on I decided to conduct some research and found that they were telling the truth. However, when I was about to put down a payment, I noticed that the trust score had dropped to just 1%, and the content of the review had suddenly changed. This experience left me with the impression that is a highly unreliable website.

The comments section on is also quite concerning. It appears that the reviews are not genuine, and some of the comments are akin to spam. For example, there may be 10-15 comments that are all 5-star ratings, claiming that the company is "mind-blowing," "fantastic," and "amazing." However, the trust score for that particular company may be a mere 1%. This scenario makes no sense, as it is highly unlikely that a company with such high levels of satisfaction would have such a low trust score.

In my opinion, is riddled with technical issues, and it is evident from the number of articles written about it. The website's name is also highly misleading, as it is not an adviser, but a viewer. The website's trust score is always 100% on its own site, regardless of its validity, and its trust score on other platforms is no more than 20%. As a result, I would suggest that if you want accurate and reliable information, you should try a better platform.

Lastly, it's worth noting that is not entirely free, despite some claims to the contrary. I recommended the website to some of my employees and relatives as I believed it was useful. However, after using it, they were highly dissatisfied and felt that it was a scam. This experience caused me to lose my reputation, relation, and trust in their eyes, which was highly unpleasant.

In conclusion, is not a trustworthy website, and I would advise against using it. There are much better options available out there, and I wish you all the best of luck in finding them.

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ScamAdviser Complaints 12

12:12 pm EDT
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ScamAdviser Don't Buy Dr Horton - Wont honor warranty

Submitted warranty info in August
Submitted again on Dr Horton Warranty website on November 14,2022
December 6th Dr Horton has no receipts of submissions, will not return emails or calls and will not read our emails showing proof of all warranty submissions

We closed on a Dr Horton house on August 5th, 2022. After 30 days we did a walk through for warranty issues with Andy our builder contact. Each item was documented by Dr Horton and small stuff like paint and holes in the walls were repaired quickly. However larger items such as the banister to the stair case falling over or nails sticking out of each stair on the stair case were not fixed.

In November we contacted our sales representative since we could not get our builder contact to call us back. It turns out the builder contact left Dr Horton and we were never informed. Also we were told we needed to submit all warranty information on the Dr Horton website.

On November 14,2022 we submitted 20+ warranty issues including items such as dead trees that Dr Horton pointed out to us, stair case banister that is falling over, hole in the wall made by the plumber when fixing a leak that turned out to be poorly installed bathroom counter tops leaking into the wall, etc, etc.

The Dr Horton website stated we would be called back in 48 hours but today is December 6,2022 and no one will call us back except our sales representative that suggested none of the submissions made it to Dr Horton.

Today I sent emails to Dr Horton Warranty with ALL the receipts of submissions we made in November. But no call backs. I also tried to call Dr Horton warranty and no one answers.

Do not buy Dr Horton. Not only will they not honor their warranties but we also had to spend 20k grading our yard that is under water. We would have submitted the grading which did not meet the POA's requirements but we had already planned to re-do the yard and we thought we were being good citizens and let Dr Horton off the hook on the yard.

Bottom line: DO NOT BUY Dr Horton. Yes it's a spec build. But a spec build can be very nice if you make it your own and the builder works with you. Dr Horton will not work with you. They will ignore you.

I can back everything in this complaint with a paper trail.

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10:35 am EDT
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ScamAdviser Slow database updates, Broken algorithm, unhelpful staff, possible scam site

Awfully slow database updates
Their database update schedules are HORRIBLE. My site was flagged by Trend Micro incorrectly, which I have sorted it out with them, and now it's trusted by Trend Micro again. However, It has been WEEKS and Scamadviser still HAS NOT updated it.

I recently transferred my domain from Porkbun to Spaceship. ScamAdviser still thinks the registrar as the old one, they just provides inaccurate and outdated information to their users.

There are NO (clear) ways for viewers or at least verified site owners to update their data. This is horrible, and ruins small businesses that are just starting.

Broken Algorithms
1. When a website is distrusted by Trend Micro, an immediate trust score of 1 is exaggerated. What if it's a false positive? It's just damaging other companies' reputations.
2. My website has a TrustedSite TrustMark displayed, but I am not getting the positive impact of "
This website is showing a trust mark". It's fine, you don't support it. HOWEVER, I saw a site that has NO VISIBLE TRUSTMARKS and has the positive impact. What? Also, how is showing a trust mark list a positive impact? Everyone can just add one to their site? You are discriminating against me.
3. They give some websites(not mine) a negative impact of "The registrar has a high % of spammers and fraud sites", which is COMPELTE NONSENSE. Why would you flag a domain registrar? The domain I saw this from was registered via Namesilo, which is a highly trusted registrar. Discriminating against registrars makes no sense, and basically even damaging the registrar's reputation, while they only gives domain services and do not involve in scam activities. ScamAdviser, you are completely a piece of garbage.
4. My website which is 8 months old has the negative impact of "The age of this site is (very) young.". My friend's website which is only 6 months old has NO negative points about the website's age. EXCUSE ME?

Unhelpful Staff
Following up on the broken algorithm 4, I got in touch with their support team why my website has that negative impact and younger websites do not. However, they are just KEEP asking me if I want to VERIFY MY COMPANY? After clear indication that I am not doing that, and CLEARLY INDICATING that I am looking for why does the negative impact "The age of this site is (very) young." is showing on my site, and a solution for it.
They have NEVER given me a helpful reply.

Possible scam site.
On their own page, scamadviser on scamadviser, they gave themselves a trust score of 100/100. But there is like 5 (high risk) negative impacts found, and 1/3 of the reviews are negative, they are still given themselves 100? While legit sites are given like 50-60 only?.

Horrible service. Stay away from trashy companies that discriminate websites.

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6:08 pm EST

ScamAdviser Fraud

Dhgate has many companies that are doing fraud. I ordered a men's suit and they sent me a keychain. They closed my account for no reason and I can't make the dispute from my application

Claimed loss: LR106882346CN tracking number

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Is ScamAdviser Legit?

ScamAdviser earns a trustworthiness rating of 100%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: ScamAdviser stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights ScamAdviser's reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on ScamAdviser's services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.

We found clear and detailed contact information for ScamAdviser. The company provides a physical address, phone number, and 2 emails, as well as 4 social media accounts. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers.

ScamAdviser has received 3 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

ScamAdviser as a website that uses an external review system. While this can provide valuable feedback and insights, it's important to carefully evaluate the source of the reviews and take them with a grain of salt.

Several positive reviews for ScamAdviser have been found on various review sites. While this may be a good sign, it is important to approach these reviews with caution and consider the possibility of fake or biased reviews.

We looked up ScamAdviser and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information

This website offers payment methods that provide the option for customers to get their money back, which could be a positive indicator of the company's commitment to customer satisfaction. regularly updates its policies to reflect changes in laws, regulations. These policies are easy to find and understand, and they are written in plain language that is accessible to all customers. This helps customers understand what they are agreeing to and what to expect from ScamAdviser.

6:48 pm EST

ScamAdviser ScamAdviser Exposed

I've had a troubling experience with They're unfairly labeling legitimate businesses as scams, seemingly based on whether they've paid or not. I've seen real scam sites getting high ratings, probably because they've paid off ScamAdviser. It's not just misleading, it's damaging real businesses. What's worse, they're manipulating online reviews, deleting genuine negative feedback while leaving positive, likely fake, reviews untouched. This isn't just unethical, it's harmful to anyone relying on them for honest advice. At the end, I'm most certain that ScamAdviser are scammers themsleves

Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified ScamAdviser representatives only. If you are affiliated with ScamAdviser, please claim your business to access these details.

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Update by BigChlo
Jan 17, 2024 7:13 pm EST's approach is outright deceptive. They're not only deleting real negative reviews but also flooding their Trust Score boards with irrelevant negative comments like 'wrong size', making it look like they're under a bot attack. This tactic, designed to mask genuine criticism, is dishonest. Moreover, they directly demanded payment from me for Trust Score re-evaluation and even asked for sensitive personal information. Their manipulative practices and blatant financial motives for adjusting trust scores have completely eroded any trust in their service.'s tactics are not just unfair, they're outright scandalous. They are as deceptive and manipulative as the scammers they claim to expose. Their behavior is a betrayal of trust, and presenting a fact that they are scammers themselves.

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12:00 am EDT
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ScamAdviser Review: Biased, Inaccurate, and Untrustworthy is a website that claims to help people avoid scams. However, my experience with this website has been nothing but negative. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it is the worst website dedicated to scam prevention that I have ever come across.

One of the biggest issues with is that they seem to be extremely biased towards certain websites. If even one or two competitors report a website as a scam, will treat that website like the worst scammer in the world. They will demand that the website owner sends their front and back ID along with their company license. If the website owner refuses to do so, will label the website as a scam with an extremely low score. And if the website owner tries to contact to explain their side of the story, will simply ignore their emails.

Another issue with is that positive reviews from real customers no longer seem to have any effect on a website's rank. It seems that has stopped taking into account the opinions of real customers and instead relies solely on the documents that website owners send them. And to make matters worse, it seems that may even be stealing these documents and selling them for a few dollars.

But perhaps the worst thing about is that it is not even accurate. I have checked a few websites that I know are scams and they have been labeled as trustworthy with a high score. This means that people who rely on to avoid scams may actually end up falling victim to them.

In conclusion, I would not recommend to anyone. It is a biased, inaccurate, and untrustworthy website that seems to be more interested in stealing people's personal information than actually helping them avoid scams.

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ScamAdviser Unreliable Information: Our Experience with Scamadviser

When it comes to online businesses, trust is one of the most important factors for both customers and companies. This is why websites, like Scamadviser that aims to provide reliable information about businesses, are considered very valuable. However, recently we had a negative experience with Scamadviser, which made us rethink the reliability of the site.

The issue started when we read some negative reviews about our TV service provider on Scamadviser. Being concerned, we decided to investigate the situation and found out that the reviews were completely inaccurate. We were very surprised and disappointed to find false information being presented by Scamadviser.

To further examine the issue, we decided to dig deeper and discovered that Scamadviser had been getting negative reviews from other customers as well. It was not just us who had a negative experience with the site. Many customers have reported inaccuracy in the information provided by the website.

This heightened our concern over the reliability of the site's information. We believe that reporting false information damages the reputation of not only the businesses but also customers who rely on such information to make informed decisions. In light of this, we were compelled to leave a positive review for our TV service provider on Scamadviser.

Based on our experience and the negative reviews from other customers, it would be difficult to trust the information coming from Scamadviser. As consumers, we understand the importance of reliable information and we urge Scamadviser to adopt practices that ensure the accuracy of their reports. Until then, we will think twice before relying on any information provided by Scamadviser.

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ScamAdviser A Deceitful and Unethical Website Targeting Online Businesses

As a current business owner, I was extremely disappointed with my experience with Not only did they falsely accuse me of being a scammer and a gangster, but they also made me question how this website is still up and running. It's outrageous to see that is still in operation, considering the impact they can have on online businesses.

My interaction with felt like dealing with professional criminals. They prey on online businesses by extorting money from them to avoid customers being scared away from your business. As a small business owner, every penny counts, and the thought of having to pay to avoid false accusations is daunting.

It's also concerning to note that is located in Russia. This makes it even more challenging for online businesses to defend themselves against false accusations from the website since they are located outside of the US.

Overall, I would strongly advise businesses to steer clear of Their practices are unethical and deceitful and can have a significant impact on the livelihood of online businesses. Instead, businesses should seek more credible sources for reviews and assessments of their online presence.

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ScamAdviser Beware of My Terrible Experience with this Scamming Website

I recently had a terrible experience with and I just have to share my story so that others can be aware of what they are up to.

First and foremost, I want to state that they posted my company's information on their website without my permission. I had no idea that they were going to do this, and even worse, they took reviews from our Facebook page without our consent as well.

What's even more frustrating is that they don't allow companies to respond to the reviews! This creates an unfair environment for businesses as they cannot defend themselves against any false claims made against them.

I also had one of my reviews taken down from another site just because they claimed that I wasn't a customer. This is a complete lie and it's really unfair how they have the power to get reviews removed based on false information.

But the worst part of my experience was when they scammed me out of money! They required me to pay them through PayPal to get my company off their site. I was desperate at the time, so I did pay them, but they didn't remove the information and just ran away with my money.

It's really disheartening to see how they prey upon online businesses like mine. If they're not a scam website, I don't know what is. I urge everyone to take my advice and not believe anything written on their website. Keep your guard up and don't fall for their tactics.

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ScamAdviser Beware of Guarantee Tickets: A Personal Experience and Cautionary Tale

As a concerned consumer, I reached out to Scamadviser to get their take on the legitimacy of Guarantee Tickets. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a favourable review, but unfortunately my experience with Guarantee Tickets was quite the opposite. They turned out to be the biggest load of scum bags who stole my money after promising to deliver match tickets for Chelsea v Southampton.

I want to caution anyone considering using Guarantee Tickets to think twice before handing over their hard-earned money. In my opinion, they are just as shady as Scam Tickets, which also has received negative reviews regarding their practices. It should be noted that Guarantee Tickets writes their own reviews about their site, which is a major red flag.

I urge everyone to be cautious when dealing with any website that lacks a contact number or email address. It's important to do your research and read reviews from reputable sources, like Scamadviser, before making any purchases. It's unfortunate that my experience with Guarantee Tickets, which was meant to be a special present for my grandson, turned out to be a nightmare. I want to personally thank Scamadviser for their input and for striving to protect the public from fraudulent activity. Please beware and stay safe when browsing the internet.

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ScamAdviser Review: Uncovering a Fraudulent Portal

After conducting some research on Scamadviser (, I thought it would be important to share my findings with others to prevent anyone from falling prey to their deceitful tactics.

As a resident of the Netherlands, I was specifically interested in checking the validity of the site's location address. To my surprise, there was no record of any company ever occupying the address listed on their site. This immediately raised red flags for me, and prompted me to investigate further.

Upon further examination, I quickly came to the realization that is nothing more than a fraudulent portal. They publish unreliable and untrustworthy information with the sole purpose of gaining the trust of users, and ultimately, making money through advertising.

To further validate my discoveries, I also explored reviews of the site in other languages, and was not at all surprised to find that their rating was consistently zero. It was also clear that the administration team behind was actively writing fake positive reviews in English in an attempt to further deceive unsuspecting visitors.

Given all of these findings, it's clear to me that is nothing more than a group of scammers preying on people's trust and taking advantage of their hard-earned money. It's important that we spread the word about this fraudulent portal to ensure that no one else falls victim to their deceitful tactics.

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ScamAdviser The Negative Impact of Scamadviser's Unfair Website Ratings

As a website owner, I recently came across Scamadviser's website ( and wanted to share my experience. Initially, I was taken aback by their rating of my website, which they deemed suspicious due to my use of a German-based server. I was worried about the impact this could potentially have on my business, given that Scamadviser appears to have a significant influence on Google search results.

I decided to reach out to Scamadviser to clear up any misunderstandings and explain the nature of my business. As a USA-based company, I told them that I have reputable advertisers on my site and am an affiliate of big brand names, suggesting that these businesses wouldn't be doing business with me if I were a scam. Moreover, I informed Scamadviser that my website doesn't collect a visitor's personal information, nor do we offer online payments, so there was no reason to suspect fraudulent activity.

However, Scamadviser's reply was somewhat disheartening. They stated that they don't personally review websites, and that their algorithm might eventually give my website a better rating over time, given its recent launch in December 2017. This response seemed to overlook the fact that the rating was unfairly impacting my business in the present moment, and may continue to do so for some time.

As a website owner, the negative impact that Scamadviser is having on my business is quite concerning. Their algorithm, which is shrouded in mystery and appears to give little consideration to the specifics of individual businesses, seems to be leading to misplaced suspicions that could ultimately harm small businesses like mine. As a responsible business owner, I have taken steps to reassure my visitors and partners that my site is indeed legitimate, but the damage to my reputation that Scamadviser has caused is frustrating and potentially damaging.

Given the negative impacts that Scamadviser's actions can have on businesses, I believe there should be a better system in place to ensure that sites are evaluated fairly and that false suspicions are not raised unnecessarily. Additionally, I question whether there may be grounds for legal action against Scamadviser for their potentially libelous statements. Overall, my experience with Scamadviser has been disappointing and frustrating, and I hope that they will address my concerns and those of other business owners who may be unfairly affected by their rating system.

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ScamAdviser Scamadviser: Is it a Scam? An Inside Look at Allegations of Fake Reviews and Unethical Practices

Scamadviser is a website that claims to help people avoid scams. Unfortunately, some users have reported that the site itself is a scam. They claim that Scamadviser allows people to write fake reviews without any checks or limitations. There are also allegations that people who post fake reviews are then able to demand money to take them down.

This lack of control over the content posted on Scamadviser has led to the growth of the fake review business. Some have even speculated that Scamadviser takes a cut of the money made by people posting fake reviews.

The consequences of this type of behavior can be devastating. One person has recounted how a friend of theirs tried to commit suicide after being targeted by fake reviews posted on Scamadviser.

It is unacceptable that a site that claims to protect people from scams is itself involved in such unethical practices. Those who have been affected by Scamadviser’s actions should speak out against this kind of behavior. Additionally, the site’s owners should take responsibility for the content posted on their site and take measures to prevent fake reviews from being posted. Only then can we be confident that Scamadviser is a legitimate tool for protecting people from scams.

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About ScamAdviser

Screenshot ScamAdviser
Scamadviser is a powerful online tool that helps the users to identify the legitimacy of a website. It uses a complex algorithm to analyze different factors that determine whether the website is trustworthy, suspicious, or a potential scam.

One of the key factors that Scamadviser considers is the domain age of the website. If the domain is relatively new, it raises a red flag since most legitimate websites have been around for some time. The platform also analyses its popularity on social media and the web traffic it has garnered. If a website has low traffic and not much social media presence, it can be a sign of a potential scam.

Scamadviser also scrutinizes the website's contact details, including the physical address and phone numbers. If a website doesn't have a valid physical address and phone numbers, the chances are that it's a fake website.

Furthermore, the platform looks at customer reviews and feedback to determine whether a website is a scam or not. If a website has multiple negative reviews and feedbacks from customers, it is a clear sign to stay away.

In conclusion, Scamadviser is a legitimate tool that provides accurate insights into a website's legitimacy. With its sophisticated algorithm, it can quickly identify potential scams and help users stay protected while browsing the web. Its comprehensive analysis allows users to make informed decisions about whether to trust any given website or not.
How to file a complaint about ScamAdviser?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint against ScamAdviser on

1. Log in or create an account:
- Start by logging into your account. If you don't have an account, create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with ScamAdviser in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with ScamAdviser. Mention key areas of concern, any transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, etc.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Submit your complaint by clicking the 'Submit' button.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure each step is clearly defined and structured to guide you effectively through the process of filing a complaint against ScamAdviser on

Overview of ScamAdviser complaint handling

ScamAdviser reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Apr 9, 2023. The latest review Scam adviser helped me to create scam warning about was posted on Mar 20, 2024. The latest complaint Review: Biased, Inaccurate, and Untrustworthy was resolved on Jun 17, 2023. ScamAdviser has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 94 reviews. ScamAdviser has resolved 7 complaints.
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  1. ScamAdviser Contacts

  2. ScamAdviser phone numbers
    +1 (864) 640-0935
    +1 (864) 640-0935
    Click up if you have successfully reached ScamAdviser by calling +1 (864) 640-0935 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached ScamAdviser by calling +1 (864) 640-0935 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached ScamAdviser by calling +1 (864) 640-0935 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached ScamAdviser by calling +1 (864) 640-0935 phone number
  3. ScamAdviser emails
  4. ScamAdviser address
    Keurenplein 41, Unit A6311, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, 1069CD, Netherlands
  5. ScamAdviser social media
  6. Jenny
    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Oct 01, 2024

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