Credit Card Fraud, owes more than 25k in back child support, con artist, preys on lonely women that are vulnerable and financially stable, loves to use Internet Dating Sites (and Craigs list) to find women to con, he also stole merchandise from Daytona Street & Performance and sold the items on ebay but was never charged as he fled Florida and went to MA, he also did some shady dealings with a Time Share Company in FL, he uses his kids SS #'s to get credit and in turn lets the accounts default, he filed Bankruptcy for 2 years and defaulted so he could stay in his mobile home, he has 5 kids from 3 different women and no telling how many he doenst know about (or me for that matter), he is abusive, doesnt know how to tell the truth and his entire life has been a LIE. He was just convicted of Credit Card Fraud in Barnstable Court in September of 2011, the information below is from Cape Cod Times court records...
QUARTARARO, Scott M, 45, Marstons Mills; two counts, improper use of a credit card over $250; larceny over $250 by single scheme, December 28 2010 in Barnstable. All counts, admitted to sufficient facts. All counts, continued without a finding, continued for payment until September 20 2013. $2, 506.54 restitution. Although it says he was from Marston Mills, he no longer lives there as his now Ex Fiance' kicked him out. Rumor has it he is living in the back room of a drum shop in Hyannis, he has no car (most likely no Drivers License due to back child support). So basically he is a Dead Beat Dad, that preys on vulnerable lonely women that are financially set, uses online dating sites to meet these women, will tell you what ever you want to hear and make it sound believable, uses others credit cards, uses his kids SS #'s to get credit and so much more. BEWARE OF THIS PERSON, he is bad news! [protected]
I agree!~!
olisbos... Who said he was my EX? Don't assume as it makes an ### out of me and you! Maybe you would put on some glasses and read that again, he is a CON ARTIST and uses women for his own gain and finds them off of dating sites. Maybe you should get a life and stop posting NEGATIVE comments on peoples complaints!
Am I missing something here...cuz I dont see anywhere in the post that his son was brought into at long arm of the law, if they cant but Scott in the pokey I dont think they will do ### about this post!
The truth hurts and the truth is that Scott Quartararo is a sociopath and needs to either have his balls cut off or his p****, cuz he cant afford the kids he has now. From what I heard he steals his kids SS #'s and uses them for credit, just like he did to his oldest son! Look up and see the comments...Debbie1957 says he ripped her off for $4, 000 and mission88 was another victim, and there is another woman he just met last year that he screwed over too. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH this poor excuse of a man needs to be LOCKED up and never have the chance to hurt another person again!
Stop defending this ### "onewhoknowshim" because if you truly know him you KNOW he is a PIECE OF ###, no good SOB and needs to be brought down and hard!
I have yet to see a picture of his son with that caption, nor have I said anything bad about his son (or any of his 20 or 30 other children) so you might want to go bark up another tree, as this is the wrong one.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
He is a jerk, total, he scammed me out of 4000 about 5 yrs ago, he lived in Dover, then came to concord for a few months, he said he needed to get his things from Florida, took the money and never came back! I learned one hard lesson on that one for sure.
sorry debbie you were victimzed by him too...the trail of evil he does is neverending im finding out
scottt quartararo is a sociopath beware
I have no doubt as to what scott is.. but you dont know his son. I would advise you to keep him out of this, or risk the long arm of the law
I agree. Keep his son out of this.
The long arm of the law can't do squat about this post or any other you jackwad. I'm putting his son in this.
I-h8-scottQ wasn't it you that posted on another site a picture of his son with the caption like father like son ? If not.. I apologize for my earlier post
you harbor a deep hatred and you know a lot about Scott for someone who claims not to be an EX.
The profile you wrote reads like Scott wrote it about himself. Remember the guy who went to jail for creating a fake profile on facebook about someone else ? could be said you are impersonating Scott making you a fraud as well.
Why didn't you tell Seth who you are ? Who am I you ask ? I am Seth's Uncle. While you people can say whatever you like about Scott, I will protect my nephew
As for you stopyeryappin.. judging from you masterful use of the English language I can see your intelligence is fairly limited so here is some friendly advice
Put his son in if you must. I would suggest you do your homework and make sure what ever you post is the truth, .this is a public forum. Anything put on here can be used in a civil suit..
That warm wet feeling you have running down your neck...that's the last of your intelligence leaking out of that pile of ### you call a brain
To quote your post on Denis Scott Unit - Mistreatment of patient...your stupid.
Did your mommy help you spell that ?
No, but your mommy helped suck me dry, onewhoblowshim! Oh, and here's a quote from your comment barf just above, "As for you stopyeryappin.. judging from you masterful use of the English language"
...Oh the irony! Guess I'll put him in again! He sucks it hard. HARD! You festering maggot ridden pile of felch.
Interesting...childish anger with homosexual innuendos I bet your daddy taught you that last word...
I am guessing from your post your in the 8Th grade or so ?
You are mistaking anger for amusement...I have nothing else to do This afternoon, you seem to be an easy mark, so I figured what The hell lets ruffle some feathers.I have stolen just as many minutes of your life as you feel you have stolen of mine. People like you are pathetic. you hide in your room trolling Through message boards to find people to insult because your a scared little creature who doesn't have the stones to have a real life.
There was no reason for you to post anything on This Thread or call me or Seth names. I suspect The only way you have to fill The void in your soul where your heart used to be is to insult random strangers from The safety of your cave. Your existence is meaningless to me. So way don't you crawl on back to your cave and let the adults talk
So there you are!
I know exactly who and what Scott is. I dont care if you burn him at the stake, My concern is for Seth. He is nothing like his father. He works 2 jobs to support his family, so when you (or whom ever) posted the picture of him with the caption " like father like son" pissed me off. You guys dont know the first thing about him.
Why dont all of you get together, pool all your evidence and call the FBI if the local cops dont care about him, ? Maybe just one complaint wont get him but stack em all up it's a different story.
In any case you should focus your anger on it's target
Like I said...if it wasn't you who posted it then I apologize for the accusation
I am do you know so much about him ?
Guess who just feel out of the tree...
Your last post is a Lie
Ok so You didnt post a picture of Seth, you posted a link to his mug shot on blogspot with a comment pretending to be Scott
Like Father Like Son?
"I couldnt be more proud of my oldest son for following me in my footsteps...
WOW son you done your Father Proud! I will hang your mug shot up on my wall of Shame!"
and you lied about being an Ex...Cindi
I rescind my apology
The Scott I knew was a nice guy at least in California.
Yep I had affair with Scott 20 years ago when I was 25 years old. He's a con man, liar, sociopath. And he does have sex on the first meeting, i met him at a swingers club in Florida lol