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Seccion Amarilla

Seccion Amarilla review: Fraud 58

Author of the review
12:31 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Seccion Amarilla has engaged in a repeated fraudulent activity of rackeeting, this time the victim being the US Goverment.
Exploiting the Ntl Flood Insurance program of FEMA they have sold advertising space to the expense of FEMA at rates between 6 to 1o times HIGHER than they charge regular clients and to lure insurance agents to participate they throw a kickback of free advertising in other sections, deal which is kept hidden from FEMA. Someone must stop their frauds, they have done this in Chicago, Tampa, St Louis, Tulsa and Chattanooga. Voice your concerns to their CEO Juan Reffreger at [protected] or their faux HR director Loren Maldonado at [protected]

Update by SAUSA Victim
Aug 20, 2009 8:53 pm EDT




TO: All SAUSA Employees

FROM: SAUSA Legal Department

DATE: August 19, 2009

RE: Flood Insurance / FEMA Documents


We anticipate that we might receive a request for information and documents related to advertising sales of Flood Insurance advertising throughout the nation as it relates to a FEMA co-op program. In anticipation of any such request, we ask that until further notice you retain all relevant documents and information, as described below. This includes e-mails, voice mails, hard copies (printed documents) and computer files, both on your own computer and on any shared drive that you use.

Please avoid discussions with customers about this matter. If anyone from outside SAUSA asks you about this matter, you should refer them to the Legal Department. Similarly, if you have any questions about this matter, please direct them to the Legal Department.

A. Relevant Documents and Information that must be preserved:

1. Documents and information related to the sale of Flood Insurance advertisements in any Directory, including, but not limited to:

a. Documents and information about particular customers for Flood Insurance advertisements in any Directory, including sales calls and other communications with customers (including e-mails with and about customers);

b. Documents and information about the design of Flood Insurance advertisements in any Directory;

c. Documents and information about policies, statements, marketing instructions or material, advertising flyers, receipts, invoices, contracts, bill of sales, emails, correspondence, and records of accounts relating to Flood Insurance advertising sales;

d. Any and all written or printed materials which provides instructions, examples or samples concerning the sale of Flood Insurance advertising through the FEMA co-op program; and

e. Price sheets, rate cards or other documents discussing any advertising prices for any Directory.

2. Documents and information relating to FEMA or Flood Insurance in any way.

In general, if in doubt, don’t throw it out.

B. E-Mail, Electronic Document, and Voicemail Retention:

All relevant e-mail must be retained. You can do this by creating an e-mail folder for all relevant messages (both sent and received) and filing them in that folder until further notice or by printing out and retaining hard copies of relevant messages. Regardless, under no circumstances shall any relevant emails or voicemails be deleted.

This hold also applies to documents in electronic form. Thus, do not delete any electronic documents, regardless of where you store them (for example, on your desktop, on a laptop, on a shared network drive, on a separate hard drive, a jump drive, or a PDA), that contain relevant information. Please also save any voicemail messages that contain relevant information.

C. Follow-Up and Questions:

You will be notified by the Legal Department if we receive a request for information and documents. At that time, you will be given further instructions on how to identify and provide documents and data responsive to the request.

If you are unsure whether you must retain a particular document, it is best to err on the side of retention. If you have any questions about this Memo, please do not hesitate to contact the Legal Department.

We appreciate your cooperation with this important matter.

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 06, 2009 9:51 pm EDT

Be advised that we have received notification that FEMA will not reimburse any insurance agent for contracts sold by Seccion Amarilla for its Flood Insurance co-op reimbursement program. Therefore, all contracts sold under the FEMA Flood Insurance program are being cancelled by Seccion Amarilla with a full refund to the customer. As with previous notifications, no Account Executive is permitted to sell, discuss or attempt to sell or discuss Flood Insurance advertising with insurance agents and any contracts received from the sales force will be immediately cancelled. Should we receive any contracts that are sold as Flood Insurance under the FEMA co-op program from this day forward, whether marked as such or not, the Account Executive that sold the contract, and the Management that accepted and forwarded the contract, will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. There are absolutely no exceptions to this policy.

It is the policy of SAUSA that no member of the sales force (at any level) is authorized to provide notice, develop in writing or otherwise identify any sales program, incentive, opportunity or deal to the sales force or to any potential or renewal client without first requesting authorization from his/her Supervisor. The Supervisor will discuss the request with senior sales management and if the relevant Sales Vice President agrees with the request, the Sales Vice President will present it to the Corporate Office for approval.

Account Executives are not required to request approval for the following written communications to potential or renewal customers:

1. Standard sales proposals within SAUSA pricing guidelines; and

2. Standard communication regarding ad proofing.

Other than the above two (2) exceptions, no member of the sales force is authorized to email or otherwise correspond in writing to a potential or renewal customer for the purpose of marketing SAUSA or identifying any sales program, incentive, opportunity or deal without first requesting authority from the Corporate Office. Any individual that does develop and deliver such a document without authorization from the Corporate Office will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. If a potential or renewal customer emails, faxes or otherwise provides written communication to an Account Executive that is not within (1) or (2) above, the Account Executive is required to forward the email to his/her Sales Manager, who is then responsible for sending the communication to the Corporate Office (with a courtesy copy to his/her Supervisor) to provide a response.

Additionally, under no circumstances should a member of the sales staff (at any level) write anything on a contract other than the yellow pages print or internet advertising being purchased under that contract. Also, should any Account Executive be found to write more than one contract on a sales deal, or to write something on a contract AFTER it is signed by a customer, that Account Executive will be terminated immediately. Only one contract is permitted per customer and under no circumstances shall anything ever be written on a contract after it is signed by a customer.

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 06, 2009 9:54 pm EDT

Your book is great? You really think so? Tell it to the hundred of clients that have been defrauded, tell it to FEMA who now refuses to pay any ad sold by SAUSA and its preparing legal action just like many other clients across the country.
You should be ashamed of coming online to say the book is great? what book? the one that is delivered by the the company owned by the VP of sales who enjoys double dipping? or the one you promised to print and is always late ?
Just be ashamed and bow your head, i know you just like me work here because there are no jobs anywhere else, so we have to shut up and be part of the mafia. Eventually some sense will come into our minds and we will leave.

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 08, 2009 11:22 am EDT

So, threats? the typical sausa way... what am i going to lose? the $200 a week you pay? I make more money working at McDonalds! LOL
I can speak, and you cannot make me shut up, or... you cannot cut my phone like telmex usually does in Mexico when someone complains.
This is America, you cant do business here like you do in your mafia style in MExico.

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 12, 2009 9:28 am EDT

Dissapointed works in the marketing department in Miramar, where people sits on their butts collecting a salary to socialize in their own little world. Maria is pointing only two lawyers of the many customers who have been done wrong by Seccion Amarilla.
You are thug, with threats left and right. You are trying to silence a truth that is so obvious... with insults and ridicule. You should be ashamed of yourself, why dont you tell the truth about FEMA, or about the thousands of dollars in fake contracts in South Florida, the billing and art errors...listen anyone can make errors, i give you that, but when they become a pattern and a business practice thats called RACKETEERING. We are not just disgruntled employees, we are speaking the same things that most customers speak, you should examine yourself and before defending such a crooked group of people you should think twice. Our are you getting a juicy kickback from that party boy you called CEO or the crooked VP of Sales who also runs the pathetic distribution company. Bad! bad! and now you think firing a director and not the heads will clean your FEMA mess? No Sir, thats a stain that will hit the news and everywhere, because its inmoral to go around robbing people like Seccion Amarilla does.

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 12, 2009 9:39 am EDT

Momento, Inc. v. Seccion Amarilla USA, 2009 WL 1974798 (N.D. Cal.)

Momento sued defendant SAUSA for copying Momento’s Spanish-language ads for use in its own Spanish directories. Momento owned both the individual ads and the design and layout of its directories. (As set forth in another order, Momento created advertisements for its Yellow Pages by “preparing text, taking photographs of client advertisers, translating text from English to Spanish, and designing the layout of advertisements, including selection of fonts and colors.”) SAUSA argued that it got nonexclusive licenses directly from the advertisers as part of its form contract with them, and that the Momento ads were works of joint authorship because they resulted from collaboration between SAUSA and the advertisers and incorporated preexisting elements. (Interesting business model: allegedly, SAUSA solicits customers by sending an “ad proof” that’s a scanned copy of a Momento ad, sometimes with font/color changes; customers are asked for permission to print the ad “as is” for free, or with corrections for a fee.)

Under the 9th Circuit’s test for joint authorship, the court found, Momento is the sole owner of the ads. Momento’s contracts with its clients say that Momento’s artwork is its sole property; one client expressly sought permission to use a photo taken by Momento on its web page; and several clients submitted declarations that they never gave SAUSA permission to copy the Momento ads (not sure why this is relevant to ownership, but ok—in fact, of course, regardless of whether the ads are jointly authored, the contract could separately change the ownership).

So Momento showed likely success on the merits of the copyright infringement claim. It also alleged false advertising under California state law based on SAUSA’s sales pitch that its directories are “the first and only Spanish directory delivered to consumers in Northern California.” SAUSA argued that the parties have entirely different methods of delivering the directories, making the claim ambiguous at most. However, Momento’s was the first Spanish directory published in Northern California and thus “at least that part of the statement is false.” In the absence of evidence that consumers weren’t deceived, then, Momento therefore showed a likelihood of success on the merits. Now, in Lanham Act parlance, it probably is true that “delivered to consumers” is ambiguous—if a directory is published, but consumers need to purchase it or call to request it or pick it up at a grocery store, then it’s not “delivered to consumers” and that even seems likely to be material to potential advertisers, since a directory delivered to consumers is more likely to reach those consumers who aren’t proactively seeking a Spanish-language directory. However, California law doesn’t include the false/misleading distinction, so it was open to the court to find the statement likely to deceive consumers even without evidence of actual consumer deception.

Since this was a preliminary injunction motion, the court then turned to the issue of irreparable injury. The old 9th Circuit rule that a presumption of irreparable harm applies in a copyright case can’t be applied automatically after eBay, however. So instead the court applied the general test: irreparable injury; remedies available at law inadequate; balance of hardships; public interest.

Momento argued that the harm to its investment and competitive position caused by SAUSA’s copying at least 30 Momento ads showed irreparable harm. SAUSA says it’s the largest publisher of Spanish Yellow Pages in the world, and Momento is a family-owned business, directly competing. The court found that the copying and false advertising had an adverse and irreparable effect on Momento. The court could fairly consider Momento’s competitive position where SAUSA “built its business” around Momento’s works.

SAUSA argued that Momento’s four-month delay before filing suit precluded a finding of irreparable harm. Momento, however, wrote to SAUSA before that and got a response from SAUSA’s counsel that it took IP rights very seriously and was investigating, and would cease any infringements found, requesting proof of Momento’s copyright registrations and Momento’s directories to investigate further. Then, several months passed. The court accepted Momento’s explanation that it didn’t sue until it had evidence that SAUSA hadn’t ceased infringing, which came only when a new directory was published; Momento sued about a month and a half after that.

The court ordered SAUSA to retrieve directories stored on pallets at distribution points, but did not require SAUSA to retrieve directories picked up by consumers, and enjoined further distribution. SAUSA had notice of the infringement contentions as of the first cease & desist letter, yet proceeded with production; the injunction created a hardship for SAUSA, but not an unreasonable one in light of its decision to keep printing.

Note: in an earlier order, Momento, Inc. v. Seccion Amarilla USA, 2009 WL 1974905 (N.D. Cal.), the court denied a TRO on the ground that the plaintiff hadn’t made the extraordinary showing required. Without notice to SAUSA, the court stated the standard for irreparable harm using the old 9th Circuit presumption. Once there was notice and a hearing, the court had a chance to get more deeply into the law as well as the facts: a victory for the adversary process.
Posted by Rebecca Tushnet at 4:43 PM

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 12, 2009 11:31 pm EDT

Dissapointed...a thug, just like all management in sausa.

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 13, 2009 2:48 pm EDT

They fired the manager and made this thug a manager... welcome to the revolving door, only 10% employee retention?

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 15, 2009 11:46 am EDT

Fake info on FEMA? that was a SAusa memo...haha. How fake it is? the very own sausa memo that say that FEMA will NOT pay their ads... crooks! croooooksss!

Update by SAUSA Victim
Sep 27, 2009 7:22 pm EDT

The facts stated by ComeClean are the purest truth. Now, they face federal indictments. They fired a sales director from Oklahoma as scapegoat, but they have not touched the true monster...not just the VPs and the playboy CEO but the Nashville sales director who filled the Chattanooga book with fake contracts and dozens of FEMA ads. He got his bonus... the employees nothing!

Update by SAUSA Victim
Mar 13, 2010 8:26 am EST

The office of Seccion Amarilla in Los Angeles has closed. At last!
This theives are on the run, its time to shut down all the offices and leave the US, you guys have abused and robbed enough.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Los Angeles, US
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May 09, 2009 1:29 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I know that in tough times, it is wise to hold on to the jobs we have. There are exceptions to this rule.

Carlos Slim’s Seccion Amarilla...Bad habits, hard to break.

Bad habits are hard to break. Seccion Amarilla’s yellow-pages “en espanol”, a brilliant idea and what could of been a useful tool for the Hispanic community. The vision was there, but unfortunately in Mr. Carlos Slim case so was greed. Telmex de Mexico aka:Seccion Amarilla, brought yellow pages in Spanish to the USA, along with it's shady business practices, billing issues, a non-existent customer service, ads sold for books never published, incorrect ads and not to mention wage violations.

Mr. Slims fortune and success, was achieved at the expense of hard working citizens in Latin countries he invaded with his screw the customer and the people, bleed them to death, motto.

I work for Seccion Amarilla in Los Angeles, and have heard hundreds of stories from customers and victims of Mr. Helu's Bright Executives, who follow his style of business.

We have several lawsuits pending, unsatisfied customers, billing MISTAKES, and a slew of angry ex-employee's, not to mention Distribution issues.

Why do I stay?...well, I keep trying to get fired, by voicing my thoughts and refusing to compromise my sales ethics, but nothing seems to work, maybe it’s my curiosity, to know how it will all end?. I am one of the few that does make money at Seccion Amarilla, but my conscious is starting to wake me up in the middle of the night. Don't take my word for it, google us or check out some of these web pages, same problems, same Carlos Slim solutions, which he has now brought to the USA.

Call Ethan Cohen Attorney/Victim 213/480-8844

Analysis of Carlos Slim’s monopoly

La verdad de Telmex

Plataforma Carlos Slim

Caso telmex-Columbia

Carlos Slim: La Plaga-Spain (and now he is here in the USA)

Los Angeles, US
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Jun 03, 2009 7:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

In tough times it is wise to hold on to the jobs you have...their is an exception to this rule called "Seccion Amarilla". Fraud, shady billing issues, a non-existing customer service, inept management and ad sold for books that never seem to be published. It's a shame that thay have taken a product with so much potential, yet fumbled by greed and the lack of vision. If you are approched by this company RUN!

Los Angeles, California

Winchester, US
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Aug 20, 2009 4:47 pm EDT

This company has taken money from countless unsuspecting business owners, All of the problems start with the CEO / Juan Reffreger and the VP of Sales / Sean Harper, these two have used this company as there personal piggy bank by charging Seccion Amarilla for distribution that never gets done, by a company that is owned by Sean Harper. Just call any advertiser in any of their directories and ask them about Seccion Amarilla and they will most definitely tell you to run the other way. This was a GREAT idea that has been destroyed by the total lack leadership at the company. There are many class action lawsuits pending against them now, I dont know how they can remain in business much longer. they don't print the number of they say they are going to do, they don't distribute the books they do print. And if there is a mistake made they just take your money and ignore all attempts to reach them.

Southern California

Abilene, US
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Aug 31, 2009 7:33 am EDT

But, it's okay for you to post confidential correspondance, right?

Abilene, US
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Sep 05, 2009 1:02 pm EDT

First of all, I don't know what office your out of because I'm sure your not posting factual info. Since you are copying your emails, you must still be working for them.

I work for them and believe our book is great! This job is not for everyone. It takes persistance, hard work, and a high level of communication skills, as well as the ability to follow up with clients. I'm assuming that you are one of the low-level producers who needs a very structured job where someone stands over you and tells you what to do.

A city near you, US
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Sep 05, 2009 6:11 pm EDT

Key phrase of the day: Disgruntled employee.

SAUSA should sue you guys for posting this information online. It is bogus and untrue!

Abilene, US
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Sep 07, 2009 10:11 am EDT

I think I know who you are Sausa victim. Still have access to email huh?

Abilene, US
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Sep 07, 2009 10:20 am EDT

"i know you just like me work here because there are no jobs anywhere else, " Sorry Sausa Victim, but I there are plenty of jobs out there. There are just no jobs out there for people who are unqualified for anything. The point is, you're lazy and can't sell. That's why you're so unhappy. If I were you, I would do the smart thing, which is to focus on your job, and let SAUSA take care of issues. But, since you would rather play Drama Queen, I guess you need a job on a soap opera.

Abilene, US
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Sep 07, 2009 10:21 am EDT

It wouldn't be too difficult to get your ip address. So, guess what? You are setting yourself up.

Abilene, US
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Sep 07, 2009 1:11 pm EDT

Here's another problem smart boy/girl. You are posting information that seems to be taken from an email. How are you getting emails? You must still be working for them, yet complaining about their business practices. You don't care what SAUSA had done or hasn't done. All you care about is creating drama and getting revenge while still drawing a paycheck. What you are doing is illegal, I hope they supeona your ip address.

Abilene, US
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Sep 07, 2009 1:13 pm EDT

There are jobs everywhere Sausa Victim. Why can't you get one?

Abilene, US
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Sep 08, 2009 10:08 pm EDT

How sad. You make $200/week. What about commissions? You don't sell anything? WHA WHA BOO HOO! You should work at McDonalds then. Why are you whining and crying about your salary? You need to pull out your last working brain cell and think about this. You post confindential information which is against the law and could open you up for a lawsuit. My little Drama Queen, no one said anything about cutting phone lines. Next, you STILL work for a company you say in unethical? You know what they say. If you can sell, you will always have a job. The fact is, you make $200 a week means that you don't sell. You need to address a bigger issue...YOURSELF! When did a lawyer subeaoning ip addresses become a threat. They do it all the time. YOU BROKE THE LAW!

Abilene, US
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Sep 08, 2009 11:23 pm EDT

And yes I do very well at SAUSA. Here's why: I have good relationships with my clients and if there's a problem, I make sure it's fixed. Maybe you should try taking your job seriously instead of complaining all the time.

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 09, 2009 5:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Disappointed...If you think a few post on this website is convencing us, that EVERYBODY else is wrong and ONLY you are right, is pathetic.
If you choose to live in denial that Seccion Amarilla has brought it's shady practices to the USA, it's your decision, BUT NOT OURS!

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 09, 2009 5:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

P.S...personal attacks only indicate, your inability to "MAKE A POINT"

Abilene, US
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Sep 09, 2009 7:30 pm EDT

Maria, please learn to spell. Isn't it strange how you all can dish it out, but you can't take it. There is nothing shady about this company, unless they hired some shady idiots!

Personal attacks Maria? Read this from SAUSA Victim. Sounds like he attacked me first. Oh, but wait, I guess attacking me first is okay...LOL

"Your book is great? You really think so? Tell it to the hundred of clients that have been defrauded, tell it to FEMA who now refuses to pay any ad sold by SAUSA and its preparing legal action just like many other clients across the country.
You should be ashamed of coming online to say the book is great? what book? the one that is delivered by the the company owned by the VP of sales who enjoys double dipping? or the one you promised to print and is always late ?
Just be ashamed and bow your head, i know you just like me work here because there are no jobs anywhere else, so we have to shut up and be part of the mafia. Eventually some sense will come into our minds and we will leave."

Both you and SAUSA victim couldn't hack the job. FACE IT. You whine and complain, and guess what. You two don't have a clue about anything. Most of your info must come the office gossip.

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 10, 2009 2:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

TO ALL POTENTIAL CLIENTS/EMPLOYEES: Disappointed is a prime example of the type of personnel Seccion hires, thugs, thieves and brown noses.
But hey, don't take my word for it google "seccion amarilla complaint" as see for yourself, or better yet call Ethan Cohen from Doustkam & Assoc, in
Los Angeles, they have written proof of this company's shady tactics. Facts are louder than any windbag for hire.

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 10, 2009 2:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

P.S...spelling really doesn't matter, as long as what you post... sends the message.

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 10, 2009 6:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

TO POTENTIAL CLIENTS/EMPLOYEE'S: I could answer DISAPPOINTED ill attemp at...well not really sure, but that
would serve no purpose. The key factor to consider is what is documented, attorney Doustkam & Associates, in Los Angeles
can provide all the documention to verify our allegations, or just google "seccion amarilla complaints" and you be the judge.

Abilene, US
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Sep 11, 2009 7:47 am EDT

You're right Maria! Spelling doesn't matter for ignorant people. Documents? Since when do lawyers give you access to their documents? I assume you're talking about public court records because no attorney is going to let see his documents. The only complaints I see are coming from a disgruntled employee who sits on his butt and is happy to get 200 bucks a week for doing nothing. Get a job. Get a life.

Abilene, US
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Sep 11, 2009 7:48 am EDT

How would know about in documents in LA?

Abilene, US
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Sep 11, 2009 8:11 am EDT

Since you have appointed yourself judge and jury, why don't you post that PUBLIC document on here?

You are really sad. Bashing a company for being unethical and then suppossedly still working for them.

Here's something to keep in mind.

'In a libel case, the hardest part is trying to interpret the intent of the defendant. If someone's intent was clearly malicious, then a libel case has a good chance of succeeding. Libel is not libel when it is about and un-definable group of people or organization. Saying all "CEO's are crooks" is not libel, but specifically naming a person who is a CEO, most likely is."

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 11, 2009 8:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Perfect example of what future employees or customer care have to put up with...avoid the problem and hope it goes away. Disappointed just gave us a taste of how they resolve problems...good job Disappointed, keep up the rantings, show us what you got !

Abilene, US
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Sep 11, 2009 9:00 pm EDT

I just quoted you the law, and you totally miss the point. The point is YOU are the unethical one. I can see why you don't have anything better to do. You must have canned FINALLY.

Abilene, US
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Sep 11, 2009 9:01 pm EDT

You sound like a raving idiot. Like I said, I take care of my customers. Something you obviously couldn't do. If you had, you would have seen the VERY happy clients.

Abilene, US
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Sep 11, 2009 9:03 pm EDT

And...Why are you evading my question? You just skirt around the issues. Where are those 'PUBLIC" doucments from the lawyer. I'm sure he's going to be very interested in this...LOL. You aren't too smart are you?...hahahah.

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 11, 2009 11:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am not evading anything...I won't HELP YOU, your the curious one, you call
Doustkam & Assoc ask for Ethan 213/480-8844, or maybe Ali at In House Counsel
and only because I'm in a good mood I'll give you one more; Law Office of Mark T. Atkinson...hint it's all on the net, if you look.

Abilene, US
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Sep 12, 2009 9:24 am EDT

I looked...LOL...nothing. A lawyer giving out info. How ridiculous you are. Your nuts. Post it smart boy. I'm sure they'll give you the documents.

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 12, 2009 12:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

A challenge...IF ! you can find a seccion amarilla phone book, open it any page will
do, call and ask THE customer, how satisfied they are. Do a BBB search NATIONWIDE
and again in black and white you'll see.

I don't do well with narrow minded people, who choose to ignore the facts in black and white...and are to lazy to research their own information to back up their twisted way of looking at things. But hey keep it comming disappointed, this gives us a reason to publicly air YOUR dirty laundry.

Abilene, US
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Sep 12, 2009 8:21 pm EDT

Where's the FEMA post? That's what I wanted see. OH WOW...companies suing each this is a new concept. It's been going on forever between companies. Geez, are you that naive?

Abilene, US
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Sep 12, 2009 8:22 pm EDT

And, I've heard you were the worst sales rep ever.

Abilene, US
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Sep 12, 2009 8:23 pm EDT

Slander and libel will get you nothing but jail time. If I were you, I would read up on the laws because you're making a total ### of yourself.

Abilene, US
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Sep 12, 2009 8:25 pm EDT

Then why do I keep renewing clients year after year after year. Because their unhappy?

Abilene, US
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Sep 12, 2009 8:28 pm EDT

And posting confidental things. Boy, that kind of puts you in the same suit doesn't it. How ethical are you? You just think you can do what you want. What you did is ILLEGAL. Does that register in your little pea brain. ILLEGAL. Who the hell are you to talk.

I think you have bigger issues here. I think you are a total failure at your job. Only a ### would go on and on and post things ILLEGALLY. Hope a court supeonas your ip address on here soon, and you'll be the one getting sued. Trust me. It will happen.

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 12, 2009 9:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Bring it on...I 'm PREPARED

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 12, 2009 11:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My apologize to, Complaint board for using up precious space, to show the typical attitude
at Seccion Amarilla. This company has made it's fortune at the expense of hard working citizens of third world countries, who don't have a choice or anywhere to complain. As a result Seccion Amarilla has never had competition nor challenged to operate, without the strong hold it has on it's consumers and employee's. What surprises me is that this company is owned by the second richest man in the world, one would expect with all his world knowledge, he would of instructed his executive to cease there Gestapo tactics in business and actually treat his US venture with a little more professionalism. But when you have been king of the mountain, this idea would have been an insult.

Abilene, US
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Sep 13, 2009 10:40 am EDT

Show facts Maria. Gestapo? Looks like you and little Mr. Law Breaker are the gestapo.

Abilene, US
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Sep 13, 2009 10:47 am EDT

Why are you two so afraid to post your real names? I will tell you why. Your are engaging in illegal activties by posting material that identifies an entity and the names associated with that entity. The end result is your are attempting to hurt people. If I were you, I would google courts subeoning ip addresses to determine the owner of the computer where slanderous posts are coming from. You are leaving yourself wide open for a lawsuit. hahahhaha

Abilene, US
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Sep 13, 2009 10:50 am EDT

My apoligies to the complain board for Maria and SAUSA VICTIM for posting things that are pulling out of their butts with absolutely no concrete facts to back them up.

This is the typical case of disgruntled employees getting fired for being worthless.

Los Angeles, US
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Sep 13, 2009 11:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If you feel that strong about Seccion Amarilla, give us your name and location
and I will reciprocate. So far all you do is ramble and make idle threats, show us how we are wrong.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
  1. Seccion Amarilla Contacts

  2. Seccion Amarilla phone numbers
    +1 (800) 202-7272
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    Insurgentes Sur 3500, Colonia Peña Pobre, Delegación Tlalpan, C.P., Mexico City, 14060, Mexico
  5. Seccion Amarilla social media
  6. Maria
    Checked and verified by Maria This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 27, 2025
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