Prior to going on surgical/ temp leave from work I called Sedgwick to report to them and get all paperwork. My leave was scheduled by my doctor 09/14-10/6 and stated as such on the SEDGWICK forms they filled out.
At the time of my call, I was told by rep (listen to your call records) that Sedgwick FINALLY recognizes 7 day 24 hour work schedules. I work overnight weekends and have ALWAYS had to battle with Sedgwick to get dates and times correct. The rep told me 1) the system had not been tested yet and 2) would only recognize 8 hour shifts. I work 3x12, so I was told to CALL MY EMPLOYER to figure it out. Strike 1
Initial approval was through 09/29, I called to ask why (trying to be proactive) and was told that due to my follow up appt. 9/29 that is what was approved... regardless of what my doctor filed on the official paperwork... why did he bother to fill it all out? I was also told that SEDGWICK would follow up with my doctor after that appt to get report and extend the date of return if needed. NEVER DONE. I had to again call Sedgwick on 10/06... again trying to be proactive for the upcoming paycheck, and stated that I would be returning on 10/07 (my next scheduled day after doctors RTW date on the form.
Today, 10/13/2023, rude awakening to get paid 13 hours from Sedgwick, NOT 48. Had to cancel car payment etc. Called 4th time to Sedgwick... tell me again about relaxing and recovering from surgery, only to get a very defensive rep named Kimberly who told me sha cannot speak for other reps who drop the ball but my doctor was faxed forms on the 11th and "has not returned them". 2 days ago... when my first claim went in 4 weeks ago and my last call was 1 week ago. Very curt, argumentative and uncaring rep, she is supposedly having a supervisor named Lauren call me. This company is supposed to be there to get us through the difficult times we are away from work. You are a FOR PROFIT, making lots of it... and doing NOTHING but causing stress and extra work for those who are not getting paid to do it.
PLEASE DO YOUR JOB, quit passing the buck and take care of your clients.
Desired outcome: To get paid so my bill collectors can too!