Insured Hilton, Claim# 4A2307R2H66-0001 Gene Frank
To: Reid-Stockwell, Nancy
Once again, you offered to me, no one else the $2,500. You FAILED to inform me that you needed to check out any medicare lien when you made me the offer. I consider this to be Bad Faith on the part of Sedwick Claims.
See the offer you made to me : " I am willing to offer you $2500 to resolve this matter "
If you owe medicare any money that is fine, but don't deduct any payment from the offer you made to me alone.
From: Anna.[protected]
To: [protected]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26th 2025
Re: Insured Hilton, Claim# 4A2307R2H66-0001 Gene Frank
We are required by law to report any settlements over $750 to Medicare if a person is Medicare eligible. Medicare has a right to place a lien against any settlement for funds they paid out and they have the right to seek reimbursement.
We are offering you a $2,500 settlement because of the misinformation provided as to the facilities (i.e. type of bed) but this is not an acceptance of liability.
I am willing to offer you $2500 to resolve this matter
To: Nancy.[protected]
Tuesday, February 25th 2025,
RE: insurance matter 4A2307R2H66-0001 Gene Frank
Nancy, see your offer below of $2,500 made to me only. It does not state anything about medicare getting any of this amount. Therefore, I demand that you issue me a check in the amount of $2500 NOW and resolve this matter now.
To: [protected] Cc: Nancy.[protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 18th 2024
Claim 4A2307R2H66-0001
Mr. Frank
based on the review of your medical records, you suffered a soft tissue injury with conservative treatment.
I am willing to offer you $2500 to resolve this matter.
To: Nancy.[protected]
Sent: February 25th 2025
RE: matter # 4A2307R2H66-0001 Gene Frank
You NEVER stated to me that your offer had any bearing on the lien.
The medicals as you know are probably at least $10K. If there is a lien I would get nothing ? That is ridiculous. You offered me $2,500 and I have complied with your requests for info all along.
I am demanding that you issue me the check to me now for $2,500 and stop stringing me along ! Otherwise, I will start writing very strong complaint letters to the PA insurance dept and the NJ Insurance depts. You are only getting me very upset with the way you are treating me.
You can send medicare any other amounts you decide upon, But don't make me wait any longer !
To: [protected]
Sent: Tuesday, February 25th 2025
RE: #4A2307R2H66-0001 Gene Frank
Mr. Frank
We are required to research the lien prior to payment.
And our offer was not “in addition” to any lien that may be found.
I will work on that process.
Nancy Reid-Stockwell Senior Claims Examiner -
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
To: Reid-Stockwell, Nancy
Subject: Re: 4A2307R2H66-0001 Gene Frank
Hello Nancy,
Please issue to me the settlement check in the amount of $2,500.00 per the offer you made to me once you review the faxed documents to you of yesterday. The Settlement offer to me $2,500.00 has no bearing on any money you decide to reimburse medicare.
Gene Frank
To: Nancy.[protected]
Sent: Monday, February 24th 2025
Re: #4A2307R2H66-0001 Gene Frank
Hi Nancy, sent the docs per email below to you via fax. Just received confirmation from my fax machine that the docs were sent to you at [protected].
From: [protected]
To: Nancy.[protected]
Sent: Monday, February 24th 2025
# 4A2307R2H66-0001 Gene Frank
Hello Nancy, I have completed the medicare form and the proof of authorization forms that you requested I complete. I am sending the documents via fax this evening to you once I finish typing this email.
Please issue to me the settlement check in the amount of $2,500.00 per the offer you made to me once you receive the faxed documents. The Settlement offer to me $2,500.00 has no bearing on any money you decide to reimburse medicare.
Gene Frank
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