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Seed Capital

Seed Capital review: Bad service 25

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3:34 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Seed Capital claims to generate working capital for a potential business owner by contacting credit card companies and opening up credit lines in the business owners name. This comes at a cost of $5, 500.00, which is not worth their efforts. Seed Capital has ripped me off for $5, 000.00!

Never provide them with your credit card information because they will not fulfill the terms of the contract. They charge your credit card and do not provide the services detailed in their contract. After contacting my bank to reverse the charges, I was told Seed Capital contested my refund.

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Henderson, US
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May 31, 2011 6:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

PLEASE BEWARE. This complaint was posted by an unscrupulous competitor with absolutely no track record or integrity, and must resort to making libelous claims in a cowardly attempt to illegitimately gain business. This same competitor has plagiarized our contracts and marketing materials, verbatim, which as a result has caused us to file a federal trademark infringement lawsuit against them.

Here is the indisputable TRUTH about Seed Cap: We have raised over $100 million in start-up financing for our clients since 2008, we have assisted over 3000 aspiring entrepreneurs realize their dream of business ownership and are the premier lending partner for over 100 franchise partners.

The internet unfortunately allows individuals and companies of questionable moral fiber post slanderous statements about any party. As such, we implore you to conduct your own quality due diligence. Please contact the BBB and you will find that we have been awarded with their prestigious accreditation and maintain an A rating with them. Also, we ask that you contact our offices directly and we can provide you with literally hundreds of referrals from both clients and Franchisors that refer thousands of clients to us each year. Once you have completed genuine research and ignore the bogus conjecture within this complaint, you too will be unequivocal that Seed Cap is the premier business start-up consulting company with a flawless reputation and unmatchable results.

We look forward to assisting you in realizing your dreams to business ownership,
The Seed Cap Team

no way credit
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Dec 01, 2017 9:28 am EST

That is unfair to assume, you may be legit, but filling out credit card applications and lying about one's income is hardly ethical in my opinion.

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Dec 01, 2022 1:34 am EST

Credit card stacking CAN be legal but Seed Capital engaged in deceptive marketing by stating they were providing business lines of credit when in actuality, they fraudulently applied for credit cards in a credit stacking scheme.

Phoenix, US
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Jan 03, 2014 12:09 am EST

This company is a ripoff! They are LIARS and charged a credit card that I didn't authoriZe them to use. This was also done against the terms in a contract and after asking my bank to reverse the charges because the company said they would but never did, I get documentation of them contesting it even when their own representative (who by the way was the first liar and caused all this to happen CHRIS CELANO) said it was an error! This company can NOT be trusted! They are liars and all they do is falsify PERSONAL credit card applications and have multiple cards opened in your name rather than the business like the contract states. STAY AWAY FROM THIS UNTRUSTWORTHY COMPANY!

Fort Worth, US
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Jan 30, 2014 10:27 pm EST

I also was taken to the cleaners by this company. They are suppose to establish credit in your business' name so your personal assets are not affected. That is why you incorporate your business. $50, 000 was all that we asked for because that is all that we needed. They get over a $100, 000 just so they can charge you $3, 000 for each $50, 000 they get. The contract states business credit and we only got $27, 000 in business credit cards. My credit score went from the 800's to 641. They also charged my husband $3, 000 for credit counseling, ie, line of credit, etc. They NEVER even spoke to him on the phone. I challenged the charge with the credit card company and they ruled in my favor only to have Seed refused pay it back. They also set up an email account in my husband and my name and apply for all these credit cards and they initially did mine, (my name was no where on the business) and lied about my income. I am on disability and do not even make $15, 000 a year but they put my income down as $177, 000.00. I have the contracts to prove all this. When my husband was charged for his "consulting" I was told she was going to take it off. Yeah right. They say that when a complaint if filed it is someone in competition with them and unscrupulous. Well I am not in competition with them and I am a very honest and try to always do right. They are the liars and schemers.

Broke now for sure
Leona Valley, US
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Dec 02, 2014 4:03 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Seed capital has ripped me off for 6, 500 and when i talked to them all they had to say about it was, hey you signed the contract so ha ha to you, the girl i talked with told me they love to steal, so if we haven`t taken enough money from you please talk to my supervisor and maybe he can take a little more from you.the worst part is they have destroyed my credit so all i have to say about them is be careful they are serious THIEVES . Ron

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Feb 02, 2016 2:45 pm EST

Company worked on my behalf obtaining unsecured credit using an email they created never allowing me access. Obtained a credit increase on a credit card they obtained by decreasing the credit balance on an existing card I had with that bank I never authorized this. Requested a copy of the original signed agreement with them (never received one) was told I already had it. Requested what information they were using to obtain credit increases on credit cards they obtained for me was told again I already have it (have no idea where that information is as it was never provided to me). Substantially decreased my credit score by obtaining these accounts, this was never addressed in the original agreement. Told service representative original income would be considerably less due to a first quarter correction in my income very concerned they still used it after being told it was less.

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May 11, 2016 1:18 pm EDT

I am in the process of doing business with seed capitol thru a real estate academy {NV real estate academy} according to ripp off seed has a 5 star rating and can be trusted, so whats going on with these complaints, will some one shed some lite on this before I become a victim

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Jan 23, 2017 3:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of mjacosta

they will take your money for something you can do on your own!

do not do
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Jun 23, 2016 9:11 pm EDT

This company has destroyed my credit. I was provided there services through a real estate Academy NV. after paying there fee on my personal credit card the used my personal info and contacted banks and falsified my income in order to get higher rates of credit. I received over $85, 000 in credit cards, 0ver 70% of which was interest free for 6 months to a year. After charging almost $40, 000 for both of the companies fees a couple months later banks started canceling credit cards and or reducing limits. In all as of [protected] my credit limit has been reduced by over $25, 000. Banks indicate this is because of hard hits on my credit report because each of the 15 plus cards I received checked my credit in a short period of time. Secondly because seed capital had me almost max out several cards to get there fees now I am high risk because of my recent transactions of doing business with this company. They do not look out for you they look out for there teams first. They get paid first and you suffer the debt because of bad credit consulting. Be aware and take caution.

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Jan 23, 2017 3:38 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To whom it may concern;
I'm also one of the victims that Seed Capital has taken advantage over me with visionary events. Visionary events recommended me to use Seed
Capital to open several business lines of credit with new credit card Companies and after taking visionary events classes I realize that I have
been taking advantage of and I will not be needing Seed Capital with all that credit on August 29th, 2016. I recommended to the person I was dealing with who is Lana that I wanted to cancel moving forward with my credit cards
And she said she couldn't stop because that was her job. I ask her to recommend who I need to speak with and in reference to getting my money back, she said that she would get a manager to call me back. At that time Seed Capital automatically charged one of my credit cards for the money without my authority. I sent an email to Lana to please reimburse my money and I would give her two different credit cards to pay the invoice. I waited for the manager to contact me but I never heard back from anybody and in good faith I decided to pay the amount of $3000 a week later. As of now I still have not heard from the manager from Seed Capital so I disputed the amount for the money. Oh yes, they responded to my bank quick but not to me. For that reason I have hired an attorney to get my money back since I will not be needling this service. Visionary Events is now nder investigation by my Bank for fraud.
Desired Settlement:
Seed Capital Charges $3000 for something I can do. Seed capital did not
really help me out because I already had 790 score. If Visionary Events
gave me back my $25K for fraud, why can’t I get my $3000.00 back if I told you I
didn't need it.

Loving me some Seed!
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Jun 29, 2017 8:49 am EDT

Most of these reviews are just plain ridiculous. Half of them can't even write English at a 5th grade level. I just used Seed Capital and they amazing. I was connected with Seed Capital through my franchise consultant after being turned down for an SBA loan and realizing that I really didn't want to fund something as risky as a new business with my retirement nest egg. The approval process was incredibly simple. After pulling a free credit report, my consultant informed me, literally within 30 seconds I had been approved for credit lines in the amount of 80, 000 to 100, 000. Once I completed the paperwork for Seed Capital I received my first approvals that same day. Within about 2 weeks I had $119k in total approvals. This was such an easy process. Honestly, the most work on part was having to go to a UPS store to have my loan paperwork notarized. Aside from that, I only had to answer a few emails and make a few phone calls. Great company, great service and great results.

I have a strong suspicion all of these "negative" reviews are competitors trying to tarnish Seed Capital's reputation through anonymous postings. If you actually have a complaint why wouldn't you air your grievances through a respective source like the BBB as opposed to this random complaint board?

no way credit
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Dec 01, 2017 9:25 am EST

And I think you are an employee of Seed Capital.

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Dec 01, 2022 1:32 am EST

You’re obviously an employee or somehow paid by the company. Your own grammatical errors are glaring red flags much like the company.

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Jul 24, 2017 4:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I paid $3000 to get working capital. What they did was to apply for credit cards in my name, which had 0% interest until mid-2018. I was instructed to move cash advances from one card to the other, using this money to pay off other cards. I now have over $40, 000 in credit card payments, paying for money I never actually had or used. My credit score went from 812 to 600 because I'm carrying so much debt. Worst mistake I ever made. All I can do is pay off this money from my savings, and as I'm disabled, this will leave me with maybe $15, 000 savings. Worst mistake I ever made.

no way credit
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Dec 01, 2017 9:18 am EST

My wife and I attended one of those real estate seminars(beware!) last year and were told about Seed Capital and how we could get $100, 000.00 in credit. What they failed to mention that it was all in 12-15 credit cards. What a joke. Well we hired a lawyer and contested the real estate learning group, which they backed down very quickly after our lawyer went after their many shell corporations, we got our full refund. Now with Seed Capital they took their fee from a personal credit card, which they had not been given any access to, so that showed us that the real estate dog and pony show was in bed with Seed Capital, even though at the seminar they repeatedly said they had no affiliation with Seed capital. (beware!) So we contested the money they had stolen from our personal credit card, and our credit provider with the help of our lawyer got our money back. Seed Capital finally lost. All I can say is that if you want thousands of dollars in credit card funding then do it yourself by filling out your own credit card applications and lying about your yearly income, because that is all they did for us. So good luck.

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Feb 05, 2018 12:45 pm EST

Can you please refer me to the attorney you used for this matter? I had the exact same scenario happen and it has put a world of hurt and financial hardships on my family. I would really appreciate and suggestions you might have. Thank You

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May 02, 2019 11:39 pm EDT
Replying to comment of talysonk

Did this ever get worked out for you? Same thing has happened to me, they took my CC info from the real estate convention which I was told is two different companies and shows as two different companies on my charges.

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May 02, 2019 11:41 pm EDT

Yes, please more information because they also took my CC info from the real estate convention.

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Dec 01, 2022 1:08 am EST
Replying to comment of talysonk

Did you ever find an attorney? My gullible idiot of a father fell for this scam and forced me to sign the POA. I’ve negotiated settlements but now Barclays is insisting that the account is mine. I never filled out any credit card applications! It’s been 7 years of taking out loans to pay off multiple settlements and taxes.

To my embarrassment, I am an attorney and this whole mess has prevented me from passing background checks for substantive jobs!

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Dec 04, 2018 2:10 pm EST

I recently did business with Seed Capital Corp as they were referred to me by my franchise. They stated they would get me $80, 000 in credit. They stated they get paid $3, 000 once they obtain at least $50, 000 worth of credit. They got me only $63, 300 worth of credit which was less than what they said they would get but over the $50, 000 so they could charge their fee. A couple of months later after the credit card companies review their accounts I started getting notices that my accounts were closed or had the available amount of credit reduced amounting to a loss of $17, 000 in extended credit. The loss of $17, 000 in credit put them below the $50, 000 guarantee so of course I requested a refund only to have them hide behind a clause in their contract that states they are not responsible for credit adjustments. Don't make the mistake I made in using their service!

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Jan 08, 2019 12:58 pm EST

Seed Capital made a 50% refund offer that I consider to be a fair offer and have accepted; therefore I do consider this matter to have been resolved to my satisfaction.

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May 22, 2019 6:01 pm EDT


Seed Capital is a total rip off. I had great 800 plus credit. They told me they would get me access to private funding. All r
they did was use my excellent credit to obtain 10 credit cards. 12 hard inquiries in a week. My score has dropped 180 points in two months. Then they charged me $4000 to do this.

Seed Capital and WILL TO WIN are all rip offs. The average novice has zero chance at succeeding with them. It is one fee after another, . Robert Herjavec should be ASHAMED OF HIMSELF TO HAVE HIS NAME ON THIS SCAM.

Disappointed Client 1
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Dec 12, 2019 6:56 pm EST

SCAM ALERT! This company will "guarantee" a certain amount of capital funding. However, they only actually secure a small fraction of the "guaranteed" amount. After destroying your credit score, they do not provide any type of compensation or even compassion to you as a client. Deal with this company AT YOUR OWN RISK!

I personally had a horrible experience with them and I will be seeking legal advice for this matter.

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Dec 01, 2022 1:22 am EST

Has anyone here sued Seed Capital after they were sued by the FTC last year? This company convinced my dad to use MY income to obtain business credit. It turns out he obtained over 90k worth of credit card lines in my name. How is that possible on a 65,000 salary? And I never saw the applications. Based on the lawsuit from the FTC, it’s clear that they inflated my income. The application evidently included fraudulent addresses and phone numbers!

I emailed Erik Gantz requesting the original agreement and he could not produce it. I’ll bet during Discovery in a lawsuit, the agreement would magically turn up.

The worst part of this is the credit card companies are colluding with fraudulent companies because they never verify who actually activates their cards.

The founder of this company and Erik Gantz should be in federal prison!