So, yesterday my site was down. I called my web guy, he said godaddy was hacked through their instagram acct and some accts were affected. Ok, so then he said everything was good to go. I get a text this morning from a friend referring me to a customer and my site is down again. Now I am pissed.
I text, email and call my web guy. He was busy so I call csr. Well the run around I got from this call was just horrific! So the story is that "supposedly" godaddy sent me an email I needed to verify my email acct. Funny I never received their email in the 300+ emails I get a day. I also never received a phone from them asking me to do so. Apparently they just shut your domaine down and then you have to go through a b.s. phone call to get everything back up. My original problem is why wasn't this relayed to my web guy yesterday. We would have fixed this yesterday?
I left godaddy for this reason 4 yrs ago. Seems I will completely rid my business of them 100% now! I will NEVER recommend godaddy to anyone!