In 2015 I told Shore Funding to never call me ever again. Then, they called me again.
Shore Funding is a gaggle of scam telemarketers running a boiler room operation in violation of 47 USC section 227. It is a crime to telemarket to cell phones with a robo dialer. 47 USC section 501 is the criminal statute. Shore Funding Solutuions is just a bunch of punks.
I was illegally called by Shore Funding just like the other person who filed a complaint. Shore Funding is violating the 2009 Truth In Caller ID Act by spoofing telephone numbers. The FCC fine is $11, 000 per illegal call. You can sue Shore Funding under the TCPA (Title 47) and collect $10, 000 per call.
Gina Monteforte promised me in 2015 that they would never call ever again. These people are sick.
Where to serve your lawsuit: