Thank you for your response to my numerous concerns about my brother's treatment at Sierra Tucson. Once again, however, I find your response wholly heartily unacceptable and, frankly - - dismissive. I am writing once again to request a full $17, 000 refund I am also writing to inform you that I plan to make my brothers’ situation @ Sierra Tucson public – I will be contacting any and all local and regional press as well as state and federal regulatory agencies. I will tell my story via YouTube, Radio and all means necessary and will not stop until we are heard and this situation is resolved and satisfied. I will express the pain and stress your misguided intake practices/staff have inflicted on my family. This is much more than a case of a dissatisfied customer and it has become much more than a personal mission to seek some measure of justice for my brother. This is about steering future victims -- yes, victims to stay clear of Sierra Tucson's grossly inadequate care for mild depression and grief therapy, and how you lead victims into your facility by answering questions with a "yes" to everything during the inquiry process and then it all changes once the patients hard earned income has then entered the hands of Sierra Tucson.
I am still appalled that after my brother was there for 10 days that no one had a personal knowledge of him….not even his first or last name. He was referred to as the quiet guy with dark hair. Now at this point, within this ten day time period you have already expired close to 10k of his 40k dollars he gave you before he arrived there. You drugged him when we clearly expressed NO DRUGS. I am also outraged that the facility lacked proper air conditioning with the weather reaching 113 degrees over the week. The first and only time my brother felt heard that this treatment was all wrong for him and it is not what he was told he would experience was when I was removing him from your facility. Then and only then did he feel like someone was listening. Even at that time we were informed by two of your staff members that he was being treated with the wrong program and suggested we enter the correct program for his needs and keep him there.
To recap, our family spent upwards of $17, 000.00 for a promised level of care at Sierra Tucson which was never delivered and or received. We expected meditation, daily swims at will, generous workout time, massages, one-on-one counseling, access to personal coaches and healthy meals. Not one of the above mentioned items were present within the least bit, including a very dirty unkempt facility (carpets, furniture and in all cases even the intake patients stated to both me and my husband that, “this place was and is a dump”). These are just a few of the main reasons we had my brother leave Sierra Tucson immediately. As we see it most of these promised services had either been canceled or so severely limited as to be inaccessible or available for an additional charge. This is nothing less than false advertising.
Moreover, my brother himself attests that he felt deceived about the true nature of the treatment program at Sierra Tucson. He voluntarily agreed to go to Sierra Tucson because of the trust he had in is family who promised him one-on-one care, but quickly learned that ineffective group therapy was the rule. He wanted to take advantage of Sierra Tucson's regimen of “said “physical activity and alternative wellness therapies to address his anxiety, but he was instead prescribed psychotropic medications that merely masked his symptoms. My brother emerged from his thankfully brief stay at Sierra Tucson more anxious than when he went actually arrived.
Once again, your response to my complaints about the level of treatment at Sierra Tuscon is entirely unsatisfactory. I reiterate my request for a complete refund, and as I mentioned I will not stop by personal endeavor with reaching every public official, public agencies and the general population about Sierra Tucson's inadequate care and in my opinion deceptive practices.
This is a long post, but I think you should read all of it. I spent 5 long days in Sierra Tucson, a rehab facility that also is supposed to treat PTSD and depression. Here are just the highlights: 1. A male patient hung himself to death in the residential lodge. We were offered no support, and at least one patient who knew him left against medical advice. 2. A supposed millionaire was brought into the hospital close to me in my area and surrounded by staff as he yelled and screamed for a phone to call 911 because he felt that he was being kept there against his will. The sheriff took him away. 3. I was promised by an intake rep on the phone, on a recorded line, that Sierra Tucson was NOT a faith-based rehab, and while they do offer the 12-step option, I could simply not partake. This was a lie. Among other things, I was required to participate twice a day in a "check in" which consisted of a prayer to God; if I refused to participate, I would be charged $250 for each incident of not checking in for accountability. 4. When I argued my perspective as an Atheist, the roaming therapist suggested that I open my mind to Christianity, that the word God was not at all a religious word, and that I was not being reasonable, even after I told her that Christianity is a big PTSD trigger for me. 5. That roaming therapist sent out an email to all the staff telling them that I am Atheist, and to permit me to check in without joining the prayer circle. A few hours after her email went out, the staff stopped talking to me, hugging me, touching me, smiling at me, nor making any eye contact. 6. As I drove past the smoking area on my electric scooter, someone there screamed out the words to the gospel song "Glory Glory Glory". Not singing it, but screaming out the words. I called for a roaming therapist, but she never showed up. 7. I drove to my first group class, on the topic of resentment, and the room had God messages and prayers on 3 out of four walls. My core feeling was anger. The staff member leading the group, whom I just told that Christianity is a PTSD trigger for me, told the group to pray for those who resent us. I decided to leave Sierra Tucson; I left the classroom and went to start the process of leaving. 8. I went to the dining room to eat one last meal before driving home, and parked my electric scooter right behind me. I sat alone and ate my lunch while trying not to make noise as I cried. My friends I had made during the 5 days I was there, whom I told I am Atheist and triggered by this place, saw me crying from the very next table, but made no move. When I finished my lunch, I got up and turned around to get back on my scooter. then I saw that the key to my electric scooter was missing. Someone there had stolen the key to my electric scooter while I was less than 3 feet away and crying my eyes out. I began crying like a toddler. The bottom dropped out and I felt like a turd in the swimming pool. I screamed. No patient nor any staff member approached me, helped me, or reacted in any way. There's more to this story, but these facts are only the highlights. I am not giving up, but instead I am now searching for a religion-free place or therapist to help me. Oh yes, and that recorded call included that my stay would be free since I have met my deductible and out of pocket max for the year, but now i have received a bill from Sierra Tucson. i wonder if they can find and listen to that call?
Please contact me I have just gone through this with my daughter I am thinking of filing a lawsuit .
Hi, I am from the UK and am considering taking my daughter to ST, would you mind telling me what the issues were
I wouldn't take a dog there. This whole process was a hellish nightmare. I couldn't agree more with the above comments. My heart goes out to you the trauma you suffered while at SIERRATUCSON. I also will be filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau along with medical complaints to appropriate personnel. It should have been a red flag when the business office called for the second payment and I had expressed my dissatisfaction and her response was "so you do not want to pay also." Her response led me to believe she heard this often. I too will be having my voice heard of the inadequacy of this faculty. To numerous to write now at this time. DO NOT TAKE ANYONE HERE! ABOMINABLE!
My daughter has been completely lost in the shuffle there. We keep being told she’s a special case because of limited mobility so she can’t participate in anything but groups and lectures, and she’s had 1massage and 1 accupuncture in the 8 days she’s been there. She sits around for 1/2 the day doing nothing. She needs therapy. They won’t give her a list of the medicines and supplements they have her on because ”if another patient saw it it might trigger them”. Seriously? Her father and I have to request it. She’s gotten no help. Huge waste of time and money. There is not a single person contact for her treatment. She’s been taking notes of all the people she’s talked to and all the problems she’s had since she’s been there. She’s not been working on getting better, she’s been trying to get someone to listen to her and help her. I hate to think what would happen if she weren’t up in their faces trying to get stuff taken care off. They’d still have her scheduled for the rope course probably.
Sierra Tucson is a money making machine and nothing else. Once you pay they abuse you and treat you like [censor]. Do not go to Sierra Tucson.
A loong post... I was there in 2007 and had a great experience. I suffered from chemical dependence and begged my parents to help me get there. I was so ready and willing that I think the negatives seemed small. Sadly, I have heard some NIGHTMARISH stories since. //// The things from previous comments that surprise me are... the problems regarding faith/atheism (I found it to be spiritual but never felt AA, prayer or faith to be pressured; I never participated in faith activities or groups but ran Mayan prayer while there)... I was kept busy and focused, and also felt attended to by staff... the facilities were not luxury but certainly not dumpy (but I wasn't there for luxury) //// I will agree with a certain lack of transparency about treatment... unresponsiveness to patient concerns and involvement in certain choices (I wanted to explore new meds in a safe environment and was rebuffed)... an odd attitude about conflicting conditions, how they affected other patients and bias (ex: a girl who was there recovering from trauma was made uncomfortable by multiple comments from a sex addict. even though witnessed and reported by others, she was told that we had to respect the conditions and recovery of all and issues should be made in a "carefrontation." To ask her to expose her trauma so publically refuse to handle discreetly was awful; Ex2: A friend commented that my skirt looked loose and I made ONE comment in a group about being happy about reaching a goal of losing 10 lbs, as I had shown up 40+ lbs overweight. A girl, who had just arrived for an eating disorder was nearby, overheard me and "carefronted" me about being disrespectful. After the requisite 24 hours, I expressed my apology that my comment affected her, yet also stood up for myself to state that I simply shared success I was proud of. The girl complained to staff and I was assigned to eat in the separate dining room with that track to learn their struggles; main point, in ex1, staff would not intervene to stop direct, continuous and harmful comments exacerbating a trauma victim, yet they intervened because I was ONCE complimented on weight loss and expressed my happiness in earshot of someone who didn't like it. /// Aftercare... I was referred to Life healing Center in Santa Fe and went (owned by CRC). They started as a trauma center but trying to get a chem dep program going. They had no business doing so. That's an entirely different issue but goes to a point. Beware of their continuing care recommendations and ask about their connection to the facility. Do your own research or have family do so. When I asked for additional recommendations, they didn't offer much. A friend recommended an aftercare place but ST did not allow me to take time for a phone consultation at that place. Insist ST allow that or even write places you are interested in. There are thousands of options out there so they should be able to offer resources. /// Lastly, and this is important, DEMAND IN WRITING your health records upon leaving (I don't know timing requirements for them to provide them but get them asap). I personally know two people who got them later... one claiming atual falsifications and the other said some details were not right. Even if you never need them, best to have them, be it for another treatment center, a practitioner, insurance or complaint. /// After having a great experience there, it's awful to hear how it's changed. A few years ago, I would have suggested it with all my energy. Now, I'd say beware. Approach with caution. Do the research.
Listen carefully! DO NOT put your loved one in Sierra Tuscon. My wife went there and there was a suicide right after she arrived. I could almost never reach her and it was almost impossible to get an update. When she returned she was massively worse than when she went it. They simply don't give a damn about any of you. Its a FOR profit and your loved ones may as well be cattle taken to slaughter.
I’ve had a similar story myself.
Being lied to by admissions.
Upon arrival they overwhelm you with paperwork and put you in the psych ward they call copper sky. I was lucky to get out the next day. But it is degrading.
Especially when they knew why I was there.
Prior to my arrival I asked for them to speak with my psychiatrist and psychologist. They did not do that.
Group therapy is a hit or miss. You attend the one with the same people who see your therapist.
FYI these therapists are “outside” contractors”
I had asked and then begged to have my group switched. Everyone in my group was 20 years younger than I. I was told I need to learn to make it work and not design my own rehab.
Yup “Not design my own rehab”
At best you meet your therapist once a week.
Everything else is just classes. Some instructors are well prepared. Others make you wonder why you put life on hold for 30 days.
They threatened AMA to a friend of mine who wanted to leave early. Basically for those who have insurance that partially covers rehab will likely not have any part covered.
In the past it was supposed to be a decent place. But it no longer is.
The hardest working people are the Rasks. They are the ones in the lodges who take care of the basics. Kudos to them.
Otherwise Shame on whoever is in charge. Patient advocacy is a joke.
Im grateful for the lifelong friends I made.
But that’s really all.
Oh and the food is decent.
So food 4 Stars. Friends 5 stars. Staff communication 0 stars. Rasks 5 stars.
I will add that some therapists who do somatic therapy and EMDR are great. But you only meet them once.
Oh and the gym and pool are decent. But then again I’m sure your local gym is a lot cheaper.
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