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Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats

Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats review: Breeder selling sick kittens 79

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1:25 am EST
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It's been 3 months since purchasing my kitten from Snowy Hollow the beginning of October 2016 and I cannot recommend you purchase a kitten from Anastasia. The day after we took her home we took him to the vet because we were kind of concerned about his eye. This was something that I asked her about when we went to pick him up. She told me that he wasn't sick and that sometimes that happens with kittens when they are stressed. The vet diagnosed him with an upper respiratory infection. I guess I have to take some responsibility for taking her word for it and not being more picky. Well in the past three months I've basically just had a sick kitten. He's probably only been well for about a week or two the whole time. And this is after lots of vet bills and visits. I've kept Anastasia in the loop about it and she is sympathetic but doesn't offer much else. I personally don't think it's very ethical breeding practice to sell a sick kitten to someone. Especially with the price tag that comes with them. Right now, my Percy has a bad eye. Same eye that I was suspicious of when I brought him home. My vet said that Percy has feline herpes. I have no other cats so he contracted it before I got him. Now that I am a unhappy customer, my emails don't get answered. I would steer clear. If a breeder can't guarantee a healthy kitten, then I can't in good conscience recommend them. Now I know that sometimes cats just get sick, but when I bring a new kitten home and the next day the vet says it's sick...well it was sick before I took it home. That falls in the breeders hands. We are attached to Percy now, but it's very upsetting to look at my expensive cat and see a cat with a bad eye. His third eyelid is halfway closed all the time and his pupil doesn't dilate correctly. It may or may not go away. Who knows. I suspect that we will have lots of vet bills in the future. Possibly a surgery. Steer clear and find another breeder. This was my first time buying a pure bred cat and it's been a very bad experience.

Snowy Hollow phone number: [protected]
Email: [protected]

Honestly I would like my money back. Maybe an exchange although I would be concerned of the health of a different kitten.

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Update by Linda Trepczyk
Jan 11, 2017 10:12 am EST

As you can expect, the breeder wasn't very happy with my review here or on Facebook. She contacted me and did everything she could to try and point the finger everywhere else. At my vet, at me. Earlier when he was sick she offered to take him and give me a new kitten, but at that point we were attached. I called her bluff today and asked that if I brought him back could I get a refund or a different kitten. She of course changed her tune about it. Saying that because I have left a bad review, it makes her lose money so she can't. I told her my reviews could always be changed or deleted if I was satisfied and she again refused to refund my money or exchange my kitten. She also claims that there is not feline herpes in her cattery but yet, my kitten has it so that is simply not true. I have no other cats. Very disappointing. Catteries seem like bad news. Lesson learned I guess.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Jul 14, 2017 6:45 pm EDT

I am so sorry that your little kitten is so sick. When she saw my reviews she was so mad and kept going on and on about how I was hurting her and her family with my negative reviews. It is so messed up that she is trying to scam people, but also that these cats are obviously not well taken care of. I hope your kitty gets better. I think you posted on my Facebook review, I could not respond as she has made it so I could not. She is a horrible breeder. I

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 13, 2017 2:09 am EDT

There is a reason why there are complaints here and on other places. There are several unsatisfied customers. There are sick kittens. And now, we have a kitten who died. These complaints are there to help other consumers. It is the responsibility of the breeder to make sure their kittens are healthy. These cats cost a lot of money so the expectation is there. We are not colluding and ganging up on this breeder, we are just three customers who have complaints. Maybe Anastasia should have handled the situation better. Taken responsibility. Stayed on top of what was going on. In my experience, where there is smoke, there is fire. Any prospective buyers need to take these complaints seriously. Honestly there are so many Siberian breeders out there now. You can be picky. Steer clear. Anastasia's response should be evidence enough.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 13, 2017 8:41 pm EDT

It seems that the breeder has unleashed a friend or maybe it's even her to attack our claims. This "random" person started an account today with the sole purpose of coming in on this thread. You can see it in her history. She threw in a quick comment on one other thread for fun I think. Lol This is yet another reason to steer clear. Whether or not you think our complaints have proof or paperwork in this website is irrelevant. A kitten died at 6 months old. Thisbreeder doesn't follow through and if you complain you get attacked. Stay away from this mess. There are so many many other breeders of Siberian kittens. You have better options. If you need a recommendation, I have one, just message me. I just bought a beautiful Siberian at a more reasonable price and she is healthy and happy. The breeder was amazing. Restored my faith in catteries. Just avoid this bad one.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 13, 2017 9:27 pm EDT

Also, another thing. You will note that we all have provided our full names and info in our complaints. This is something we take seriously. The person who is attacking our claims is an anonymous person sent specifically to attack us with no credibility. Remember that.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 14, 2017 11:14 am EDT

Update on the drama on my complaint. The breeder had a friend of hers come on here posing as a consumer yet she is actually a fellow cattery owner. I know exactly who she is. Her name and cattery name as well. Again, I feel like a broken record, but it has to be said, DO NOT BUY A KITTEN FROM THIS CATTERY. Not only are the kittens up to par on quality and health, you have a dishonest breeder who participates in childish behavior like sending a friend in to attack everyone in the post. As you can read in the comments, there are sick kittens and at least two kittens who have died. As with every business there are bound to be unhappy customers. It's part of doing business. I would rather buy from a breeder that is honest about everything and one that takes responsibility for their product. I think that as a business owner this type of thing could totally be avoided by trying your best to be empathetic and honest. That's the kind of cattery you want to do business with. Not one who would pull a stunt like this.

Oct 14, 2017 4:59 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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Wow. What a [censor] show. All of the lies, exaggerations and completely pulled out of your butt statements are mind boggling. I don't even know where to begin. It's going to take at least a week to sift through and post my proof of all the lies. I am ninot t here to have a pissing match with anyone, only to show what I have said is true. With proof I will post. I guess ill start at the top.
Linda, you know your vet screwed you. You say I'm pointing the finger all over the place, well yea, your vet was awful and out to take you for a ride and you know it. You were complaining about her to me and how you're not getting good vibes. So you switched vets. She said Percy had a uri but refused to treat him properly for it, or even at all at first. That's not my fault. And you kept going back to her again and again against my advice. Again not my fault. You're on here looking like a lunatic over a kitten that had a cold. I see your pics of him with dates during the times you claim he was soooo sick, yet he looks fine. You've never sent me a diagnosis of feline herpes or anything else for that matter. You claim I denied any of my cats having been exposed to feline herpes yet I never said that. I said if they have been I generally don't have issues with it. But still I offered to pay for his meds. You took forever to go to a different, competent vet that would give them. I offered to exchange him. You declined. Then months later you want a refund but keep him. That's not how it works. You said your vet wanted to perform surgery to remove polyps he wasn't even diagnoses with. I answered all of your emails and texts, and there were plenty. Other than 1 (ONE) email you allegedly sent i musnt have received while visiting in laws in the mountains with no cell reception at all. So you run with that as the 99 other times you contacted me i responded. So your claim I ignored you is a completed lie.
Oct 14, 2017 5:21 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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As I posted before, Alla is a con artist. She is a breeder that lies and buys kittens as a pet person. She told her vet that she bred the boy she is referring to, vivik, to a girl (the girl kitten she later bought from me). She recently denied to me having any other cats, only the 2 from me but then when having been caught for illegally breeding the cats went back to her vet and got a paper saying he was not the father of the kittens. Meaning she lied yet again. Either on him not being the father or on her not having any other cats. When confronted about breeding them together she never denied it. Simply made up excuses on why the boy wasn't neutered like he was supposed to be. Not to mention the girl who even she admits is healthy was not spayed either. Yet another contract violated.
Oct 14, 2017 5:26 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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Copy of vet report stating she bred the cats. No diagnosis of anything yet this is what prompted her to post all of her craziness about heart defects, thrombosis, etc.. Because the vet told her to rule it out.
Oct 14, 2017 5:52 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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Here is a copy of my contract . It clearly states I require an actual diagnosis as all breeders do and as anyone would, which I've received from no one on here.
Oct 14, 2017 6:06 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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Alla di have a bunch of tests run, to which the results show a healthy cat. She informed me the test came up positive for coronavirus (only tests for antibodies, not if the cat actually has corona virus so nothing there) and for FIP. Being they're is nook test for FIP i called her vet who said the same and added in that he shows absolutely no symptoms of fip and that she had earlier explained that to alla. As far as the alleged thrombosis diagnosis she is telling everyone he has, they're is none. It is a lie. Like most everything she says. Like being a pet person and nor a breeder. The plavix was a precautionary measure IN CASE he had one. If he indeed had thrombosis he would remain on plavix for life, not a week. He has been off of it a long time now.
Oct 14, 2017 6:13 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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I have informed all of the Russian breeders about alla being a breeder so she does not fool them like she did me. I have also posted THE PROOF on American fb pages so the other breeders are aware of her scam.
Oct 14, 2017 6:25 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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Alla, I actually just saw your comment up above where you wanted me to show jenV where you asked for a refund. Here you go. You refer to it twice. Claiming I was denying you a refund (all I needed was a diagnosis of something genetic which i have yet to recieve) and where you asked if the test results you sent that showed him to be healthy was "sufficient" (for the refund).
Oct 14, 2017 9:11 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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Whether you are a "breeder" or just bred the cats you have food not change the fact that you have a litter of kittens right now. It is in the original vet report as well as your new version of it.
Oct 14, 2017 9:23 pm EDT
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats customer support contacts
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Chicago, IL, 60604, US

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Fip is not contagious.
Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 15, 2017 5:42 pm EDT

Just for reference, the other breeder who has jumped in on this thread attacking people is Jen Vercammen. She owns a cattery herself called Grandheart Exotics in Michigan. I cannot speak for the quality of her cats, but I can speak about the quality of her character. She has admitted that she believes that at least one of us is telling the truth now yet she still stands behind her friend, Anastasia. This is, in my opinion, a red flag of how she handles business. That if you were ever unhappy, that she would attack and insult you. She has said I was stupid and that I was a "fat housewife". She has went on my social media to taunt me for fun. Yet another breeder to watch out for.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 15, 2017 5:44 pm EDT

Also here is her cattery Facebook page

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Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 15, 2017 8:19 pm EDT

All of the people who have posted complaints have been attacked here. There were others but they left probably due to this harassment. Even after one of the customers offered proof of her dead cats health conditions, Jen still attacked her because she didn't take money to be quiet about what happened to her kitten. That is what you're dealing with. Neither of these breeders care about the health of these kittens, they care about money. And Jen cares about Anastasia's money. I don't think any of us will be responding to these crazy women any more on this post because it has turned into posts that are very out of control. I found myself getting very defensive. Any posts and updates will be from me to you, the consumer. If there are anymore crazy posts they will be from Anastasia and her friends. We are done, I am sure you can see what kind of people they are. It's not worth it.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 16, 2017 2:38 pm EDT

Now Jen Vercammen is pretending that she had nothing to do with this comment thread and is now posting as her cattery and threatening to send us letters from her attorney. Again, more of this type of crazy. She is insinuating that somehow posts of her public website is not open to the public. I guess she doesn't understand how social media and the internet works. Her and Anastasia are seriously crazy. Don't deal with them.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 16, 2017 3:07 pm EDT

Another update. There are so many because all of this is happening so fast. Besides selling sick kittens and ganging up with other cattery friends to bully you on an honest complaint board, Anastasia also hands out your personal information to other businesses without your consent. If you look at the comment from Grandheart Exotics she confirmed that Anastasia has already done so. She has taken the personal contact information from three of her customers and shared them with another business. At this time we don't know what kind of information that is. It might just be address and phone number, but Anastasia also has some financial information as well. This also proves that she cannot be trusted. Beware.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 16, 2017 3:31 pm EDT

Also to answer Jen's claims about the screenshots I posted. I only posted public information she puts out there for her business, which isn't illegal at all. Her personal Facebook page is also used for her business as you can see by the way she has her cattery name listed as well. Her cattery website is also a public website to promote her business. She included her own minor children as her decision and that is unfortunate as she feels upset by it, but it was her doing, not mine. I was just posting her cattery website for reference. She attacked everyone here and now she is pretending that she had nothing to do with it. Again, crazy business. Thabks.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 16, 2017 10:47 pm EDT

Anastasia the only thing I alledge is that you sold me a sick kitten and I wasn't happy about it. That's why I posted here. No exaggerating. He was sick when I got him.

Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 16, 2017 10:59 pm EDT

Just a little paragraph from the Bad Breeders Website that I wanted to share with you consumers. I can definitely relate.

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Update by Linda Trepczyk
Oct 17, 2017 1:54 am EDT

A great read for any prospective buyers.

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Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Jul 14, 2017 3:19 pm EDT

Totally agree. Had a similar experience with this breeder. VERY sick little kitten who came with a virulent case of Giardia and now has a virus that has sapped her of her energy, playfulness, and appetite. She is five months old and still only weighs 2.5#. The vet suspects FIP, a highly contagious feline virus, usually contracted in catteries. The breeder seems more concerned about her reputation and income than about a sick kitten that she has passed along to an unsuspecting family.

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Sep 07, 2017 7:47 pm EDT

Linda, I thought you and others who have adopted sick kittens from Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats [McHenry, IL] would like to know that this breeder has offered me a full refund if I promise not to post anything negative about her. Clearly, I cannot be bought. Also, I have learned that we two are not the only ones who have watched our adopted kittens suffer due to unhealthy breeding practices. If more speak up, perhaps things will change. I hope so.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Sep 08, 2017 12:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh wow. i am not surprised there are more. Once her cattery shows illness she should habe done the right thing and stop selling kittens. It's sad that she puts profit over these poor cats. I wish more would come forward. How is your kitten?

Danielle Deutsch
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Feb 28, 2020 12:32 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had a similar situation. Would be great if you could reach out

Alla Rapoport
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Sep 14, 2017 3:08 pm EDT

Hello, My name is Alla Rapoport and we are going through the same thing with our one year old cat. Who was sick from day one. I called breeder this morning left a message after spending night in ER with the can who has heart issue and calicivirus. I called breeded Anastisia when we first found out about virus which was about 3 month after we got our cat and now he has issue with his heart. I am getting close to the point when I want to report breeder to TICA and have her right removed completely. I know that she is getting many cats from Russia and I will do my best to inform all the breeders she works with how irresponsible she is

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Sep 14, 2017 3:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh no! Thanks for sharing that information with us. I have my cats one year appointment tomorrow and I will definitely mention these things. He has times where he is ok but then he has times where he is not. It is really sad that she is irresponsibly breeding these babies like this. I think a complaint is definitely warranted.

Alla Rapoport
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Sep 14, 2017 4:07 pm EDT

This behavior becoming inhumane towards cats and their owners. We are dealing with this issue from the first few weeks and having breeder discarding and keep producing sick kittens is wrong. We got this kitten when I had a miscarriage and we loved him as a baby, so we didn’t give him up when we found out his was sick. We see vet every few month for one issue or another. I gave up complaining to breeder but spending night in animal ER is not a joke. Taking your pet home now knowing how long he has is awful. Learning today that this is a common practice for the breeder breaks my heart. I want to post this on facebook but I know she will delete this right the way.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Sep 14, 2017 8:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yeah I have been blocked from seeing her reviews on Facebook after I left a bad one. I actually don't even know if I can see it at all anymore. I think another person who was having issues created a Yelp listing for her too and left a bad review.

Danielle Deutsch
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Feb 28, 2020 12:33 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same here. Please rash out to me!

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Sep 16, 2017 2:36 pm EDT

Linda, as Alla knows [because we have been in touch via another mod], we had to put our kitten Sky down this week -- only six months old and so sick since the day I got her. If you are interested in communicating directly, please email me at with "Siberian" in the subject line. Thanks and good luck with your little kitten. And, if anyone else is reading this and has purchased a diseased kitten from Snowy Hollow, please feel free to contact me, as well.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Sep 16, 2017 3:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

OMG! I am so so sorry :( So incredibly sad. Have you looked into trying to somehow get your money back? If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Sep 16, 2017 7:37 pm EDT

Anastasia/Snowy Hollow has finally offered to refund my money [not including the $2500+ in vet bills] but only if I 'promise not to post anything negative about her.' I told her that I am not for sale. If you want to be helpful and are willing to communicate offline, please see my post above with my email address. Thank you and good luck to you!

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Oct 13, 2017 10:25 am EDT

I don’t understand this at purchased a cat and it got sick...the breeder offered to refund your purchase price as her contract states...and you refuse her refund? You have no more grounds to [censor] or complain...she did what she was supposed to do as a breeder. That’s not “you being for sale” she offered to refund you for the pet you purchased. You are certifiably insane.

Alla Rapoport
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Sep 18, 2017 2:05 pm EDT

I reported Anasasia to blacklist of cat breeders on Face book. I also reported her to two Russian breeders what happening with cats. They are sharing the word in Russia. Anastasia wrote me that she didn’t take a new cat for last two years. So whatever she is doing causing our cats to be sick. I have very similar story to Linda. We got cat in September 2016 with eye issue. For 2 weeks Anastasia was telling me that it will pass. I finally took kitten to a doctor to confirm upper respiratory infection. After 10 days of antibiotics and medical bills he recovered. After about 3 month, he had another infection. Last Wednesday my cat start drugging both of his back paws, couldn’t get up, and was breathing very heavily. I rushed him to ER because he was obviously in distress. After 4 hours in ER I was sent home with two medications Plavix (to help with blood cloth ) and pain killers. Doctors told me he has very slim chance to see next morning. Next day we took him to a vet to confirm what was happening. I immediately contact Anastasia who just don’t want to listen to anything. On Friday she send me to her vet who prescribe steroids, after seeing ER records. By allowing cat to take steroids and Plavix at the same time we could of cause internal bleeding. What kind of doctor does this ? Were they trying to kill my cat so I will stop screaming about what’s happening there.

Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
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Oct 04, 2017 1:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Alla Rapoport is a con artist, scammer and liar. She bought 2 kittens from me as PETS, at PET price, under spay/ neuter contracts yet bred the cats and currently has a litter of kittens out of them! She has been trying to scam a refund out of me even though she has violated my contract in one of the worst possible ways. She is claiming the male is and has been sick. She claims he had been diagnosed with calicivirus, FIP, thrombosis, heart disease...the list goes on and on...but none of the vet reports received confirm even 1 of her claims, indicate any abnormalities nor state a confirmed diagnosis of anything. As a matter of fact she has had him tested for numerous things to which all tests have come back in the normal range or negative. He appears to be an extremely healthy boy! She has not ONE shred of evidence to back up any of her outrageous claims she states as fact. In her efforts to disparage me she has actually contacted 3 Russian breeders and spread her lies to them in an attempt to defame me to them. She has left negative reviews on my Facebook page, Google and yelp. She has also reported me to a bad cat breeder page on Facebook and has threatened me with contacting TICA to get me "shut down". I however have vet reports stating he had been illegally mated to his housemate and is a very healthy boy. In one report the vet states he is a "model cat". I do not see a way to post all of the vet reports and test results on here but feel free to email me at I will send all of my proof to you. Alla appears to be friends with and has teamed up with one of the other posters on here, Christine. They have relentlessly cyber bullied, slandered and defamed me. Allas friend Christine claims her cat had FIP but also has yet to send me even one vet report, receipt or anything showing that the cat was sick, euthanized or even ever at a vet. Due to that fact along with what i have discovered about her friend Alla being a breeder and con artist i have no choice but to doubt anything she has claimed as well being I have no proof otherwise.
I have screen shots of ALL of our correspondence along with copies of the vet reports stating all I have claimed. I stand behind my guarantee 100% and do my part. I of course expect the buyer to do their part as outlined in my contract by sending proof of such claims in the form of a diagnosis from a vet. Which i have not recieved from either of them. Details of my guarantee are available to anyone who would like to see it.
Due to the severity of the outrageous claims against my business and abuse i have endured I am currently seeking out legal counsel to address the severity of the situation.
Thank you!

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 09, 2017 1:50 pm EDT

Report attached which shows positive coronavirus and plavix medication

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Alla Rapoport
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Oct 10, 2017 10:24 am EDT

all records sent to breeder with addendum to ER records. After I call ER doctor and explained that I am getting threaten by Anastasia over "model cat" reference and about not having clear diagnosis. Doctor was more than welcome to explain in what sense "model cat" was written. All the records emailed to Anastasia.

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Oct 13, 2017 1:54 pm EDT

I feel like it doesn’t matter if your Veterinarian tries to backpeddle for you, what I see here is you bred cats that’s were sold as pets. What does it say about that in your contract? Most standard contracts are null and void if pets aren’t spayed or neutered at the required age. Shame on you and you deserve absolutely nothing.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 11:08 am EDT
Replying to comment of Jenv

I didn’t ask for anything. Ask Anastasia to include at least one message where I asked for warranty. I asked for her to test her cats and to cover test that cost 2400 that she requested. Again I am not breeding cats.

Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
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Oct 14, 2017 6:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You asked me to pay youre vet bill that thus far did not result from anything on my cats part. You also asked for a refund. I posted proof of that down bellow. And yippy are breeding cats. Your revised statement from your vet stated vivik was not the father of the litter ifof kittens you currently have. That in no way exonerate you of being a breeder. But being you claim you have no other cats, other than mine means he is the father. Also posted proof down below.

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 12, 2017 3:55 pm EDT

In response to Snowy Hollow breeder’s Anastasia comments above: I am not “friends with Alla, ” nor have I “teamed up” with her. We simply found each other on a review site because we both had purchased very sick kittens from this cattery. Sadly, we are not alone. I have heard back from several other Snowy Hollow owners and am now aware of five kittens purchased in the past year that have had life-threatening health issues; one has died.

I have noticed on Yelp that one or more negative reviews has been deleted. I also know of at least one person who has been threatened by Anastasia with a lawsuit if she continues posting negative comments.

Because, in her comments, Anastasia doubts Sky’s diagnosis and confirmation of the 9/14 euthanasia -- although she never has requested either -- I am attaching the two most recent reports, as well as the ‘memory’ that the Lap of Love vet wrote after she came to our home to euthanize Sky.

If you don’t want to sift through all of this [and I can’t blame you!], the bottom line is this: After evaluations by four vets and a veterinary neurologist, the diagnosis was uncertain: Possible FIP, or neurologic damage from birth. [From the day we got her, Sky had poor balance and fell numerous times from places that were not at all challenging for normal cats.] As her disease progressed, Sky could not gain weight, had bloody stools, and became unpredictably violent [growling, biting, and clawing]. The vet recommended that our little grandchildren not be allowed to be near her. Sky’s final days were filled with being force-fed to try to get her weight up and with receiving a host of meds that never improved her condition.

When I wrote to Anastasia to tell her that Sky had passed away, she did not respond for several days until I wrote to her again. Never even a simple, “I’m sorry.”

I believe the above suggests that the current conditions at Snowy Hollow are not conducive to breeding healthy kittens, nor is the breeder attempting to resolve these issues. It appears that, rather than working resolve the situation, she is challenging, denying, and disputing every claim against her. I only suggest that prospective buyers carefully research before paying serious cash for Snowy Hollow kittens and potentially risking the expenses and sadness of raising a sick kitten

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Oct 13, 2017 10:22 am EDT

Also, users cannot remove reviews from Yelp...try reading the rules. I’m guessing whoever left the reviews were people without valid claims that removed them themselves before they were sued for slander. Just sayin...

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 14, 2017 4:50 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jenv

I would suggest they also could have been owners with very valid claims against Snowy Hollow. However, when they learned of Anastasia's threats, they decided to exit the thread. Who needs this abuse? Since then, I have heard from two Snowy Hollow owners with sick kittens who do not want to go public on Yelp or on this board, perhaps for that very reason.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 6:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It's a shame. These two breeders are the worst.

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Oct 13, 2017 10:17 am EDT

I don’t see any records or attachments posted.
I’ve purchased kittens myself (not from Anastasia but in general) and when you purchase a kitten there is a contract you sign (to protect both the seller, the buyer and the cat) In that co tract are steps you must take when such things occur (such as sending the breeder proof and records) then in turn the breeder takes step to either refund or replace ect. I don’t see that you have taken any of those said you would post them here and I still don’t see them. I can’t blame her for not responding to you...there are a lot of scam artist out there and you just never know. As far as this Ala person, it looks as though she’s just flat out broke her contract by breeding cats that were sold as PETS...that’s just shameful and she deserves nothing but to be refused by breeders whenever she tries to purchase another. She needs to adopt from a shelter where they are already spayed and neutered to prevent her from attempting to be a back yard breeder.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 13, 2017 12:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

Well I can assure you that I am not a scam artist. I had lots of conversations with Anastasia during the process and she handled it all very poorly. The breakdown was on her side, not mine. She stopped communication with me once I pushed back on her about selling me a sick kitten. Selling a sick kitten falls on the breeder. I took my cat in the very next day and the vet confirmed it. Being upfront and honest in your business is something that is important. You can't blame the customer for being unhappy.

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Oct 13, 2017 1:33 pm EDT

You also can’t believe everything anyone says...none of you have posted any proof of anything. Am I as a consumer going to just take your word for it?! There’s a upload button for a reason here...otherwise this is he said she said.

Can you give more detail to your situation? Did this breeder offer suggestions or help when your kitten was sick?

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Oct 13, 2017 1:46 pm EDT

Also, has your cats eye cleared up? Did he have to have surgery as you initially thought? Feline herpies is a VERY common virus among the cat population and here is why: The FVR vaccine will not completely prevent an infection from occurring if your cat is exposed to the virus, but it will significantly reduce the severity of the infection and will shorten the length of the illness. I’m sure your Veterinarian explained all this to you, just as I am being a Veterinary Technician. How exactly to you propose breeders completely iradicate a virus that vaccines aren’t 100% effective against. Here’s my other question...did you have a PCR panel done to have a difinitive “FVR (heperes virus) diagnosis? Many other common upper respiratory infections can mimic FVR and only require broad spectrum antiobiotics (such as doxycycline) to get rid of it. I’m also assuming your contract doesn’t cover common upper respiratory infections as those are easily contracted during transport due to stress. These are things to consider before pointing fingers. Your agreements with a breeder are written in the don’t get to make things up and change that just because you want to.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 13, 2017 2:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

Like I said being upfront is key. He was visibly sick when I met with her. The very next day the vet told me that he had upper respiratory infection. He was sick for months. Maybe she shouldn't have sold him if he was sick. Or maybe a heads up. I take responsibility for my part in not questioning it further. I asked her directly about his eye and she told me that it was normal for cats to be like that when they're stressed from a car ride or what not. I was obviously naive as it was my first time buying from a breeder. I don't give a crap that you are a vet tech or if you are friends with Anastasia. I don't understand why you find it necessary to come at customers who have real complaints. You're taking it pretty personal if you ask me. Buy from her then. I bet you won't.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 13, 2017 2:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

Like I said being upfront is key. He was visibly sick when I met with her. The very next day the vet told me that he had upper respiratory infection. He was sick for months. Maybe she shouldn't have sold him if he was sick. Or maybe a heads up. I take responsibility for my part in not questioning it further. I asked her directly about his eye and she told me that it was normal for cats to be like that when they're stressed from a car ride or what not. I was obviously naive as it was my first time buying from a breeder. I don't give a crap that you are a vet tech or if you are friends with Anastasia. I don't understand why you find it necessary to come at customers who have real complaints. You're taking it pretty personal if you ask me. Buy from her then. I bet you won't.

An on a side note, she didn't honor her side of the contract either. I sent her my neuter paperwork and she never followed through with the paperwork after.

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Oct 13, 2017 5:45 pm EDT

Grow up and take responsibility for your lack of research! I am always amazed at how stupid people can be when impulse buying. If this kitten was sick when you met with her then why did you still go through with the transaction? Did you even read your contract to see what it covers? Was upper respiratory infections in there? I’m guessing not...You're trying to place blame on a breeder for a kitten bought being sick when you visibly saw it sick. That’s like buying a blue shirt then getting home and being mad it’s blue! You're probably one of those fat house wives with nothing better to do than sit in front of your computer all day looking for some unknowing merchant (in this case, a breeder) to chew up and spit out all over the world wide web. G-d help those poor fools who don't please you in every way. If this breeder is smart she would get every communication with your types in writing!

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Oct 13, 2017 5:54 pm EDT

And you never answered my questions, did you have any testing done to see if your kitten IN FACT had FVR or did it have a common upper respiratory infection caused by stress and change of homes? I’m guessing the later since you totally dodged that question. You should probably check your contract and see if upper respiratory infections are covered in there...but I can tell you they are not...because they happen and they are easily cured with the proper antibiotics. You also didn’t answer if your cat is still having the issues? Did he need surgery? Or did you just have a less than perfect experience that was out of a breeders control and you decided to throw a giant adult tantrum about it...I’m definitely not seeing any grounds for a refund/replacement or even complaining on your part. The breeder doesn’t appear to have done anything wrong except not send you CFA papers...🙄

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 13, 2017 7:44 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

You're a troll lol. You come on this board to attack people you don't know. Get a life.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 13, 2017 7:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

And to totally absolve a breeder from any responsibility is ridiculous. I did take responsibility for my part. I take care of my cat and I dealt with it. I'm filing a complaint to warn future customers. That's me taking responsibility.

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Oct 13, 2017 8:09 pm EDT

Warn them of what? This breeder did nothing wrong? She didn’t forbid you to see the cat before purchasing saw it, wanted it and got it. Now you’re wanting her to take responsibility for something that clearly isn’t covered in a contract YOU signed...and have yet to show any proof of tests showing it was anything other than merely a cold! Oh yes everyone...beware of these claims with no proof or wrong doing. 🙄

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Oct 13, 2017 8:09 pm EDT

By troll you mean voice of reason...yes...that’s me

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 13, 2017 9:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

No troll meaning going on the internet anonymously and insulting people at the lowest level. You have no credibility. The only one here hiding is you. I suspect you are either Anastasia herself or a friend of hers that she has sent here to attack us. All of us represent ourselves openly with our full names. You made an account today with some fake name to specifically come on this thread to attack us. Again TROLL.

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Oct 13, 2017 10:17 pm EDT

Anonymously? My name is clearly Jen and I’m a veterinary technician so my associates degree in applied science is my credibility. I can post my credientials and drivers license but I thought this was the thread where we just whatever we want without proof...I mean that’s what I’m seeing here.

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Oct 13, 2017 10:18 pm EDT

😂😂😂 your getting pretty worked up Linda...shouldn’t you be tending to your “very sick cat”

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Oct 13, 2017 10:23 pm EDT

You have still failed to answer any of the questions I asked about testing and provide any kind of proof to your claims...which leads me to believe you didn’t have your cat tested for FVR and your just slinging around complaints based on your opinion...not facts. If I’m wrong then by all means, please post proof of your cat having an illness that is covered under the contract you signed when purchasing. No consumer is just going to take your word for it..especially when you clearly are not the brightest bulb on tree to begin knowingly purchased a kitten that you said was “sick” and then threw a giant fit because you purchased a sick kitten. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 13, 2017 11:23 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

You're a sad individual. I pity how empty your life is.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 2:38 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

I know who you are. Exactly who you are and what you do for a living. I know you own a cattery in Michigan. I also know you are a friend of Anastasia Moccaldi. It's really a shame that you would misrepresent yourself on here as a consumer when you are a cattery owner. It shows exactly what kind of business practices you have. That you would gang up on unhappy consumers with Anastasia.

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Oct 14, 2017 9:07 am EDT

Misrepresent myself as a consumer? I have purchased several kittens from breeders. I have also sold many kittens to new homes as well and I’m absolutely disgusted by the the type of people like you that place blame on breeders for every single thing. Again, YOU saw the kitten in person before purchasing...your decision are completely on you, you are a grown [censor] woman. I also know that Anastasia tried to help you repeadelty with curing the cold your kitten got...and you didn’t take her advice on which antibiotics work for the upper respiratory infection she had. I also know that you didn’t do any type of PCR testing on your cat and your “herpes virus (FVR)” is completely pulled right out of your [censor]. I also know what Anastasia’s contract covers and it doesn’t cover a common cold (URI) YET, she offered to take the kitten back and refund you...I know that you refused that option and told her you wanted to keep the kitten AND wanted a refund. So now let me ask...exactly what does that say about you and the person you are? Like I said above...a fat house wife that sits on her [censor] all day and finds things to complain about...never pleased by anything or anyone. May you continue to live your sad unfulfilled life (I’m guessing) alone.

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Oct 14, 2017 9:11 am EDT

And for the record...I love my life! I have great people in it because I’m not a nasty person that complains about everyone and everything that doesn’t fit in some perfect should take notes. You honestly look ridiculous on here and the more you keep doing it the more non credible your statements are becoming.

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Oct 14, 2017 9:15 am EDT

And you STILL never answered any of the questions, why? Because your entire thread of complaints and lies is [censor] advise to you? I would start figuring out how to take it all down because have you ever heard the term contractual law and slander? I hope she sue’s the pants off of you!

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 11:11 am EDT

Linda and Christine can you see print screen ? With test results and meds ? Am
I only one who can see them?

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 11:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

All I can see what you posted. I don't know if you have read all the posts, but this Jen V. Is one of Anastasia's friends she sent in here to attack everyone. She owns a cattery as well. I have all of her information too. I wouldn't worry about what she has to say, hon.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 11:21 am EDT
Replying to comment of Jenv

Shame on you. If you as a breeder don’t care about your litter it doesn’t mean everyone treats there cats same as you.

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Oct 14, 2017 11:56 am EDT

This doesn’t even make sense...I’m not sure what statement you are trying to make here? Please learn how to form complete thoughts and sentences and try again.

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Oct 14, 2017 12:09 pm EDT

You have my information too...and? Are you going to start throwing lies and accusations my way?! I dare you...Anastasia might not have the balls to sue you for defamation but guess what sweetheart...I DO!

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 1:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

I don't have to lie, everything is typed out nicely here on this board. If I do anything with your information, it will be truthful. You're unprofessional, your trolling here is all available for the world to see. You personally insulted me really for no reason except because you don't like being challenged and maybe you and Anastasia got together to try and get a good laugh. Like I said you are sad and have an anger problem.

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Oct 14, 2017 2:16 pm EDT

I can just see the complaint now:

Jen is a mean and didn’t agree with my complaint

Who’s the grade schooler here...the one crying for no reason or the one actually defending the person being bullied and harassed by 3 unpleasantly [censor]?

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 5:37 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jenv

Oh Jen, let’s switched to Russian and other languages and see how well you can form your sentences. The only reason why Anastasia see me as a real treat because I can reach out to Russian breeders and provide information they are requesting. But there is small problems that Anastasia forgot to mention to you Jen. She trashed Russian breeders in her messages and she send the same information to some of the breeders in USA. She sees me as a potential treat to her business in IL. As I can help people to get healthy kittens from reputable breeder in Russia. Again I am not a breeder and I am not breeding cats this is not my kind of business. So your friend can stop worrying about me breeding cats and start worrying about producing healthy litter. Also remember that calling people names is usually first sign how low you are willing to go in order to prove your point. Doesn’t say much about your intelligence or decency. Good luck to you!

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 6:29 pm EDT

Linda I think you also had yellow/green discharge from kittens eyes ? Sounds like this is becoming broken records. I posted all of this down this long conversation.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 7:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Alla it's useless with them. It's doesn't matter . The way the condict themselves on here speaks volumes. We made our point. No matter what people want to choose to believe or not believe they can see the behavior and the kind of drama that comes along with it.

Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
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Oct 14, 2017 7:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am not threatened by you at all? Being I have proof of what you've done there is no reason to see you as a threat. What you did is looked upon as one of the lowest things you could do and they are aware of it. The fact that you have tests that show nothing wrong with vivik is also a huge red flag to any other breeder in any country. All that you have claimed are PROVEN lies. Yet you ran around posting said lies everywhere. They know you could do that to them too. No one needs this crap. Including them. You claim he has a heart defect, yet no diagnosis of such. You claim he has thrombosis yet you have no diagnosis of that either. He's not even on plavix anymore, so what does that say? No thrombosis. You claim he has fip, no diagnosis of that either. Just a vet stating he doesn't have it. You have done nothing but lie. Then when caught, you lie about that lie. I would 100% stand behind my guarantee If vivik actually had anything that you've claimed. He does not. Yet that hasn't stopped you from posting your lies. Which is illegal. There are laws against all of this. You can't make stuff up and post it against someone. Cyber bullying is a real law. A punishable offence. Everybody writing this that and the other thing and claiming I dont stand behind my guarantee is all a lie. As per my guarantee I of course require proof of such claims. Which none of you have sent. You just all took it to the next level with no proof of anything. Common sense says if your claim is real you'd back it up and sent something from your vet that states it. Being no one has I have no choice but to assume none of it is true. You expect me to uphold my side of my contract yet will not do the same. It simply makes no sense.

Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
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Oct 14, 2017 7:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes, the fact that I'm the only one who posted proof to back any if my statements does speak volumes. That is the correct and professional way to do things. Post a statement with proof to back it up. Which I have done. The fact that Yoy ate ok worth alla after she had been proven a liar and ILLEGALLY BRED THE CATS speaks volumes. You have no morals or respect for contracts. That is truly shameful. I am here to defend myself against all if these false accusations. I believe you all feed off one another and that is how it's gotten to this pathetic level to begin with. It's all just wrong. All any of you had to do was send Mr a diagnosis from a vet. Plain and simple. Yet none of you seem too be able to do that which is truly bizarre to me if your claims hold any truth whatsoever. I'm thinking you got moon mentality and decided to bully the crap out of me. Out of boredom or just finding it fun as it made you feel powerful. All 3 of you ganged up on just me. Then someone else sees what's going on and puts her 2 cents in. Yoy didn't like that. Don't think she's the only other. I've spoken to many and shared what's happening. Showed them my proof. There's many others that know. Just because they may have not jumped in doesn't mean they don't understand what you're all doing. They see what's going on here as its very clear. And none of them felt I should've taken it as long as I have.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 7:44 pm EDT

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) in Cats-- Coronavirus. Please see breathing issue
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease in cats which carries a high mortality due to its characteristic aggressiveness and nonresponsiveness to fever, along with other complications. This disease is comparatively high in multi-cat households as compared to those with a single cat. It is difficult to diagnose, control, and prevent, and in cases of outbreaks within breeding catteries and kennels, can result in a high number of deaths. It is most often spread through inhalation of airborne contaminants and infected feces, but the virus can also be transmitted by humans who have come into contact with the virus, or can stay active on surfaces that have been contaminated.

This disease exploits weakened and immature immune systems, spreading by way of the white blood cells as they move throughout the body. The highest incidence is found in kittens three months to three years of age, with incidence decreasing sharply after cats reach three years of age, when the immune system is stronger. Likewise, older cats with weakened immune systems are also more likely to acquire this disease.


Symptoms of FIP vary depending upon the strain of virus involved, the status of the cat's immune system, and the organs affected. There are two forms reported, including wet (effusive form), which targets the body cavities, and dry (noneffusive form), which targets the various organs. The wet form tends to progress more rapidly than the dry form, In either case, the body condition suffers, with the hair coat becoming rough and dull, and the cat becoming increasingly lethargic and depressed.

Persistent and unresponsive fever
Lack of appetite
Weight loss (gradual)
Poor appetite
Gradual swelling of abdomen (potbellied appearance)
Accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity
Difficulty breathing
Sneezing, runny nose

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 7:45 pm EDT

Anastasia why records that was signed by Vet that she misunderstood me you are sill ignoring ?

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 8:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Anastasia the only reason why this thread got out of control was because of your friend Jen Vercammen. The only reason why I even posted anymore on here was because I was being attacked. I don't know anything about any breeding issues and I never commented on that because I don't know much about it. My continued updates we're because you sent your friend on here to call me stupid and fat, all unprofessional. In fact, you are the more professional one in your responses. I just really think she did you more harm than good. Honestly I would have been more open to speaking more with you about my situation personally, but you shut it down after I posted this review. I admit I find it very sad that a kitten died. That part also is hard for me to understand. That you feel no empathy for your customer's situation. Really outside all the [censor]. We are all people. Real people with real feelings about things. I honestly wish that instead of sicking Jen on us you communicated with us. And if you can't communicate with anyone else, you knew you could have with me.

Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
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Oct 14, 2017 9:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You changed a paragraph in there or something. Ask any vet. FIP is NOT contagious, it is a mutation. You cannot catch a mutation. they don't fully understand it but it is not contagious, there is no preventative, no test (until post mortem) and no cure as of yet. It is no ones fault if a cat developed it. I have explained FIP to Christine as well as to you. It has nothing to do with feces. I even had a long conversation with your vet about it. Either your article was incorrect or you copy and pasted what you wanted it to say. I will post correct information on it down below. Feel free to ask any vet. Or read a real article on it. It's the lack of education on things that causes these types of issues.

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Oct 14, 2017 12:05 pm EDT

I feel like I’ve made my point here. I’ve pointed out your lack of diagnoses to your “claims” and I’ve also pointed out that your complaints and demands are about things that are not covered on the contracts you signed on your kittens you’ve purchased. The information Anastasia has speaks for itself. She has all the communications with the 3 of you that show she has upheld every aspect of her end of her contract and guarantee. You don’t get to buy a kitten, sign a contract agreeing to terms then try to change those terms after...such as demanding to keep a kitten and receive a refund...demanding a breeder to pay for tests and an illness that isn’t covered in the guarantee...not spaying/neutering the cats you recieve and then expecting your contract to be honored when you clearly didn’t honor your end of it. The amount of entitlement you threw women have is disgusting. Take responsibility for your actions, decisions, purchases and actually READ the extent of the contracts you signed. The breeder has completely upheld her end...I cannot say the same for you. This thread actually is a good warning...a warning to other breeders not to deal with you and other buyers like you. I feel extremely sorry for Anastasia and the harassment and bullying and irrational demands you have put through. YOU all should be ashamed of yourselves!

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 1:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

I doubt any reputable breeders have anything to worry about and don't have to go checking on message boards to conduct their businesses. They aren't selling sick kittens and have to worry about bad reviews. And most aren't running around picking fights on behalf of other breeders and jeopardizing their reputation. Most business owners don't conduct business like a grade school play yard hurling insults and attacking consumers. Their businesses speak for them.

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Oct 14, 2017 2:21 pm EDT

Breeders have a whole page dedicated to difficult bad buyers...they most certainly do share their experiences with each other. The difference is they post proof and truths.

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Oct 14, 2017 2:23 pm EDT

And consumers who are in the right don’t typically need to post 15 times trying to convince everyone and themselves of what happened...they post proof and that speaks for itself...which you have still yet to do. I’m sure Anastasia will be on soon to post everything that confirms exactly what was said here by her.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 7:06 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Jenv

Actually I made the mistake of trying to reason with someone who misrepresented themselves as someone who was actually a consumer not a crazy breeder friend of Anastasia who decided that she didn't have other things going on in her life. Like I said, sad.

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Oct 14, 2017 2:50 pm EDT

Oh by the way Linda, I especially love this picture of Percy from May where his 3rd eye lid is showing because “he’s so sick all the time”...oh wait...😂

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Oct 14, 2017 2:52 pm EDT


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Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 14, 2017 7:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

He is a cutie and I love him. He has his intermittent health problems but I do everything in my power to make sure he's happy and healthy even though he had a rough start. But that doesn't mean that I am not lying about his health problems and Anastasia knows it. I let her know what was going on and was very communicative with her.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 7:52 pm EDT

Linda I posted print screen above that we reported same issue after first two weeks. Based on picture if your cat's father was Vitjaz this could be one of the reason why both cats have same problems. When they are both on and off with health issues. Anastasia retired him shortly after we got our cat.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 15, 2017 10:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ahh that makes sense. With Percy, he gets flare ups. The doctor suspects he has polyps in his nasal area that's why when he does get sick with his "flare ups" it gets bad for him. They said the only way they could do even check was to do surgery and get them if they were there. They quoted me, it was expensive. I decided against it. I decided that I would try to manage his health and only do surgery if absolutely needed. We manage ok now. We feed him high quality food and try to keep his stress down. He gets winded very very easily. If he exerts himself he starts panting quickly. I never have seen that before in a cat. Hopefully that can be some help with your cat in case things are similar. In the end we love our babies and we will do everything we can to make sure they are healthy. Our claims here are that they were sick when we got them. That cannot be denied or ignored.

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 14, 2017 4:42 pm EDT

JenV: Welcome to the Snowy Hollow Complaints Board! Curious as to how you learned of this discussion, and why you are so doubtful about the veracity of our complaints when none of is asking for our money back from Anastasia. We just want to save other prospective buyers the expense and heartache that we have experienced. Also, I am more than happy to share the docs that I have re our kitten's health issues. I did try to attach all three documents [vet and neuro evaluations and euthanasia information] yesterday in my post but, apparently, I didn't do it correctly. Until you pointed it out, I hadn't realized that they didn't post. Because some of the reports are very long and detailed, I can't effectively do screen shots and/or attach as photos. Could you or someone else please share with me how to attach pdf's? I have clicked on 'choose file' and linked my docs but they disappear when I hit 'submit.'

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 5:42 pm EDT

you forgot to include this

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 5:43 pm EDT

To whom it may concern:
This letter serves to clarify notes made within my medical record relating to a medical assessment and evaluation of “Vivik” Rapoport on 9/13/17. In the medical record “Vivik” is referenced as a "model cat". When “model cat” was written it was with the intent of referencing how very handsome the patient is in the “model” sense, this statement was not in relation to his medical state or status currently as a patient as a “model patient” in the medical sense. My physical exam notes the presenting complaints in addition to abnormalities that were observed while the patient was assessed in hospital.
Additionally, I misunderstood the client when discussing the other kittens in the house. “Vivik” Rapoport is not the father of the other kittens in the household.
Diagnosis: Open for limping and breathing heavy- Rule out cardiac disease/clot formation, orthopedic disease, neurologic disease, other.
In-patient and outpatient treatment options were discussed with the client and the client elected to treat “Vivik” at home with the recommended out-patient supportive care options discussed. I recommended and prescribed Plavix for possible prothrombotic disease, and Buprenex for pain. “Vivik” will be rechecked by his primary care provider for further follow-up.
Warm Regards,
Jennifer Ida
Jennifer Ida, DVM
Veterinary Specialty Center

Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
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Oct 14, 2017 6:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I actually didn't forget that. I mentioned that ^^^^ when I said that you lied about not having any other cats. I posted the text you sent stating that you only have cats from me. So either that statement was a lie or the fact that you bred vivik was a lie, but either way you lied.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 7:14 pm EDT

Anastasia, how long is a cat consider to be kitten ? Under age of 12 month in case of Siberian they are not fully adults until 3 years old, yes I do have another cat who I consider a kitten. She is on the picture, her name is Candy she was born in Nonmember she is still a kitten. Are we clear about "model cat" ? Are we clear about why I brought him in ? So limping and breathing heavy is a sign of blood clot formation. What else are you looking for ? Oh wait I forgot, I am" bad breeder"r who is taking your business away from you in IL. Linda and Christine also breeders ?

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 5:58 pm EDT

here is the file when you refuse to pay for test.

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Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats
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Oct 14, 2017 6:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You are absolutely correct.
1) As per my contract I do not pay for test you elect tho perform from a vet of your choosing as I have no control over what they do. That is standard in all contracts.
2) You were asking me to pay $2400 which was more than just the tests, at an emergency vet where prices are extremely inflated.
Either way it is not my responsibility. You were yet again asking me to go above and beyond what is required after you spread your lies and deceit everywhere.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 7:04 pm EDT

Anastasia dear, as I can see nothing is your responsibility. So vet misunderstood me when I was talking about cat being sick as a kitten, you have updated report what is your excuse now ? So you are saying I am trying to take your business away from you and that why I am doing this ? Or you are saying I took a healthy full of energy cat to ER on the middle of the night just for fun ? Or you saying I asked for warranty or to do tests that ER doctor suggested ? Or you are saying that your doctor prescribed steroids together with plavix was a right thing to do ? Or you are saying I had nothing better to do than taking 3 days off and run around vet's to make sure cat is ok ? I am confused, maybe this is due to your friend Jen suggesting I need to brush up on my English.

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 14, 2017 6:00 pm EDT

Jen V: Welcome to the Snowy Hollow Complaints Board! I see you are brand new to this site and wonder how you learned of it? Also, I saw your comment re: no attachments in my recent post. I apologize. I thought I had attached the vet report, neuro rept, and euthanasia info. But, after seeing your comment, I found the pdf's apparently did not attach. I would like for them to be part of this thread, as I am an honest person and am not making any of this up. I have tried and re-tried to attach these docs both separately and together, using the 'choose file' button, linking them, and then hitting 'submit.' Alas, they never appear. Since they are too long [multiple pages of evaluations] to post as screen shots or photos, can anyone help me with how to attach pdf's in this site?

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 6:21 pm EDT

Anastasia, plavix never was a precautionary measure and did you forgot about medication that you vet prescribed and almost cost internal bleeding and I had to rush my cat back to doctor same day. Prednisolone and Pavix ? Or you forgot about issue I reported to you 2 weeks after we got kitten and then 2 month after we got kitten ? Let me refresh for you. I am not a breeder I am not breeding cats. I don't have company that is breeding cats. I am not opening business to breed cats. How many times do I need to tell you this ? So I don’t care if you post anything as I am not in this business. You see me as a threat to you because I speak language and because I can gather all the information and post on Russian breeding sides. Because I know people where you are taking your cats and I reported all of this back to them. Should I go ahead and send them print screens when you trash them ? How about I'll start here ?

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Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 6:24 pm EDT

Linda, I think you has same thing with your kitten with eye lid and yellow/green eye discharge ?

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 6:40 pm EDT

Anastasia please inform me when I will start my breeding program and will open this business  You seem to know a lot about my plans at least in your mind. But just for you to analyze, don’t you think it would me much easier for me to get kittens from Russia directly and cost me much less than what I pay you? Common this will be so simple for me, I have Russian language, I have contacts I know people who fly back and forth ? Why would I want to pay you 1400 if I could spend much much less and get much higher quality kittens for breeding? For you to sleep peacefully tonight the voice of reasoning should help. After all this ordeal simple: “I am sorry Alla, Linda and Christine for the pain I cost you and your families”. For people who treat their cats as part of family and not business.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 6:54 pm EDT

Anastasia please post one print screen where I asked for refund ? I asked for you to test your cats and use the warranty for that. You also can tell that result is impacted by plavix. And coronovirus that potentially can cause FIP is no big deal for you correct ? ?

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 7:38 pm EDT

Anastasia, where did you find the information that I am breeder ? Did I sell any kitten to anyone ? This is false. I am not a breeder, I am not breeding cats or dogs. I don't do this business. Stop lying.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 14, 2017 8:22 pm EDT

Asking to pay for test that you request from me is hardly an offence. Anyway, I am done with this nonsense. As my vet told me after talking to you, "she will never see what she doesn't want to see" Having multiple people saying the same thing prove enough. Whoever will read this post after us will make up their own mind. And decide to buy or not to buy kittens from you. I hope you will take this as a reference to your future breeding program and try to do better and monitor health of your adults and kittens.

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 15, 2017 9:08 am EDT

Because my claim has been doubted, because Sky's vets and I know that I am telling the truth, and because I have not had any success in attaching on Complaints Board the complete pdf's of the vet reports, I now am attaching a screenshot of the summary from Deb Mitchell, DVM [Knollwood Animal Hosp.], who spent 2.5 hours evaluating Sky on 08.18. Benito Comito, DVM Neurologist's report will be separate post.

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Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 15, 2017 9:19 am EDT

Again, because the veracity of my claims has been doubted, and because I have not been able to attach full pdf's of vets' reports, herewith is a screenshot summarizing Sky's 09.12.17 evaluation by Belinda Comito, DVM-Neurologist. This consult confirmed that the best decision for Sky's quality of life [which was marked by inability to ambulate, falling, anorexia, bloody stools, and violent outbursts], and for the safety of our grandchildren, was to euthanize her. After discussing this with my family members -- and many, many tears -- we all agreed it was the only path. She was euthanized on 09.14.17

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Alla Rapoport
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Oct 15, 2017 1:54 pm EDT

Christine, I am so sorry you had to go through this, I am sorry you have to continuously explain yourself to Anastasia and Jen. This is painful for me to read it. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you and your family. These cats becoming part of our family and take place in our heart. So sorry

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Oct 15, 2017 3:28 pm EDT

I do believe you are the only one that has taken the steps outlined in the contract and should recieve a refund, however, you were offered one but how can you rightfully state Anastasia hasn’t done what she is supposed to and she doesn’t stand by her contract? She tried to rectify the situation. She can if you won’t let her...but then that’s on you not her.

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Oct 15, 2017 3:28 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jenv


Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 15, 2017 4:39 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jenv

It's interesting how you interpret "refund." Yes, I was offered a refund, "As long as you haven't and agree not to place any negative feedback about me anywhere." To me, that doesn't really sound like a refund but a bribe. As I wrote in response to this veiled offer from Anastasia, "I am not for sale, nor is Sky."

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Oct 15, 2017 5:59 pm EDT

I understand that, however, if she is doing what she can on her end to refund and rectify it...why would you post negative things? I can see where you would feel that way though and I don’t view you accepting a refund as you or sky being “for sale”

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 15, 2017 7:50 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jenv

Jen Vercammen: I guess we don't see it the same way. In my eyes, Anastasia is not attempting to 'rectify' the situation; that would involve wanting to better understand why her cattery is producing sick kittens. Rather, I think it is pretty clear that she is trying to SILENCE me. And others. Additionally, I am not posting 'negative things;' I am posting the facts of our experience, supported by evidence. As for how YOU view this issue, it truly matters not at all to me. What matters is that this little kitten was born sick, came to me sick, and lived a sick, short life. As a breeder and as a human being, I would think you would have some compassion for this animal and for those who cared for her, rather than invest your time and energy in defending another breeder. Your comments do not speak well of you or your cattery, Grandheart Exotics. And, BTW: You might note that, because of all the fuel you have added to this fire, it has jumped to the #1 topic on Complaints Board. So, rather than helping to quell the disturbance, you have inflated it and now are associated with it. Do beware of unintended consequences.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 16, 2017 2:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Lol exactly. That's why I told Anastasia that she did more harm than good.

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 15, 2017 9:26 am EDT

Lastly, it has been questioned in this site whether Sky really was euthanized, or still is alive. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of Lap of Love's invoice for her in-home euthanization. However, I am attaching the 'memory' that Juliana Lyles, DVM, sent me about Sky.

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Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 15, 2017 10:11 am EDT

It appears that my screenshot of Deb Mitchell's evaluation of Sky did not link here. I am reattaching and hope it comes through this time. I expect these three documents will put an end to the questions re: Sky's myriad health issues and resulting death.

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Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 15, 2017 10:53 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am so sorry for your loss. It looks like you did everything you could and not only had to endure watching her deteriorate and be put down but also have to deal with being attacked by the breeder and her friend.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 15, 2017 2:05 pm EDT

Hi Linda I am not sure you seen message about father of your cat if it was Vitjaz. If our cats share the same father this maybe the reason for what's going on. I was in touch with Russian breeder from who Anastasia purchased cat, I am wondering if she can shed some light on what could be the reason for kittens being sick. At least she can advise something what we can do, maybe vitamins or special food for cats with compromised immune system.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 15, 2017 5:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I believe they did have the same father. That would be great if you could tell me more information. I just have been doing my own routine of high quality, limited ingredient, grain free food. I also give him a probiotic every day. It seems to keep things normal for the most part. He has stayed healthy for quite a while now actually, so I think this combo seems to work. Send me a message if you want any brand information. Thank you!

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 15, 2017 1:36 pm EDT

I only have one more piece of information to share with potential and past owners of Snowy Hollow cats, should FIP be suspected. Please Note: FIP only can be confirmed via necropsy [autopsy], which is a terribly expensive procedure, especially after an owner has spent $3, 000+ on kitten care. And, also is a useless and costly exercise when the breeder may have no interest in investigating his/her breeding conditions to learn if FIP is an issue. I am providing a screenshot here. However, if you wish to learn more, this website may be helpful: Bottom Line: If you are thinking about purchasing from a breeder, research deeply and listen to others who have purchased from the breeder you are considering.

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Oct 15, 2017 3:25 pm EDT

Oh yes Linda, he looked terrible sick when you got him 🙄

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Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 15, 2017 5:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jenv

You are an [censor] but thanks for posting cute pics of my cat lol. He was sick. Just because he wasn't dying doesn't mean [censor]. You think you're so clever, going into my social media. Goo to know that you know how to screenshot pics. Why don't you focus on your health and the health of your kids? I know you had cancer and your kids have heart defects. You had a tough time in life, is that why you attack people for fun?

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 15, 2017 4:53 pm EDT

As I referenced elsewhere, I WAS offered a "refund" from Snowy Hollow, with the following qualification, "As long as you haven't and agree not to place any negative feedback against me anywhere." This sounds more like a "bribe" to me, not a "refund." [See below] I responded to Anastasia that, "I am not for sale, nor is Sky." It seems to me that, rather than negotiating with and bullying owners of unhealthy cats, a responsible breeder would want to get to the bottom of why some of the kittens she has sold are so sick. As I wrote before and as I do believe, I am quite certain there are healthy Snowy Hollow kittens out there, living with very lucky buyers. Unfortunately, however, I now know of at least five recent buyers who are not in that position. And one little kitten who had to be put down...

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Grandheart Exotics
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Oct 16, 2017 12:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was contacted and made aware of this thread by Anastasia.
There is information about me and my cattery listed on this feed. I have not conducted any business with the users on this thread. I have contacted the administration of this site. I have obtained all of the contact information from Anastasia about the members listed and they will be receiving certified letters from my attorney.
There is a screen shot of my personal Facebook page (with my children’s pictures on there...who are minors)
I don’t know who these members are on this thread (aside from Anastasia) and I am being wrongfully brought into the content of it. I’ve never sold them a kitten or done any type of communicating with them.

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 16, 2017 3:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hey Jen, thanks for documentation that Anastasia gave out our contact information to another business without our consent. I believe we can file a complaint on her business. We will be looking into that, thanks for the heads up.

Grandheart Exotics
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Oct 16, 2017 4:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That is between you and her, as far as my name and business being mentioned here falsely, you, Linda and Christine (I don’t see any false mention of me or my business by Alla) will be summoned on a civil libel/defamation complaint with associated personal images. I will not communicate with you on this forum further but will continue to collect new documentation and evidence as it is presented. Any further attempts at communication with me will be considered harassment and will pursued as such.

Alla Rapoport
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Oct 17, 2017 9:22 am EDT

Jen, I have a question. In your website you are clearly stating that all your cats coming from
"All of our cats are from PKD and FeLV negative ancestors " and based on your website seems like you take pride in breeding healthy animals. Why are you side with someone who doesn't follow same standards ? Do you allow potential buyer to come and see the kittens ? All of us was denied by Snowyhallow breeder. If you conduct your business properly you know that asking for personal information is against the law. I did't see any pictures of your children posted here. Yet all of you children are on main page of your business website. This post became from bad, ugly to the worst possible. I was threaten by SnowyHallow breeder, Linda was threaten and Christina as well. Do you honestly believe that all 3 of us made up the story about sick cats ? I can assume that maybe JenV character wasn't you. But it's someone who SnowyHallow breeder contacted to come and attack all of us.

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 18, 2017 8:40 am EDT

TO: Jen Vercammen/Grandheart Exotics & “Jen V”: This is the most FASCINATING coincidence! What a small, small world! You both have the same, abbreviated first name of “Jen”. You both have a last name that begins with “V”. You both are “vet technicians”. You both “buy cats”. You both obviously are breeders, due to the impressive breadth and depth of your cat-breeding knowledge. AND, you both are friends with Anastasia of Sleepy Hollow Siberians. YET, you are NOT one and the same person. If one or both of you would swear here on the heads of your children – [my mother always told me that this is the most effective way to inspire truthfulness] – that you are NOT the same person, then we can put to rest this deeply disturbing identity crisis. Your reputation will be forever cleared, Jen Vercammen. And I, for one, owe you a VERY sincere apology for assuming that you were “Jen V.”

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 18, 2017 10:21 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jen V dodnsay she sold cats in this thread. Earlier in the crazy comments lol

Author of the review
Linda Trepczyk
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Oct 18, 2017 10:21 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

*did say

Christine Heilman Bakalar
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Oct 29, 2017 5:42 pm EDT

Well, potential buyers of Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats: My above post of October 18 appears to have quieted the insults, insinuations, and outright attacks by Anastasia/Snowy Hollow Siberian Cats, Jennifer Vercammen/Grandheart Exotics, and "Jen V." Their silence re: clearing up the alleged confusion of identities might suggest that there is no confusion at all. It should be a lesson for anyone interested in purchasing a kitten that, when breeders defend themselves and each other to this extreme, their lack of interest in and commitment to producing healthy kittens is on full display. Read the thread. And, then? LET THE BUYER BEWARE.

Farah Haroon
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Sep 11, 2018 3:54 pm EDT

I follow Grandheart Exotics on Instagram and have really been looking forward to hopefully getting my second exotic shorthair from their cattery, but I luckily stumbled upon this post from another complaint board that linked this thread. I'm mortified :O I just can't imagine going through this not only with a new kitten, but mainly with the harassment and lack of professionalism that seems to have been displayed by the breeder. I wouldn't want to deal with a business owner who treats past clients like this. Does anyone have any recommendations for an excellent exotic shorthair cattery with superior customer service both before AND after kitty comes home?

GraceAnn Pastorelli
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Feb 20, 2021 3:49 pm EST

I bought a kitten I knew was defective in 2016 for $200. Turns out my partner is very allergic and I returned him a day or two later. Anastasia was pissed. She refused to return my money. I know I signed a contract that there were no refunds but that is just bad business practice. I left bad reviews and she kept taking them down. She got really nasty. My advice? Adopt, don't buy. So many cats need homes. My partner passed away and I adopted a sweet & beautiful calico and am so happy.

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