She goes by Abby too promise to help but demands money so she can do her work but actually doesn't do anything she got $5400 from me which I have reported her to FBI and imc3 hope they will get this scam artist as soon as she can't get anymore money from you she will ignore your calls and txt she will promise she only needs the $$$ for energy and power but nope she doesn't do anything and no suprise she will not give you your money back plain scam artist!
Wow! She did tye same to me.. promised me everything
Here's her number..
Yes, that is the same number I have. She scam me out of $3,000. I am in the process of sueing her. She may the mistake by giving me her address. I went to her house to give her the money. You can reach to me, if you like.
Could I reach out to you as well? I feel I mightve been scammed by a member of her family.