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CB Colleges and Universities South University Abuse, with drew from recieved finacial aid, refusal to send transcripts
South University

South University review: Abuse, with drew from recieved finacial aid, refusal to send transcripts 38

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8:42 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I enrolled in south university and was told prior to enrollment I would need all documentation in place prior to commencement of classes.
All documentation sent in and filed and I received a letter form the school stating I had been accepted all the financial papers were also accepted and I was on my way.
I completed two classes when I discovered my fees had not been submitted to the university. I found out the university cancelled the student fees from the loan organization and did not inform me of this or the reasons as to why.
I found this out and was furious when I asked about it they treated me like a criminal for avoiding my obligation to pay school fees? Weird they cancelled the loan previously awaiting them to be paid.
Then the advisors became abusive toward me and treated me rudely and accusatory, then the financial department called me every two days and demanded some $3, 000 dollars by the end of the month (it was already the second week into the month by then).
I contacted the financial department they hung up on me but the loved to call my phone number and abuse me often.
This has gone on now for a year and still no resolution I have since withdrawn and have no clue what becomes of my transcripts.
The university waived my student fees and promised to send my official transcripts to my new university NO LUCK just lies yet again.
It has been a year of hell and abuse from the university and the lies they propagate is phenomenal, one department has no clue what the other is performing and the directors of the school are not known by staff members of the school which I also find strange.
I have been in contact with on staff member a doctor who has stated I can have my fees waived and they shall send my official transcripts to my university but now they now tell me I did not submit the correct documentation, hmm strange I was told in the begin all was in order and I can commence classes. What do I do now who do I turn to now?

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Harker Heights, US
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Jan 30, 2010 12:30 am EST

I am interested in who you spoke with to have your account cleared. I, too, have been dealing with their BS (no other way to put it!) for about a year now. I have finally gotten fed up and am planning on taking it as far as I need to in order to get my name and my credit cleared.

I completed an introductory course in December of 2008, then withdrew from two classes during the first week of their start date. Suddenly, I owed over $4, 200! Before you know it, they pocket my Pell Grant, refund only part of my student loans and I still owe them two grand (plus a grand to my student loan!) For ONE introductory course? And my "free" books are now $200? Something smells fishy here!

I fought with their "collections department" for some time. I refused to take the harassing phone calls, speaking only with them over email. I have all of the documentation of the blatant lies I was told. The man in collections who dealt with my "case" always blamed a different department for his mistakes and never wanted to give me a supervisor/manger's contact information.

Of course they eventually sent this debt to an outside collections agency, which I am now dealing with as well. I plan to write a long letter and send in all documentation to each and ever department supervisor with South University. I am also considering a law suit. I take my debts very seriously, and I take people who try to rip me off even more seriously. They should not be able to get away with this.

Sad School
Eatonville, US
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Mar 04, 2010 11:12 am EST
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I am going through the same situation, I went back to South University next term because I wanted to futher my education. 1st semester they sent me the pell grant next semester they apply the pell grant to balance.

canonsburg, US
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Apr 02, 2010 8:27 pm EDT

Any student who withdraws before completing 60% of the semester loses their federal aid. This is a standard federal guideline for student loans; in turn, the student takes on financial responsibility.
Textbooks are not free. The textbook for the first class is posted to a student's account so you need not pay out of pocket for it immediately and to ensure you receive the textbook in a timely fashion for your first class. Most universities have bookstores for which students pay out of pocket for their textbooks for all books.
It sounds like you did not pay attention to the Enrollment Agreement, which every student completes upon entry. The document advises what a student must do to receive Title IV Federal Student Loan money and the consequences for withdrawing early.

Kingsville, US
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Apr 05, 2010 6:37 pm EDT
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It is sad how some people think that they can put others through the trouble of getting classes and documents and tests together for them, without needing to actually follow through with anything. It's as if the world exists only to give them a handout. These are the ones who only get started with school once they realize they can pocket a bit of money in the short term. These are the ones who quit once they realize this is an actual university, with actual classes, requiring actual effort.

You were informed of the possibility of your Title IV funds being removed when you SIGNED THE DOCUMENTS, and there were more than one! You aren't being treated like a criminal. You are being treated like a bad student with no common sense, who just costed the university spots that could have been filled by COMPETENT STUDENTS.

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Apr 12, 2010 3:35 pm EDT

South University has also given me problems over the last few months but over different reasons. I am a military student and I was never charged the proper tuition rate. They refuse to change the rate that I was charged and keep trying to hand me off to different people, or ignore my correspondence altogether. I too take my credit very seriously and have the documentation to prove everything. I have read enought online in different forums to believe that South University should not be trusted.

Columbus, US
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Apr 12, 2010 4:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had the same problems with South University Online. I was using the post 911 GI bill and was withdrew from class too and now the VA wants me to pay them back for the classes they south for on my behalf or provide evidence that I did not withdraw from class on my on. I'm glad I saved all of those emails I sent south a few months a go. I'm faxing them to the VA now.

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Apr 26, 2010 6:07 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is for all the "experts" saying read the loan agreement, etc. I too am having the same exact fishy run around with South University.By the damn way, I am currently enrolled, but not for long. I am currently saving all correspondence, as I have since day one. There is lots of b/s going on at SOU, and I for one will be someone who will hold their feet to the fire in the end. Just a few examples: There is no Administration contact info.anywhere on my school site! ZERO>Geez, wonder why that is? I have proof that they approved ALL MY DOCUMENTATION, yet when I start asking questions about my LOANS WHICH I HAVE TO PAY, I get told Oh we do not have your high school transcripts? Then when you call or email your FINANCIAL ADVISOR, she states talk to your ACEDEMIC ADVISOR. Whoo then states Mr so and so is working on that. then a call to him gets exactly zero responsibility or resolution! ZERO My questions were financial, not acedemic. I see some type of scam here, get students enrolled, and make a fat profit by canceling their classes, or the " You didnt submit your documents" line. I will be like a pitbull with a steakbone on this school if my situation is not resolved and soon. BTW I am an A student, as I have been all my life. It is truly amazing how I had to take an entrance exam to get into this school, then there I sit with a class full of people who can not read and write at a 5th gtrade level! I have to wonder how much of a profit they will make off of these poor people when they kick them to the curb? OR will they give them a masters degree? They darn sure do not belong in any college classes!

Vernon, US
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Aug 06, 2010 2:22 pm EDT


Pickens, US
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Aug 14, 2010 7:08 pm EDT

I have been a student at S.U. online since October of 2009. I never had any problems until June of this year. I began a new job working crazy hours and needed to take some time off from school, but didn't want to if it was going to affect my financial aid. (I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A HANDOUT - I PLAN TO PAY EVERY PENNEY OF MY LOANS BACK!) Anyway, my academic counselor stated I would have to speak to my financial aid adviser to see how it would affect my financial aid. Well, no one returned my calls or my emails until 3days before that class ended. None the less, it was neither of my advisers; it was a another academic counselor warning me that I would lose everything and be withdrawn if I did not contact someone. So I went through student support to finally speak with a supervisor, and she withdrew me from the class, stating that i would not affect anything. I asked her if it was possible for me to take the rest of the summer off, and she stated that I would have to talk with my academic counselor, so on the chase I went again. A week after the classes had already started no one had contacted me. Then I received a voice mail once again warning me about being withdrawn. I returned the phone call, but once again not my counselors. She said I could drop one class, but would still have to complete the other one. I agreed, and asked her what to do about the work I had missed already that week. I refused to take a lower grade because of their poor response time. She said it was at the discretion of my instructor. I emailed my instructor, and she gave me one day to do each assignment for the previous week. Well, this was this past Thursday, and I started the work yesterday. Today, I go in to complete more work, and it states I am withdrawn and cannot access the class! I have been through hell in the past two months all because I just needed to take one or two classes off. (Off subject) My husband is having surgery Monday, and will be out of work for three weeks, so I am picking up as many hours as possible just so we don't lose our house. I am a mother of three boys and I work a minimum wage job. I was attending college to try and better our lives, so things wouldn't be this hard, one day. Is there an official college board or someone I can make a complaint with?

Lawrenceville, US
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Aug 16, 2010 3:56 pm EDT

Hello Guys, I'm in the process of being ripped off by South University, but I refuse to let this happen. I'm speaking to attorneys and the department of education. This bs stops now! they have messed with the wrong student and I will take this further then it needs to go. I'm gonna keep you guys updated and hopefully can keep u involved so that you all can get your situation fixed too. It's a shame we have to go through so much bs just to get our degrees!

Cordova, US
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Aug 23, 2010 2:00 pm EDT

I am also having a problem with South University. I have been there for a year . I also had a problem trying to withdraw from a class and tried for WEEKS to contact my Financial Aid advisor as to how this would affect my status. She was NEVER anywhere to be found and I finally had to speak to another Financial Aid counselor who told me if I wanted to withdraw from that class I would be refunded since it was during the drop period. A week later I follow up and I was told that I wasn't getting a refund. Because of the lack of communication I received from my own Financial Aid rep I lost $1900! That shouldn't be acceptable...these classes are supposedly designed for working adults, so there is no reason why assigned representatives don't call or at least return emails. This quarter they are holding on to my pell grant. It is supposed to take 2 weeks to post to my account and it's been 4 so far! They keep pushing it off by weeks. I need to know how to reach the Dean of Student Affairs because this is simply ridiculous! I too, am fed up with all of their BS!

Lawrenceville, US
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Aug 29, 2010 12:01 pm EDT

Ok so I've been dealing with the Department of Education Ombudsman's office with my South University online issues. At first they seemed like they were going to get everything handle. This is the department that oversees schools and basically makes sure they are doing everything legit and correct. This department is the one that shuts schools down if not. And believe it or not South University is so bold and out of control that they are not even returning the Ombudsman's office phone calls or e-mails! Crazy right. I'm fed up. I'm filing a class action lawsuit. I live in GA where South's main campus and headquarters is located. If anybody else is interested in joining this lawsuit let me know. Also if you find anyone else on any of these other fraud sites that you think would be an asset to this lawsuit let me know. my e-mail is we can go from there.


Wasilla, US
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Aug 31, 2010 3:31 am EDT


I'm sorry, but there is a reason you ended up at this obvious diploma mill.

Its the same reason people still keep sending money to Nigerian Princes who are heirs to a vast fortune, but promise to share it with you if you just wire transfer $5000 to pay for customs to release the money.

There is a sucker born every minute, and South University knows how to find them.

I feel sympathy when I read these complaints, but then again, you willingly signed up for it. Real schools do NOT have sales reps hound you to begin class. Real schools actually make you wait for acceptance, and sometimes reject applicants. That should have been the first clue.

Wasilla, US
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Aug 31, 2010 3:39 am EDT

Lol, here, and everywhere on the internet, its amazingly funny to see that South University employees actively trolled comments criticizing this BS school, either planting obviously fake positive reviews that sound like they were written by an ad agency, or, as above, arrogantly criticizing their own students for being ignorant, when the very complaints are that the school did little to help students understand what they were getting into!

"South University is an outstanding value for improving my family's future. The Professors were always available to come to my house and tutor me. My advisor and I are best friends, we talk every day, and their toilets are made of pure silver! Call James McScammer, my financial advisor, he'll sign you right up and mow your lawn too! I have his number on my cell phone because we talk every day, even on the weekends! Here is his number, Go South U! [protected]"


jesup, US
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Oct 20, 2010 9:55 am EDT

OK folks...SUO SUCKS!

I have been an online student pushed around by these embezzling idiots long enough. jrowe224...i am going to email YOU!

I have had withdrawn issues, canceled loans, money posted to other accounts, etc...OF COURSE, NONE OF IT SHOWS UP AT THE SALLIE MAE WEBSITE!

I could go on and on, I will spare you. Recently, my loans spiraled into repayment when I was listed as withdrawn, had to file in school deferrment because NO one there knew why or how long this had been
going on...
by the way, I was taking 3 courses.
contact me please... and lets get this taken care of once and for all...

Dalton, US
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Nov 24, 2010 2:17 pm EST

I was enrolled there and withdrew and they started sending me collection emails and statements and then I asked for a breakdown on the account and they refused . They say they sent money back to sallie mae and dept of educatioDepbut once I contacted them they said they was never any funds sent back to them . I contacted the
Dept of Education Ombudsman Office and still no response from them either . They are taking money and it is fraud . any help would be greatfull they will not let me have my transcripts either.

Deltona, US
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Dec 30, 2010 5:52 am EST

I feel foolish for not having done my research and now I am living to regret joining South University. After over a year and a half 11 As and 5 Bs and 2 F's later, I found out that I do not have enough student loans to complete my bachelors degree. It was totally a coincidence that I found this info. I called to find out why I still have a balance each quarter when I was promised that I would receive sufficient financial aid to cover my tuition. I was never given the choice of attending South University based on this fact and if I had known that I do not have sufficient funds, I would not have enrolled at South University.

Oh, by the way, the 2 F's appear to be an administrative default grade given to me because I chose not to participate in class or confirmed enrollment in a specific courses. This happen to me twice even though I clearly communicated that I am not interested in enrolling in those particular courses. One instructor told me that she was told to give me an F even though it was clear that I did not officially confirm nor participate in class. Well, I have filed two appeals and have been waiting for the result for the past 4 months...still waiting.

I just want this nightmare to go away...

There appear to be an element of deception here; however I still hope that I can get this resolved. In the mean time I am seeking legal counsel.

Inkster, US
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Jan 01, 2011 9:38 pm EST

South University has no ethics, they not even be a real school, have you seen the assignment? I believe they are an agency that the government has allowed to collect money from fools and is just masquerading as a University. All they are about is the money they can line their pockets with and have just opened a new University here in Novi, Michigan. They have stolen my money and charged me outrageous fees for my classes. Someone needs to look into the practices of this so called well established institution. I have spoken to my academic counselor, the academic manager and can not even get a letter of the last day of by attendance, something is so wrong with that that it is not even funny, actually it is insane.

artisst collier
washington, US
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Jan 07, 2011 7:19 pm EST

Transcript Bait and Switch

The same chronology of events also happened to me regarding my transcripts. They told me I was set to go and they had my transcripts from high school. They allowed me to take 2 courses and then told me a week before my 3rd course that they did not have my transcripts. Beware, they have 2 headquarters (Phoenix and Pennsylvania) which you are never privy to at first.

The first thing they do is switch up advisors so it's to appear as though the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. They then say they are going to withdraw you if you can not meet their timeline. They then try to take the monies out of your student load, and if they can't, bill you for it. Also, the professors? have terrible grammar and Ms. Ebony posted comments in forums with typos (even though the have an online spellcheck before submitting comments!)

Here's who you contact first:

Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580


FTC does not handle individual complaints, however, if there are several nationwide they will investigate. Please pass this information along so a class action lawsuit can be put together regarding fraud, theft, and any other illegal practices such as double dipping (take student monies and then charge you as well).

This is a for-profit business owned (and traded on the stock market) by

My complaint is solid. Remember, save those emails and telephone recordings if necessary!
Also, contact your State's Attorney, Department of Education at both the Federal and Local levels (South University Online has 2 locations. One in Phoenix and the other in Pennsylvania) and the Better Business Bureau. Contact them both by phone and email.

Wilmington, US
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Jan 10, 2011 4:24 pm EST

I got out out of SOU only because I was not getting the help that I needed to certain areas. I was not getting help, and so I tranfer out of that school and feel better about this school that I am at now. Now the thing is now they say that I owe them 1, 218 dollars but it says in my student account that I have a refund coming to me of that amount. The FA advisor is telling me that is what I owe that money and the account department is still reviewing my account. This is one school that I would have on the bottom thousand.

Bentonville, US
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Feb 28, 2011 2:31 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Holy crap, I think my life is over...I just started SUO, and was promised that my tuition would be covered by either my grants or my GI Bill...Now, due to a few days of withdrawal, I had to start a class over and now owe $14, 000? For real? I read and reread all the posts and agreements and documentation, but nowhere do I see that I am responsible for this much money for a class I don't even need to get a criminal justice degree...What should I do? Just withdraw completely and screw my credit?

70 x 7
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Apr 23, 2011 1:46 am EDT

My supervisor signed me up @ SU Online. Obtaining a BSN was a job requirement. I trusted her and am pissed at myself for not investigating the University. I have 2 classes left to earn my degree. I recently found out that the nursing program (IS NOT) NLN accreditated and most hiring institutions only accept NLN accreditated degrees. I have had to withdraw from 2 math classes and am now being billed for 7.000.00 My financial advisor told me that the bill is a mistake. I just recieved another bill and I have a new financial advisor. I have been careful not to be scammed in life. I have advised my kids not to attend the obvious scam schools. So many institutions are after the governments money and my money. I have been had. Most of the classes have been rewarding, others especially the math classes are a joke. Most of the professors are knowledgeable
I have had one or two that had no idea what they were teaching. I do plan to participate in the class action lawsuit and contact the authorities. One guy on this thread said we are idiots and my feelings were temporarily hurt. We are not idiots just everday people trying to better our lives.

wilson, j
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Nov 24, 2023 2:38 am EST
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Replying to comment of 70 x 7

so i am currently enrolled and i didnt know all of thisvtill now. im glad i read it but I do know i am not being done right on my fasfa at all. but cant get answers. If i when should i sdoi it to still get some money i want to see if i do or they keepo itt. And how doningewt in on this class actionj

oxfor, US
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May 31, 2011 5:06 pm EDT

The school is a scam! Their degrees are from diploma mills and fake. I was assigned 5 different financial advisors since starting April 11, 2011. I was told this one quit, that was not assigned to you, thats our director, etc. Excuse after excuse as to why no one was contacting me regarding my FAFSA. Finally I demanded answers and got told I forgot my husbands income on my FAFSA application. So I refiled it. Then a week later I am being told my FAFSA was rejected, there is no proof I graduated from high school. Are you serious? Yes I am, I graduated June 3, 2000 from Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School, with a National Honor Society Sash on my gown, 4 years perfect attendance, a Certificate in Drafting, and my diploma. Now I have been searching more in detail about this school. Its a scam they are stealing our money! I have reported this school as have many many others to the Federal Trade Comission, The Better Business Bureau, The Dept. of E ducation and The General Att. Office. They went into my FAFSA changed my PIN. This is illegal and now they say I have been withdrawn but they have not done so. How professional is an email saying "consider this email as your proof we withdrew you" LOL ya real nice NO I want PROOF!

Inwood, US
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Jun 01, 2011 3:46 pm EDT

I can't believe I am only finding these complaints now. It has been over 2 years since my terrible encounter with SouthUniversity. John Shin, one of the admissions people is a fraud and a liar. He told me it would cost 18, 000 to complete my BSN and according to my calculations of needing 120 credits that sounded right. However, after finishing one course and then enrolling for 2 courses I realized that I had spent close to $7000 already. I looked into it and saw that SU requires 180 credits to complete a BSN. The student advisor, Tanya Kindel told me that if I withdrew that day- 6 days into the semester I would get a refund for the days I did not complete. Guess what? They came back to me with a whole story (Neil Kiss to be specific about who came back to me) that I would not get a penny. I was the biggest loser, because I payed for everything in cash...
Most of my conversations were on the phone. I have a couple of emails but not when John Shin told me his garbage. Do you guys think I have a claim? thanks

Harper Woods, US
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Jul 18, 2011 2:39 am EDT

I attened South Unv. in 2008 after leaving another online university. The other school just did not challenge me and I thought that I would find that at another school, and in this case SOU. I even applied to 3 other schools local and top seeds. At first they did everything right I even had to take a test to get in, so in my mind I am thinking Wow this might be the right fit. I was walked through the rest of the process with no problems what so ever, and then it happened and my nightmare began. My FA covered everthing except books, and I could even take extra classes with out a problem. I am disabled, and I explained that at the beginning and was asured that they will help and work with me. NOT never happend I had a set back and was put in the hospital for 3 weeks. I was in the hospital trying to get work done, yes I informed them all at the school. The teachers all knew and stated that they wold help me as well. Well, it never happened and becase of that I was withdrwan for no reason yet that has been explained to me. They took my stipned that I was going to receive and returned it so they told me. Not they have yet to do that at all. They also got mad and harressed me for money they say I fell short on. but how? If yo returned money that was due then why would you not just keep the extra money to leave me with a ero amount owed right? So, then my new school asked for my transscript and they sent it overthe claim that I owed them $2200.00. They don't send me bills, but now that I want to get my BS at my new school I can't get my credits from them. What to bull, an d they had the nerves to even ask me to retrn to them. The classes were a ok, but some of their professors were not in the right classes that they taught. I had to explain the grading of late work to a professor and threaten an appeal for a grade that she was trying to give me. Once I sent her the email with my intentions she opened the class and then graded the work, but it was on a bias bases. I just wish it was some way for us as students to try a school for one class and if we don't like it then we don't stay and don't pay. That is what haapened with my current school, and it really works. I just wanted to get this of my mind and it hrst my heart that it is happening to good people tryng to improve thier lot in life.

lolita martin
31217, US
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Nov 28, 2011 12:23 pm EST
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this school is bs. i took out a parent plus loan for my daug. the financial aid said i will receive money back. that been 2 months ago. every time i call they say they still working on it. the financial aid said the money is coming from sallie mae bank. but when i call them they tell me 2call fanical aid because they don't do plus loans anymore. i need 2 know who i can talk 2 to find out where this money went.

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Dec 12, 2011 4:36 pm EST
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I was intresting in enrolling in south university can someone please email me i have questions

caldwell, US
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Jan 24, 2012 3:21 pm EST

this company is total BS- they don't give degrees that are actually accepted at competent firms, my company was the one who told me they were BS and you will never get a real degree that counts towards anything. OH, and they solicit you to take a few classes. 15 k later I have nothing would love to hear a class action on these bozos

Gary, US
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Feb 03, 2012 7:51 pm EST

I can honestly say, my experiences with SUO have been nothing but excruciating. The staff of financial aid counselors and academic counselors are nitwits. I do not know why I have wasted the last two years attending this dumb school. They have continually messed up my classes and financial aid. They do not return phone calls, and the policy at SUO is that you have to talk to YOUR assigned counselor. I have been calling them for the last month and a half to no avail. I am really about to withdraw and move on to a better school. SUO SUCKS..Please do not waste your time or money with them. They are not professionals.

Marietta, US
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May 09, 2012 12:00 pm EDT

I stayed in school for the whole semester, the school took away my loan money and they only disbursed 995 dollars of pell grant money out of 5500. Why? I can't get a straight answer from anyone.

frustrated one!
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Mar 12, 2013 6:41 pm EDT

Has anyone had any problems getting credits transferred from SUO to another university or community college?
I just withdrew from SUO because they have no clue on how to treat students. Every Time I called my academic counselor, I found I was speaking to a different person each time. They want you to confide in them and build trust (hence "counselor"). Bunch of crap! My financial adviser was a bonehead too. It sounded like he was a robot reading questions from a computer screen. The prices per credit hour are outrageous! I was charges $1, 680.00 for a college algebra class that I flunked because I was not helped in the ways that could have saved me from flunking. I will never trust another online university or much of anything that offers services online again! Bad experience for me and I hope that anyone reading this heeds this warning: They try to make the online program sound like it is the best thing in the world. They ask you questions about your life and then start to incorporate you life situation and family into the equation making it seem like it is the best option for you. They go really fast with everything and before you know it you are enrolled and jumping into the easy classes. When it gets harder and you start to reach out is when they drop off the face of the earth and then blame you for not reaching out! They are a bunch of money hungry people and when I told them I was withdrawing from the program they "warned me that I would want to take into account that there may be financial ramifications due to my decision to leave". Just be careful and do your research!

Coolidge, US
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Apr 06, 2013 12:53 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi all I recently signed up but haven't started class yet is it too late for me to withdraw

fouled by EDMC
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Mar 28, 2015 7:50 pm EDT

South University MSN/FNP program Tampa, FL is really a joke. I encourage everyone to PLEASE call the US department of education. The top management staff (president, Dr Bohman & Dean Lisa summins are useless, dishonest, unethical and incompetent faculty members ever.)

Nick Honest
Tarpon Springs, US
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Apr 16, 2015 1:45 pm EDT

The school is basically a SCAM, and they get unethical people such as the president DR Robert Bowham or Bolham to participate in their inappropriate way of educating students. South University Tampa "number one leaders in academic dishonesty in the world."
The have the FNP is on google hangout how is that an acceptable way of producing health care providers to our community.

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Apr 09, 2017 4:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes south university is a scam. they make you take classes you don't even need. I was enrolled and told I have to take public speaking... helllooooo.. I an and lpn and have a b. a in psychology as well as being in the work force for 20 years... I do public speaking all day at work in the groups I run. yet they said they wont give me credit, I should have known better. I had medical issues 3 weeks before the end of the semester and asked my instructor what to do as I had missed 2 speeches already. she told me speak to my advisor. I called and emailed and never heard from the guy. after a week of hearing nothing I emailed my instructor who basically said she couldn't do anything and that I was going to fail the class. I emailed her again and showed her proof of my medical issues. she stated it was too late... what?/ really...? now I have to pay for a class that I got an f in... the bill is currently in collections. I have no intentions of ever paying this loan... ever... its not a federal loan so they can kiss my butt.

Mimi JK
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Oct 18, 2022 1:40 am EDT

I have called and emailed regarding a transcript request on parchment than got denied so I can have my credits transferred over nobody has responded

Leola, US
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Nov 22, 2022 8:42 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I went for 4 years through the online course. I was told by the end of my 4 years I would have my AS in allied health and science along with my license to be a Ultrasound technician. 2 years in I decided to call and make an inquiry about when my ultrasound classes would begin. I was then told that, "we are so sorry, the original gentleman that enrolled you,along with a few other were fired due to their lies in order to meet their requirement to recruit." Long story short, either way i had to pay for 2 years of my life wasted or 4. I was truly hoping I could do something with my AS degree after I completed my 4 years. My "degree" is a paper weight that costed me over 34,000 in debt. Debt by the way I cannot pay back seeing how I'm hanging on by my teeth at the moment. So, a very sarcastic, "Thank you South University Online, Savanah Gorgia. YOU have put my family in debt, you lied to me just to get me in, you stole 4 years of my life, and made me feel like it was worth the debt in the beginning because I would be making more then enough money to be able to pay it all back."

Sincerely your,

Appalled since 2011 to current

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