I was on computer when it would not allow me to go to internet. It said my computer was in danger-that it had worms, trojans etc. The message also said that it was windows and was warning not to go onto the internet. It said I had 30 problems. It said I had someone trying to steal my identity. It said Windows recommended I use their service. I could not get back onto the internet so I subscribed to their service.
The problem immediately went away. My daughter told me that I was a victim of a scam. When trying to cancel, I find that the e-mail address does not exist and was referred to list of many others who were victims.I was charged 59.99 for the service. This just happened 3 days ago and I find that the scam is coming from Russia. Please help.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I have previously posted a complaint re Spyware, Billingsvc.com, it is a staggering number of other complaints re same. It is my belief after reading the similar complaints that the same people responsible for the spyware scam are using other names to accomplish the same rip off.
For example billingonlinesvc.net, spywarebot, vista antivirus 2008 etc etc they all might not be the same person or group but the similarities are highly suspicious and to coincidental. What can be done in my opinion these criminals need to be hunted down and placed in jail, and be held accountable to each of us.
Others have reported that the dollars taken were take from offshore operations which converted the US currency taken to the Eruo Dollar. Those of us with the knowledge of how to catch them and trap them need to organize a plan to effect catch them in the act.
This site does not allow e-mail address to be posted here, perhaps in a response if someone where to leave a web site or other site I will personally
It will most likely take the efforts of sneaky team work to catch these individuals.
Look, I'm not here to complain, or preach.
Look I'm not
here to complain or preach, I'm here to educate (you asked for help right?). Here it is. We have to start educating ourselves and take responsibility for our actions or lack thereof. If you click on the wrong link and you get messages like that you have a virus. Don't click on sponsored links. Don't click on links that say "free scan" or "free download". With a little self educating there is no reason for you to ever have to pay for any type of software ever again. It's called "OPEN SOURCE" (You know, freeware...Linux?) Also, there's tons of freeware at Cnet if you're hopelessly hooked on Windoze and it's all rated and virus free if you remain on site ( If it redirects you to Filehippo, or majorgeeks, they're cool too just make sure you're clicking the right link). If you want to make arguably the world's richest man richer by buying his uninspiring over priced easily hacked products...be my guest. I won't. Not since I took the time to educate myself about Linux (get yourself an old pc and start today). Right now, I'm writing this on a machine that's at least 15 years old has 64 Mbs of RAM and no hard drive! Hard to believe? It's the truth. If something goes wrong and it rarely does. I just pop out my cd restart my machine and pop my cd back in and I'm good to go squeaky clean and it runs blazing fast on a virtual operating system that's about 50MBs in size. It has everything I need including a full blown office suite. It's a Linux virtual live cd I made for the price of a blank cd. Altogether I have less than 30 bucks tied up in the entire system not counting my ISP. There are tons of Operating Systems available for free (many are full blown and windozy like such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint and Debian et al), but really, how many people make use of a full blown OS? Also, there's virtually nothing you can't do with them you can do with XP, Vista, 7 or whatever. Join (for free) bleepingcomputer.com, cnet, Sourceforge, and Distrowatch. There's plenty enough there to get you started. Help yourself and stop throwing money away not to mention going to bed with a migraine. I run an entire business on open source and I don't pay squat. nadda, nathan. It's at least 95% profit.
Good luck to all,
If you do this please make a small donation (a lousy 5 bucks) to any non-profit org like sourceforge or bleeping computer. They need your help. They help you for free, they're a good bunch of people so do the right thing if you can.