My friends and I have been frequenting this mamak restaurant for awhile now. Whenever we order F&B, the waiter would usually take all orders and write it down on a piece of paper; later when we pay the bills, we would take the bill up to the cashier, and each would pay for his/her order while the cashier would check off the items until the entire bill is settled. This is quite a normal practice in the mamak scenes here in Malaysia, or so I assumed.
Few days ago as we visited the restaurant again, we did just that when came time to pay the bill. However, the cashier, a 20-ish fierce looking guy who looks like one of the bosses there, were frustrated in settling our bills, and midway, he threw the bill and showed his displeasure. When a friend of ours looked at him with shock, the said cashier stared right back squarely, and started throwing out vulgar words in Tamil, and asked that our friend to step out and fight. Imagine that, to fight! All the while our friend kept his cool and did not answer back, but our boss here kept pushing it and asked to fight.
We were beyond shock with the treatment! It's just a business deal as like any others, one eats and pays! Should one serve its customers with such attitude? And to think that people do not give two hoots for such terrifying customer service, instead, continue to prosper these thugs' businesses is really upsetting.
Is there nothing we can do to counter such thug-ish services? Or should we, the involved parties, boycott the restaurant on our own (it won't make any difference!), and simply keep our mouths shut and kowtow to them?
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
in such scenario, there is little or close to "No" service to be mentioned as the person was not in Service, it was just to him a mere buy &sell & pay...dats all. There is no need to
to educate or reason out to him/ his boss about his service attitude... basically that behavior reflects a morale issue & psycho related. Maybe he had a terrible life & did not manage it well. Just believe that in this world or any society... people are just different from values & levels of standards in treating people.
Thank you for trouble to share this to others, , , sure many will learn from here. leave those kind of behavior / people & continue with our life, if treats arise, protect our safety & our frens next to us by cathing more attention from public & call police.
I had a similar experience, a more humiliating one rather as my gf was right beside me.
Firstly, the orders that came were not made to my requirements as I specifically requested (taufu in n.g. kampung n maggi goreng) which the waiter complied and agreed to include. No doubt the shop was busy and apparently, one of the cooks were absent (i suppose even that guy couldn't take the heat!).
An order for an 'air suam' went on for 15 mins followed by multiple prompts by me to the waiter upon which this guy, fierce looking as some people may term him to be steps up to my table and shouts at me rudely asking me why am I shouting?(in tamil) While I was trying to make an order to quench my thirst! I retorted back saying, "I have asked him for the order 3 times now". He comes closer repeats himself and asks me, "If I am a big tai ko?" It seemed to me at the time, I had to be a big 'tai ko for some decent service to be delivered! ATROCIOUS. I have never encountered such situations in my life. When I directed my complaints to the man at the cashier, he didn't seem to take notice of the complaint. Probably, he cared less as the shop was swarming with people or maybe there are real thugs running 'illegal businesses' to finance the shop.
I feel more drastic steps should be taken in terms of publicity of these sort of events repetitively occurring in the same shop. Initially, I felt that maybe I had done something wrong and perhaps its a one time thing. After what I read from this post, looks like it has happened before at maybe much more.
The worst thing is that, he's calling for a fight when the police station is right opposite. I really can't seem to digest what's really giving all these people to talk in such ways? Since when customers are condemned to be treated in such ways?
i hate this [censor]ing restaurant. the service is awful and slow! terrible!
the food is overpriced and disgusting..mee hailam took 1 hour and 30 minutes to arrive with only two prawns and mee inside!.
the waiter are rude. no sense of respect. i dont recommend anyone to go here unless they want to waste their money, time and energy calling out the waiter