I think that the Child Support office needs to be investigated to make sure that they are doing there job, and have everyones files done the right way. My finance was paying child support a couple years ago and now since November 22, 2007 the judge signed the final judgement stating that neither party pays child support, but yet they are still to this day taking money from him, and he took the final judgement into the child support office, and let them make a copy of it to have on file, and they are still saying that it's not closed yet, and here we are 2years later and they are still taking his money, I mean to be honest we get our own place, or get married because they keep taking his money everything time when they are not suppose to. He has been told that he is to wait for a court date before he can find out of whether or not he can get his money back, because child support office is saying that they were taking it, because he was behind on his child support, but the thing was he wasn't suppose to be paying anything period, so that shouldn't keep saying that he is behind or still owes them money because he doesn't, and we have told them that they don't want to get a lawsuit against them, because to be honest they are with the State of Florida, and my family has put a lawsuit against the
State of Florida once before and I have told them that we wouldn't mind doing it again, except this time is will be for more money them last time, because really it's harrassment, and sexest that they keep taking his money and won't leave it alone, not only that they are telling us that we won't get a court date until 6months-to a year, and I think that is really uncalled for. We have been waiting and I think we should of already had a court date by now. I hope someone does something soon, because I would hate to see State of Florida and the Child Support Office get another lawsuit, because they can't do there job right.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I am going through the same thing. Florida is garnishing my wages based on an old child support order. Back in October they started garnishing my wages. I finally got them to stop in Feb 2009. They started refunding the money a week at a time. I finally thought this was over... but, last Saturday I got a notice saying they are going to garnish my wages again. I found this complaint looking for someone to file a lawsuit again the State of Florida. They have got to stop this harrasment.
florida child support took our tax return for FULL payment of my husbands child support debt. Yet they have taken an extra 1757. 00 to date for...? we dont know! when will i get his back? anyone know. IWe cant get a hold of them over the phone and are considering driving from texas to fix this problem. anybody help me with an answer?
I think we should all get together and file a suit...because I'm in the same boat. Our situation is a little different, but here's the general timeline of events:
1997: Husband (was not my husband at the time) gets a girl pregnant while overseas. She moves back to the states, doesn't tell him she is pregnant. Husband finds out she is pregnant at 7 months. Husband doesn't know if said child is his.
1998: Paternity is established. Child is his. Back child support and back WELFARE that she was being paid for being a single mostly unemployed mother. She would not have been eligible for the welfare if he had been paying support that year. Child support set at $300 per month plus $50 per month back child support/welfare. Husband's income was only about $23, 000 at the time. Wages were garnished from the beginning.
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003: Tax refunds taken to offset that year, finally paid in full in 2002. 2002 and 2003 refunds were joint returns, but all of the refund was taken by FL.
2004: Move to Florida
2006 : Husband is now making more money. About $50, 000/yr. Also lives closer to child. We consult atty about getting at least joint custody. Atty says that because we lived out of state and saw child infrequently for so many years, no shot at custody. Mother finds out that he is seeking custody and becomes angry. Mother of child requests modification of support. State asks for $625, but they settle at $525 per month. Move out of FL.
2008: Mother of child decides to leave child with Grandparents, who have truthfully been primary caretakers for many years. Grandparents file for custody and win custody. They live in AL. We are ok with this decision and want child support order moved to pay them.
July 2008: Idiot Mother files for more child support in FL although she no longer has physical custody of child. Before hearing, custody is granted to her parents. Husband goes to hearing, shows order granting custody to Grandparents. Hearing officer says she will not get anymore money and the money will now go to Grandparents.
October 2008: State of AL starts sending delinquency notices, but garnishment is still continuing in the amt of $139 per week.
February 2008: Send proof of all payments to state of AL. Get printout sent from FL to AL. Send letter informing them that State of FL has continued garnishment and should be disbursing payment to custodial GP's.
April 2009 (Last Friday): Get a notice from FL to change payee and consolidate cases in FL and AL. Hearing set for May. We thought this had been changed MONTHS AGO!
TODAY (4/22/2008) Get a tax refund that has been offset for FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS. (Only reason we have a tax refund this large is because we took first time homebuyer's credit)
Apparently, state of AL has offset refund. Investigate and find out that the money that FL has been collecting has not been going ANYWHERE since August 2008. Total money sitting in FL's bank account: $4799.90
Total money not sitting in my bank account that should be: $4000!
My situation just got resolved. I had to go to the office in person. The person in the office told me that the people on the phone have 3-5 minutes to get you off the phone, or tell you to visit an office. They have a book of answers. If your problem is not in the book, they will tell you to go to the office in person. My lawyer says we can't sue the State. We can file a complaint. But, what good is that? I would urge everyone to visit the office in person. Don't waste your time with the idiots on the phone. By the way.. I was told that the phone operators make more than the office people... just to tell everyone to visit an office. What a scam.
Send copies of your most current orders to the following addresses.
Florida Department of Revenue
Child Support Enforcement Program
5050 West Tennessee Street, Building L
Tallahassee, Fl [protected]
State Disbursement Unit
P.O. Box 8500
Tallahassee, Fl [protected]
Also, send it to the office of the county you filed in.
Florida has no problems trying to enforce an old outdated order. None of the couties talk to each other.
I also found out that California was the one that started this whole mess again. They fired off an order to FL to the original county.. they started enforcing the order they had originally.
The State of Florida's Child Enforcement Agency is a joke. And yes, you are right, you can't do ANYTHING over the phone or on the web. You have to go and sit in the office for over an hour and then you get to talk to another incompetent government jerk-off that still doesn't know what they are doing. Since 1996 my ex has not paid child support unless threatened with jail. I had a friend who is a lawyer who helped me for a few years and got some $$ out, but then he moved away so I was forced to just deal with the state agency. Even though I have gone to court no less than 6 times (and he has always been found in contempt), he pays whatever they say he has to pay to keep his ### out of jail but then pays nothing else until the next round. The joke is this...I have lost count how many times I have gone to that office, and my ex has not even had his license suspended, much less jail! Every time I go in, the person says, HOW ODD, now, that's not right...I'll fix it...come back in 30 days...well, over 3 years later and the most they have done is grab one tax refund which we still had to wait over 6 months for since his new wife was on the return. He works under the table, so they can't garnish his paycheck. Our case just keeps spinning in the computer system and my ex gets to live, breathe, play with no worries of retaliation. I really think there should be a class action suit, or I'm going to find a lawyer who's willing to take on the state because it is just not right.
Are you serious? Too good for my EX-husband's money? WHAT MONEY? I don't know who the heck you are to even say that. I raised my 2 boys WITHOUT any help from their father. He got his support reduced to only 22% of what it costs to raise a child in Florida and then didn't even pay that! My boys are now 25 and 21, I have gotten them through school, and one of my boys required double tuition because of a learning disability. I even asked their father to at least donate his time to the school since he wasn't paying anything towards the tuition (and I was working 2 jobs) and he couldn't be bothered with that either.
Since they hit 18, IF we got any money (and like I said before, the state managed to get ONE tax return in all these years) I split it between them. I myself, don't give a rat's ### about the money, it is the principle. Dead beat Dads should be punished, it hurts not only financially, but does irreparable damage to the kids as they grow older and see their dad for the lazy, selfish piece of crap that they are.
I had two parents that helped me immeasurably during that time and it just makes me see red that the state agency is SO INCOMPETENT that I feel sorry for the women and children out there who don't have the support that I had. Maybe if they got sued they would make changes...but then again, I doubt that too.
DOR keeps changing the amounts of what they are going to withhold from me.
Basically, I have two children with different fathers. I had moved out of state for
ten years to pursue a career. I moved back in 2003, to help with my elderly
grandparents and go back to school. At that time, I applied for state
assistance. I was in school more than full-time raising two children on my own
and caring for my grandparents. I wasn't able to hold a job because of that.
Anyway, because I was on state assistance, DOR decided to go after the fathers
for child support, which didn't bother me - I had never gotten child support
before. I had taken care of the children on my own up to that point (my
daughter was 12, and my son was 11). Of course, I was receiving Food Stamps,
Medicaid, and TANF.
I continued to receive some of the benefits off-and-on until now. I have not
received TANF since March of 2008.
When my son's father was ordered to pay child support, I only requested six
months of back support. I was told that something like $1400 would be earmarked
for the State, because of the TANF. I didn't mind that. I understand that they
need their money back - no problems! Then, the state grabbed his income tax
return. When I didn't receive any of that money, I went to DOR to find out why.
They stated that I would not receive ANY of the $4K back child support because
almost $7K had been paid to me in TANF for all the children. I thought this was
very unfair, and saw it as them stealing money from my son - why would HIS
father have to pay back money that was paid out for children that weren't his?
But, I swallowed my disappointment and accepted it. My son decided to move in
with his father to get to know him (he missed out on 15 years) September of last
year. We went to court in November to have child support stopped, since he did
not live with me any more. He was told that he only owed $300 in back support
(he had made many payments to get caught up). Anyway, he paid the remaining
$300 in December and we figured it was all good. But, the state grabbed his tax
return again this year! What gives?
OK. My daughter finally started getting child support in February, and I
requested child support to her date of birth, almost 18 years. I went in to DOR
a couple of months ago to find out how much they are going to keep, thinking
that there was less than $3K (as my son's father had already paid over $4K). I
was told that they had earmarked $12K! When I asked how they came up with that
amount, he mumbled something abbout I must have continued receiving some
service, which I know I haven't.
Is there some way to request (formally) how much has been paid by each father,
how much they are going to withhold, and how they came up with those amounts? I
am about ready to contact an attourney. Also, when they determined the back
child support, her father wasn't there and didn't provide any income
information, so they based payments on him making minimum wage. I know he owns
an engineering firm in Mobile, and I can guarantee that he is not making minimum
wage. Comments?
Thanks so much. Sorry it is such a long post!
I moved from new jersey to florida a couple years ago.I have 5 children and do my best to pay child support.Changing jobs is hard, you always fall behind.I call New Jersey child support tell them I started a new job, they ask for info they send a letter to the company and the the support comes out great New Jersey is great.It's been over a year I've called and gone to child support many times here in florida and the granishment still hasn't come out.Mind you that in late 2007 I was injured at work and have been working with torn legiments in my right elbow and my wrist for over a year and a half now.The job that i had let me go and currently have a lawsuit pending my doctor put me on light duties and have been working part time ever since.I make aout 75.00 dollars a week after taxes and child support.I have no other means of income.I received a letter of contempt for not payin child support.Is this a mistake the hearing was on thursday that past seems that florida hasen't received payments for a year and there looking for their money.showed them my paystubs and said its up to me to find where the money's going I said to go and screw themselves cause the money comes outta my check and no longer responsible once the money gets deducted.So now that I'am not working and I don' know when the workmens comp checks kick In.They want to reposses my only means of tranportation.A 300 dollar motorcycle to cover some payments.These people suck I never had this problemin New Jersey.Is it really up to me to find out where the moneys going I think there trying to rip me off.their calling me 2morrow and I can't wait to tell them that i can work for 2 more month's then back to surgery and off for at least 4 month's. I'd like a reply if you have one.
Here's one for the books! I am the father and DCF took my child out of home because i called in an abuse at that time my 4yr old had a bruse 4cm just below the knee. I took my daughter home and asked the mother and she slamed the door on my face so I called in the report. My parents were over for the weekend which at the time worked with foster children. The police tell me to come to the station they bring the kids and mother also. The police put me in handcuffs and sit the children and mother in another room. i can see the kids they are sitting on mom's lap while being asked Questions. The kids say nothing my daughter is 4 and her son is 6 whom he calls me dad as well mother doesn't know WHO the father of the boy is. I call out to the kids they want to get away from mom and come into the room I am. The police close my door and tell me to shutup. the kids are now not saying anything again. they ask mom if any of her relitives can take kids while they investigate. She says no. They ask me and I give them my sister and brother in law's name. They send them to their home. Now this is were child support made my daugher into 2 people. I told my sister she should get the child supoprt money. the mom recieves the money and they backlog my sisters I paid over $8, 000 or go to jail. I refused to pay the mom's and paid the sisters. After 13months they give kids back to mom.
At the boys age 10 he goes to 1st day of school and baker acts himself he wieghs 42lbs mother stopped me from picking him up woth my daughter 5 months earlier he got depressed. I went to the school and they couldn't tell me where he was but I have been the only adult to go to school so they told me where he wasn't. I went to DCF's main office they would not see me I stayed for 6 hrs. until someone did. 6 months later I got custody of my dughters 1/2 brother. My child supoprt for my daughter was suppose to end being I had her son and my daughter was ok with staying with mom so she can see her brother on weekends and 2 other siblings during the week I always picked her up every weekend. State of Fl continues to send me child support order and tells me to pay I refused went to court showed hearing officer orders didn't matter mother didn't say anything showed court papers I have son and offsets order. Didn't matter ordered to pay $2000 that day or go to jail so I pay. 6months later I refused to pay again they make me go to court agian and again I blow up at the hearing officer. I tell him to go to hell he ordered me out of room. Child support guy came out and looked at papers told me to go to clerks office people that is the whole key. The clerk of court has total control. Not child support office.
After it is straightened out mother moves daughter to TX without telling me I had to got to the school to find out were transcripts were sent and then she enrolled her under her maden name. I went to TX within 6 months and brought her back told mom for visit but because it was within 6 months the state that your child lives in has jurisdiction I now have my daughter and her son. They ordered her to pay she now moved to Alaska and cut all ties with children they have emailed her and she replyed NO she hasn't seen or talked with the children for 3 ys. An dhse hired a lawyer to fight not to pay. I over payed a total of $22, 000 and basically to bad for me. Now she is paying and lying about her income found her in the taxes in Alaska she bought a duplex with cash mostly mine. LOL
But people bottom line the Clerk of Court in your county is were you need to go. Sorry for such a lengthy letter. Go to your clerk of court or call fax whatever that is the only place you can get it straightened out be nice talk nice it does good.
The Child Support System
Ever wondered about the fairness of the child support system? Well you should. Over the years being married to a man with children prior to our marriage, I have some experiences that make me really wonder about the system.
My husband has faithfully been paying child support over the years through payroll deductions. When he was out of a job over 7 years ago, he fell behind. Since he has been on the same job for about 7 years now, he has been paying faithfully plus a little extra towards the rears. Every so often, he gets a letter in the mail from the Department of Revenue (DOR) stating that they are going to suspend his drivers licence for not paying. Now, this is while it is coming out of his check and going directly to the DOR for disbursement. He would then contact DOR and they would tell him to go down to the local office and show them the letter. He would then take off work, go down to the office and show them the letter. They told him "Oh these letters are computer generated and everyone that owes back support gets it automatically". They also would tell him that it shows he is paying the support and also paying towards the back support. He leaves there thinking everything would be ok "as they tell him" and then the unthinkable happens. He gets pulled over for speeding and gets arrested for driving with a suspended license. Officer stated that his drivers license was suspended for not paying child support.
Now this happened on 3 different occasions and he still had to pay to re-instate his license even though they suspended it when it shouldn't have been. I would think that they would at least just re-instate his license but each time, he had to pay. There is no arguing with the system because it doesn't really go the way you want unless you have a lawyer to help you out. We don't have money for a lawyer so he just takes it and pays to re-instate.
That is just one issue I had with the DOR, the other issue is the actual support. My husband has custody of his daughter for over a year now because her mother moved to another state with a man she had a baby with. We went to court and got custody based on the improvement she has made in school while living with us. Now my husband took the custody papers to the child support office to show that he has custody and told them to hold the disbursement. He was not asking for them to stop the deductions because he knows we had to go through the courts to get that to stop. He was just asking for them to stop the disbursements of the support because the mother shouldn't be collecting while he has custody of his daughter. This didn't happen of course because he's the man, she's the woman. When my husband walks into the Child Support local office, they treat him as if he is a "deadbeat" dad and don't even give him an open ear. Once we gave them that paperwork, their job was to stop the disbursements until they receive an order from the court to stop the deductions as well. Instead, for an entire year she was collecting child support while she is in another state with her boyfriend and new baby.
Now, if this was a man doing this...let's get that right. DOR would never let a man sit and collect child support when they don't even have custody of the child. My husband called and called and they just kept giving us stories. One day we called and got the right person on the phone, who was upset herself to know that we were going through this for one year. She gave me the number to contact the Director over the child support office and this is when things started rolling.
They realized that the mother was collecting for a year without having custody and no one stopped the disbursements at the local office like they should have, even after receiving the custody papers showing that she is now living with my husband. Right now, this case is pending in the courts still and we are being told that he may not even get that money back and it may not even be applied to any back support. This is absolutely wrong for a woman or anyone to get away with collecting $3000+ for a year without having custody and my husband is supporting his daughter without anything from the mother. She should be either required to pay the money back or even apply the funds towards the balance of his back support which is less than what she received the entire year.
Someone needs to re-evaluate the child support system because it is completely unfair and their system needs to be replaced. Someone's license shouldn't be suspended while they are paying child support and then told that they have to pay to re-instate their license because of DOR errors. DOR also needs to pay closer attention to the men that go into their office and also needs help. The men really has no support at all when it comes to the DOR, they are more focused on helping the women.
The State of Florida Child support and CPS is a joke. My stepdaughter was completely let down by this broken system and my husband has paid dearly for his kids emotionally and financially. Florida has screwed up his two cases and paid all the money to one mother instead of the two and they expect us to pay it back? Yeah right. Go after that mother for the support which by the way my stepdaughter NEVER Saw. This happens so much. Her mother was buying herself nice clothes, makeup, getting tattoos and my stepdaughter has had nothing bought for her until she turned 18 and came with us. Enough is enough with this agency. They are ruining lives and they are not being held accountable. No wonder dads run these days. They want to take care of their kids but they also know that the state will not allow them to move on and have a life. The mother can but not the father. I am sorry but why can we not sue the state disbursment unit? Something needs to be done and now. It is all about money and they want their 6 or 9% of EVERY payment that comes through that unit. God don't like ugly and he will deal with them but I sure would like for them to be stopped.
My issue with the Fla State Disbursement unit is that they never send the custodial parent the money like they are supposed to. For instance I am required to pay $544.51 in child support, it comes right out of my check.
$ 251.31 is withheld by my employer & sent to the disbursement unit bi-weekly, yet they only send my ex
$ 146.00 or so dollars at a time. It's always different amount every time. This is MY money that I have already paid taxes on. They are taking that money & holding on to it as long as they can. Why? I dont know. Maybe they are using the money to run their dept. To me this is embezzlement or stealing. Meanwhile my kid is going without. I don't care much for my ex, but she needs to know when & how much she is getting every month.
What we need to do is band together & bombard the governor & our congressman with letters & emails.
Please everyone go online & print off all of your records & have your ex do the same . Then mail copies to the Governor, Senators, reps of Florida. Keep hounding them with letters until they listen. ... This is what happens when we allow the government to help us. They end up controlling every aspect of our lives. Wake up America!
I don't know what to do... please help. I have two children with two different fathers. My youngest five months I didn't want to file child support for because his father and I are about to get married soon. They said if I don't comply they will take away my medicaid and food stamps. I lost my job a year ago so without insurance and medicaid it wil be a huge struggle. My question is should I file for childsupport like the state is almost forcong me to do or just deal with it the way it is? ALso What is the poverty level for a family of four im wondering if we will all qualify now together? Does anyone know. Im scared to file because I too have been fighting for nine years from my oldest with child support. Finally his father after working under the table had no choice but to join the military money is being garnished but it still isn't the amount that is court ordered to me! !That is why im so scared to file with my new baby's father since we plan to marry. I hate this state and when you call they know nothing about ur case. What should I do Im soooo confused and discouraged!
Unfortunately for all of us, child support is a money maker for the government. It creates jobs and little loopholes allowing for charges to "handle the case." Basically, having been on both sides of the child support nightmare, I feel I can be objective and reasonable. When I was receiving child support, I was like most people...how much can I get...and so on and so on. The situation changed a few years later. After sitting on the other side and getting a taste of paying child support, it made me stop and think. Now, I wanted to be reasonable and fair and do the right thing, "put my child first." I honestly think paying this "child support" is unfair and I will explain why. Yes both parents must put in and help take care of their children. How to do it fairly, I haven't quite figured that out. But, I do know this, BOTH parents have to maintain a home. BOTH parents have to bring groceries into the home. BOTH parents have to go to work, if they do, and BOTH parents have to LIVE. Now, by all means if one parent is doing better than the other in terms of money, you should want your child to have more. PEOPLE NEED TO GROW UP AND PUT THEIR CHILDREN FIRST, WE MADE THE CHOICE TO HAVE THEM. Unfortunately, some of us so called adults/parents do some really stupid things and our children suffer for this. We put ourselves into predicaments and make our lives harder which in turn makes things harder on our children. BUT IF PEOPLE ARE HONESTLY DOING THEIR BEST AND PUTTING THEIR CHILDREN INTO EVERY DECISION THEY MAKE, MONEY MEANS NOTHING. Money is something that helps provide them their basic needs and more if able. RAISING CHILDREN CAN CREATE A SPIDER WEB BECAUSE SOME PARENTS IN SPITE WILL WITHHOLD VISITATION & TAKE THE CHILDREN AWAY AND NOT ALLOW CONTACT...ALL OF THIS CREATES VENOM AND DESIRE TO RETALIATE. STOP THE NONSENSE AND PUT THESE CHILDREN FIRST AND PERHAPS THE CHILD SUPPORT SYSTEM COULD GO AWAY. But reality to this is NO ONE WANTS TO GROW UP AND BECOME HUMBLE AND DO FOR THEIR CHILDREN. These actions cause our children to grow up, insecure, lost, feeling inadequate, screwed up emotionally and with feelings of hurt from not having contact and a relationship with their other parent. Lest we not forget, the genetic makeup is from two- mother and father both of whom the child gets traits from and could develop feelings of dislike from those who choose to talk negatively about the absent parent. Again, in some cases the absent parent is just that because of choices made by the custodial parent. Personally, I feel this will never change, and unfortunately for these children they will grow up and hopefully forgive and realize that it would be fair to give both parents opportunity to be in their life when THEY HAVE THE CHOICE TO DO SO. Custodial parents have Government help but the noncustodial doesn't, they only have prayer and hope. Thank you
i have to go to court in about two weeks and i want to know how much jail time i will have to do. i heard that it's only ten days now because of the economy. i lost my job a year and a half ago and they took my lisence so now i cant get back and fourth to work or even find one
im paying for 19 year old son..HU? thought it was until 18? but they still are charging me. support papers say 18...hmmmm...that's just the beginning...payed back child support to the tune of 9, 000$ but was allocated to the wrong account (error on their part we put the wrong case # in our computer oopsey they say) so they gave me the name of the mother that received it and told me i had to hire an attorney and sue some mother i dont even know to get the $ back, , oh and i still owe 9, 000$ so i had to pay again or go to jail...what a wonderful system Florida...i dont think anyone from Florida child support reads this anyway so im probably wasting my time venting on this site but ya never know..also tried to sue the state of Florida...you cant!..also 1, 500$ in court costs...well that sure does help the kid now don't ya think?
what a scam! Im leaving this broken country for good! this state and country has ruined my life!
Im outa here! and off to a better place! overseas!
I have a problem. My fiance and I have a 2 year old daughter. And we recently recieved a letter in the mail from DOR saying he needs to pay child support for our daughter. We went to court and told the judge we are together and we support our daughter equally. The judge said since we are not married he has to pay child support of 250.00 a month and then they will send the check back to us. It makes no sense to me or my fiance. I don't get why he has to pay child support for a child he already supports. I am not sure what to do in this situation. If anyone can help please let me know.
My child has already turned 18, my child support was supposed to stop but hasn't even though i have been told that it was supposed to by child support. I am very frustrated, I was just told again today that it could take up to 90 more days before child support stops coming out of my paycheck and that then they have to do a review to see if i owe any arrears. I am completely up to date on all payments, they have been coming out of my paycheck for years. when do fathers that do the right thing and pay their child support the way they are supposed to get any help.
someone argued here about men going forward with their lives.
Make the right decisions about when and with whom you make babies and you dont have child support issues. If you are still support and have physical custody or the child is past 18, then its because of arrears. You can not have legal custody of a child that isnt biological yours, at least in the state of florida that I know...you have to be adopted. So the guy who has custody of a child who isnt his needs to check into that. You didnt care that that boy was illegitimate when you met her did you...now that you are mad...you see her immorality.
dont get it twisted. there would not be a child support system if men were supporting the children they have. So before you put on your 'save a man' cape, realize that child support delays payment about 6mos. or more after you apply. The parent paying support is getting off easy. The custodial parent is the one baring most of the expense. Partners of the paying parent are self-interested. Whether the man pays or not, treats and visits his children properly, these women will find a way to stand by their man. So any given man can create responsibility, get tired of being responsible, move on to a situation where he doesnt have to be responsible, where its fun again. My ex husband put in his divorce petition that he'd like to have child support waived but wanted to claim our son on his taxes. His new chick knew this, does she care? no. Women do not care. They just want a man even if he isnt much of a man. She has him now and he is not a good provider and they both live substandard. He drives her car, takes hand outs from her family. Men are expected to be providers and protectors, when they cant do this, what good are they to anyone. If some of these guys spent more money on condoms, more time on the paper chase, they'd be financially prepared to handle child support or anything else.
Ladies, recognize this: they created this responsibility. now handle your business. dont enable these men. they need to man up. many social ills can be traced to moms not getting the support financially or otherwise. The govt shouldnt have to step in to make sure your kids get support.But it was necessary because guys just dont do it naturally.Thats not a good guy. lastly, who the hell stays unemployed 7yrs unless you disabled? clean a toliet, mop a floor, take trash out something. thats no excuse. These guys have to post up with a women to survive. They arent going to work two jobs or get a good job . They werent very driven to get money so they are
going to play women. Someone they can get something out of.
for the couple getting married with a 2yrd old...get an attorney to try to stop the order of support. how did they know to pursue him for support? at one time you had to have initiated an order to pay, rescinding it has to be done legally. get an attorney, consult one. even a paralegal might be able to help you draw up
an order and you can file it or they can. look at both options.
sorry you said he got behind over 7 yrs ago not he was unemployed. The point is still this is why we need to warn our sons not to make babies unless its with a sound woman, when you have a sound career, good money in the bank, be a sound man yourself so you can navigate and have options if you become unemployed. Broke, unstable, making babies with stupid people is no longer cool 2011 and beyond. Trust me all these complaints here would go the hell away here if this advice is honored.
Wow...a lot of folks having issues with Florida Child Support System. I hate to say, but at least I am not alone! My sons are 19 and 20. They turn 20 and 21 in Jan/Feb of 2012. I've been trying to fix the court order for the oldest child for two years now. Every time I call they say I have to wait for a court date. Is there a way I can get this expedited? They tell me a lawyer can't help and I was hoping they were right because simply said I couldn't afford one. I am now in a better position financially so I am thinking of getting one. Currently on hold with the office and the wait time is now 15 minutes after holding already for 6 minutes.
What is Harvard producing these days? I have been told by three different attorneys that the Office of Child Support cannot be sued for harassment, negligence, fraud, theft, or any of the other nine criminal and civil actions they perpetrate on any given day. For every one person that has found this site there must be a thousand that haven’t. How, in these United States of America, can ANY agency, or anyone for that matter, be above the law? The Office of Child Support Enforcement knows they are untouchable and flaunts it; the agency bullies, steals, lies, and in the end... laughs in the face of honest hard working people. Common citizens would be jailed if they did what this agency does. I have meticulous records of their fraudulent activities in my own case, I’m sure others do as well. Is there not just ONE attorney willing to stand up as a victims advocate and mount a class action suit to slay this beast? Is this Governor Scott's implementation of "Privatization", an agency accountable to no one? For the love of God people!
I have never been so diapointed in the florida child support office in my life until about a month ago. If tyhe father does not pay he gets licesen taken goes to jail, but what about them paying it and the mother not receiving it. I have been waiting for 2 months now and still waiting for 9 payments that I usaully get every week. I am about to get my lights cut off my son needs to eat rent and other bills about due. I have called and went there several times where it has taken me from work to see what is going on and none of them can answer a question. I feel like they are taking the money and not giving it to the correct person. I am a working mother thast works monday thru saturday have one day off and I feel like I need to keep on them to do there job. I dont receive public assistants for any help. I feel like florida child support office in osceola county needs to pull there heads out there ###. I will not just stop here you will keep hearing from me until you do your job.
Well I have been fighting with them for four years now. I pay $1, 900 for which my ex wife does not work and was able to buy her new husband. Her new husband would not have touch her until he found out how much child support she gets each month. Now he wants a new truck so how do you go about doing that, ask the Department of Revenue to get more money from the father. Get this, the ex withholds the children from the father, then counts those extra days as part of her percentage of time so that gives her more money. So the State of Florida has established a system where one parent can withhold the children from the other parent and be rewarded with more money. Her and her new husband sits by their pool drinking beer waiting for the first of each month where the Department of Revenue takes the money and sends it directly into her account for her and her husbands use. Child support, does not exist, just converted it into Alimony. Bonus news, she has a college degree and has never worked. She does make sure that the children are shipped off to school each day so they don't interfere with daily activities. Yes a very just system.
fl child support and child support laws are a joke unfair 10 years ago the company i worked for ten years sold and i was making pretty good money i got laid off i filed for a reduction and was told in a round about way sorry for your luck i had to take a lower paying job 5.oo less an hour i called child support so many times in the last 10 years and was called a dead beat this put me over the years to 62 thousand in the rears i i finally got a reduction and then was ask how much i could pay on the back support and i said 100 a month they said that wasn't good enough and told me i had to pay 333, 00 plus 175.00 on top of that i been paying on 1 child that is 24 and 1 that is 21 i do not have to pay even if they go to collage the thing is i been paying on kids that should of stopped when they turned 18 i ask if i will get some of the back support taking away from the time they turned 18 i was told no i tried so many times over the years to get a reduction and credit for paying on children that should of stopped when they was 18 they take my taxes took my driving rights away i cant get help to fight for my rights on this the jude who does my case wont allow me to speak all i get told is go get 2 jobs live under a bridge and deal with it what can be done about this unfairness if i had my driving rights i could get a better job making more then 8 an hour it took years to get support lowered and caused me 2 times to go homeless because support is way to high anything i can do or get free help we need to have these laws changed and what makes me sick you can get DUI and still have your driving rights to go back and fourth to work but get behind in child support you get nothing but sorry for your luck
agree agree agree... For some reason. ANY LOCAL (ours is pasco county - new port richey) cant get there head out of there ### long enough to give a crap to take a look at ANYTHING! and tallahasse is worse. (CHIP your an idiot) they cant look to see if they have released anything or even received anything. ? doing so would cause less mayham. Hey states workers, there are lots of poeple on the unemployment line. compassion - understanding - people are hungry waiting on moneies owed all year long and waiting is hard, but "no way to see if ANYTHING has even been logged on your personal account could answer alot of questions for people. TALLAHASSE - get a clue and do your job. And I am just trying to get the infolrmation for my ex and on where my money went and when she will get it. NO WONDER TALLAHASSE has a bad rep. cause they have hired popele with no sole and you cant tell me there is NO way to look in a computer system to see if the monies were even sent there yet..bunch of IDIOTS! Sincerly D. CASTLE
D-Castle, do you happen to have the number to that pasco office? (i now live out of the state)
ive been paying my child support for many years and trying to do things the right way. they require me to supply insurance, which i have, but to notify them of it is damn near impossible. i would run out of minutes on my phone before actually getting in contact with the child support enforcement number for the state of florida. the prompt when calling in is "you wait may be up to 30 minutes".
they really need to revamp their system to be more user friendly
to add---
the child support enforcement seem to be all about just helping themselves and the custodiial parent. they will do everything possible to get your money but dont really make it easy to do the right thing if you are the payer.
their website offers the e-service. however "Parents ordered to provide support cannot sign up for Child Support e-Services at this time". wtf. why wouldnt we be able to sign up for it.
what i don't understand is why fl thinks that its up to everyone else to do there job they finely lowered my child support witch is good but raised it up on top of it for back support that built up in 12 years because they wouldn't lower it when my old company sold and i lost my job i had to take a 5.oo hour pay cut but refused to lower my child support back then witch put me in back support of 62 thou then they had me paying on kids that was in there mid 20;s but refuse to drop the back support when they kids turned 19 they are ripping me off i cant live and all they say on the phone is to bad then they based my new support the one i just got lowed from 756 a month to 333 plus 175 on top of that for back support that they put me in i make 8 an hour had to take any job because my old job did cut backs and lost a lot of pay i ask about getting my license back so i can go farther to look and get a better job they said sorry for your luck my ex makes 17 an hour and said she needs more money for her and my daughter to live on what is this state thinking i agree we need to file a law suit against the state we are people to and need to live i cant even get my meds because i cant afford them thanks fl for being one sided
i am on a TN Visa and i don't have a job. i have 10 days to go back to my country. what do i do regarding child support?
I'm so upset with the state of Florida child support office. My kids father taxs was intercepted on march 12, 2012. I was told it will take 6 to 8 wks. Well I haven't gotten anything yet. I was told its because of all the tax fraud going on. But I feel that the state of Florida child support is just using this answer as they keep payments that are rightfully due to our kids. It seems like a big scam to me and I have been trying to get info on ways to go legal on this situation. They claim there here to help us but it seems like they are just taking from us. Nicole
The state of Florida is the WORST state to deal with when coming to child support orders.. I have an interstate case I live out of state and NCP lives in Florida. It Took 2yrs to even get him served for child support, then they let him prolong getting an order because he wanted a DNA test ( which was BS told me himself he knew his son was his) 1 month before next court date he goes back to jail-lands himself in prison.. 3months later finally get DNA test 4months after that Judge says since hes going to prison he refuses to make an order. Finally in Feb 2011 Judge makes order even tho NCP doesnt show up. my Child was 4yrs old by this time and i had NEVER gotten a dime he gives me a low baller order but I was just happy to finally get something on paper.. Judge says if he doesnt pay in 2months he'll put him n jail.. No such luck over a year later and nothing.If I call florida they tell me to talk to my case worker wont even talk to me which is BS my case worker cant even get through to someone.He owes THOUSANDS in back child support and there is no point in taking his DL cause he cant get them anyways due to not paying court cost (I know I got a real winner).They did take 2 payments out of his checks in the end of 2011 but then he quit his job and now back to not paying and my case worker can not do anything Florida has to issue a warrant which they told her 6months ago they were going to do so. I bust my behind so my son does not go without and has everything he needs and most of what he wants but I think about how better it would be with that little bit of extra money. PLUS its the principle I didnt make this child on my own and its totally unfair that he gets to go off and spend his money however he wants to on whatever he wants to and do whatever he wants. I wouldnt trade my son for anything and I can not wait for the day that I meet someone and settle down and he will be adopted but until that. his "father" should be held accountable. My next step is I am writing letters to the Director of Child Support in Walton County and to the Judge and anyone else I can think of.
The state of Florida is withholding my childsupport because they say that I am receiving cash assistance. I AM NOT RECEIVING CASH ASSISTANCE they are holding over $500.00 dollars from my child.Dcf states at that I cant receive cash assistance because of my children ages... they are over the age of 18 so why wont the state release my child support money...been back and forth to the child support office to the Dcf office...I really dont understand..something needs to be done...the states shows it child support is deducting from his check every week and this money is being taking by the state how WRONG is that...
I have been waiting for months for 2 intercepted tax returns from the NCP's. They took the drivers license and tag from my son's father. He now has to go to court to get it back even though the child support office (Pasco County) received his intercepted tax return. He showed me the documents and it clearly was taken out. He called the IRS and they said they don't have it, that they sent it to the port richey office. After surfing the Internet, I found that the child support office can hold onto the money for up to six months. I also heard that they could hold the money to check if someone was receiving cash assistance which I am not. So does the child support office hold onto it to collect interest on it? 6 months of interest on my 7000 alone that they have is quite a bit. The fact that it is happening to other people as well ads up to a lot of money. I have been to the port richey office and they are grumpy and very unhelpful...
The DOR in the State of Florida does not do their job in any way shape or form. If they did I wouldn't be owed over $31000 (31 thousand) in childsupport with years still ahead before my two hit 18 years of age. No enforcement in being done and I keep getting the run around. He has two other cases as well with the same issues! PUT his rearend in JAIL! I am not getting the money anyway so teach him a lesson! I don't qualify for any assistance because they factor in the childsupport that I don't receive and to them I make too much money to qualify for assistance. Meanwhile, I have lost everything to be sure my children don't go without. Enough is enough can anyone come forward and help us. Childsupport money to support children is not a privilage, it's a right and it's the bare minimum the other party involved is responsible for. I just want my kids to have a better life and am running out of patience and places to turn!
Florida department of children and family... ugh is so twisted ive been clean fighting for my son they wont give me my son they wont give me a case plan ... they want to take my right as a parent who wants their child and is willing to do what ever it take cant even get a chance ... ive been told that i will get my son one week and the next i will lose him this has stressed me out to the max ... needing help to find loop hole to get my son plz help if u know what else i can do to get my son
I agree they need to be investigated! They are taking my child support payment and holding them in a future account is what they are telling me. So now they tell me my ex has paid ahead (the money in this account they hold) So they will not release any of my child support payment. They are telling me I have received all of these big lump sum payments that I have NEVER got. I only get what I am court order to get and they keep the rest. Now they are not even giving me what is court order due to them lying and saying I received payments I did not get. I think they need to show me and others proof of where our child's money went!