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CB Government and Public Services Review of State Of New Jersey - Family Law
State Of New Jersey - Family Law

State Of New Jersey - Family Law review: NJ Child Support Guidelines 7

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9:20 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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In 2006, I was divorced. We went to court in Essex county and I was shafted in every way, shape and form during the divorce. I have one child (i am non custodial parent) so we worked out the child support as per the NJ Child Support Guidelines, but i got stuck with 100% of the driving too and from mom's house which is 25 miles away. Not really a big deal - I want to see my kid and I will do what it takes. I switched jobs a few months after the divorce. I have sent numerous letters and "Requests for Administrative Review" regarding my new employment, salary, mandatory deductions, etc. I did take a slight pay cut, and have mandatory deductions which are "supposed to be" calculated into the NJ Support Guidelines. I should be paying less.
Anyway, I receive a letter in the mail stating that my support obligation is being raised 7.2% for cost of living increases. I immediate typed another Request for Administrative Review and sent it on its way to the ESSEX COUNTY PROBATION OFFICE. I stated in my request that all increases i have received since 2001 to date did not equal 7.2% and due to the nature of my job, the current price of gas and my having to provide 100% of transportation, I am unable to afford an increase at this time. Well, just as I suspected, this request was circular filed as well. I can never get ahold of my case worker - never spoken to him in the 3 years Ive been divorced (hundreds of calls)
Then i receive another letter stating that they went ahead and increased the child support obligation.
A few months later, I receive ANOTHER letter stating that I am in arrears of $600 (they wanted retro to the beginning of the year even though they raised CS in March 08).. My support is deducted from my salary and I still have not paid what they say I owe. I have since had my DL renewed also and not a peep about arrears.

What the hell ?- I tried to play by the rules, and it is my child -and I want my child to have the best of everything -even if I cant be there 100% of the time - BUT I still have to keep a roof over my own head and pay through the nose. What is one to do when the State doesn't even comply with their own guidelines and rules?
I cant afford to go to court anymore, my letters are just tossed to the trash, and no humans ever answer the phones..

Maybe time for a news/media story?

Update by sektornj
Jul 22, 2009 7:49 pm EDT

Damn man! thats horrible! I have still yet to figure out what i'm going to do about mine. I cant afford a lawyer since they took all my money during the divorce ( I still owe them). They should change the state slogan to "The Grab Your Ankles State". If all the fathers that have been shafted by NJ got together. I think something could be done.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Holland, US
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Jul 17, 2009 4:43 pm EDT

I have been through similar situations with the New Jersey Child Support Probation Division. My ex took me to court to have my support increased due to day care expenses. The court agreed with her and almost doubled my obligation from $120 per week to $215 per week. I pleaded with the judge and she had no care or concern for my financial situation in camden county (Judge Famular). I was forced to turn in a leased vehicle costing me more then $8, 000 in fees to get a cheaper car and my life was turned upside down. Only to find out the day care expences were bogus over a year later. It was discovered my daughter was in a free day care program from the start. I hired an attorney and got my $6000 plus overpayment money back through a court order. Get this, she has to only pay 29 dollars per week until the debt is paid. My support was reduced from 215 down to 149 and I only have to pay 120 because of the $6000 she owes me.
After court about three months later I recieved a letter from the state saying I was in the arrears thousands of dollars. The court order was never entered into the system! It was reported on my credit and I am now recieveing letters from debt collection agencies and tax threatening letters. I called the Child Support Probation Division Investigator that handles my case and she said, "Well there is nothing we can do." The have since garnished my wages and the first payment they took out $149 per week thus giving money that was stolen from me back to the mother! I contacted the same person again and said this needs to be fixed, my credit, the overpayment, etc and provided them with proof of payments, court orders and written explinations and letters on several occasions. I called several times with attempts to correct this situation, the last time I called I asked to speak to Inv Watters supervisor she said, " You can find the number when you call back, " then I was hung up on! When I call the receptionist to get the supervisor information they take more then ten minutes to answer the phone and when and if they answer they act like you are nuseance (s.p.). I have been hung up on twice by them as well. I currently have more then a $4, 000 dollar credit with my child support account, why am I being treated with such disrespect?
I am very unhappy with customer service, the courts being so pro-mother bias, probation division as no one cares about the fathers and the financial impact the issues created by the lack of ones ability to do his or her job properly and they are willing to take no responsibility for their own actions and actually do their job to correct the drastic negative situations they have caused for the payer. I have copies of several faxes and attempts to communicate with their offices, at one point one has to consider harassment and discrimination, with out being an attorney it is difficult to determine what point that is. I have reached a point where I cannot deal with this horrendous treatment anymore and currently seeking an alternative and a way to ensure the payers are treated fairly by the whole system. If anyone has any information out there it would be greatly appreciated or any other examples of situations such as mine in dealing with the NEW JERSEY CHILD SUPPORT PROBATION DIVISION!

Galloway, US
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Jul 08, 2010 11:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Guys, it's not just the fathers that get screwed. My deadbeat lived in PA and now lives in WA and NJ just can't get it together. It took them 9 YEARS to catch up with him the first time (sheriff came to the front door, he went out the back door... tells you a little something about his character). Then he went missing again, and when they caught up with him, again in PA (funny story, his girlfriend's children, who didn't like him one bit, I don't blame them, called the sheriff's office and turned him in!), they put him in jail until he paid $2000 toward the arrears (by that time somewhere over $50, 000). He was ordered to pay only $100 per week for our 2 children. I'VE NEVER requested an increase, only that this piece of crap pay what the original order is. The children are now 24 and 27 and this SOB still owes child support. How the hell does this happen? NJ is supposedly "tough on deadbeats" but they can't enforce [censor]. Still the same friggen $100 per week order, on which he was getting away with paying $200 per month. Three months ago, he stopped paying anything at all and I've had no information or contact from NJ child support at all. WTF?

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Sep 16, 2010 9:28 am EDT

The entire child support system is a disaster, we need people who really are PROfessionals not little tommy or little Ann who grew up thinking it is good to have someone else pay for the system, WE NEED A SYSTEM which is on one side only, I would gladly do a review of all the system, and Please someone get real judges in the offices

Not givin up!!
Williamstown, US
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Dec 08, 2010 4:45 pm EST

The judge in Gloucester county let my ex of 17 yrs walk out of court without paying anything..He owned 6 thousand @ the time.he gave the Judge a sob story that he was losing his after 3 yrs he is in NY married for the 3rd time and hiding..Owning 15 thousand in C.S. I blame the judge for letting him walk out of court without paying anything..I still have our 15 yr old daughter to support without his help..I am not giving up! NJ system sucks!

Sicklerville, US
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Dec 09, 2011 11:36 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Judge Famular DOES NOT care about fathers or the children at all. just getting the moms their money. I was in front of her today, Im paying child support, I have the children the majority of the time, and still buy clothes and school supplies. She sais, its beter that I pay child support then give my girls a christmas! and its OK for the mom to leave all the kids home alone with a 16 yr old neice and 7 yr old cousin for hours at a time. even thought they were seen playing outside with no adult supervision, her coment was "if something happened, someone could have called 911" this Judge needs to be removed. I told he that I can no longer afford to pay this amount because of a major drop in income, she said see the gilrs less and get a part time job. real nice!

Sonya Tierney
Jackson, US
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Jan 26, 2013 4:46 pm EST

I truly do not find any justice at all in this ### whole of a state ! Yea it's all about money for the state that is and their fat ### politicians who spend it on screwing around on their wI'ves. But my real issue is I'm a custodial parent with no income but have to pay the state back arrears from when my sister my own sister got checks that she says didn't even cash them all from the greatest DYFS, so go figure I've already paid back 6700$ now only 1000$ left do! But what gets me is what kinda scam is that my sister gets checks i was there every day supporting my kids food diapers formula etc...but she gets checks and now I'm supporting my kids but still have to pay the state ! I cant afford to take care of my kids if that's the case then ! I cant afford to pay it ! Now they r gonna come lock me up for a warrant and take me from my kids so put them through a serious emotional experience they will never recover so once again the state makes money on a child's expense its so sad ! Thanks Chris Christie now what do I do !

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Mar 25, 2013 3:33 pm EDT

I am a female, mother of two. My youngest sons's father has been distant at most during my son's first 12 years of life. I never asked for and never received child support- not complaining. This year, my sons's father who is chronically unemployed, by his won choice, filed for child support. My son was not loving with him, my sons's father is not a custodial parent, never has been and hasn't sent a Christmas card in a decade...
My sons's father filed for custody about six months ago. Among many complaints and other issues I have with the man, the issue of child support for my son is of no concern to in family court. I'm not certain the experiences you men, who support your children, r of predjudice. My sons's father's child support request was never denied tho my son lives with me, and as far as I know his case for child support is still in court tho I haven't had wages garnished. recieve no support. I will likely never and I don't care. Your cases in family court are not about predjudice, likely just incompetence in the system. Sadly in the case of incompetence their is no recourse as there would be for predjudice.