Back in 2009 I both a domain ring at Jared's which I financed on a Jared's card. I paid off card in a few years, all went has planned. A few weeks ago I was going through my bank account and I came across a problem, I had been making payments to sterling jewelries at the sum of a 125.00 per month. Since 4/22 I was very surprised since I have never done business with sterling jewelries. Well, comes to find out sterling jeweler and Jared's are the same. I called my bank they and they gave me a contact number which is a sterling jeweler in FLA. So I called a very young lady listened to my concerns and tried to help me. She was able to find me in her system. System showed I made 2 purchases in 2022 1 for 2400 dollars and another for around 500 dollars. I didn't make these purchases. She tried to see what was purchases but had no luck. She did also tell me my information was now in another name which started with my last name? She gave me a customer service # and all I got was a run around. Looks, I'm going to have to take them to court to resolved this.
Desired outcome: Get my $$ back