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CB Contractors and Consultants Review of STL Asphalt Paving (John & Patrick Mesker/Gorman)
STL Asphalt Paving (John & Patrick Mesker/Gorman)

STL Asphalt Paving (John & Patrick Mesker/Gorman) review: asphalt driveway 18

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7:26 pm EDT
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On march 9th 2018 we allowed to come and lay a driveway for us. They are also using the names The Paving Company and Apblacktop.

Patrick Mesker/Gorman promised us the best driveway we had ever seen. He told us that he had enough material to complete the job in one day, which didn't happen. He was 3 trucks short of having enough asphalt. While the job was being worked on one of his employees Sam said man I hope you got a warranty, I said why would you say such a thing. He said man I just hope you did. I told him that we had a 5 year warranty, and was told okay you will be good. On the day that they ran out of materials, the people just left, they left there equipment in my yard, and all along the subdivision road. I had to call Patrick to find out what was going on, and he was like, o sorry yeah we ran out of material happens all the time. I asked were you going to call me and let me know. O I figured you would have figured it out, and that he was in the airport on his way to Texas for a family emergency.

Over the next few days I find things that I don't like in the work they had done. So when they returned, I showed them, and they fixed it. Or so I thought. They finished the rest of the drive and while the guy was rolling the asphalt Patrick said hey lets settle up. He also asked that because he gave me such a good price ( same price everyone else gave me ) he needed to pay in cash. I pay in cash all the time so I didn't think anything of it. He gave me a warranty and signed that I had paid in full. And quickly left.

This is where everything goes south. I walk outside to notice a section of the driveway that is already sinking in. I ask one of the guys hey man, what is going on. He said well looks like it is sinking, and he starts making phone calls. A guy pulls up in a pickup truck, says he is the owners son and that he wanted to let me know the crew was on there way back, they had went to get food and would come back and fix it. So after an hr or so, I texted Patrick to see where his guys were. He said o they will be back tomorrow, which tomorrow rolled around and the next day, and the next week, and the next month, and here we 6 months later and still no guys. Well the next week after it had happened it rained for like 2 weeks, and I understood that it couldn't be fixed in the rain. And from a phone call I had with Patrick asking what all was wrong, he said drive on it, tear it up, see what all fails and we will be back out to fix it. So after a month of so of calling and getting no answers. I call the other number on the business card.

This is where I speak to John. I tell him hey you guys came out and did a driveway for me and I am having some issues and have been trying to deal with Patrick. He says let me look into it and I will call you back. Well it took me a week to get ahold of him, he said sorry I had to go to Texas for a family emergency. And said he would be out that day to look at it. Next day I call him and say so what are we gonna do, he tells me o well I haven't been out there yet, I didn't want to drive in traffic I will come out today.(May 10th 2018) He calls me a couple hrs later and says well I will admit that its not the best job we have done. But its not illegal to do bad work its just illegal to not do the work. He tells me that he was on vacation when the job was done and that had he have been here it would have been done right. But that I dealt with his brother and that he took the money and ran off with it. I asked him how that became my problem. He said what is it that you want me to do. I explained to him that Patrick said that he would tear up whatever was wrong and redo it. He told me that it wasn't going to happen. I said well I have a warranty for the work that was done, and he said yeah, well I decide what gets replaced and repaired. But that he was going to seal the driveway and make it look better. I said I don't want it to look better I want it to be right. I didn't pay 8000 dollars for a job that didn't look good. I told him, there are sections of the driveway that look like they weren't rolled right, I have crease marks from the roller in sections, I have sections that are sinking, the section where they ran out of asphalt and started back up has a big hump, there are spots that over a month later are still soft, and I have weeds coming up in the middle of the driveway because they didn't use a herbicide first. He said well you got a deal, so you cant expect it to look like a job that should have cost twice as much. He said that they use a herbicide mixed in the asphalt and that he can control mother natures. He said lets seal it, and then go from there.

So the following day May 11th 2018 he sends out some kid, who says I am here to seal the driveway I think. I said what do you mean you think, he said idk I was just thrown in a truck and told to come out here. He asks am I suppose to seal the whole driveway, I says um yeah. So he blows the driveway off, 6000sq foot. Then he starts spraying the driveway with what looks to be sealer. I go in the house and come back out 10 mins later and he is gone. But I notice that my garage doors, retaining walls all have black sealer about a foot from the ground covering them. So I call John and I am like hey man we have a problem. He said what, I said your guy came out and sprayed the driveway, but he also sprayed the said of my house, retaining wall, my yard, and my front porch. He said I can call him and have him come back, I said please don't sent him, how about you come personally. He said I don't have time for that, so I told him it was time that we discussed refunding my money. He said he wouldn't do that, that his brother had screwed him over and they he wasn't going to be out any money. Said he was going to fire his brother. I asked did your brother work for your company at the time he came to my house, he said yes. I said then that makes your company responsible for what has happened. He told me no that's not how this works, and that I wasn't going to become a problem for him, or he would shut me up. I quickly let him know that it wouldn't be in his best interest to start threating me, as I was ex military and would not take it lightly if he tried to bring violence my way. He said well lets take the weekend and call me on Monday and I will see what we can do. On Monday he offered to pay for the clean up, but I would have to wait till Friday for him to pay me. To call him Friday and let him know I was at home and he would bring me the money to cover the clean up. So on Friday I called for about 2 hrs trying to get ahold of him, finally he answered and told me he didn't have time to pay me, and they I would have to drive almost 2 hours to get money to pay for his mistake. After several mins of him yelling and telling me I need to learn to care for people and their needs and how I was just a punk, he finally sent someone to bring the money. I told him that we still had problems with the driveway then needed to be fixed under warranty work. He told me to go get F**ked

I finally was able to track Patrick down in fort worth Texas July 16th 2018. This is after I posted a negative report on their Facebook page to let people know not to use these people. An employee who hadn't been paid, contacted me and let me know that they had split town in the middle of the night. And that they were in Texas. So I contacted Patrick, and told him that we still had issues with the driveway. He asked what I felt was a resolution, I said to refund me my money. He said to send pictures of all the problems, and we would go from there, and that if it was that bad he would refund my money. So I sent him about 30 pictures of all the issues that we had, and on July 27th 2018 he told me the check would be in the mail on Monday. So on august 2 2018 the following Thursday, I contacted Patrick again, to let him know I hadn't received a check, he then says you wont. He said that his brother john had told him he had already refunded me my money, I said no, I was giving some cash to clean up the mess of sealer all over my house a property. He said hold on, I will get him on three way. Which then turned into a 45 min convo, of Patrick and john telling me I was stupid, an idiot, that I would have my head stomped in, and that I needed to learn that in life things don't always go the way we expect them, and that I needed to suck up the fact that they didn't do a good job. Finally Patrick tells John, you know what maybe we should just pay him his money and put this to bed. Patrick tells me that he is going to hang up and to call him in the morning so he could talk to john himself. So on Aug 3rd 2018, I called Patrick and he made me an offer, not one that I was very happy with, but I felt like atleast I could recoop a good portion of my money. I was asked that to make this happen, I send him an email that said that I would agree to not slander( which is tell lies, I only speak truth always) and that once he received the email he would send out a cashiers check certified mail. So I promptly sent the mail after I hung up the phone and got a text that he had received it. And for the next 4 weeks started the next series of lies about when I would get my money back. It went from next week, to it rained for 4 days and we didn't make any money, to on Friday I will send you tracking, to He has disconnected his phone number. So once again, I am left with trying to figure out the next move.

So I spent the evening online trying to figure out how to locate either John or Patrick. I come across an outfit it West Jordan Utah. I remembered the logo, from when I was given the last name to john and Patrick from the ex employee. So I went on there Facebook Page and started to look thru the pictures, and low and behold, who do I see, Patrick. A face that I wouldn't ever forget. But this is where we add the name Gorman to the list. But funny thing is, same home town as mesker of independence mo, mother and fathers name are the same as mesker, and there are photos of a funeral, same as Patrick Mesker had said he had to go to. So I called the number on the site, and asked for Patrick. He said this is him, I told him who I was and he claimed he didn't know who I was. That he had never been to my house and that I had the wrong person. When he first answered he even sounded just like Patrick Mesker, until I said my name and he tried to change his voice, but as he spoke you could here his accent try to come thru, and when it did, he would try and cough to cover it up. So at this point, I felt like I was at a lose. So I hung up. He called me back, I sent him a text of a picture of him and asked was this who I spoke to, and his reply was CORRECT. He called me again and said that I had the wrong person and they he felt I should tell him I was sorry for calling him. I said look man, I know you are who I think you are, and that it was apparent that he was not going to be man about it. He even told me how much money he took me for, when I hadn't even said how much money I had given him. He then proceeded to call me over and over and over, and text me over and over and over. Threatening me, telling me I was a [censored], and how I was stupid, and how he demanded an apology. I sent him a response that said I called him to see if he would pay me as agreed, and that seeing as he was going to play the I don't know you game, I said have a nice day. I received another 30 or so calls, and dozens of texts. Then I got a phone call from the city police department, and was told that I was harassing him and he wanted to file charges against me for harassment. I told the office the course of communication, and that I called once, returned his call once, and sent him maybe 2 messages. I was told by the officer that I wasn't to contact him, and he was told by the officer to do the same. Over the coarse of the next 4 days, I received over 100 calls, and over 100 messages, from Patrick. Which clearly tells me one thing, Guilt. I was sent all types of texts, from screen shots of bank accounts, phone contacts, work done on different dates, etc... And let me tell you, there were no posts on his facebook page during the time he was in Saint Louis.

These people were given my information from home advisor, which told me that they did a back ground check on them. Clearly I guess you just have to be alive to pass here back ground check, because just a simple google search provides enough information that then guys are crooks. And I sure wish I would have done a lil more research on them, but seeing as they used a name of a actual local company who does good work, and when I looked them up, I was looking at reviews of another company.

The meskers and gormans or whatever there actual names are, are a bunch of thieves. And when you try and speak against them, they threaten to sue you. Why, Because if the people know who they are, they will not make any money. I think they are cowards, thieves, and a couple of scam artists, and are teaching their children to follow in there paths of ripping people off. I have seen report after report of the scams they have pulled all across the country, reports of how they have attacked people who has spoke against them. I hope that this complaint does two things. Lets people know who they are, and hopefully makes them understand that they owe me money, and I have documents that show they have agreed to pay me money that I haven't received yet.

Here is the list of phone numbers that I have for them

12520d olive blvd #215
Creve Coeur Mo 63141
I don't know if anyone who was ripped off by them will have any luck with them, but I sure hope you do.

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Nov 20, 2019 5:12 pm EST

I had the same experience with John Mesker and his crew a few years back. They had traveled to Kansas City and were ripping people off here with the same story you shared above. The Meskers/Gormans are headquartered out of Fort Worth, TX and travel the country ripping people off with their "great deals" and "leftover material" scams. When they were in my area he actually had his red-headed kid who didn't look old enough to drive going door to door as his little salesman. A young girl reached out to me after my experience and stated the Meskers/Gormans had picked her and her boyfriend up off the street when they came to town and given the boyfriend a job paving driveways. The put them in a hotel and ran him on a crew from sun up to sun down for weeks. When it came time to pay them the Meskers/Gormans skipped town and couldn't be found. These are truely terrible people.

Brooklyn, US
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Feb 11, 2023 10:26 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


I am concerned to hear about your experience. I am investigating the company. Would it be possible to speak with you further about what happened? If so, can you please share your email so that I can contact you. Thank you.


Sharon Podorski
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Jun 01, 2023 2:30 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Elyse_B

I had our driveway done in Sept 2022 and top crumbling and sides caving in. Tried to call both disconnected.

What can we all do?

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Jun 11, 2023 6:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We all need to connect. I’m compiling a case against them. Please email me at -Wendy

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Jun 11, 2023 6:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would love to talk to you more about your experience. I’m in the process of going after them. They just did work at my house on 6/6/23. Please reach out.

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eric wolff
wentzville, US
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Jan 26, 2023 4:32 pm EST
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Having the same type of issue now. Gave me a good price did crappy work I called pat on it said it was going to be corrected and sealed, still not done, just had a visit from the asphalt company they got supplies from and they were not paid for the materials. Both number disconnected.

Brooklyn, US
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Feb 11, 2023 10:24 am EST
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Replying to comment of eric wolff

Hi Eric,

I am investigating the company. Would it be possible to speak with you about your experience? If so, can you please share your email so that I can contact you. Thank you.


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Jun 11, 2023 5:04 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Elyse_B

I’ve been harmed by these guys too. My email is

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Jun 11, 2023 6:03 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Elyse_B

Hi EB, I would love to chat too. My email is I just had dealings with them.

Arlington, US
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Dec 18, 2023 7:36 pm EST
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Replying to comment of Elyse_B

Hi yes I think I am currently employed by these Mesker asphalt paving Gypsy guys

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Jun 16, 2023 3:49 pm EDT

Same problem pretty sure these people are connected or related to john mcdonald. Who is also a gypsy paver doing poor work in the st louis area. They are out of Texas and do work all over the country.

Charlotte, US
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Mar 01, 2024 4:18 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have current updates on these guys any one interested?

Tyler, US
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Feb 11, 2025 1:45 am EST

Yes please. I was recently scammed by these two.

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Charlotte, US
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Mar 01, 2024 4:21 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thats a wild story friend! I am in a similar situation only a much larger amount of money. Did they ever take care of you?

Glam Gam
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Aug 15, 2024 6:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wow. I hired them 2 weeks ago. He completely did the job, and accepted a post dated check. He refused any earnest money. I was concerned about going overtop the concrete—let’s pray it works. The job looks lovely. He was pleasant to deal with. This was John, not Patrick. I’m kicking myself for not getting a couple of quotes, though, mostly for my own peace of mind. I found him from a Facebook advertisement. I was impressed with the crew. They knew what to do. The foreman knew his stuff. They were all Mexicans, but we live in a highly Mexican area, so I wasn’t surprised. All work crews here are Mexican. They had a fleet of equipment. The driver of the semi was a black guy, most-likely the one who held a CDL. This is north of Grand Rapids, Michigan. One of the guys driving one of the pickups had no idea how to back it up, but that is the only thing I saw that was a concern, unless asphalting over concrete is a no-no. Anyway, I’m so sorry for your problem; I pray I didn’t waste $8K myself.

Tyler, US
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Jan 20, 2025 6:38 pm EST

They are still out there! Came out to my property in Dec 2024. Driveway is caving in and I was told by a reputable paving company in the Tyler Texas area that I would need to have it all pulled up and start all over! Would love any help from any of you guys out there! Text me if you have a civil suit started… Perhaps we could get a class action together! [protected]

Joetta Reynolds
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Mar 02, 2025 3:11 pm EST
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Replying to comment of AMM0722

I had my driveway down 8 mo ago and i am having the same problem, I was dealing with Patrick Mesker out of Independence Missouri. I am not sure if the same people, but everything is just like everyone else. He change the name from Patrick's asphalt paving to pat's asphalt and sealcoating.

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Mar 03, 2025 8:54 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They are from fort worth texas. They have a home in i dependance, the company is actully owned by john mesker. Patrick runs it, and when ppl complain they say john was outta town and patrick did this and ran off with the money, and then they will say patrick is in rehab. They are scammers, they rip ppl off. They arent welcome in jefferson country, been ran out of this area so many times they are scared to come back. You can call the bbb, you can call the state, they wont do anything. You have to follow them online, figure out where they are and cause them lose of money to make anything happen. There are 3 generations of that family working together, this is a family scam. They are all scum, they are all cowards.