I recently got the call and email from the company Stone Key Group LLC. The rep told me that I was scammed and in order to remove this crap. I needed to agree to their terms and conditions. After that they promised to provide the document, which I needed to open on my computer. I thought that it was suspicious and started to ask about this document. But these jerks didn’t provide any explanation. These people are scammers and liars, who promise a lot, but in result you get nothing. Please post your comments about this company.
We believe the people behind this scam are Stephen Keating, Sean ODalaigh and Anthony Hartnett.
These guys ran AIC International, LTC Services, Synergy Financials and Sansar along with other scam companies.
The Queensland fraud Squad are investigating.
Send any information to aherbertson@hotmail.com we have a lot of information on these three scam artists and con men.