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CB Roofing Review of Storm damage specialists of america
Storm damage specialists of america

Storm damage specialists of america review: Roof leaks 16

Author of the review
6:17 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I had a contract with sds of America for a new roof, it took three months to start the job and several abusive phone calls from Jim Kennedy the owner of the company, complaining he didn't get enough money to start the job as people rob him and his wife was dieting.
Three months of weathering storms without even a cover over original damage.
The insurance proceeds were dispersed in thirds, and when the roof was finaly put on I complained it did not look right in place, Jim said it was how it was supposed to look.
On the final payment day they sent a reresentitive that didn't know how much the final balance was meant to be, I had him call Jim Kennedy, as I did not want to have any confusion, it was agreed up that I sign over the insurance check and that they owed me 868 and that I was paid in full, they even signed off on the contract, but I did not get a lien release, several months go by and no refund. I contact Jim Kennedy and he assures me he come and settle, but never does, so finally I file a complaint to the bbb, I get a call the next day from Jim Kennedy of sds say that I did not pay him in full and I owed him money.
He takes me to court, not once but twice and both time the judges rule in our favor that he owes us money because we have a signed contract paid in full and they owe us change.
A few months ago after some bad storms our roof starts leaking, I call Jim Kennedy, he said I don't have a warrant because I didn't pay him in full, now every time it rains it leaks and is now within an inch of an electrical outlet, but he refuses to fix it or honor the warrant, and insists I pay him what the judge awarded against him.
If you she storm damage specialists sign in anyones yard, do the homeowner a favor and let them know these people will screw them, and not honor anything in their contract, not to mention buffeting the insurance claim to cover fraud I believe.

Update by Kiwimay
Feb 16, 2011 12:39 pm EST

BLACK MOULD, that's what I have now, expecting more as the snow melts in the valley of the roof, it is leaking so bad I have to step around a huge wet puddle on the floor in the master bedroom, time to get the big guns out now, Jim & Betty Kennedy here I come.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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dyer, US
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Nov 30, 2010 9:20 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The client Kiwimay has failed to tell you that they did not pay their $1000.00 deductable AND when the last check for $1812.00 came in from their insurance company it did not have to go out to their mortgage company for endorsement and they kept it! That is a total of $2812.00 that they did not pay! I have a question for everyone reading many business's replace a roof, gutters, downspounts and repaint the interior of someones home and give them $2812.00? None of course I think it is interesting that he accidentally left the part about his $1000.00 deductable and final $2812.00 check from the insurance company out! In regards to taking him to court! When one of our representatives went to collect one of the draws from their mortgage company (not the final balance from the insurance company which they kept) Kiwimay would not turn over the $3000.00 plus check and cohearsed our representative to write that we owded him money or he would not turn over the draw. Our representative did not know what to due and since his pay was base on collecting the $3000.00 draw he made a mistake and wrote that we owded Kiwimay $647.00! Unfortuneatly the judge found favour with Kiwimay due to this document, however it still does not make it right for him to short our company thousands of dollars and then demand that we honor our warranty! As president of Storm Damage Specialists of America I ask that all the people reading these that may be our potential clients keep in mind that we have hundreds of satisfied clients, I am sure that you would all agree that it is difficult, perhaps impossible to make 100% of everyone happy all of the time so please do not let these individuals who found a way to manipulate the system in their favour to give you a misperception of the outstanding reputation we have earned which is proven by our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau! Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Jim Kennedy

dyer, US
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Dec 03, 2010 6:33 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The customer Cfig also know as Consuelo Figurea and her husband Jesus had a roof that was very old and leaked very bad. Before finding out about my company they tried to file a claim with their insurance company and were DENIED! After the use of my service, we were able to get their insurance company to replace the roof and pay for some interior repairs, HOWEVER, their insurance company DID NOT pay for their chimney flashing, and small portion of roof over their back porch. They authorized my company to replace it withthe understanding that they would have to pay for these items along with theur deductible balance.

When we completed their roof, not only did they refuse to pay their balance, for the work we performed, they argued with us over turning over the insurance proceeds for 2 hours which they were obligated by contract to do.

The Figuruas are upset because we will not complete their interior repairs until the balance for the work already performed on their roof is settled. They have currently been placed in collections and we are proceeding with the process to lien their property.

I am sorry to say that out of all of the clients which we have helped, that I have never met one such as ungrateful as the Figuruas especially considering the fact that before seeking out my service, they were COMPLETELY DENIE D coverage and they would have had to pay upwards of around 11, 000.00 to replace their roof.

dyer, US
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Dec 05, 2010 10:21 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To all reading this post! As you can see by Consuelo Figuero's last comments she is accusing me/my comapny of tricks, and ranting and raging. She also also uses foul language. I am just updating this for the benefit of any potential new clients that may be researching my company so that you can see that the past client posting invalid complaints against us is just unreasonable and upset because she does not want to pay her balance and has been turned over to collections.

I would also like to let any potential new clients reading this know that Consuelo has tried to file a complaint with the BBB aggainst us and the Better Business Bureau has found that the things that she has claimed are not a valid complaint and do not and will not affect our A+ rating when it comes to satisfying clients. Also, please keep in mind that the BBB has offered Consuelo and her husband many times to meet at a local office to meet with us along with a NON-BIAS third party to hear their concerns so that we may be able to settle the dispute! Unfortuneatly they have deceided not to.

I ask all consumers reading this to ask yourself, would you turn down an opportunity to meet with the company that you were claiming you had problems with at your local Better Business Bureau with a NON-BIAS third party if you had a LEGITIMATE COMPLAINT so that the you could get a resolution to the problem?

Lastly, I ask all reading these posts to remember that complaint post websites such as this are not backed up with any facts! They are 100% opinion based and anyone can write whatever they want without having to substaintiate his or her claim/compliant. Please remeber that when researching companies that you may want to do business with that you should use creditable sources which have a check and balance system that will actually validate legitamite complaints based on facts that can be proven like your local Better Business Bureau. Thank you for your time

From the President

dyer, US
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Dec 06, 2010 6:09 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear Cfig,

I would like to know how my company swindled you? Especially after making your insurance company pay to replace your roof? Did you forget the fact that you were DENIED by your insurance company to replace your leaky roof without my service? Becuase of the use of my service you and your family were able to save almost $11, 000.00 which you would have had to pay to replace your leaky roof! Where is the gratitude for the service that we provided you and your family? I do not believe in making accusations or calling names however, due to the fact that you failed to pay for the work performed that your insurance comapany would not cover along with your $1000.00 deductable, maybe you should reconsider who swindled who?

As far as your statement regarding how the Better Business Bureau works, I am sorry to inform you that this is not true! The Better Business Bureau protects consumers and business owners like myself from being taken advantage of! Should any of your accusations been something that you or your husband could have been able to prove through any type of documentation they would have reduced my A+ rating to an A. Two legitimate complaints would reduce it to an A-. We work very hard to maintain our A+ rating and we were able to prove beyond a doubt to the BBB that all of your accusations were untrue!

I am quite sure that any potential new clients researching the integrity of my comapany that may come across these conversations would agree that there is something that does not quite add up with you being unhappy with my service, specifically after addressing the fact that you had been DENIED COVERAGE for the replacement of your leaky roof before seeking out my service which lead to an almost 11, 000.00 savings for your family because you did NOT have to pay to replace it. I think that a thank you for your excellent service is what everyone reading this would agree that you and your family should really be expressing to my company for what we have done for you and your family!

Thank you for your time to review this information.


Jim Kennedy

dyer, US
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Jan 06, 2011 1:18 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The client Cfig, is upset because we have turned them over to collections for failure to pay as outlined in their contract.

Also there was a tornado in Missouri where the client mentioned above is awaiting. As you all reading this know (if you watch the news) The last of the temporary trailers from the Catastrophe suffered in Louisiana were just removed years after the disaster.

She also failed to mention that ALL OF THE MAJOR INSURANCE COMPANIES GIVE THEIR CLIENTS 2 YEARS TO COMPLETE ANY RENOVATIONS FROM STORM DAMAGE! This is because they know that larger companies like ourselves have a backlog if 30 upwards of 100 clients at any given time.

We all know from being children that we have to wait in line before its out turn. Sometimes our clients expect special treatment (line cutting if you will) this is not acceptable as children or adults as I am sure that you all would agree.

Lastly, I ask everyone reading this to take into consideration the name calling and foul language that Cfig uses in her posts which obviously is a testimonial to the type of person that she is.

We have helped THOUSANDS people across the U.S. Restore there homes from storms, and we all know that it is not possible to make everyone happy. Thank you for your time and consideration.

The President

dyer, US
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Jan 06, 2011 5:21 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Cfig did not pay her balance! She is mad because we have turned her over to collections.

Please remember that her and her family tried to make a claim for their leaky roof and were COMPLETELY DENIED before the use of our service. Thank you for your time.

The President

Chicago, US
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Aug 09, 2011 5:52 pm EDT

Our Company Motto

Ensuring that each of our clients receive a settlement for ALL of the damages to their property that is in their best interest, NOT the insurance companies!
This is accomplished because we are the only company that has specially trained catastrophe specialists, and insurance re-adjusters. With our representation you will be visited by one of our trained catastrophe specialists who will inspect, measure, as well as take any necessary photos needed by your insurance company.

Your catastrophe specialist will instruct you on how to open your claim. They will also meet with your insurance adjuster to ensure that all of the damage is accounted for. Once your insurance company mails out your documents showing their estimated scope of loss, this information is given to our readjusters who will invoice your insurance company for any additional damages that the original adjuster may have missed and will ensure that materials are estimated at their current prices, so your property can be fully repaired.

Storm Damage Specialists is an Accredited Better Business Bureau Member with an A+ Rating.

Chicago, US
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Aug 09, 2011 7:32 pm EDT

I think this is the company...

Chicago, US
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Aug 09, 2011 7:35 pm EDT

company logo

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Feb 27, 2012 6:09 pm EST

I heard this guy is downright crazy and will do anything to rip people off. How they maintain their A+ BBB rating is beyond me. They catch you in loopholes and that is their way around it. Total losers.

The Harlequin
Crown Point, US
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May 31, 2012 1:13 am EDT

Attention Kiwimay and CFig! First I would like to say that from reading through your thread here, it is very evident that you are both well educated and have a very tenuous grasp on the English language. Did you fail to notice the yellow triangle that asks you to check your spelling above the content area? There is also a button below the area to check spelling as well. It is hard to believe you had problems with this SDS and Jim Kennedy. My roof looks fantastic, Jim Kennedy and I are now good friends, and I had money left over from my claim to go to Vegas. Sorry about your luck and personalities. Lastly Kiwimay, a leaky roof should be the least of your worries as you are making threats on a public message board. Do you have any idea what the potential consequences are for doing so?

Crown Point, US
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Nov 06, 2012 5:45 am EST

These boards are not good for anything but letting one grumpy client talk bad about you. This company has helped my family so much I had to stop here and post to this disgusting argument. I as a business owner dread seeing one of my clients being unhappy, but these people-it seems have not paid their bill, I paid mine-this guy lets you pay after the insurance company sends you your check (nicely) and then when he knows you have the check it is time to pay. But, people want that check, they think this guy should do the roof for free! I know for a fact that Storm Damage Specialists has helped thousands of people in Northwest Indiana, and Jim is a great guy-everyone knows him and his trucks. Let me ask you-Who drives down the street helping our community and the local town after an incredible storm comes through? ASDS that's who. There are numerous fake storm damage company, and for some strange reason Jim is the only one who is still in business and obtains (helps people) new clients everyday. That's what this guy does is helps us, it's a cool company.

So, to all who are reading this thread all you have to do is call Jim and ask for references like I did and which Jim politely provided, but what is even better is that he got me a free roof-even after my insurance company said my roof was to old. This guy knows his stuff and he is becoming the go-to guy after a storm in Northwest Indiana and Northeast Illinois. Just pay your bill as he is a business providing a service to a lot of people who want free things-but, your roof is free, pay him for his time people!

Why call 5 companies to remove the tree on your roof (which you really liked Jim while he was removing that and getting you a free roof), and call another company for your gutter damage, and then siding damage, and then interior damage? This company does it all and they have a very fine staff including the well minded office personnel. Jim is the company owner, when people don't pay he has to get busy, like any of us business owners. Thank you again for my roof and pleasurable service Jim!

And yes, don't you people see the Spell Check button below? Don't you notice that while you are typing there are red squiggly lines everywhere?

Twin Falls, US
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Apr 22, 2013 10:14 pm EDT

Just pull up storm damage specialists of america, pubic record speaks for itself

God's child
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Sep 21, 2013 10:13 am EDT

People please listen to the complaints made against this company, I am a victim of SDS as well! Do your research

God's child
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Sep 21, 2013 10:14 am EDT

Please provide as much information as possible...

Cedar Lake, US
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Jan 08, 2014 9:10 am EST

I did my homework on this company. In February2013 they were slapped with a $20, 000+ judgement for failure to perform work and reimburse insurance funds (easy google search). Any company that has to build into their website a consumer complaint division to hide people's complaints.. .that should tell you all you need to know.