On October 20th, 2012 we purchased a English Bulldog Puppy from Sumo Bulldogs. I know this breed well and searched extensively for the right breeder. I have in the past purchased animals online and I would only buy from a American Kennel Club affiliated firm. This puppy was a gift for two of my closest friends having just recently lost their dog to cancer. As a gift to them, I did the research and I paid for this dog. Since then it has been a nightmare trying to communicate with this breeder.
From the point of purchase, our friends Mr. and Mrs. "F" have called and emailed the owner of Sumo Bulldogs repetitively about where the shot records and registration paperwork was. In most cases the emails were never returned or in some cases Chad McCarthy one of the owners said he had forgotten and would send them out that night but asked Nadine to remind him “just in case” he forgot, again. Over the weekend I spoke to Nadine and she was upset over the fact that it has been 4 months and Chad refuses to give her the necessary paperwork to register the dog.
In frustration, I emailed Chad today explaining to him that if we do not get the paperwork from him in the next 48 hours, then I am going to follow up with the Attorney General and the BBB to see if they can help us. What is going on here is just flat wrong. Why should the we need to BEG the breeder for something he has promised to us over and over? Further, Nadine and her family have gone through enough already in losing their previous family pet to cancer in a matter of days. She is emotionally spent and after spending more than $2, 700.00 on the dog in the first place, I was expecting a MUCH better experience than what we have received from this breeder, Sumo Bulldog. Unfortunately, it got worse, way worse.
After I sent my email to simply send the paperwork, I get a threatening, abusive, and profane email from the breeder. See the 4th email. I sent my email at 8:06 am Pacific Coast time and over the next 3 hours received 8 emails all threatening me and cussing at me. Saying things like “be a man”, calling me an idiot, and calling me and ###, not once, not twice but THREE times, and saying things like for me to “grow some balls.” Chad McCarthy doesn’t do what he was supposed to do 4 months ago and now starts threatening me and using profanity? Is this the kind of business the AKC wants associated with it’s fine name? I hardly doubt it. I have copied you on the last email I have received from Chad McCarthy. Moments ago I spoke to Nadine who said to me that Chad McCarthy called her and was screaming at her about my email. She called me in tears wondering why this man is treating us like this. This man is nothing short of a bully.
I will never buy again from this man. He is a bully and a bad person.
Hopefully, the dog (puppy) is okay. But if the breeder treats people like that, I worry about how he treats his dogs, especially the female dogs he breeds.
My name is Chad. I am the owner of www.sumobulldogs.com. We have an A+ rating with the BBB, with whom we are members. Regarding Chris, the person making the complaint. I will say only this. His character was made evident by his fraudulent complaint to the BBB. The buyers received the dog and the papers. Three days AFTER they AKC registration was transfered to the buyers name Chris filed a complaint with the BBB alleging I refused to send their dog's AKC papers. What kind of person files a complaint with the BBB complaining we refuse to give them their AKC papers AFTER they have received the papers and already transfered the dog into their name? I will not defend myself other than point to our stellar track record with the BBB. I am not perfect. I make mistakes as do most of us. But I cannot defend myself against a person who is willing to make this sort of accusations. This is why we are members of the BBB. It allows us to submit to the oversight of a neutral party who are not emotionally vested in a disagreement.
These people are scammer all have same dogs on all websites. My dog came with round worms, no akc papers, no proof a vaccines and I'm being harassed for letting you buyers know my expiiernce and opinion.i have proof for people wanting see. My dog also had other issues and no social skills. She pees on herself and won't walk use restroom I have carry her. She is 4 months old i didn't get her at 8 wks. She should be socialized by that age. You can tell these people are not eithcial breeders . And way they handled the situation wow. They all have same dogs I paid one and another shipped and signed off so you don't know how dog is with or coming from. Don't get ripped off. You pay these prices you should come with healthy social dog. These all have same dog suburbanbullies.com, sumobulldogs.com, and icon bulldogs.
Chad called me harassing me for letting buyers know. I purchased pup from Scott lathrop but Chad was one who shipped him and on hand written letter said or claimed he gave shots and he would send akc papers in mail because they were misplaced. Why would he unless he owns dog. This where gets strange. Who sales dog for thousands of dollars and doesn't come with what was promised. No papers and no proof of vaccines. He wrote same day shipping dog the vaccines no record. And I'm supposed to trust them? Plz. Anyhow seems like in rush ship dog and just wrote everything down right than in there. This been nightmare. My dog has no social she acts abused. Who wants a dog thousands of dollars for poor quality won't stand won't move pees on herself and is round worm infested. These are con artist who will paint pretty picture.
Chad and Heather McCarthy
Fayetteville, AR
Scott & Shannon Lathrop
Portales, NM 88130
Omg to top it off I just found out the dogs they have is from puppy mill supporters. The dog came with a health certificate with this address 121 N.Royhill blvd goodman, MO 64843
When you google it it's hunte corporation call number it's a pet shop store they sale dogs. No wonder this people are in different states claiming they have dog and someone else is shipping them from another state. I feel so disgusted with these liars. You have to investigate yourself to fins all these and when you read cases from dogs from there they are all sick. Here's number to the pet shop [protected] omg I was so fooled. Don't buy from these people.
And as of today jan 15 2014 we found out our dog has demodex mange. Not contagious passed for parents. His breeding is unethical and pricey for buyer having deal with all these issues! He breeds clearly for money not the breed.
Chad McCarthy -Summo Bulldogs, I am neutral to these allegations for now, but have been researching Euro Lines from Lemon Vom. I am buying a puppy with this pedigree from a reputable breeder, but… will I have tainted lines in the front?. What concerns me is this……. ***Sumo Bulldogs, ***Suburban Bullies and ***Icon Bulldogs….., ********Do we have to be concerned that any of you are importing or dealing with Puppy Mills ? Please answer this because if you are, your reputations will never be able to be repaired. Anyone that Loves this fabulous breed, the English Bulldog will not overlook it…, ever……………………………………..*
Please answer as to why someone has attached the ***Hunte Corporation***name to a puppy you sold or your Kennel name. I want to know.******** As for the complaints about worms and demodex mange, people…, Wake Up and calm down. Both are very common in puppies. No, I don't like internal parasites/worms but guess what? That is not a reason to freak out and ruin someone's reputation. All puppies have to be de-wormed many times and thru out their entire lives. Demodex Mange can appear for many, many reasons. It is a Mite that lives on ALL dogs and sometimes does not stay in control with the puppies' immune system. This has to be treated and IS treatable. Now, …….. If these internal and external parasites are caused by over crowding, stress, lack of care in "Puppy Mill" breeding conditions, that's a Whole Different Story… I for one would like an answer to the accusation concerning ***Hunte Corporation*** and why these 3 Kennels are somehow linked? Maybe if this is answered, a whole lot of questions can be cleared up. Thank you. EJ p.s. I'm also posting this on Suburbanbullies [redacted] thread, in hopes of getting answers that the Bulldog community deserves.
I found this concerning the prior lie that sumo bulldogs are accredited by the BBB. Proof is in the pudding.
Chris Geo,
Do you still have the email responses from Chad?
I'm pretty sure I have a Sumo puppy, identified from AKC registration. My puppy is perfect. No problems whatsoever, totally beautiful for the breed and has exceptional behavior.
I got a sumo puppy many years ago. He wasnt perfect, but he was awesome. His coat was too long, he shed too much, and he overheated very quickly. But these are just normal bulldog things. Otherwise he was the sweetest most awesome dog I ever had. I dont like the way people who dont seem to do any basic study on bulldogs hold guys like sumo and others responsible for their pups entire lives. Its super unreasonable. People love to jump to the conclusion that anything is a puppy mill if they have an issue with their dog. When I was looking for a dog and researching I would always search the breeders name and the word scam in google to see what comes up. Yes of course there are some unethical breeders out there. But 75%+ arent when I actually read the complainers issues.
For example, worms is something normal that all dogs need to be treated for their entire lives to keep maintained. You wont ever get rid of it entirely. From what I learned the worms life cycle is constantly replenished by living in your yard from the feces. You could get a pup that is clean to your place where they get infected and you take them to the vet a few days later and they show up in the stool. Especially if its a new puppy which makes their immune system dip temporarily for a few days. So the worms take advantage of that and spread fast. You don't dog on the breeder for this. That's just nonsense.
Demodex is also something that is on most every dog and only shows up when the puppy or dog has a high stress event(like moving to your home). You just treat it and move on with life. Slamming a breeder just makes you look like an idiot and totally ignorant. I dont get why people feel the need to accuse breeders or other businesses for that matter of all sorts of evil stuff with no real proof and then they convict them on the internet. Its ridiculous.
I am also amazed how vets seem to dog on breeders right away and then suggest all sorts of super expensive treatments that could be solved for pocket change with regular stuff you get at walmart or a farm store. Vets are a tangent I don't want to go on but I will say they are also money grubbing punks sometimes too.
Anyway I am looking for another bulldog so I looked sumo back up and dialogued with the guy and sent in a deposit because I had such a great experience with him in the past. As far as the original complaint goes, I was sent my papers from sumo right away. I'm not worried about it. From what I read sumo says they sent this lady her papers and she put them in her name. But then started accusing sumo of not sending them. Seems like an easy thing to check with the akc. If the pup is registered to sumo then he is lying. If its registered to someone else then this lady is lying and maybe trying to get akc full rights out of sumo or something by threatening to bad mouth him. I don't know whats going on but I do know that I had a great experience with Sumo and he gave me a great bulldog and thats why I am going back to him now for another.
And as far as socialization goes, that just means you expose the pup to several other pups, humans, cats, and environments etc. It doesnt change the pups native disposition. Some are naturally more dominant and some more submissive(some even to the point of acting abused when you know they never were. I hate this trait its annoying). Some are curious and others just want to eat and sleep. People are like that too. If the dog with the social problems was an adult when these people got him then then yes you have a case for blaming the breeder somewhat. But if you got them as a pup then it was mostly your job to to socialize the pup not the breeder so much. Any breeder worth his salt isnt going to expose unvaccinated pups to all those environments and animals/people. It would risk them getting sick and dying from parvo. All you should expect a breeder to do as far as socialization is to keep them with their liter mates and mom as long as mom will do it. The mom usually bails when the pups get teeth at 3.5weeks from what I hear. So from that point on until 6 weeks they are just with the breeder and litter mates. Then they get first shots at that point and can go home a week afterwards if desired. Or you can keep your pup there longer but that isn't going to help the pup any in my opinion.
Personally I would want my pup getting socialized to my home and my family and my animals and my environment asap. Its so ridiculous to expect a breeder to do everything for us. They literally cant do what we are asking without risking our pups. Take some personal responsibility for your pups people. I do. You can too. Grow up folks. Otherwise Im gonna have to say that your parents were the irresponsible breeders most at fault here and that they were running a baby mill, not sumo lol. Anyway I hate to see dummies kicking someone who doesn't clearly deserve it.