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CB Government and Public Services Review of Support America Police PAC
Support America Police PAC

Support America Police PAC review: Robo calls 2

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9:21 am EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more
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September 14, 2021 this company or a representative of their company called me illegally in violation of the federal TCPA law. I've been on the DNC list since 2016.

November 8, 2021, Ollie Cappleman using the email address, [protected] replied to my email that my number would be removed from their DNC list. However, Ollie didn't respond to my email to settle my complaint I submitted via a demand letter for $1,500. My email was opened 33 times with no response.

Claimed loss: $1,500

Desired outcome: $1,500

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L. Frami
Jul 24, 2024 6:57 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They violated federal law and then ignored your rightful demand for compensation. You need to take action. Push back hard and demand they address your complaint. If they continue to ignore you, take your demand to the next level. Consider legal action if necessary. Make sure they understand you won’t back down until they respect your rights and compensate you as they should. Stay strong and persistent, and don't let them get away with this blatant disregard for the law.

Jul 24, 2024 7:28 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Actually i looked into this. that is part of a super PAC [political] or a scam.

the DNC actually has a loop hole some companies and political groups use. this is from one of the gov sites i found on the DNC. "Exemptions to the “Do Not Call” Registry:

A business about an existing debt, contract, or payment.

A business that has opened within the last year.

Prerecorded messages or emergency calls needed for health and safety.

Calls for which you have given prior express consent.

Calls that you have opted in to receive. Calls by, or on behalf of, tax-exempt non-profit organizations.

Calls from political campaigns."

since it possibly came from a super pac they actually can not be penalized. as for the penalties that goes up each violation from $500 up to $1,500 depending on how many times they call you. some organizations have a separate DNC from the federal DNC.

though again since this is possibly a PAC they are exempt from the DNC unfortunately. you can ask them though to not call you again and they must respect that. if they dont then you can report them to the FCC.

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