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CB Department Stores Review of Syarikat Anzatec/AOWA
Syarikat Anzatec/AOWA

Syarikat Anzatec/AOWA review: AOWA Products from Anzatec Company Scam 3

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12:40 am EST
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Please be aware of the existence of direct sale scam on AOWA products from ANZATEC company operated everywhere as they are widely scattered mainly in large malls and department stores. The online cases are not just reported in this country (Sabah and Sarawak included), it goes as widely as to our neighboring country of Indonesia. Just imagine the online reported cases are just the tip of the iceberg, how about the rest of Internet inaccessible victims. Well in my case it occurred about a month ago at Giant Batu Caves when I was approached by a girl asking me to participate in some environment related research in exchange for a free green shopping B&N bag. I have time to kill and being a ‘environmental-conscious’ person I readily agreed. Only when I reached their corner and noticed some products which include; microwave, induction cooker, water filter energy system, water filter vacuum etc I know I’ve been tricked. Just wanting to fill their so called ‘survey form’ I proceed, hoping to withdraw politely later. About almost an hour after series of questions, persuasion and not to mention indirect asking of my financial position I’m ready to burst into temper when my constant denial to make purchase or any payment was contradicted with more forcible method. The salesman looked exasperated and a bit angry for my rejection and refused to let me leave. You can say the price for their items are way too expensive for their unknown brand and of questionable quality and safety specification. Furthermore, the discount offer is simply illogical; from about RM7000 to 3000. You might say it was my fault that I did not just brush it off and walk away (this is my first incident mind you), I might say the same thing if it’s not happened to me. But being in the situation itself is another matter especially when you’re surrounded by cunning, persuasive manipulative group of salesperson. Truly their method of promotion is border line to force. So after failure to persuade me to pay cash and later via auto debit for their so called ‘durian runtuh’ price, they settled for the most lesser amount they could get; deposit money of RM50. I don’t want to make a scene and just want to go home, telling myself I’ll get the deposit money later which I was PROMISED verbally by the salesman, I could do for lifetime. After signing the order form (again another mistake for not reading properly the term and condition of the transaction) I feel relieved, having escaping the group. A week later I went again to claim the deposit money and was told by another salesman to return on working days before 6pm which I did after a few days. This time I met the girl who first approached me and as you all may have guess I was informed I could not get my money back. The reason is the stupidest thing I have ever heard; that I have to make the claim on the same day the payment made – then why bother to pay at all in the first place since it is highly improbable you may change your mind about buying something as expensive as that in a day. To replace the money, I was offered an unknown item (like mug or thermos) which according to these frauds valued RM199 – triple in the amount that I have lost (another illogical thing to offer if you are in business). But that’s not all, since the item was not in store there, we have to return to get it on another day. After my husband interfered, we agreed that they will contact us and deliver the item to our house. But until today we have not receive anything and about a month after the first incident I found out that the group had fled to another mall. At home I googled ANZATEC and AOWA, and guess what - a stream of searches came into view. Here are some of the links:

At this point I started to wonder since it seems the last on-line mentioned case was almost like a decade ago and still nothing had been done. With our ever increasing online usage (so I was told) and improving service from authoritative departments, at least certain level of investigation should be taken. So what I did was I reported to several departments which include The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-Operatives & Consumerism, National Consumer Complaint Centre and Suruhanjaya Tenaga (The last for investigating the quality, specification and safety level of the products before it enter this country). Initially I lodged a report to Tribunal for Consumer Claims. But judging from the amount of RM50 that I have lost and the expenses for filing fee and petrol money needed to attend for Court’s hearing are just not worth it. And most importantly the Tribunal does not have the power to take action, which in this case to stop this company from operating. So for all of you who had been victimized out there, what a better way to use your Facebook, Twitter, Forums etc. to prevent the spreading of this heinous activity – and don’t forget to report about it too!

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Update by Nara82
Oct 09, 2013 10:00 am EDT

I have to say you'll be lucky if you can get your money back from these ###. You can try asking from them back but from my past experience it'll be hard. Before you can do something they'll move to other site. But what you can do are to report this to authority and spread the words around. Or maybe you can try the tribunal, but with fees and trial I think it may not worth the effort.

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ean Irving
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Oct 07, 2013 4:36 am EDT

This happen at Kuching sentral shopping mall Kuching sarawak. located at first floor and I was there and be one of the victim. .i got 2 sponsor girt such as home theater and air fryer they ask me to buy on one they product at price rm2999 to get the gift..but I refused they ask me to loan it and pay by monthly and ask me to deposit my mistake was there ..This was happen yesterday 05/10/2013 I have check and found there was many victim. .so help some tips how can I get my money back from this people. .

dell awhere, US
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May 20, 2015 2:04 am EDT

i bought an aowa 60 volt from phoenix produce 522 South Central Ave. guess what. they are just a few blocks from hybikes. convienent? these bikes are all the same only difference is cosmetic. they are not totaly interchangable leaving you traped into buying parts from them. nobody else has these odd pieces.
They are a ripoff! I payed $800 for a bike that started falling apart on the way home. I had to go around it and tighten bolts and screws. It came with defective batteries. THEY WOULD NOT REPLACE THEM. (another $245) The battery charger sold with them is supose to shut itself off, they dont, thus over charging and destroying the batteries. The metal they are made out of is of inferior quality, it started to collapse. i had to add a support bar from seat post to front neck. if a rear bearing goes out you can only buy a new motor at $300 plus to fix it. the 22 inch tires and tubes are almost impossible to find. i got one from hybikes and fought over 2 hours trying to make it almost round.
LATEST UPDATE! brake light stoped working, flashing light on rear stoped working, had to solder wires back on. rear sprocket is grinding during coasting, battery box is splitting apart due to frame collapse. All this in the 1st year

Juliann Adam
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Aug 01, 2017 11:26 pm EDT

nak tanya, bagaimana cara membuka/ganti paip (in out) getah putih water filter jenama alvano? tqvm.

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