Tanya sold me a teddy bear puppy for 250.00 and it lived a week! She will not answer the phone or call me back because she knew it was sick and the shot information she gave me was fake and the puppy had NEVER seen a vet once! She should be SHUT DOWN and not allowed to even be near an animal again...
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
hey sue this poster for slander !
Whoever posted this needs to get a [censor]ing life. I have bought 5 puppies from tanya over the past 3 years and have NEVER had a problem. So a [censor] OFF goes to the original poster.
To the poster that posted this. You need to get a [censor]ing life. I have gotten 5 puppies from tanya in the last 3 year sand I have NEVER had a problem whatsoever. So to the poster [censor] OFF!
I am so sorry to hear about your dog Michelle. We purhased a puppy from her a few weeks ago. She fooled us also. We are so angry and upset right now. She does need to be stopped, I so agree wtih you!
This woman should not be allowed to keep animals herself let alone sell them. My mother's puppy died after a week and half of trying to save her life. Mom had 2 healthy days with her and then the signs of illness begin to show. I am working on legally getting this "business" to end. Anyone who reads this that has any information on others that have had problems with puppies purchased from her please comment as I will be checking back frequently.
Just food for thought, we also purchased a puppy from her about 7weeks ago, probably a different litter. We put money down SITE UN SEEN thru paypal, THEN found these reports. We requested our money back but of course she would not refund the deposit based on our request. We had QUITE a disscussion about the situation. She finally told us that we would have to come and see the puppy, and if we were not satisfied with the puppy OR the surroundings that she would refund our deposit in full! We had no choice and curiosity got the best of us
so we went to see the puppy. we were pleasantly supprised! We fell in love with the puppy ( who wouldnt ) the puppy appeared to be in good health, very friendly, playful, already house trained as we personally found out ha ha. Anyway being leary we requested a vet check at our personal vet, she agreed. Long story short she passed her vet check with FLYING COLORS! And she has been back to the vet for her booster shots, and everything is great. we are very happy with our puppy she has never been ill and is the love of our life! I felt that I just needed to post this! im sure if someone sells puppies there are bound to be some kind of problems, it is very sad what happened to your puppy, she seemed nice and hopefully you can come to an agreement
Tanya buys all her puppies from amish puppy mills for cheap and resells them. The only dogs she ever has on her property is the puppies that are for sale. They are not kept in her home. They are kept in a barn. I do have proof that I bought my pupppy from her. She gives everyone recipts. She also tells people they are family raised and great with kids. How can they be great wih kids when they havent seen kids and went from a kennel to her kennel? The puppies are kept up on wire so when they go to the bathroom it falls to the bottom. She sprays them with febreeze so people think they are raised in her home. My puppy stunk wih febreeze and had poop stuck to the bottom of his feet. She is very very mean to the puppies from what Ive heard. If they cry she beats them. Shes killed a few because they cry...
Watch who you buy your puppy from please.
I just bought a puppy from her on 2-3-2014 this woman gave me the same story. I tried calling her less than 3 days later and her phone is disconnected. She wouldn't meet me at her house or send me a picture of the puppy. This make me sick and something needs to be done. My best friend is a vet and we are going to do everything we can Monday to close her down. I need help with this any feedback would great! Thank You!
Still in business. Gotta say this lady needs to be shut down. Just got a puppy from her and everything she said was a lie. She said that the puppy was 12 weeks old yet the birthday she gave us only equalled out to 7wks. Of course she wouldn't give us any info until she led us on a wild goose chase trying to figure out where to meet her. It turns out she lives just down the road from my dad. She added 1 hour to my drive just by refusing to give us an address or even town. Then when we got there she had a horse show that she said she was running and had to leave right away. She also had me sign a receipt but wouldn't give me a copy, she was in a hurry. The immunization record s were obviously hand written by her and not legit as they were dated the same day she claimed the puppy was born and no barcodea were included. The puppy smelled like a barn and fabreze. He was dirty and had a huge amount of poop crusted on his back end. I took him into Petco an the vet there said that his stomach was firm and most likely he was dehydrated and under nourished. We had to put him on adult dog food to increase the protein and get him actually moving. When we got home this poor puppy could hardly walk a couple of steps before collapsing. He shook with fear and had no desire to play. I called Tanya but she didn't answer and her VM was full so I couldn't leave a message. She did call back a short time later. I expressed that I had found her on the internet and saw a lot of symptoms with this puppy that I read in the complaints . I said I was concerned that she may be getting her puppies from Amish puppy mills which she denied. I described the state of health and she stated she took excellent care of the puppy and she had gotten him from her friend. I told her I would be bringing the puppy in to see my vet and she stated if there is something wrong with him I could call her and get my money back. I told her that even if this puppy was dying I would not return him to her care . Again I addressed her getting her puppies from the Amish and she said that she do own a kennel on Amish land and that is where the puppy came from. Hmm. I thought she said she got him from her friend. She continued to contradict herself and eventually demanded that after I saw the vet that I call her back and tell her the results and hung up on me.
Please someone needs to stop this horrible person. And those of you defending her are diluted or maybe are actually her. I find it hard to believe that someone who is truly and legitimately defending her would feel the need to use such vulgarities and not see this person for what she is. An opportunist and a con artist. I know some are looking at legal means to stop her and I would be more than willing to be a part of it. I will be watching this thread and will respond to anyone interested in taking her down.
PS here is a list of phone numbers and addresses for her that I found on the internet. Craigslist beware and be careful.
Address - S6194 Us Highway 27 Viroqua WI
E6380 Tainter Hollow Rd Viroqua WI
Phone - [protected])-[protected]-0780
These addresses and numbers were found on the internet with google search and are public record.
Puppies come from Amish from what I have been told. Poor little things have a rough start to life . GOD bless to all who have given them a loving home.
Just got a puppy last week same thing meet her somewhere GPS won't pick up her address. Had puppy for 4 days got sick, emergency vet call he has parvo. He had it when we picked him up our vet said. Now we're fighting to keep him alive. She had fake vaccine records so not only should she in jail for false documentation but for endangerment to animals and animal cruelty. She is awful. How long is going to get away with this? She needs to be out away and shut down for good. Everything about this women is fake. I tried to call her no awnser vm full. Only accepted cash no checks. So the only proof I got is her fake vaccine records.
Came across this thread because I noticed that Tanya Benson posted in a bunch of local newspapers with ads for puppies, but with different numbers to contact which made me suspicious. So apparently she is still in business. It also appears she is a realtor with Hall Realty in Madison. This makes me sick. The numbers she gave: [protected] / [protected]