Here is the email I received when I asked for my promised refund and my reply.
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Workshop wrote:
Hello [Name removed],
We have received your refund request, however you do not qualify currently for a refund. Our refund policy states that you have to have USED our program for 12 months and not made a profit. Obviously, we cannot give out all of our materials, manuals, lists, videos, support etc to every person and issue a refund to anyone who has made no attempt to put the program into place. My suggestion to you, is to start utilizing us as a resource and start applying some of the strategies we train in the workshop. The system does work if you apply it. We will be more than happy to give you a refund if you can provide us with the following documentation:
1. All the tax sales that you have attended.
2. All tax lien/tax deeds you have purchased (copy of the lien certificate will do)
3. Interest earned on the lien.
4. Why you feel you have lost money on the investment.
We are here to assist you with any of your needs along the way.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [Name Removed]
Date: Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Refund
To: Workshop
Dear "Tax Sale List",
I have corrected some of the grammatical errors in your email below, and request that if this is a form you reply to me personally with a name at the bottom so that I know the individual I am talking to. I will remind you of YOUR policy which states as follows:
"What is your 125% Money Back Guarantee for your 15 hour Workshop?
* WE GUARANTEE that if you use our program for 12 months and are not completely satisfied we will give you your money back, NO QUESTIONS ASKED AND an additional 25% of what you paid." [emphasis added]
You appear to be asking questions, in direct contravention of your policy as stated. It would be possible for me to view this as fraud. I could provide detailed descriptions about how I took action the very day the course was over regarding tax sales in my state, and in neighboring states. I could show you the website I set up. But I do not have to do any of that because I agreed to a no questions policy. I certainly did not agree to purchase any property. I would rather present these items in an [State] small claims court and to the fraud division of [State] Police.
As to your costs, you have none. Your entire course and manuals are fixed costs because it is all in electronic format, so you have no additional costs with regard to me personally. If you feel this is not the case you may present that evidence to a small claims court, but it is immaterial in light of your printed refund policy. I also have chats with Lindsay Lane recorded and documented that contradict the terms outlined in this email.
If I do not have my refund including the 25% in accordance with your printed policy, I will have no choice but to seek third party intervention in this matter.
[Name Removed]
Please check out
I agree completely. those companies seem to be in cohoot with each other. Everything is electronically operated and they make a killing off of people like you and me by just pushing a button, or do they? One guy, whom I praise for his efforts, in an article showed a way to get tax lists for free. Of course it doesn't work for all counties, but whoever you are, whereever you are if you can benefit from this, please use it. First visit NACO.ORG, then on to "find a county". Select your state from map. Find your way to the page dedicated to county treasurer or tax collector. Then find a link corresponding to the department that deals with delinquent property taxes. If having trouble finding it, as the guy said, call the county. Good luck all.
@natxlaw Please post the outcome of your situation. I'm anxious to see if they comply. I use their services, however of late, I'm having some doubts as to their efficiency in getting enhanced lists prepared in a timely manner prior to close of county sale dates.
I sent a check for almost $1000 to in order to get training course online. They told that I’ll get this training course materials and access to them in 3-4 days. After 3 months still nothing. I wanted to cancel payment but it was impossible. They continue taking $20 every month from me.