The Breeders names are Leah and Harold Winkler. There is an open fraud investigation, pending charges against them right involving eBay. This woman copy/pasted and altered a private message I sent to a breeder, advising her that her dog's registration may be fraudulent. Buyer Beware! The breeder can now make an informed decision. (Ms Franklin is my sister.) TBC Goldens added to my message that was posted on here with "I lost my mind". I did not write that. This woman is deranged. Referring to me as a "lesbian" first of all is inappropriate, and especially on a public posting . Ashley Roberts is an alias. Layla is an alias, Scott Brown is also a false alias. These people are already operating outside the law, have pending criminal charges of fraud on eBay with Burke county, and a criminal investigation against her here in Raleigh. Their real names are Lea and Harold Winkler. Lea has a very long criminal history of this nature that goes back 15 years, in Arizona and California. I WOULD CAUTION ANY CONSUMER, WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THAT ANYONE BUY A PET OR BREEDING DOG FROM THESE PEOPLE IN HILDEBRAN/HICKORY NC, They are also running a crowd source funding scam, contacting asking former customers and asking them for money. This is all verifiable information that is documented. There are multiple witnesses who are prepared to come forward regarding this matter. From my own personal experience, I would not advise anyone get involved with any monetary transaction with these folks.