In early September 2011, I needed to get 2 dogs ready for a trip from Canada to Europe. I contacted Dt. Ted Mouris from Woodstock, NB, in order to get the rabies shots and the paperwor done.
The dogs received a health check and the rabies shots, and we agreed to meet 4 weerks later, in order to have a final check ant to finalize on the health certificates for the dogs, as these papers need to be pretty recent in order to cross the border.
I met Mr. Mouris again the night before our departure (October 2nd 2011), by appointment . He then suddenly told me that he could not do any health ertificates, because he would not have the forms. He said I could load them down from the Internet and bring them in (they were obviously unwilling to do this), but he would not have the time to do the job today. He was nopt at all motivated to do the job. And I never before met a vet who was unable to print off a standard health certificate and required that the customer would provie the forms. I Then he mentioned that it would not help anyway, because the health certificates would need to be co-signed by a second (kind of a super vet) authority from Edmundston, and that would take some days. I asked him why he had not told me about this 4 weeks ago - plenty of time since then to take care of the paperwork. Why did he wait until it was too late to tell me about those requirements? I had to leave early the next morning to get the plane to Montreal, a 800 km drive. Dr. Mouris He did not comment on that at all.
Dr. Mouris did not try at all to help me in this difficult situation: intead of being empathic and to try to find a solution for his mistake (he messed it, because he never provided any information about the above mentionned requirements), he seemed to be extremely plesed that our dogs would not be able to fly with me. He strongly suggested that I stay at home and give up the fligh, or leave the dogs in a kennel. Both was not an option for me.
I asked Dr. Morris just to write up a normal, non co-signed health certificate for the dogs, because I was pretty sure that France does not require the "super vet", as they do not have that institution. In the past, health certificates from a normal french vet were always accepted, even when entering Canada. And my way to Montreal was via Edmudston, thus I was hoping to pick up the signatures on my way in the super vet's office, if possible.
Dr. Mouris did not coopperate again. He even rejected to provide simple health certificates, and again, he seemed to be delighted that he could harm us, and we would not be able to travel. Just to mention that my dogs were healthy, thus there was no good reason not to give me the health certificate.
My daughter (who was with me that day) and I felt like caught in a nightmare, we simply could not believe itwhat was happening to us. Except these 2 visits, we never had any contact with Dr. Mouris, thus I can not imagine any personal reason to act this way.
I had to take chances with my flight, because it was the last flight for a long time where I couhad been able to get a reservation for 2 dogs, and I decided to go on my trip anyway, and to see what happens. The next day, I stopped at a very nice animal hospital in Victoria County, and the lady helped me out with 2 health certificates as an emergency action. She had a hard time to believe the story I told her, about what had happened to me with Ted Mouris.
As I imagined, I had no problem to get on board with the non-co-signed health cerrtificates, and again no problem to check in in France.
Back to Mr. Ted Mouris:
the only explanation I have that he is either confsued, unfit for his job, or malicious. Maybe it's all of it. You better stay away from this office, if you do not want to get into serious trouble.
Never had a problem with health certificates with this vet