We have a complaint against con man, Ted Saltzman. He is a white male in his mid-seventies and is about 5'5. He is currently residing in Encino, CA and conducts "business" in the Los Angeles area. He is boisterous and pushy towards his "clients." He is constantly on the phone hassling individuals who are caught in his schemes. He claims he is on conference calls, but from close contact with him, we realize they are anything but. He is above all a womanizer, who fabricates ludicrous lies in order to gain the trust of others. He continuously promises incredible profits from the billions of dollars he possesses overseas in Hong Kong. He uses the names of renowned business owners across the globe and claims they are in partnership with him. There is no proof of such. Daily, he tells anyone who will listen that his money is coming "within days."
Our personal experience conducting business with this insolent snake, caused me a great deal of frustration and a loss of more than 20, 000 dollars. He set back our financial plans by over a year and effected not only ourselves, but our partners as well. Unfortunately, we trusted his fabrications and disobeyed our instincts. When we confronted him about the accusations on the [redacted], he told us it was a bitter ex-client trying to ruin his credibility.
Do not believe his lies and his false promises. Trust your instincts, what he discusses sounds too good to be true, and IT IS. Feel free to leave comments or questions here and I will be more than willing to give more information.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
A trusted colleague just met Ted in Florida (Palm Beach area) and he indicated interest in raising fund for our business - stating he had access to overseas monies in HK, Bank of China etc. He wants to speak with me about our venture to see where he ight be able to help. Can you provide any additional information? What exactly did he do to motivsate you to leave this warning? Also my colleague is an woman in her senior years. He has not asked us for any $$ (yet) but I will steer clear of him if he is dishonest. Thank you
I am curious if you filed any formal charges or requested an investigation against him? Did you see the ripp-off report before or after you invested? What other due diligence did you perform before investing $20, 000? This all seems very strange...
Saltzman is a curious character to say the least. We had dealings with him 2 years ago; at first he seemed believable, then he fell apart at the seems. If you call him on something, he becomes belligerent, and looses all credibility. At least, he will waste your time... you can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.
It's important to recognize that Saltzman has NOTHING positive to offer. He is a conman and will NEVER benefit you or your business. Here are some specific things to look out for:
Theodore M Saltzman:
1) makes inappropriate comments to women
2) acts like he has offshore money coming in "at any moment"
3) has no substantial credential
4) never pays for a business meeting
5) takes advantage of people and businesses in desperate situations
6) offers to fund businesses and holds up proceedings for legitimate funders
7) talks about humanitarian efforts; doing good in the world
8) boasts about himself continually - none of it is true
Anyone who gives Saltzman money thinking he will help them is wrong. Saltzman, in true con fashion, is only interested in himself. He appears to have mental issues (personality disorder; sociopathic disorder; no conscious) and can never do business credibly.
I would like to hear some facts about exactly who he has ripped off followed by police reports they filed against him.
Ralph Johnsrud
He took me for $60, 000 on some scam to convert jet engines into electicity generating units to be sold to China. He has been very difficult to get in contact with but I really want to talk to his atty and /or accountant. Can you help me with any contact information. My email is rehabdoc@knology.net and my cell is [protected]. work number is [protected] or 8660. I'm a doctor so this is the nurse's station and my nurse. Sure would like to hear from you!
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you want to give Ted Saltzman any money! He takes in investors and uses the funds to live on, usually at a pretty decent level. If you want to hear the whole story, feel free to call me at [protected]. Ted is nothing but a con artist.
Just so anyone reading this stream knows...dtaac...Ralph A. Johnsrud...they are nothing more than Ted responding by posing as someone else. He is famous for harassing clients he's already ripped off. Its kind of funny how he asks for facts, when we've given facts in more than one complaint. Mike Hennigan has even offered ALL of his contact info to hear the facts first hand. So have I. So far the only call I've gotten is someone calling for Ted...you can always tell because they use all his arguments defending him, and they try to deflect attention from him by making his vicitims seem to be the bad guys. He DIRECTLY caused me $11, 000.00 in real estate deposits by writing a phony letter of approval from his company...who is NOT a licensed lender in any state. He GUARANTTED funding within thirty days. All of this was done to basically get on my good side so I would recommend him to friends. I recommended him to one. Michael Hennigan. You can see HIS story in the complaints here. I regret ever meeting Ted, and regret even more trusting him to meet a friend of mine. Ted has stirred up a brand new nest of hornets now with the latest efforts at harassing Mike and myself. I will make it my mission to see him locked up, and anyone else that proves to be involved in his games.
Hi JHSarver - You may rest assure that I am not Ted posing as Ralph A. Johnsrud - I am Ralph Johnsrud & I was curious about the actual facts & police reports - I am an ex Law Enforcement Officer. So far no one including yourself (Not that I am in Ted's corner) has posted any copies of official complaint #'s filed with any Law enforcement agencies, or have listed Law Enforcement Agencies Ph #'s that I can call and ask about any charges brought against him? Wierd eh?
Still curious
I keep getting calls from a Ted Saltzman who says he is from PVA. I spoke to him once and he sounded like a fast talking salesperson. He said that he is offering business consulting services. I told him I was not interested yet he continues to call me. One of his voicemessages is here: http://www.beachtomountains.com/Miscellaneous/TedSaltzman.wav
Is this the same person? Can anyone identify him by his voice? His phone number is listed in Florida.
Ted Saltzman is now operating a fraudulent "Trust" company with a Beverly Hills address. He is working with another con David Spangler Brown from Austin, Texas. The latest scam involves trying to get people that are holding legitimate Iraqi Dinar to give them their dinar in order to receive a very large payout from their investor contact in Hong Kong. Please don't fall for this con and certainly don't give anyone your Iraqi dinar. When the time comes, you should not be exchanging your dinar with anyone other then a legitimate brick and mortar bank. Please feel free to report these men to the FBI White Collar Crimes Unit and the Texas/California Attorney General.
I just got contacted by Ted. He introduced himself as one of the owners of Bank of Jerusalem. He also said he owes a credit union. He said that he wanted to introduce me to colleagues etc so they can use my services. He asked for a retainer agreement/contract. It was all odd, so I started to google him and found this webpage.
I was in service with Ted in Hawaii in the 50, s and and later on ( 10 -12 yrs ago) I loaned him ( I thought), 10, 000.00 dollars, he keeps promising me it is on the way; I think he is mentally unstable or just a unstable, egotistical crook at this stage of his life; he probably was pretty good early in his life, but is now not to be trusted; I am at [protected] in tenn!
I am sorry that I ever met Ted Saltzman. I was introduced to him by a mutual friend and soon learned that everything that came out of his mouth was untrue. I would characterize him as a pathological liar and a sociopath. He was in federal prison recently although I do not know what for, or why for that matter they let him out, he is out on the street making great claims. You can still see his information on the Federal Prison Registry. All of his BS about Bank of Jerusalem, Bank of Beverly Hills and for that matter, anything else that comes out of his mouth is all complete fabrication. if you are considering any business venture with this individual I would suggest that you investigate carefully before doing so.
Is this the same Ted Saltzman working with Vulcan Maedon in Boynton Beach Florida?
I met Ted Saltzman about 15 years ago through a contact of mine at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Ted was partnering with a engineer who had a technology to use waste oil treated with enzymes as a feedstock for distributed power generators. The engineer was dignified and credible but Ted was not particularly. Ted did seem very solicitous toward the engineer, telling me that they were partners and best of friends and that Ted was responsible for the business partnerships that they formed. Ted then told me that he was interested in working with me on a trading program for renewable energy credits. He hounded me about getting me to help him with this and I made a proposal to him to do some work on this project. This meant paying me and I waited for a while for him to do something, i.e. pay me so I could start. This never happened; instead he called me with many harebrained investment schemes, one after another. It was all completely off the wall. I was annoyed and at this point realized that he was a scam artist but it was hard to get rid of him. He called me constantly with one thing after another. I had to tell him to _____ off. Sometime later I contacted the engineer to ask him what happened with Ted. I told him my experience and the engineer told me that Ted was a thoroughly disreputable individual who had harmed him. Yes, Ted was also inappropriately familiar. And yes, Ted came along when I had just lost my job (indirectly due to the Enron collapse) so I was vulnerable. It is interesting to read all of this stuff here. I never lost any money but I did waste a lot of time. It seems right that he spent time in jail.